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Posts by gumishu  

Joined: 6 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 3 Mar 2025
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 6228 / In This Archive: 3025
From: Poland, Opole vicinity
Speaks Polish?: yes

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17 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

Under this new law, you would be disqualified from challenging it.

under which new law? never heard of anything like that - are you sure we live in the same country

and well how do you feel your rights to protest are being limited - appart from that example I never heard about you haven't pinpointed anything precise
17 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

I asked you to be precise - what rights have been taken away from you - in my view you are a histeric
17 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]


so how do you feel your right to protest and oppose is being limited - be precise please
17 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

Who's the one defending the removal of my own rights of free media scrutiny, opposition and protest?

who is removing your rights to protest or oppose in the limits of the law? free media scrutiny demands that politicians be chased in toilets?
17 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

So think carefully if you would support this if it was a Civic Platform policy, or whether your political tribalism is clouding your judgement of what is right for a free society.

have you ever seen or heard Donald Tusk giving an interview to a not-so-apologetic medium when he was in office in Poland - have you also heard how TV Republika was denied the rights to broadcast the testimony of Mr Komorowski before court in the case of Wojciech Sumliński - have you seen how ABW used force to extract files exposing the PO government in the headquarters of Wprost weekly? - none of such things happen now - free speech and free press are not endagered in Poland at the moment - period
17 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

Don't be a 'useful idiot'

sorry it's you who is a useful idiot

and a homegrown/domorosły psychologist at that
17 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

PIS voting in parliament yesterday without a quorum and with opposition colleagues excluded!

quorum in Polish parliament is half of the MPs - PiS has over half of the MPs - does it mean not all PiS MPs were present?
17 Dec 2016
News / What will drive Poland after 2020 - when Eu funding dries up? [96]

Take a company Innocent drinks a UK company, buys its pulp from a dutch supplier, who buy fruit from the Polish market, innocent drinks then on t sells its productshe Polish marketas one of the more expensive fruit drinks

and nobody buys it here - ok hardly anybody
16 Dec 2016
News / What will drive Poland after 2020 - when Eu funding dries up? [96]

The 1m Ukranians claim was made by Szydlo in a speech but subsequently pulled to pieces by the Polish press

look here - polityka.pl/tygodnikpolityka/spoleczenstwo/1664626,1,milion-ukraincow-w-polsce-kim-sa-gdzie-pracuja.read - you don't believe Polityka???
16 Dec 2016
UK, Ireland / Poles in England / English in Poland crime [25]

if he had no history of crime in Poland (no idea about that) and mentally ill then it is indeed of no importance what nationality he is - it is however worth noting that after 2004 and influx of Poles to the UK crime in Poland suddenly and significantly dropped - quite probable that the scum of Poland went to the UK
16 Dec 2016
Food / Understanding Polish Cream, Syrup and Bacon [11]

is mostly sold in very little packages

I have found śmietanka UHT 12% and 18% (should replace single cream) in big packages (500 ml) belonging to this brand -anyway you need to look for śmietanka not śmietana

  • milk1.png
16 Dec 2016
Food / Understanding Polish Cream, Syrup and Bacon [11]

śmietanka do kawy

the trouble is śmietanka do kawy is mostly sold in very little packages or rather multi-packages (10 X 10g) - and it looks like this

  • aciatadokawy10x10.jp.jpg
15 Dec 2016
Food / Understanding Polish Cream, Syrup and Bacon [11]

I don't use commercial syrups that often - they are inferior in quality to what we (my family) can make from the fruits from our own garden

they are inferior because they contain sweeteners which typically ruin the taste and also because the genuine juice content is not astonishing and taste and colour are achieved by the use of artificial aromates and cheap colorants (black carrot juice or aronia juice)
15 Dec 2016
Food / Understanding Polish Cream, Syrup and Bacon [11]

Cream: I'm always looking for the UK tasting Single Cream for in pasta and Double Cream for whipping into deserts.

śmietana which is translated as cream in English is ALWAY sour (12 per cent or 18 per cent you see on the package is fat content) - if you want to buy Single Cream you need to look for śmietanka do kawy(the fat content is about 10 per cent) - the equivalent of double cream or the thing that Polish housewives use for deserts is śmietanka 30-36% (usually in smaller cups than śmietana)

bacon - if you want raw bacon you need to look for boczek surowy - cooked bacon (boczek gotowany) is not very popular and not widely available - instead Polish shops sell boczek wędzony (smoked bacon) - you can fry it, simmer in soups or eat straight from the package - as for the size of Polish bacons: yes it seems they are thinner than British or American equivalents - it is probably caused by different breeds of pigs that are raised in Poland and also on different methods of dissecting them after the slaughter

I don't use commercial syrups that often - they are inferior in quality to what we (my family) can make from the fruits from our own garden - however our own homemade fruits are not any sweeter than those available in shops - you just need to use more of them to reach the same sweetness you get from British style syrups (syrup is syrop in Polish as you probably have already noticed)
15 Dec 2016
News / Polish Stalinist criminal hiding abroad supports KOD [101]

Obsession with this particular Pole due to personal rancour against his distinguished brother and clutching at straws that nobody else cares about

there are plenty people in Poland who care about what Stefan Michnik did and his relationship with the more famous brother
4 Dec 2016
Language / Perfective vs Imperfective - grammar [150]

I have no idea what pomyćmeans.

Można pomyć naczynia zdecydowanie - You can definitely pomyć the dishes

umyję naczynia, but this is obviously wrong

umyję naczynia is definitely not wrong - but it is often not the word of choice
4 Dec 2016
Language / Perfective vs Imperfective - grammar [150]

Perfective-imperfective pairs in real life sometimes wander away from rules (more exceptions)

take for example this future tense pair - Będę myć naczynia- I will be washing the dishes - in natural language the perfective counterpart would often be: Pozmywam naczynia. - I will wash the dishes.

look at the developement involved: myć (imperfective) - zmyć (perfective with added symantic field determiner - the neutral perfective is umyć) -> zmywać (imperfective (frequentative) of zmyć) - pozmywać (perfective of zmywać)

have fun
4 Dec 2016


it does not resemble any modern Polish word of Slavic origin - the nearest thing I can think of is chełbać which means more or less to swing, rock or also wobble
30 Nov 2016
Language / Correct Spelling - Stacy / Stasia? [12]

Wouldn't it be something like Stasiusia?

Stasiunia would be a preffered form I guess - I never heard Stasiusia to be honest
10 Nov 2016
Language / Articles - usage in Polish [11]

"He is in THE office." (On jest w biurze.) vs. "He is in office." NO article, meaning "He HOLDS [elected] office." (On jest urzędnikiem/posłem...)

the knowledge of the distinction is taught so late in the curriculum a lot of people never reach that level (I was taught that in high school but I had intensive English course in high school - 6hours per week)

- despite the fact that I have learned English for seven years and that I use it quite a lot I still make mistakes when it comes to articles
9 Nov 2016
Language / Articles - usage in Polish [11]

'z kims' is OK but it doesn't say it was a man. "rozmawiałem z kimś, (ktorym?) jest mezczyzną, od Państwa o moim zamówieniu" Then it gets quite long and sounds strange...

if you want to be really precise you can use such construction "rozmawiałem z jednym Panem od Państwa o moim zamówieniu" but z kimś od Państwa should be precise enough in most cases.
9 Nov 2016
Language / Articles - usage in Polish [11]

Is there a short way of translating the meaning in my original English sentence?

i don't know if you would consider it short but i would translate it as "rozmawiałem z kimś od Państwa o moim zamówieniu"
8 Nov 2016
Language / Help with homework (Polish language learning) (Hurra! Po Polsku - Level 1) [9]

what is the difference between oglądać and oglądnąć?

oglądnąć is not proper Polish (can be considered slang) - but it is formed regularly - many perfective (dokonany) forms are formed by adding a -nąć suffix to the root of the verb (rąbnąć, palnąć, krzyknąć, klepnąć) - (the proper perfective form of oglądać is obejrzeć - different root here - like in the case of brać-wziąć)

-nąć suffix does not always indicate perfective aspect though - as in the case of biegać- biegnąć (similarly pływać-płynąć) - biegać is a frequentative of biec (or biegnąć) (frequentative means that the action is repeated) - biegnąć (or biec) means to be running - on biegnie - he is running - on dużo biega - he runs a lot (repeated action)
7 Nov 2016
News / Facebook censors nationalists and their planned 11 Nov. march in Poland [50]

The difference is that it is illegal to discriminate against somebody on the grounds of their sexuality (amongst other things), but it's perfectly legal to discriminate against somebody on the grounds that they are a fascist twat.

in other words gay good fascist bad - simple world