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Joined: 23 Jul 2017 / Female ♀
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Last Post: 31 Jul 2021
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2076 / In This Archive: 938
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes

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13 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Protestantism started with Luther ... because he didn't agree with the Catholic Church.

Suprisingly enough, the 'Catholics' mentioned weren't Polish.

Christians believe Jesus died for our sins. Don't you really get it? It doesn't matter who killed him. He was destined to die for our sins.

Are you so blinded with hatred that you can't see it?

The funniest part is that I'm interested in Polish Jews.
But reading that guy's posts really discourages me.
13 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Then I don't understand your American ways.

The church is not perfect. It was me who pointed some things out to you when you were complimenting Rydzyk, so no need to tell me about it. But the Church doesn't teach Jews should be blamed for killing Jesus. It doesn't even make sense. Christians believe Jesus died for our sins. If he hadn't died, he wouldn't have paid for our sins.

As for his knowledge of what the Church teaches, it's as detailed as my knowledge of what they teach in synagogues. Pfff. ..
13 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

For somebody who has no problem with Christianity, you complain about it too often.
Not to mention lies about what it allegedly teaches.
Anyway, I'm done. I'm sure the topic is not over. Soon the same accusations will be repeated.
If someone wants to preach about tolerance, they should be free of prejudice.
12 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

It was called the Phoney War ...
I don't know how politically correct it is .. but my History teacher said they probably didn't think the war would spread all over Europe ... and the world.

Why didn't they declare war on the USSR? I really don't know. Perhaps they already knew they were not going to take any action. After all, it was two weeks after they declared war on Germany ... and didn't do much.
12 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

In what way was it about Germany? About the Lebensraum or the Lebensborn. About believing in being superior and regaining national sejf esteem?
To be honest, I'm far more concerned with the victims of the war, rather than the reasons ...

edit: oh, did you mean the French/British declaration of war?
12 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Well, let me put it this way: you have a problem with my religion. I don't have a problem with yours. And who's whining here all the time about the Catholic Church or antisemitism in Poland in most threads. I wonder how you'd put these in a thread about bigos ...

And you gotta be kidding to compare Polish treatment of Jews to American treatment of Native and African Americans - the Trail of Broken Treaties, lynches, postcards with lynching victims ...
12 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

For goodness sake, what occupation was worse? Both were terrible and inhumane.
Germans weren't angels! I'm not going to give any detailed information here for the sake of remaining anonymous but three or four days after the Nazis had entered my hometown over a hundred people were killed in a single night.

The difference was that Nazis were organised while the Soviets were unpredictable, generally speaking.

And only those who signed the Volksliste were considered Aryan - nothing to be proud of after the war. Many were forced to do so.
12 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

So now you're calling me antisemitic. Why are you calling me antisemitic?
1. Because I'm Polish
2. Because of two random quotes out of context.

And the right answer is .............. 1!

Well, so talking about Jewish hatred is wrong but talking about Polish antisemitism in almost every single post for two or three days is ok? If the previous makes me antisemitic, what does the latter say about you?

Mentioning a morally questionable fact about Jews is antisemitic, too ... apparently. Because everyone who could afford it owned slaves ... Wait a second ... the same applies to America before the abolition of slavery. So are you saying, slavery in America was ok. No? Why such double standards? Because slavery of Slavs is fine?

You haven't been able to say one positive thing about Polish-Jewish relations. The same applies to the other poster. I'm not surprised when it comes to him but I thought you were different. I was wrong. Just continue your Poland shaming with your friends. Luckily, whatever you say won't change who I am.
11 Jan 2018
USA, Canada / Polish-Jewish survivor of the Holocaust celebrates her 100th birthday [29]

@Taxpaying voter
Or like Bielski brothers?
Or over a thousand Poles murdered at Belzec for helping Jews.
What else will you find?
Wanna play a game of mutual accusations?
How about Polish airmen in the UK? From being murdered by peasants to being denied participation in the Victory Parade.
But I'm tired with it.
You poor little thing living in a country you hate. And those who don't even live her but are led here by hatred. There are quite a few here who should start I-hate-Poland-forum.

I'm so sorry for you.
Nah, I'm not really.
11 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

So a country that owed Jews nothing accepted them. Even though they had been known for trading Slavic slaves.
No worries, if it hadn't been Jews, others would have been hired as tax collectors and so on. After all these jobs existed in countries that had expelled Jews.

Now since you are not able to say anything positive about Poland, I'll just take my terrible Polish self from here.
Thank you for letting me know everything about Jewish hatred towards Poles.
11 Jan 2018
USA, Canada / Polish-Jewish survivor of the Holocaust celebrates her 100th birthday [29]

Some didn't even get back to Poland. Like deserting Anders' s army to get to Palestine.

But what do I know? I'm just Polish. I must be antisemitic. And as I said, you and Lyzko have opened my eyes on how Jews see Poland and Polish people. That was an important lesson.
11 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Oh, now that you have noticed me ... why were there so many Jews in Poland if, as you keep claiming, the country and the people were hostile towards them.

And let me guess ... you'll ignore my question because you'd have to admit Poland wasn't so hostile afer all.
11 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

As for the gulags and Soviet crimes, they were not only cruel but also absurd at times, like arresting a child for treason of USSR because she was Polish in Kresy, and the USSR had just invaded Poland ... or liberating Poles from the gulags after the amnesty for Polish citizens, yet leaving them with nothing so they couldn't leave Kazachstan or any other distant parts of the country.

The vid also mentions Lebensborn. Those young enough not to remember their Polish parents may still live in Germany not knowing they're Polish. Those old enough to remember their Polish parents were often beaten and victims of medical experiments.

And the list goes on.
11 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

@Taxpaying voter
Good to hear from you again. So will you please answer my question about your British grandparents' generation's experience with the Red Army?
Sure you know it all - Poland can't have suffered that much. It's always somewhere else, somebody else. Poles are just criminals and racists and Poczta Polska steals your parcels.

I really don't understand how you can live among people you hate so much.

Apart from terrible rapes on German women (if that's what you have in mind), there were also war crimes committed in gulags, in Kresy and after the war by communist authorities.
11 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

It's not about who was better or worse. On the whole, Poles suffered because of both Nazis and Soviets. It just seems that Soviet atrocities have been unnoticed by the Western world.
11 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

I would have preferred Poland to be a free country.
What followed WW2 was a period of Stalinist atrocities. Luckily it didn't affect my family but a considerable number of Poles were tortured and murdered. Just seeing how the bodies must have been thrown into anonymous mass graves at Łączka says it all.
11 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

How about thousands of Poles in Soviet gulags, the Katyń massacre and so on?
As a former gulag prisoner put it: if God wanted to ressurect all victims of gulags, the lands all over Russia would move" (in my clumsy translation)
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

It always seems quite bittersweet to me.

I don't think I remember many. I'm afraid you'd have to remind me.
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

All I hear and read here is negative.
Remind me of one positive thing that has been said here about Poland in connection with Jews.

And believe me, there's more to it than Warsaw and Kraków.

There's an excellent letter/article by Julian Tuwim 'My, Żydzi Polscy'. Have a look. It's available in English, too.
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

I have never claimed there's no antisemitism in Poland. I have had arguments here about Rybak or Miedlar.
I'm not making up these stories about antisemitic attacks in London, BTW. I read about them several weeks ago. So if you want to be consistent, criticise that as well.

But there's more to Polish-Jewish relations than antisemitism. And I keep hearing about it here all the time.
Like there's nothing good to be said. Poland owed Jews nothing when they were allowed to settle here when other places expelled them. They lived here for centuries and whether someone likes that or not Poland has been an important place in the Jewish history and deserves more than constant accusations.

Just like there were Polish Jews who contributed to the history and tradition of Poland.
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Some countries welcome them. And some don't.
Don't you criticise Poland for refusing to accept refugees?
So why not criticise the countries who refused to welcome Jews?
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

@Taxpaying voter
So he called a woman 'żyd'? Interesting...
So are you saying it's Poles that are responsible for the rise in the antisemitic attacks in London? As always - blame the Poles!

It's funny how you mention an act issued in Poland forbiding Jews from settling in royal towns in Poland while Jews were expelled for about three centuries from England. Polish Jews were allowed to live in Poland. And there were similar acts forbiding Christians from Jewish quarters. How anti-Christian that Polish act was!

It's a Polish forum - not a Slavic forum. And we're talking about the reason why so many Jews settled here. One of the reasons was they were expelled from other countries.

Antisemitism isn't a Polish invention. It's not unique to Poland. And ironically, Poland used to be the place where Jews were allowed to settle unlike other countries.
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

He had to dig into an article from over 10 years ago. How about reading about recent antisemitic attacks in Britain.
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

What about non-Slavic speaking territories?
I'm not determined to argue. I just see no logical argument denying the fact that Poland was the most welcoming country for centuries. That's a fact. Otherwise they wouldn't have settled here. They wouldn't have grown to be the biggest Jewish community in the world.