Law /
Polish business haven't got a clue: Discuss. [72]
Then again, what would you know about Polish business, not actually living here?
Well, you live there but don't seem to know jack either. I already told you my family lives there too.
Also, I'm not sure I understand the first part of your post.
Why would you want to know my IP address? My IP address is provided by the automatic DHCP configuration.
Getting a new dynamically generated IP address from the Comcast is a matter of rebooting my cable modem.
.. Or I can just pick up a phone and tell them to do it, besides knowing what my IP is not going to tell you where exactly i live.
I suspect they know my name though, because i paid with a credit card when i donated the money.
You're a good sport, you make me laugh.
If they are, then they'll tell you all about the need to trust, but be wary.
wait what? WTF are you talking about? Can you please elaborate, you've lost me on this one.
But hey, I suppose a Polish-American knows plenty about doing business in Poland - especially when they don't even know about elections here!
It's not that i didn't even know, i didn't really give a flying ****... There is a difference.
about regz..
One thing that kind of makes me laugh is that you can tell a person that they're too old and just fire them in Poland, or you can post a job advertisement and specify the age of the person you want to hire.
I know you don't get it why this is seriously wrong, but it's ok bro.
As Magdalena says, let's hear it.
I don't call a pathetic federal minimum wage of $5.25 and 1 week's holiday "protection" for workers.
wrong again. I'm not sure what you're talking about with regards to 1 week holiday. The federal minimum wage is $7.25. What's the minimum wage in Poland? Like a third of that?
The US law gives the employee much more protection than just minimum wage. For instance, you can't be discriminated against based on your race, national origin, religion, age, sex, disability (which is another example how Poland is behind everyone), whether you're pregnant, or in the military, or old, or request time off for medical conditions, or to care for your family, or even whether you blow a whistle on your employer.
This means you can be retarded, like you, and still keep your job.Let's not forget that in the USA, tips make up the vast majority of people's wages
LMAO are you high? Who told you that?
First hand. And you?