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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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23 Oct 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Nwahh, happy memories eh?
I remember my grandad used to spend hours sorting his slides for our occasional sunday night slideshows....but,hey, how posh, he even had one of the mini movie projectors (no sound), 3 home movies,one of a road journey in spain....and a 7 minute Western :)
22 Oct 2011
Life / Need the name of a Polish comedy series and Poland movie recommendations [22]

from the three colours series - white is the best one. there is also red and blue- but I like white the best. krzysztof kieslowski

Absolutly adore this film pip :) Took a long time after seeing it to be able to watch a Julie Delpy film without thinking " b!tch!!" ;)

discussing the merits of various techniques used by film makers to get their point across

I think " hammer home with a blunt force the fact that these objects will turn up on bodies" yes, a good place to start.....

Was disapointed with Katyn, maybe over hyped? But imho Wajda's best work was many decades ago, his use of symbolism rather than being what it was in the old days,a subtle dig at the censors is now,with freedom as subtle as a brick.

Saying all that I do have a soft spot for his version of Pan Tadeusz


full film, no subtitles. They are available on the DVD though :)

  • Pan Tad' and zosia
21 Oct 2011
History / Do Poles really blame Britain for Poland becoming Communist after the war? [104]

All these numbers being touted are a silly waste of time.
Simple break down of actual fighting forces paints an entirely different picture.
NW Europe =One Armoured Division( 16,000 men) and for 1 week of fighting part of an Airborne brigade.
Italy,=Two Infantry Divisions and One Armoured Brigade ( approx 50,000 men).

Thats it.
The rest were what was termed in the Napoleonic era, Camp Followers.
20 Oct 2011
News / Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights? [1169]

Under Polish law,yes,it does for the LGB part, the T part is only covered if the said T also identifies as L or G......no Gender clause in the particular Human right clause.

But seeing as a T seems to have polled well in the recent elections maybe that is moot.
What you are asking is two questions.
1,Is there legal protection,answer, yes.
2, Have times and people changed because of a few laws, answer, I have no idea, over to someone else.....

1 point though before any trolls make it, laws in the UK have not stopped violant attacks on people.
20 Oct 2011
News / Radical right organizations in Poland [23]

Ideologies and wealth are the best recipes to connect different ethnicities into one unite whole. And Nokia.

You are pretty cool Nat' :)

Watching the 'collateral damage' like 40 people age 20- 30 who got killed, but not just killed, decomposed in pieces, when building of TV Serbia was bombed where they worked was also not appealing to my senses.

The whole bombing of civilian targets was wrong( that should be a far stronger sounding word but "wrong" seems devalued these days.), the targets should have remained the direct threat military units, but of course,soldier boys being soldier boys,when those get hard to find they have to find other "targets" for their toys..... :(

West would have, in my opinion stronger support in SRB population if it hadn't made that move.

Nat, you are the Serbia that keeps the likes of Crow on the fringes, the thinking Serbia not the blind hate filled Serbia.

100 percent agreed.

Which proves you are as brainwashed as anyone. You obviously have no personnal experience of what went on in the 90s if you believe that pile of steaming BS.

Are you one of those fools convinced the nazis shot the officers at Katyn because "Slavic brothers" wouldnt do that?
19 Oct 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

My M inL is great! Maybe there is something wrong with you guys :)

My ex MnL was a sweetie too,loved her to bits, but I think its different for us, its the clash of two females that produces the real sparks :)

And Im guessing re the Hair its also different for all the short haired folks out there, dont come near my barnet since I started growing it out a couple of years ago, not without my express permission and atleast 10 years prof' hair cutting experience :)
19 Oct 2011
History / Do Poles really blame Britain for Poland becoming Communist after the war? [104]

Isthatu2,I think that is a kind British gesture to the Polish people.:)Do you have any links on this or similar things?I'm glad you posted these type of things before.

If I cannot find anything ,or where I posted the picture on here,I will take a few photos next month at the memorial and then find somewhere to post them :)

edit, found it....will still take some pics of my own next month.

  • Doncaster cenotaph
19 Oct 2011
History / Do Poles really blame Britain for Poland becoming Communist after the war? [104]

Britain let in quite a few Poles right after WWII

Ive posted it somewhere on here in picture evidence, but my town Doncaster has every November the 11th since the war( our "Memorial Day") had on the War Memorial Cenetaphs two Polish Flags and two British Flags, most certainly not forgotton.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them".

19 Oct 2011
History / Do Poles really blame Britain for Poland becoming Communist after the war? [104]

They would have lost hundreds of thousands of troops if the fighting had progressed to the mainlandthe Japs would not surrender

The Japanese were at the point of surrender,negotiations were well under way when Hiroshima was flattened, it was a done deal by the time Nagasaki was destroyed. By then it had very little to do with the war against the Japanes and more to do with the fact that in less than a month of involvement the Soviets had made more impact against the japanese and advanced closer to the main islands than the Western Allies had done in 3 years of fighting.

Want to talk about atrocities? The Japanese made the Nazis look like boy scouts

So I often have to point out on PF........however, Japanese soldiers fighting to the death does not excuse the systmatic firebombing of civilian centres with zero war production capacities.
19 Oct 2011
History / Do Poles really blame Britain for Poland becoming Communist after the war? [104]

No, because Russia would have surrendered just like Japan.

Erm, no, because the NKVD knew exactly how many bombs the USA had.....Japan was a tiny bunch of islands all of who's major cities had been firebombed by the USAAF. Russia was about 80% untouched by the war.....slight difference.

So, sorry boys and girls, it never was "plausable" . Completly impossible would be the only valid description.
Of course all this is forgeting the fact that the war in Europe had been over for a couple of months by the time the US commited its attrocities in Japan,well,the atomic ones.
18 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / UK citizen visiting Poland - any restrictions on entering the country? [22]

I suggest better friends.As an EU country, the only requirement for crossing an internal EU border an an EU citizen is a valid identity document - either a passport or national identity card.

I suggest ignoring internet know it alls who dont even register and are pretty obviously not UK residents as we all know you cant get out the friggin country without a passport......Oh, and that there is no such thing as a national identity card in the UK,as for the Polish end of things,pass.

Some countries do give you an extra once over if you are on a short passport but I doubt one EU country would bother for another EU country.
18 Oct 2011
News / Amnesty to Illegal immigrants in Poland [102]

What would you think about let's say 1 million of illegal Arab immigrants in Scotland that want independence

No one would care, just as long as they were not English.
18 Oct 2011
History / Do Poles really blame Britain for Poland becoming Communist after the war? [104]

Some suggested we should have nuked Russia and Japan. That would have put an end to communism without prolonging the war.

What with? And,erm,bollox anyway. If the US had been psychotic enough to drop the one or two (google the exact figures) atomic bombs they had after the 2 dropped on Japanese civilians on say Moscow and Leningrad then within about a month at most the Red Army would have been dipping its toes in the English channel.
18 Oct 2011
History / Do Poles really blame Britain for Poland becoming Communist after the war? [104]

an political party had seized control over Poland proclaiming that the type of people being outside the country had no place in the "new Poland" and knowing you would get shot getting back

Again, more hairy dangly male genitals...................
Ship loads of " London" Poles did go back to Poland on,erm,ships and planes specially chartered. Do you really think they all went back expecting a nagant bullet in the brain?
18 Oct 2011
History / Do Poles really blame Britain for Poland becoming Communist after the war? [104]

2. Used Polish troops more proportionally then Poland used British troops

Bollox, our entire nation went to war...........

4. No sense of gratitude towards Poland

For what?

6. Minimizing their war effort to naval/air warfare in Europe in the early stages

Have you even the tiniest concept of mobilising an army,transporting it across the ocean into another soverign country ( France was the senior partner, the only country with a land force in Europe during the 3 and a bit weeks Poland held out) and then readying it for conflict? Do you think that could be done in under a month even these days?

8. Having Poland's leader assassinated

Oh, fcuk off loon, it was a plane crash,pure and simple, sh!t happens in war, especially when you load a bunch of pissed men and their baggage haphazardly in a Bomber and then take off over the sea....

9. Trying to expel Polish soldiers that served in the British armed forces after the war ended or get rid of them.

again, utter bollox. ALL HM Forces were being De Mobbed, why should a bunch of foreginers be kept on when Britons were being cashiered from the Forces?

Yes, Poles,surprise surprise were encouraged to return to Poland after the war........FFS..........but no one was forced.
18 Oct 2011
Love / Do young Polish ladies 17-23 speak any English? [59]

there is no polish women in your area in the uk.

Which frankly is bollox, to paraphrase Southern, I could cast a fishing line in any direction from any point in the UK and hook myself a nice Polka or some Polki :)
17 Oct 2011
News / Polish Diaspora - many of these 20 million actually speak Polish? [79]

Really, the USA does not have an official language, thats why they are up the brown stream without a paddle with massive Hispanic immigration and the expansion of Spanish everywhere.....well ,thats what Ive been told jajajajajajajajajajaj