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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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23 Nov 2010
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]

of great interest to donkeys of course

Osiol have branded himself marvelously ... I can still see the picture of the Donkey he used to have as his avatar ... =) ... nice work Osiol, by the way its very intelligent of you.

I would like to say here that Donkey's have been the ride of Great people, not horses. Including Jesus Christ and many other prophets. Donkeys still play a vital role in many economies, they are still the primary means of transportation and carriers of good in tough regions like Afghanistan.
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

It is when there is uninvited interference into other people's private life

Then it should stay in their personal places, not on the middle of the street knowing that it can offend the masses! ... Being naked in ur toilet is probably personal enough, but coming out on the street nude and doing stuff not to other people's taste in private places is quite criminal.
23 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

The inherent stupidity of this statement leaves me breathless.

Fine ... then I guess u'll die soon of suffocation? Right?... whateva

Advising ANY course of action as being better than regular medical tests with a qualified professional

It was not advising against medical institutions or personnel, it was advising in peventive measures, as is understood and accepted "Prevention is better than cure". No other prevention is better than being responsible in the ethical way. You have no idea of morality, so I'll not even discuss that with you. Keep bla bla-ing.

h hello there, 19th century!

Its 21st century and I'm very well in it, with my perspective and opinion. Its miserable 18th century for those who still lack basic tolerance towards other opinions which actually can be a logical alternative to anarchic irresponsible behavior.

But enjoy ur way of life ... i've said what I had to on this topic.
23 Nov 2010
Study / Eastern European Studies internship/ job [10]

Jobs are down ... and its not only for the foreigner but for Poles aswell. I feel bad to say it myself, but the economy doesn't seem to be doing well when it comes to the ordinary people.

Come to Poland and try to open a business here =) ... create jobs!
22 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

"a few" girlfriends - hardly promiscuous!

a few makes is promiscuous ... by the way, monogamy is not only safe but highly respectable, sustainable and socially desirable. However, to each his own. But for a healthy life in all the physical, mental and social aspects of it (refer to the definition of complete health) being more responsible in such activities is highly encouraged.
22 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

You chose the life of a high risk individual ... not only that, you are a promiscuous person - moving from partner to partner, then perhaps will live with one and float again. Eventually "maybe" marry someone (who might just be equally promiscuous) for a couple of years and then produce an offspring (unlikely though) ... and take no responsibility.

Me being judgmental? ... Not really, its a survey report by WHO on high risk individuals in Europe, something I know from being good friends with a health professional having an MPH.
22 Nov 2010
Travel / Restaurant reviews in Poland. [86]

We loved it.

I liked it aswell ... Infact I tasted Indian cuisine in UK, before that my mom tried it at home, and I helped (online recipes).

These guyz are also doing a good job. You know the owner?
21 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

No they dont ... why should I get offended anyways?

I think everyone has the freedom, its an open world and increasingly more open. May the best man and the best woman have their best suitable pairs. There is nothing wrong in anything that gives joy to a certain couple.

A man is a man and a woman is a woman regardless of color or creed.

Just try and look beyond it, life will be much more fun and lively. Otherwise its a sadistic world out there for you. Today its him, tommorow someone else will surely pose a major thread. In this way nothing can happen.

Be friendly to "good" people of all color and races ... and there are many out there. Be a man, not an enemy to anyone.

Anyways .. its ur life ... I've had some good colored friends, and frankly I dont give so much emphasis on race, and find it quite offending if any unfortunate in today's world ends up doing.
21 Nov 2010
News / Polish GDP per capita has dropped ! [30]

ove/hate Polish complex.

Here I posted a personal Polish problem ... on there I posted a welcome sign for a possible human resource addition.

I dont say that we are doing excellent, but we can use good skills from people who moved to more developed countries. They can come back and do some good in our country ... create jobs etc.

But well ... you wont get it... its called being in love with ones country but yet at the same time being worried about it aswell.
21 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

trading out living like a machine in the US for living like a machine in Poland

Why? ... Poland is a different place with a set of different opportunities!

Try it ... use ur skills ... see if you can deliver well! ... Make jobs ... create success! When so many people even sometimes from outside Europe can, why cant a person with Polish gene can do it?
21 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

In WW2 some people (no need to take the nation's name) went on killing us ... calling us crap, low lifes, stinky, sub humans...

My family had its bitter experiences.

Whoever comes up and claims racial superiority and all the bull **** is nothing but a member of that same sub-human gang who claimed superiority. These people are not of any race or origin, they are as wild hounds looking for violence and victims.
21 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

Oh, and what on earth makes you think a Polish girl wouldn't date outside of her own race

No ... he actually believes strongly that they can ... thats why he and many others you see are very insecure. They blame their inability to get a girlfriend on the few men from the East who come here and make a family to assimilate into Poland ... and also those Americans or Brazilians or any other country men who come here and find someone! They dont realize that along with being rare and thus scenic, these incidents are very less frequent, thus making their inability their own blame, not the blame on others taking Polish or any other women of this region away!

Although he had a girlfriend (he mentioned someplace I think) who was taken away by some foreigner ... which I do not support myself. But instead of thinking that she was not honest with one man, and so he should look for someone better ... he is out there blaming men like him, just because they are of a different color!

I dont like to argue anymore after I made my point ... but then, sometimes there is a need to elaborate. =)
21 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Come back those who are not making it big in USA ... it is still possible to make a living in Poland.

Cool down, think about it ... people from such far off places come to Poland and make it a good living, even make it big for them ... why can you??

Whats the difference? ... In Poland you can have a good life! If your life is nothing more than a machine in USA ... do consider coming back to Poland ... but please with a clean heart and open mind ... give something good to the society and add something nice to the culture.

Culture is an open system where there is a high level of acceptance ... it modifies itself constantly. Although this is not always true for the sub-cultures which exist within it ... culture engulfs the sub-cultures within it. Be a part of the greater culture, and make your sub-culture a support for the culture as a whole to save and create a progressive effect to its major cultural momentum.
21 Nov 2010
News / Polish GDP per capita has dropped ! [30]

talking about PO being good for economy

They try better than others ...

The economy is a tricky thing ... there are other factors too that the government must look into, such as corruption, society, tolerance and culture.

PO is good ... what do you think about the SLD? =)

I care less for politics ... neither do I follow much ... but I feel that the PSL and SLD should be together and do something interesting ... they can make small changes within themselves and come out as the best choice for Poles. It is possible right?
21 Nov 2010
News / Polish GDP per capita has dropped ! [30]

I dunno what he is saying or thinking, but I can say that the Polish economy is not as strong as it used to be, and jobs are more scarce. This is all I can add to the cry of Polish economy suffering.

Recently the elder brother of a friend of mine got a job that he didnt study for ... and the pay is not that good. The man has a wife and a son to look after ... it is not that easy for the educated ones even ...

Some of the Poles earn alot higher, which drives all figures upward ... I suggest to interrelate the mean of the GDP/cap along with its mode and median ... in that way you can know more precisely about the current state of the economy.

For the ones seeing green ... do you know that the coming winter will not be sweet to many Poles? ... Its not paradise in here.
21 Nov 2010
Life / Any there treatment centers for unmarried in Poland? [36]

which makes people not willing to marry and reproduce for the benefit of our civilization

You guyz know nothing about Poland or Europe for that matter, thats why you think that increase in population would harm us.

HELLO!!!! ... our population is going down and hovering around the DANGER LINE ... its so big a problem that certain countries have discussed this in their parliament and are ready to give cash benefit to mothers to get children and more children!!!!!!!!!

You guys need to think before you write. Our population is spiraling down ... infact I think so is the population of western Europe, they dont feel it because they have alot of immigrants who in turn reproduce much faster - thus filling in the vacuum.

If you have doubts go dig in some secondary data ...
21 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

cause they are light and light
inspires. :)

So nicely said ... whoever you said this to must try it ... so shall I.

Everything to me looks so nice when Christmas is around ... I just dont feel like working anymore ... just as december closes in =( ...

Its good that I am now more self-employed and dont have to depend on jobs or commands or someone over my head. I never liked to work in december =) ... although January makes me more active, I wonder why!

I love to see cartoons now =D ... the Christmas spirit all over ... families together ... so many nice things.
20 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

keeping the population down

I dont know how much more down do you want our population to go? ... I dont mean to be wailing here but the Population of Poland as well as other European countries are always going down. Each year we have less people than we had last year. Ukraine is suffering the world ... Russia aswell. Poland is also suffering ... I met an Estonian colleague and he said how their population came form from 14million to just above 10 million now.

Infact ... there is a prediction for Russia if its decline continues at this pace. Its a grim prediction.

I wouldn't tell them

I guess the topic starter said that "Those who want ...". Its a post not catching anyone by the neck, but infact saying being open to alternative solutions if someone would like it. There is nothing wrong in the nature of the query.

we don't much care

But then there are people who do. Caring is nothing bad ... it gets more doors open then not to care.

Infact I personally am against any form of artificial stimulant (as drugs) or toxins (including Alcoholic beverages) also tobacco (in any of its various forms). But that doesnt mean I go after anyone I see with it. I have some relatives I know who consume alcohol. I do not, neither does my parents (my mom left wine on occasions after she married dad). No does my siblings ...

By the way none of us were forced ... but were given the knowledge that such things are not good as it derails the mind.

I remember an American TV Series "MacGyver". MacGyver (on its 6th season) said that drinking is bad, because it supresses the inner good and releases the evil. A person fails to think properly and gets out of control. It is no way of living.

I loved that word by MacGyver ... a true icon of the late 80s and 90s.

Who would be authorized to give it? Some government overlord?

Meditation does have been able to relieve people of such ailments. There is a certain Swami Ramdev of India (with schools all over the world as well as Poland) who gives alot of beneficial yogic meditation techniques as well a exercises. He infact have cured some.

Link: yogpranayam.com/shippinginfo.html (services are available in Poland, and one of my Mom's friend actually practices the meditation which relieved her insomnia and other pain and many other problems she said. Nothing good in trying out good natural ways to cure and prevention).

As the friend here says about medications aswell ... surely they have benefited some.

The point is not in forcing someone with it ... but letting this alternatives and options be available for those who would be wise enough to take it. Also encourage people by informing the presence of such alternatives!
20 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Are such medical options already avbailable in Poland

I dont know about it ... but I can tell you that you have opened a wonderful thread.

Homosexuality is an ailment of the mind and the soul. The person suffering from this ailment is not to be hated, but taken care of and encouraged to practice abstinence from overwhelming thought of such behavior. There are wonderful ways of meditation for it ... I did not know the medication but perhaps science and technology is improving more rapidly.

Trans genders have a right to come to ONE GENDER for their own good, and the good of the society.

Hope that the world will be a better place.
20 Nov 2010
Love / Such a Very Sad Loss.. fighting the battle with a Polish lady to see my daugher. [56]

Love at my Loss

I find you story a sad one. I wish you to find solace...

But you separated from your English wife with a daughter who was 1 yrs old? ... Then you came to live with a Polish girl? ...

Polish women usually would like to be with a man fresh into a new relationship with her ... I feel this is atleast the case with those girls in the less urbanized parts of Poland. When these girls reach UK, either they turn crazy or wish to find her dream fulfilled somewhere outside her country.

She can be with you for the time being due to financial reasons ... but later on look forward to fulfill her wishes, which perhaps cannot be fulfilled by you.

As sad as it may sound ... concentrate on your daughter, and she is probably the only person who can give you love (as of fatherly love).

Good luck.
20 Nov 2010
News / Local elections in Poland, EU citizens should register to vote [57]

Politics is a dirty game ...

But let either the Civic Platform ... or the Left and Democrats and anyone going for an approach that is more harmonious ... win.

I dont like politics though ...

P.S. PO is on a good situation ... =D ...
19 Nov 2010
News / Will many Poles migrate to Germany in May 2011 (after opening labor market)? [157]

We dont need Germany for progress as much as it needs our skills and labor.

I think its up to the Polish individual to think whether they would like to work in Germany or innovate new ideas and create new jobs in their own homeland.

However ... if someone can get a job in Germany and is desperate enough to wish to work there, they can.

I dont see "many" Poles migrating to Germany unless desperate for money.

Nothing against Germans though ... their country their life ... they did good after being battered in WW2 ...
19 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

We needed war for these outcomes...?

I agree ... war is not needed for those outcomes ... but the chaos just got too many people in one basket.

I agree to everything you said ... I hate war and consider it an agreggate crime against every true value for which a human should stand for. Hopefully from here on we will try and recognise it ... and give a chance to love not hate .. peace not war ... and anything good should come out of peace.

The next thing that is bonding nations is the computer ... hopefully it will become better and powerful.

I've heard this device helps relationships aswell ... =)
19 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

Conflicts are always there ... some in the mind, others on the ground. Those in the mind are the nursery for those on the ground.

Since WW2 ... many gates opened. The world changed. It was like a big painful burst of wound ... as it cleared ... many things changed for the better.

It is true that the world lost its balance in respect and values ... but I see this as the darkest point of night after which there is always the bright dawn of hope and fulfillment.

When you kiss someone you love, knowing that this kiss is not only valuable to you - but infact a gift of God for a new world as it is today ... then you know the feeling of it. A feeling which is not describable by words ...
19 Nov 2010
Polonia / Polish people in New Delhi [86]

I once have visited India and its neighboring country - Bangladesh.

Apart from the blistering summer heat, and the crowed that can be seen consistently in some locations (almost all location for Bangladesh), I found the people quite friendly and many beautiful places to visit (specially the white sand beach in Bangladesh).

I have not spent too much time in India, but spent more time in Bangladesh - thanks to my previous job. Too bad I had to leave that job due to ambitions ...

I think India is a nice place to stay if you find the mixture of a few right ... but is that not the case with any country?

I can only wish well, rest is being aware - positive and confident.
19 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

and the list seems endless

It is because we know how to think ... think new, think better aswell.

through. love

I know John Lennon the musician ... not much about the person. Did he ever visit Poland?

Sometimes when I used to travel throughout the length and breadth of Poland ... near remote places, isolated locations ... with the most breath taking views and atmosphere ... it would strike me how MUCH potential this land have ... and how much love it contains on its every inch.

People's heart ... they beat with love in Poland. What else is necessary for a true and healthy living? =)