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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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23 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

Forget commerciall companies. Pepsi ain't gonna put up a billboard saying 'Vote for Romney'. But executives can try to influence their employees behind the scenes. My question was: what is the difference between a university professor openly lobbying for a candidate in a lecture hall to a priest doing likewise during a sermon? The Michnik mob never made a peep about the professor (after all he was backing the 'correct' candidate Mazowieckii -- now you know why his rag is called Wybiórcza!), but what a stink they raise when a man of the cloth supports a different candidate or undertaking than the 'one, true, chosen nation' alternative.

The basic question is: Does someone whose occupation is being a clergyman have less rights to express his view on public affairs than a TV commentator or taxi driver? If so, which law imposes such a ban on free speech? And when you say the Church should or shouldn't do this or that, you seem to be forgetting that we believers are the Church. I'm sure Michnik and other leftist-liberal scum would love to muzzle (or better yet) liquidate us all, but the necessary feasiblity study has yet to be completed!
23 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

All sorts of interests work to influence the vote.

Indeed, but the Church seems to be singled out for muzzling. During the first free presidential election Warsaw University professors were notorious for openly lobbying in lecture halls for Mazowiecki, and the media somehow had no problem with that, even thouhg UW is a state instituion. But the Wybiórcza crowd homed in on any priest who spoke out in favouru of Wałęsa and such clerics of allegedly 'meddling in politics'. The Church is a private institution like the Canary Breeders Associaton and others. There is no law saying that a non-state instituion or organisaiton cannot express its voting preference.
21 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

I'm no Russophile (the opposite is probably closer to the truth!), but standing back and trying to be impartial I think Putin may be the best thing for the Russian people in their present state of mind and stage of developoment. Thta's an awfully huge country with myriad problems of every kind. Piłsudski also didn't treat people with kid gloves, but a lighter rule would have undoutbedly led to even more chaos and unrest than there already was back then.
21 Aug 2012
News / Polish WikiLeaks (PolandLeaks.org) [6]

I may have overtstaed things, because I don't spend my whole time Assange-monitoring. But am I correct in assuming that exposing KGB files and Russian diplomatic secrets was not his primary goal? Denigrating the good ol' USA obviously was and continues to be..
21 Aug 2012
News / Polish WikiLeaks (PolandLeaks.org) [6]

A commenator on Poland's TVP Info found it strange that Assange is so bent on revealing classified and top sercret US infoomation and sees himself as a champion of civil rights and free speech, but had a programme on Russia Today totally ignoring Russian censoirshiop and secretiveness. Is he perhaps like the Western intellectuals (Picasso, Sartre, etc.) who unwittingly became Stalin's helpful stooges in the 1940s and '50s. Or, even worse, maybe his project is being bankrolled by Russia, China or other semi-totalitarian and/or anti-American sources.
20 Aug 2012
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

This wasn't a call to carry out a house-to-house sociological survey and had only pretained to common feeling, prevailing stereotype, urban legend and the like. As in Scots are said ot be frugal and Irish like their drink, etc. Or maybe just recalling what part of the UK you hear about racist incidents most frequently. Capitlas being more diversified and cosmopolitan by rights should have fewer problems, whislt the provinces are usually thought to be less tolerant. The problem is that capitals as major job centres attract more immigrants so that may offset their reputedly cosmopilitan nature.
19 Aug 2012
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Just curious -- of the UK's main component nationalities (English, Scots, Welsh and North Irish) who are the most racist v Third worlders and Poles?
19 Aug 2012
Law / Best inexpensive new car? [23]

The tiny VW Up is in the same size class as the Hyundai i10 or Chevy Spark but costs 10,000 zł more. I wonder if it is 10,000 zł better? Its Czech VW group opposite number is the more reasonably priced Skoda Citigo, but for some reason one doesn't see many on the road. Also there's the Ford Ka just a tad over 30,000 zł.
19 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

I am opposed to the death penalty in keeping with JP2's teachings. He was oppsoed to all forms of killing: capital punishment, abortion and euthanasia. When asked to bless US-led troops going to Iraq he refused and only said something like: I feel sorry for the children who will suffer in the war.
19 Aug 2012
Law / Best inexpensive new car? [23]

So buying somebody else's often hidden headaches is better than brand new?
19 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

Trying to understand human behaviour is not making excuses. One could easily criticise many people today living spiritually empty materialistic lives beyond their means on credit like there was no tomorrow, going into debt, engaging in susbtance abuse, abandoning children, spouses or elderly parents... Should they be summarily lambasted for their abysmal stupidity? Or maybe one should try to understand that they are but the victims of cynical, greed-fuelled round-the-clock popcommercialist brainwashing telling them 'you only live once so shop till you drop, you were born to buy, anything goes, you owe it to yourself, bla-bla-bla...'
19 Aug 2012
Genealogy / Lambor surname [8]

LAMBOR: probably derived from the German first name Lambert; possibly a toponymic nick for someone from Lambertowice or similar.

PIASEK: sand; could have originated as a toponymic tag for someone from Piaski or an occupational nick for a sand-digger (piaskarz).
19 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

The destruction of Orthodox churches in Poland was reprehensible in moral terms but understandable in human terms. Poles wanted back what had been taken from them. Co nam obca przemoc wzięła, szablą odbierzemy - goes the national anthem. Not very Christian in terms of 'turning the other cheek' but a typcial human reaction or failing. Yes, at times encouraged by misguided albeit well-meaning men of the cloth. Let's remember B16's words in the spirit of true Christian humility: 'We are a Church of sinners.'
18 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

I wonder if jon357 regards his own support for the 'torching' of churches (the ways Russia's bolsheviks and Spain's Stalinists once did) as fanaticism or repression?
18 Aug 2012
Law / Best inexpensive new car? [23]

Maybe he wants to see how value-minded his nephew is. If the passes the test, the uncle may will him his entire estate!
18 Aug 2012
Genealogy / Would DNA test show Jewish genes? [10]

This has to do with Jewidsh semitic ethnicity not religion. You can change religions but not one's ethnicity. At most you can deny it.
18 Aug 2012
Law / Best inexpensive new car? [23]

If you like Skodas, then the Citigo at around 29,000 zł might be a good bet.

18 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

Jesus once chased Jeiwsh money-changers and usurers out of the synagogue courtyard, but he never staged a protest in the temple's sacred inner sanctum where the Torah is kept. The Christian equivalent would be the main altar where the tabernacle containing the Holy Eucharist is found.
18 Aug 2012
Genealogy / Would DNA test show Jewish genes? [10]

Some PolAms learn from various sources that they've got some Jewish blood -- something that either fascinates them or turns them off. Would DNA testing reveal such ancestry? Forgive me if that is a naive quersiton, but I know next to nothing about genes, DNA or haplo stuff.
18 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

You have clearly identified yourself as a dyed-in-the-wool Orwellian Michnikite -- everybody is equal buut some should be a bit more equal than others. Would you believe that Michnik's Wybiórcza actually fails to include Telewizja Trwam in its weekly TV magazine although it lists all kinds small, niche stations.
18 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

Agreed. They should have been fined or, better yet, been ordered to perform public service, especially benefiting the Orthodox Church. Also in the news is a group of rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth- feminists in Urkaine destroying a large cross commemorating NKVD victims. Just goes to show how close the Church-destroying Stalinists were to today's religion-bashing ACLU-style loonies.
18 Aug 2012
Language / Counting hundreds in Polish - "set" from 500 [11]

I beieve po słowie is the modern version. Most Poles nowadays would find dwie słowie (like dwie krowie) strange. I'm sure Boletus can clear this up.
18 Aug 2012
Language / Counting hundreds in Polish - "set" from 500 [11]

All except Slovak reflect the old dual number in 200. Also found in proverbs: Mądrej głowie dość dwie słowie.
Would you know if the other languages also reflect the dual number in such forms as rękoma, oczyma and uszyma?
18 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

Poland's TVN24, Wybiórcza and other purportedly 'progressive' (leftist-liberal) media are obviously glorifying ***** Riot and claiming that the punk rock trio was convicted to 2 years in a penal colony 'for just criticisng Puitn'. The fact that, regardless of their political message, they cuased a rumpus and desecrated a place of worship is conveniently omitted. Many Poles I have asked about this feel certain places should not be subject to the 'anything goes' mentality and the ban on causing disturbances in hospitals, schools, churches and cemeteries, should be strictly enforced. What do you think?
18 Aug 2012
Law / Best inexpensive new car? [23]

You also cna't go wrong with an Audi or Volvo, but this was about really inexpensive new cars. The Astra is not in that class nor is the Corsa. I was hoping dor a review and comparison of cars in or around 30,000 złotys and those would include Fiat Panda, Chevrolet Spark, Suzuki Alto and Dacia Logan. Although tiny, the Toyota Aygo and Citroen C1 are already in the 35,000+ price range.
18 Aug 2012
Law / Best inexpensive new car? [23]

But only Skoda's Citigo (minicar) would fit the cheapest new car category. There still aren't that many of that model on the road in Poland although they retail for under 29,000 zł.

17 Aug 2012
Po polsku / Czy jest rożnica między kibicami i stag parties? [6]

Pod względem destrukcji wobec otaczającej infrastruktury może nie być wiekszej różnicy -- stłuczone, połamane, powybijsne, obsikane, uzębienie przemebloiwane itp. U jednych i drugich leje się alkohol i puszczają inhibicje, ale wydaje się, że wieczory kawalerskie zazwyzczaj różnią się większym udziałem dziwek niż kibolowe. Albo i nie?
17 Aug 2012
Love / Marriage of hidden reason - Why don't girls from Poland marry 'Nicaraguans'? [5]

There seem to be lots of threads in the general vein of 'why don't Polish girls marry Bolivians?', etc., etc. Setting aside liaisons based on some Third Worlders wanting an American green card or EU access, marriages based on genuine mutual attraction have a better chance of success when both sides have a lot in common. That usually means race, social class, nationality, religion, economic standing (so neither side can be suspected of marrying for money), educational level, values, ideals, goals, interests and overall view of life.

Even when all those factors are in agreement, that is no 100% guarantee of success. Such virtues as perseverance, dedication, sacrifice, patience and mutual forgiveness, which have traditionally held marriages together, are not that widespread anymore, and that is putting it mildly. The self-centered 'I want it all here and now' attitude seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent, and that is a sure-fire recipe for antagonism and disaster.