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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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19 Apr 2010
Love / Do you think that Polish should stick to Polish? [128]

Southern, they can do as they please. Let them decide!

Besides, proud Balkans? You must be aware of the animosity in that whole area.

Poles choose Poles mostly as they live in Poland. Pure and simple!
19 Apr 2010
Love / Do you think that Polish should stick to Polish? [128]

I don't think Poles should stick to their own kind at all. Being from Scotland, you'll no doubt be aware that we have had a large Polish contingent for a long time, well before May 2004 and the accession to the EU. Quite a few Poles settled in Scotland after WWII and worked primarily in ports.

Besides, who is to say what should and shouldn't be? My wife is Polish and nationality is just not an issue. I am used to it and I don't like when people congratulate me for having a Polish other half. Should I be proud? I'm just happy to have another half who is, for the most part, compatible with me.
19 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

Thanks, bolek. I try to be but it doesn't always come off ;)

The spirit will come from the youth. Old people are battleaxes in whichever country you look at. Poland isn't burdened by the fractious division between the old generation and the young generation. There will always be a difference to some level, that much is natural. However, it's far more pronounced in Japan and they are currently undergoing a transformation.

The Polish spirit is more visible. The Japanese are more, um, Borgish about things. I just hope that Komorowski convinces Tusk to invest in the younger generation here. I fear the worst as he is an old fuddyduddy.
19 Apr 2010
Language / pierwszego/pierwszy [11]

Good analysis, Adam! Thankfully, I'm beyond that stage but the higher-level grammar is killer.
19 Apr 2010
Language / pierwszego/pierwszy [11]

Poproszę jeden chleb, aha, so that is why Poles say 'a bread'. I always say 'bochenek chleba, proszę'.
18 Apr 2010
Language / pierwszego/pierwszy [11]

Aha, my first instinct was to use the hamburgera option above but you are right to mention that it is used with negation. It just looks right to me but, then again, I'm not Polish and struggle with some grammatical aspects. I just know from sound some of the time.
18 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

Then why are so many Poles begrudging and not willing to forgive and forget?

The Koran doesn't teach that in certain parts. It is just misunderstood by those who act in the name of Islam.

Anyway, I'm not going to deflect too much. Some people need to get over the fact that LK is buried in Wawel. I'm just disappointed that more attention hasn't been given to the others that died who made their own contribution. They all had functions to perform and likely performed them admirably.
18 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

Decalogue? Sorry, I'm not familiar with that term.

Repentance/penance isn't solely confined to Catholicism.

So doctrine leaves no room for judgment?

What can we glean from the Catechisms?

It's natural, men and women often do. Also, why go for a pre-decided answer? Life is complicated and we need to go beyond merely prescriptive positions.
18 Apr 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

There needs to be identification of this as it is a major offence. We have standards for identifying inventions so we should apply a similar 'sufficient originality' test. If it was blatant then they have no room to maneuver.

The culture here is different. I have noticed that cheating is more acceptable.
18 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Jed, is the Russian press united on what happened? I guess so as Putin has an iron grip. What is the sentiment amongst Russians? Do they suspect foul play or that air traffic control was at fault in any way? It was a Russian who said "we are all at fault". What do you think he meant by that?
18 Apr 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

You have to look at the character and structure of the syllabi and curriculums involved in both. To me, a material difference is the fact that Poles defend their Pracy Magisterski (is that what it's called?). In that respect, it's sth akin to a viva-voce where you sit in front of a panel to explain your findings to the satisfaction of a group of experts. This is more reminiscent of the PhD approach to minimise the risk of plagiarism and that you are wholly familiar with your lines of thought.

When I did my thesis, I was barely even supervised. I was supervised much more in my dissertation. I certainly didn't have to directly defend either in a formal setting, just update my supervisors on my progress.
18 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

Well, 42,000 people joined the FB dissent campaign and most of them are Poles. They must ask themselves, 'what more could LK have done'? It's all so easy to point the finger but what would they have done better if they were in his shoes?
18 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

That's right, Bzibzioh. Thanks for the clarification and confirmation!

Lesser has a point, death is perhaps the most sensitive issue out there and who are we to deny JK and Marta (more JK in this case) his reasonable wish? Piłsudski had his shortcomings too, as did those kings. It's a matter of heart and not head and we must always remind ourselves that this is Poland :)
18 Apr 2010
Study / Is there a lot of racism in Warsaw (Brazilian student's question) [83]

Well, Arien can see what is happening. He is aware of the need to act against predicaments which have been brought about through overt new-age liberalism. There will inevitably be some displacement in workplaces when you shuffle the population but we should still owe first allegiance to the locals. If you understand the lawmaking process in the EU, you will know that globalists rule the roost and preclude the usage of democratic tools that have been around for ages. It is not racism to say 'hey, wait a minute here' when you see the swamping of your country by outsiders. It's just common sense!
18 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

Aha, and what is your religion about in the sense of values? Thanks, Lesser, your responses are valued.

What does sticking to Catholic doctrine completely entail? Is being a devout Catholic always sensible and why?

So Catholic teaching is infallible in your opinion? What are the main selling points of the Catechisms according to you?

Wasn't LK on a slippery slope in terms of having to strike a balance between public duty and promoting Catholic values? Where did he go wrong?

Again, I appreciate your input.
18 Apr 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

I appreciate the practical need for equivalence and recognition but marking out too many equals signs is counterproductive. We must be aware of excessive simplification and map out guidelines that help to convey the fuller picture.

A major part of the problem is that too narrow a vision of a candidate will be formed. CV's that spell out a black/white image with codes like x=y may do some candidates a disservice. I speak from experience. I was chosen for my CELTA course based on an interview and competence assessment and for my LLM based on a scholarship and short interview. They can evaluate, more or less, if you are up to the task.

Finally, we musn't become lazy by ignoring other factors that might make the candidate a viable, and indeed, attractive one.