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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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14 Apr 2010
News / Poland President National Mourning in Some Countries [212]

We are talking politicians here so very few. Alex Salmond of the SNP. He is a powerful speaker and as genuine as you can get. I'm surprised he hasn't said more about mourning and condolences.
14 Apr 2010
News / Poland President National Mourning in Some Countries [212]

BB, I just don't trust Sarkozy, Merkel and Brown. They are power-hungry goodie goodies. Sarkozy especially, he is a worm of a man.

Eurola, to the left with Tusk? Sorry, but you seem to be confused with sb else. Tusk didn't propose anything like LK did with regards to social reforms. He is not a leftie.
14 Apr 2010
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

Better relations by default and by the actions of others. We'll see how relations are if air traffic control is proven to have been lax but I don't think they were based on the most likely scenario.
14 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

That was the express wish of JK, wasn't it? It was more of a sympathy vote by the express consent of his twin brother.
14 Apr 2010
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

Aphro, I agree. Crow, you keep towing this line that he enhanced Polsko-Rosyjskie relacje, but how? He was perceived as a Russophobe by many Russians.
13 Apr 2010
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

He supported a war criminal in Saakashvili so he is off to a bad start. My Polish friends were joking that he was more Georgian than Polish.

He resisted the endeavours of the globalists by denying loans and not giving up Polish notions in the Lisbon negotiations.

Also, he was the king of the veto.
13 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

It is a controversial decision. Then again, people are often buried away from where some would like them to be. For example, I'm sure those from Wadowice wish Pope JP II was buried there but he isn't. I don't think LK should be in amongst kings but, then again, he was rooted in ancient times.
13 Apr 2010
Travel / Stag Parties in Kraków [119]

Filios follows the guys around, waiting for any strays ;)

I haven't had a night out in a long time. It could be quite the thing in Kraków.
13 Apr 2010
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

Silesia has some decent brews. Asides from the giants in brewing, there are many hidden gems. You just need to know where to find them.
13 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

It is possible, yes, but I doubt it. As for this masonry crap, there could be a little sth in it as I did find the 132 number a bit odd, pulled from sb's as*. However, I favour the official line on this one as how could they have intervened? It was quite clear that explosives were planted in the WTC towers but here, what? We need to be realistic.
13 Apr 2010
Travel / Stag Parties in Kraków [119]

Plus, Kraków is developing a reputation for being a cool place to party and it is semi-exotic for some from the UK. Poles came to us and we are coming to them.
13 Apr 2010
News / Poland President National Mourning in Some Countries [212]

Serbs will be proven to be right that Tusk was driving Poland too close to arrogant powers. Merkel, Brown and Sarkozy are 3 of the biggest megalomaniac losers out there. If Tusk sides with them, he will be doing himself a disservice.
13 Apr 2010
News / Russian air traffic controllers ignored communication protocol of Polish pilots? [194]

Let the press try and distort. Russia learned from 9/11 that, despite the evidence against the official line, people still continued to debate and debate without reaching definitive conclusions. We reach ones that are satisfactory to our own research and deliberations but without facts to the satisfaction of either side. Russia did exactly what America did by invading another country (though they came out quickly).

That paper was so biased, it's incredible. Both sides haven't given their fullest accounts so how can we jump to conclusions so quickly? I only really became interested in 9/11 around 2007 when a lot of material was available. I suggest others wait before telling the story here.
13 Apr 2010
News / Komorowski, acting president, is a shower! [51]

Komorowski removed some secret documents pertaining to the past and he did it on Saturday. PO politicians were afraid that they would be leaked as PiS and Lech would have uncovered them in due course. It's a bit like 9/11 where everything was removed from WTC 7 and conveniently misplaced as they had the potential to indict.

Also, the Russians confiscated the cameras of Polish journalists but let Russian ones do their work. That's a bit like what the FBI did on 9/11, steal all the relevant cameras.

Komorowski is likely a NWO goon who has a shady past.
12 Apr 2010
News / The Glory of Poland, NYT 12th April 2010 [13]

Exactly! It took Americans and others a while to question 9/11. Many were quick off the mark here to point the finger of blame. There can never be true trust that way.
12 Apr 2010
Off-Topic / Polish head of state plane crashed in middle of nowhere? [56]

Cashed? Now I'm sure the Jews were involved ;) ;) ;)

there's more than meets the eye in small, remote areas. Poland gets a lot of attention here.

As I've said before, convex. I believe the Russians will have done their job admirably.
12 Apr 2010
Off-Topic / Polish head of state plane crashed in middle of nowhere? [56]

TIT, you know nothing so I suggest you stop before you make an even bigger buffoon out of yourself. Comparing Scotland to Norway? I'll accept the compliment.

Exactly, Havok, exactly. However, word has it that they should have informed the plane long before and they conveniently didn't. Quite slack some would say.
12 Apr 2010
Off-Topic / Polish head of state plane crashed in middle of nowhere? [56]

Well, I am a Scot so maybe I am 'jocking'. I'm sure as hell not joking. We are lightyears ahead in modernity terms.

Anyway, stop sidetracking the thread, you twit. Contribute or get out!
12 Apr 2010
Off-Topic / Polish head of state plane crashed in middle of nowhere? [56]

Scotland is far more modern than Poland in so many ways, TIT, so stop the flaming.

Well, the middle of nowhere was the target destination, funnily enough. That's the tragic irony of the situation. It is very near Katyń.
12 Apr 2010
Off-Topic / Polish head of state plane crashed in middle of nowhere? [56]

True enough! Poland could embrace hypermodernity and redefine itself as a country with modern values and more tolerance. Poland lost an able banker from Katowice (Skrzypek) and I sincerely hope Wesiołek proves to be an able replacement.
12 Apr 2010
News / Russian air traffic controllers ignored communication protocol of Polish pilots? [194]

But Robert makes a number of good points. Yes, they give rise to a conspiracy but if it was just a pilot error then it shouldn't be that hard to disprove things. Many are suggesting it. Many in Poland suspect foul play as many Americans did over 9/11. However, I have seen no plausible theories of how foul play could possibly come about.
12 Apr 2010
Off-Topic / Polish head of state plane crashed in middle of nowhere? [56]

It wasn't too late to divert as one plane had already diverted. I doubt there was foul play but flying so low and wide is the sign of an amateur pilot. That should have been bread and butter for him.
12 Apr 2010
News / Russian air traffic controllers ignored communication protocol of Polish pilots? [194]

Exactly my point, Ziemowit. What can they do if the pilot refuses, gun the plane down? Most definitely not!!

They warned him according to Alyutoshin or whatever his name was in charge of air control. This is not like America where a plane can escort you. They were so close to the runway and had received multiple warnings (nie rozkazy, tylko rada).
12 Apr 2010
News / Russian air traffic controllers ignored communication protocol of Polish pilots? [194]

Yes, you can warn a pilot not to land and that's the whole point, Ziemowit. It was considered as a largely defunct airport and one to be used at your own peril. Yes, some aircraft choose to use it from time to time but they are no doubt aware of the attendant risks. I didn't say he was ordered in martial fashion. He was advised but saw fit to pay no heed to it. The same as 9/11 and all the multiple warnings there.
12 Apr 2010
News / Russian air traffic controllers ignored communication protocol of Polish pilots? [194]

You are welcome, Seanny. I'm looking for sources with no axes to grind and The Independent is one of those.

I hope the Polish phrase 'ma być tak zrobiony' wasn't used here. Common sense should prevail. A flight landed one hour before LK's but, in the following half hour it got progressively cloudier, thus diminishing visibility. One had already been diverted and followed the advice of those whose job it is to guide.

Nobody on that plane would have wanted to commit suicide so the conspiracy theories are dealt a heavy blow by it. Pilots make mistakes.