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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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18 Apr 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

Even an MA (Hons) is 4 years (3+1). Thereafter, courses vary in length according to PT or FT. I had the PT option of 2 years for my LLM but I decided to do it over 1 year FT.
18 Apr 2010
History / Polish-Moroccan mutual relations [67]

Well, I know a couple of teachers who lived in Poland, then went on to work in Casablanca. They enjoyed their stay initially but found unstable elements and suspicion amongst some people there. You get that everywhere but it is of a specific type.
18 Apr 2010
Genealogy / Are Poles aware of Thracian aspect in original roots of Polish ethos? [69]

Maybe but I think the Kashub, Tusk, isn't aware of that. Don't let politics take people away from their roots. Interpersonal relations will always hold more sway and you can see the Slavic spirit, most notably at metal concerts. Arkona of Russia, Nokturnal Mortum of Ukraine, plenty in Poland etc etc.
18 Apr 2010
News / Poland President National Mourning in Some Countries [212]

We see how the media is manipulating many things. I would like an eminent scientist to explain the impact of volcanic ash to me as I can't see how it would compromise the systems of aircraft.
18 Apr 2010
News / Poland President National Mourning in Some Countries [212]

Maybe this is what is needed to orchestrate regime change in Serbia? Tadić is gonna have to say sth. If the Irish Taioseach didn't attend the funeral of Alex Salmond (Scottish PM), I'd be miffed to say the least.
18 Apr 2010
Genealogy / Are Poles aware of Thracian aspect in original roots of Polish ethos? [69]

Comity must play a part and international gestures. It is the fulcrum/pivotal point on which international relations are based and Serbia has huge numbers of politicians. It doesn't have to be the Head of State as countless other countries put forward others, sending them as a token gesture of support.

Even the Muslims in Bosnia sent sb? Are you sure, Torq? (clears his throat)
18 Apr 2010
Genealogy / Are Poles aware of Thracian aspect in original roots of Polish ethos? [69]

It would appear to be that way! Even Germanic Merkel is taking the bus up from Italy which is further away than Serbia, or equidistant at least. What does that say?

He has many travel options, not just planes. Are exclusive buses not good enough for him? What is so pressing in Serbia that he can't take time off and let sb else deal with it for a couple of days?

Did Croatia send anybody?
18 Apr 2010
News / Poland President National Mourning in Some Countries [212]

True enough, Torq. I even believe that some within the Polish administration have shed crocodile tears and will breathe a giant sigh of relief in the next wee while. Tusk pretending to like LK, LOL. It is a poor show all round and symbolic. Doomed are we when men of principle are quickly forgotten and the globalists drive their self-serving agenda forward. Step up to the plate, Nigel Farage. He is conservative like LK was. The battlelines have been redrawn. I never liked Thatcher but she was a staunch proponent and exponent of national sovereignty and resisted the EC (as it was then before Maastricht in 1992) til the bitter end. Farage has donned the mantle and is fighting as LK did most noblely.

We can see now that she had a point but she was fighting bigger powers as Lech was.
18 Apr 2010
Genealogy / Are Poles aware of Thracian aspect in original roots of Polish ethos? [69]

Slavic nations show rampant nationalism yet LK was willing to take a stand in the interests beyond immediate Poland. Serbia must know that his hands were tied. Even by siding against the big powers, he did a brave thing. It's the old verstehen approach, try to put yourself in another person's shoes.
18 Apr 2010
News / Poland President National Mourning in Some Countries [212]

Torq, it is a legitimate concern, this volcanic ash. It has the potential to bring down more planes. Still, Tadić could have taken an entourage with him by coach or by special car. He had the time to plan it. Funerals are once in a lifetime.
18 Apr 2010
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

As ever, spot on with the commentary. Poland was not going to let the pharmaceutical companies profit from a fraud/hoax. Poland quarantined the isolated case and nothing more came of it, no exaggerated hysteria.

He was also not going to plunge Poland into unprecedented national debt, or allow anyone to do it. He had an able advisor who highly regrettably perished, RIP.

Although I don't think LK struck the balance between Europe's stance on human rights and Poland's, his conservatism will be seen favourably years down the line given the rampant liberalism of the West. The word liberalism is an affront to John Stuart Mill who coined pure liberalism. Now we see free riding and polluting of cultures without any gratitude. We shouldn't pick up the tab for others and LK knew it well. I liked this pragmatic side of his conservatism.

The bottom line is that he was NOT a yes-man. He stuck in the craw of the globalists and had the potential to hamper their ideals. Did this mean that they assassinated him? No, but it gives rise to the possibility that there is info that a select few know that the overwhelming majority don't. Unlike 9/11, intel agencies are silent on this point!
18 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Convex or skysoulmate will no doubt keep us straight on the technicalities. What I have read regarding TAWS is that, in certain aircraft and even in certain locations in the world (I didn't understand that bit from John Cox), it can distort the altimeter and give the pilot the mistaken belief that they are still sufficiently high up. TAWS will be key here as, theoretically anyway, the pilot should have been briefed and known what to do in the event of any distortion and thus acted accordingly.

In many job interviews, there is the FAQ 'what would you do if......'? This has high relevance to aviation as there are many variables which the pilot has to contend with, especially if they wish to broaden their repertoire with various aircraft. I'm guessing that panic cost them dearly. He likely lost his head when he first clipped the trees. David Duke said that the trees were fragile but the wing would have been affected. That's another angle.
18 Apr 2010
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]

Because you are full of negativity, that's why. It's quite easy to point the finger but let's explore stereotypes about Poland, shall we? Don't worry, they are only generalisations. My personal views are mostly positive but others say:

1) There is stinginess, particularly in a couple of major cities.

2) It's peasant food galore, made with cheap flour

3) The country is still full of commie sympathisers

4) The Maluch is the car of choice

5) There is a lack of choice when it comes to international brands

6) That many women descended from Gonzo

7) That you are hard-nosed buggers

Let me guess, you will deny all this and show positives, go on
18 Apr 2010
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]

Pepeczki, before I read it, I knew it would be negative. How about some positive stereotypes or are you just going to spill your hateful preconceived nonsense ad nauseam? Let me guess, every country is bad except for Poland, right?
17 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

His analysis makes sense but we still are awaiting a bombshell in the coming week. Technical accounts will say that he was losing altitude due to his being unfamiliar with the new system but the TAWS system was specifically designed to alert him that he was too low. If it comes to be that the pilot wanted the runway lights to be activated and they weren't, there will be hell to pay for the Russian authorities. If that was a material factor then such oversight is unforgivable. They knew the plane was coming in but seemed to be underprepared. It just strikes me as strange that Protasiuk had no problems coming in with Tusk but was way off course the second time round.
17 Apr 2010
News / The chances for Warsaw to become capital of eventual Slavic confederation? [183]

There is growing evidence against the Russians through omissions in Smolensk. They didn't even have the runway lights but 3 days before they did. They were fiddled with and next week, after the funeral, there will be startling revelations. A federation with Russia and Poland in it? Not after what's going to come out in the coming week.
17 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

The first strange piece of information that has come out was that the airport at Smolensk reportedly does not have an Instrument Landing System (ILS). Considering how horrendous the weather can be in Russia during winter and spring and fall, it's stunning to hear that a significant European city of 330,000 people does not have an airport with an ILS. One excuse is that the airport was an ex-military airbase. Which raises the question: "Were the Russians letting their $30 million dollar Sukhoi Su-27 fighters land there without an Instrument Landing System?"


This report is only 3 days old and worth reading. Expect fireworks next week.
17 Apr 2010
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

It's just a matter of preference. Do you any Americans there with the initials JS? I don't want to say his name for privacy reasons.