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Posts by szarlotka  

Joined: 20 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2205 / In This Archive: 654
From: UK
Speaks Polish?: Nie
Interests: Skiing, mountains, music, reading, taking the mickey and terrapins

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13 May 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Question Time

Good evening and welcome to this week’s edition of Question Time. My name is David Dimplechin. This evening our show is being broadcast from the Rose and Crown just ouside Woburn in Befordshire. We are here at the request of some of the regulars here at the pub to answer questions specifically about the Polish community here in the UK. Without further ado, let me introduce to you our distinguished panel who will be answering your questions this evening.

Firstly we are delighted to introduce the Prime Minister, Mr Gordon Brown. We are delighted that he has been able to take time out from the G8 conference down the road in Apsley Guise.

Thank you Sir David, I am delighted to be here this evening. And if I may say so Sir David that was a most professional opening to the Programme.

Actually Prime Minister, it’s just plain David. The knighthood has not been bestown upon me.

It’s just a matter of time Sir David. See me after the show and bring your wallet.

Ahem. Moving on, I am pleased to welcome from the other side of the house Mr Boris Johnson, ex MP for Henley-in-Arden and now the Mayor of London.

Good evening David, and thanks for having me on the show. Can I just say that, under the rule of Ken Livingstone, the transport infrastructure of our great Capital has been allowed to decay to one where that of New Delhi looks superior. Having been elected I will be striving to turn this around within days and…..

No. What’s that got to do with Poland?

Well lots of Poles use it every day I’m told and I’m sure that the improvements I intend to make will be very welcome to all our Polish friends.

Hmm. Our third panellist this evening is Major General (retired) Sir Humphrey Blenkinsop-Smythe, a local resident and frequent visitor to this establishment. After a distinguished career in HM Forces followed by a successful career in the City Sir Humphrey has now retired. He lists his interests in Who’s Who as gardening, hunting, shooting, fishing and fine wines.

Thank you young Dimplechin. I am delighted to be here, especially with the preponderance of young blonde Mensabs in the audience. I think it’s those Slavic cheekbones that I find so alluring. I remember the time I was out in the Balkans….

Thank you Sir Humphrey. Sitting next to Sir Humphrey is Miss Agata Lipinska. Miss Lipinska has been in the UK for over seven years. She holds degrees from Two Polish universities and a doctorate from the Sorbonne. She runs a successful Advertising company in London.

Good evening David. Would it be possible to move further away from Sir Humphrey?

I think not. The fifth member of our panel is Mr Wayne Slob. Mr Slob left school at the age of 16 with few qualifications and has spent the subsequent four years in an almost constant state of inebriation. His interests include tearing the legs from small animals, watching TV and signing on for state benefits.

They’ve stolen all the jobs mate. Banging on in that nasal twang all the time. It’s destroying our culture mate innit. I mean it shouldn’t happen should it? It’s not right. What are my kids gonna do? I’ve got three of ‘em and none of ‘em ‘ave a future now…

Well that’s nailed his colours to the mast. Our final panellist is Miss Layla Estudiantes. Miss Estudiantes hails from Sao Paulo and has been here in the UK for two years. She is an exotic dancer by profession.

Thank you David. I no understand why people giggle when you tell them my job. It is a good profession. Maybe they no laugh no more when they see I have biggest house in village, no? I here because I know all about poles. I use them every day, except Sundays. I no work Sundays.

Thank you Layla. Nice dress by the way. Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome your panel for the evening.

Tumultuous applause and cheers ring out in the packed pub.

Thank you for that warm welcome.

Voice from the audience. No mate you don’t understand. Old Fred there has just bought a round of drinks. It’s the first time in living memory. Mind you he’s only bought them for his new Polish mates.

And there was me thinking that we finally had a good audience. Never mind, let’s proceed to our first question. I’ll take the question from the young man in the second row with the lime green hooded garment on. Your question is sir?

Hallo. My name is Noimmigration and my question for the panel is should all the Poles over here be forcibly repatriated?

Prime Minister?

Well Sir David, it is obvious that this chap is mentally unbalanced. All of our immigrants bring tremendous benefits to our economy. Also they would do well to remember that is was the Labour Government that extended such a warm welcome and since many of them are now entitled to vote here I would say that they have every legal and moral right to remain.

Miss Esudiantes?

Stupid boy. How I do job with no poles. He stupid. All hoodies just ignorant. I no dance for Hoodies. They no tip well. He not old enough to be in pub anyways.

Sir Humphrey?

Well this is a difficult question. Obviously the influx has been sudden. I think we need a selective repatriation. My take on it all would be to keep the fillies and send back the stallions if you know what I mean. Yes, that’s the answer.

Miss Lipinska?

God you’re an old fool Sir Humphrey. Get your hands off my leg. This question is beneath contempt and I shall not dignify it with an answer. Mind you there are a few of the recent arrivals from my homeland that I would send back. Some of their behaviour is giving us all a bad name. At times it is hard to differentiate them from some of the English youths with their swearing and boorish behaviour.

‘Ere listen ‘ere you stuck up Polish biatch. Shut it. Me and the other Waynes don’t want your sort over ‘ere and the sooner you pack your Gucci bags and do a runner the better. I’m wiv the bloke wot asked the question. Get ‘em all out.

Thank you Mr Slob. And finally Boris, what are your thoughts?

They have to stay. They are hard working, well educated and an asset to our society. In any case what would happen to my club if they all left? And can you imagine trying to get served in a wine bar back in my constituency. Heaven forbid. I’m not sure about the Albanians though.

Well that was lively start to the evening. Can I take the next question from the young lady sitting at the bar in the blue dress?

Thank you Mr Dimplechin. I would like to ask the panel what is their favourite place in my country.

What bloody country’s dat den darling? Poland? Course it is. Oh well then I’d say Moscow.

Ignorant little person isn’t he? I have three of them at home to clean my toilets you know. Occasionally I talk to them but it’s so tiresome to have to do so. Obviously my home town of Wroclaw is without doubt the finest city in Poland.

Steady on Miss Lipinska, not all of us Brits are like young Slob there. Some of us are educated and know how to treat a lady. By the way could you just repeat the name of your home city again. It sounded so , well, alluring.

Sod off General. And for the last time take your hand from my leg. I bet you have never been to Poland.

No, but I like the sound of Poznan. Mainly because I can pronounce it.

Boris, your turn.

Thank you David. I think London is twinned with a Polish city. Not sure which one yet being so new in the job but you can safely assume that this is my favourite Place in the whole of Poland.

And you Prime Minister?

Very kind of you Sir David. I’ll have a pint of Pedigree and a large malt chaser.

Very well but will you be answering the question though?

It would be wrong of me to commit to an answer at this point in time. To answer such a potentially vote catching question without the prudent use of extensive prior research would not be in the public interest.

Er, you don’t actually know anywhere in Poland do you?

That is a lie. I am fully familiar with both the country and it’s people.

Well name a city then.

Remember the knighthood young Dimplechin.

Miss Esudiantes. Could you finish that dance and answer the question please?

Yes. Sorry about that but the General is a regular client you know. Anyway I like Warsaw the best. For many years I get many fine dancing clothes from Stadium Market. That and CDs. Oh and Furry Russian hats. It sol cold ere in Winter you see.

At this point there is a huge rumpus in the pub as the big match kicks off. The audience moves into the other bar leaving a bemused Dimplechin looking at camera 2 and making a hasty apology to the viewing public. Sir Humphrey is pleading with Miss Esudiantes to give him a dance on credit. Miss Lipinska sits in the corner talking animatedly into her mobile. Boris looks like nothing untowards has happened. Wayne and the Prime Minister are having a drunken game of arm wrestling.

And from Question Time we bid you a goodnight.

Legal Notice: Any passing resemblance of the characters portrayed here to any person either living or dead is entirely intentional.

Why do I bother?
28 Apr 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Apologies for the lack of an Omnibus Edition. Following the events of last Tuesday when the mad Norwegian put through his own goal in the last minute, Szarlotka is finding it difficult to string two cohesive words together. Normal service will be resumed after we beat Chelski on Wednesday evening.
21 Apr 2008
Love / Nice Polish women photos [329]

Gotta be correct mon.... we gootta ave some shaven heads in leather jackets and combat pants, and some hoodies and a few grannies.....
18 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

After n thousand years we are going to have a revolution. The Corn Laws couldn't do it, The French Revolution didn't quite make it over the Channel, 1917 went unnoticed. The Poll Tax left us unamused but inactive. But now the time has come. I urge you all to take to the streets of Glasgow to hunt down the pocket knife carrying noimmis of this world and put them in the stocks and pelt them with rotting bigos.

Let's make this a very British Revolution.
14 Apr 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

It's a holding tactic. Once I get this report done for work I will reveal the next startling installment
14 Apr 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

PF – The Pravda edition

To all workers of the Glorious Republic. Today we are proud to announce that tractor production is at an all time high. Exciting news has reached us that in all departments production of the Mark IV tractor has exceeded quotas by over 120%. At the same time the average time taken by Comrades for natural breaks has fallen by 300%. The number of workers killed has also decreased dramatically (Boris – edit that out or it is the Ghulag for you). Production has been increased in a number of innovative ways. Chiefly, it has been achieved by replacing all agricultural land with tractor factories. In the short term this has resulted in an oversupply of tractors so we implore all Comrades to purchase a tractor as an essential addition to their homes. Tractors make good conversation pieces and by showing your tractor you are showing your love for the Motherland. Together we can support the planned economy.

Other news

There has been no news of importance this week. All is well.
12 Apr 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I don't like to instill panic and fear amongst the masses... but if Doggie wins the election this may be the last Omnibus post ever. The thread will be renamed PF - The Pravda edition and will be written by faceless administrators within the new regime. A vote for Miranda is a vote for freedom of speech.
11 Apr 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

This is getting vicious now. I hereby state my intention to refrain from reporting on the election race until such time as the result is announced. Instead I shall drink pina coladas on the sun deck and restrict the Omnibus Edition to a summary of the week's sports news.

<walks off in a huff>
10 Apr 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

she might be smuggling more thieving Polaks into the country.

It's all coming to me now. She's done it before. Brought loads of Polish people into the house claiming they're relatives.And one of them went to the hospital once too. I've been tricked for the entire length of my marriage. It wasn't me she wanted. The marriage was a front for a massive immigration ring. Oh my God I'm destroyed. It was the smile that fooled me. I'll teach her. How do I post a new thread on lonely underworked but overpaid British male seeks Ukranian Bride. Must not be able to drive and have no living relatives.
10 Apr 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Two door - is that significant? Should I be calling the cops?
10 Apr 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Is it a German car?

<panics> Yes

What colour is your heart?

Scalpel please nurse
10 Apr 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

no mention of the Donkey - I smell a rat - Are you on Mirandas pay role?

Shhh... the donkey is on an undercover mission. I can say no more

All my humble services to the new leader are on a voluntary basis... only essential expenses are reimbursed
10 Apr 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

A Polish girl stole my heart.....

And tonight she's taken my car too....

Proof I tell you
10 Apr 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Welcome back, you mean? ;p


"I will identify regulars on PF even if they change their user name and hide their identity in smarty pants avatars"

A thousand apologies......
10 Apr 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

No I'm sober as a judge.

Just bored at work contemplating another three hours reading draft contracts !

See not all us Brits are work shy.
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

I never disputed polands minor role in ww2.

The RAF roll of honour for the Battle of Britain recognises 510 non-British pilots as flying at least one authorised operational sortie

Not to mention that it was the Polish experience of flying against the Luftwaffe that radically reshaped the tactics used by RAF Fighter Command in the Battle of Britain.
9 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

and housing prices have fallen by over 3% which is a very substantial.

Strewth, any more and there might be a dnager that young people may be able to get on the housing ladder. The old bricks and mortar has been hugely overpriced for years.
9 Apr 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Just about the 2nd last edition.

Ok I had too much Guinness that night. Also, I've always had an over active imagination. LOL

Welcome to PF Sophia

Election Special

Welcome to a rushed edition bringing you the consolidated view of the race to become PF’s best member. (Ed – define best and define member). You will all have noticed that about 90% of the input this week has all been directed at this thread. I know you can’t read all 4,876 posts and, if you are a new member, you wouldn’t be able to make head nor tail of it even if you did. So in the best traditions of ale fuelled, content light journalism The PF Omnibus Edition Team have worked through the night (Ed – tea break more likely) to bring you a succinct and easy to digest summary of this, the most important election since that to elect the new president of the Bexleyheath Womens Institute.

Some background first. Doggie G started the race with an apparently innocent request to find out whether he was still loved here on PF. Yes we know he phrased it in an abstract way but we all know it was a cry from the heart. Anyway, he got a few compliments and then a few others started suggesting alternatives for the PF pin up position (Ed - page 236 of the Kama Sutra). Before we knew it Seanus the sheep had arbitrarily declared himself the great power broker and within a few posts he was presiding over an official election to be El Presidente of PF with the annexed powers to maim, kill or banish dissenters following the official inauguration session down the Rose and Crown. In the finest traditions of project management everywhere, nobody has a clue as to when the cut off date for voting is going to be. Seanus stated “sort of Sunday”. The leading candidates seem to think it might be Saturday. Our bet is it will be when the Sheep gets out of the pub on Sunday afternoon. Probably best not to hang around waiting though.

There have been loads of fringe candidates. Some of them put themselves forwards (shameless hussies). Others were nominated along racial, religious or taste in vodka lines. Some were nominated by new members who thought that they had nice names, pretty avatars or that they were animals of every shape and size. There were brief bursts of excitement when the fringe candidates gained a few votes followed by the inevitable despair as the votes dried up.

Slowly a pattern emerged. Two heavyweight candidates arose from the general melee of ridiculous promises, brown paper bags stuffed full of Zloty and over kissed babies. On the one hand stood Doggie G. A new dog was revealed. Proud, humble, devoted to world harmony. Support for him came from surprising quarters. Daisy’s cats tried to vote for him. ShelleyS was vociferous in support of the well groomed and friendly doggie.

So things went well for the Doggie until a new heroine from over there emerged to face him down in the televised debates and challenge the validity of his proposed policies. Miranda quickly grew into a real threat and attracted support from all around the Globe (Ed – and the Rose and Crown?). The race has become too tight to call and this one will go to the wire. People have put their futures on the line in supporting one or other of these two. Sadly the on-line system to bring us the latest voting appears to have gone down so we cannot bring you the latest position (Ed – Seanus is down the pub then?). We have tried to conduct an exit poll but with little success. We interviewed noimmigration as he left the polling booth earlier but could not understand a word of what he said.

Rest assured the we here will bring you the latest news after it has happened
6 Apr 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

All together now.... "Thongs for the memories"

Just what is happening on here? You go away for a few days and come back to a different dimension. Carrying on the astrophysical analogy, the stars have disappeared. No more doggie five star, just doggie 5,013 posts. Were stars felt to be divisive? IS PF morphing into an English primary school where there are no winners for the Egg and Spoon Race but everybody gets the same prize just for turning up, even if they are lapped by Mr Jones with an artificial leg and Jones Minor who had an attention deficit attack on lap two and wandered off to feed the horses for a while? The badge of honour has gone to be replaced by a deflating numeric count that hides the true effort of the members concerned.

Additionally, there are other disturbing changes happening. It’s becoming apparent that PF is undergoing an equivalent slow but inexorable process similar to that presented by Continental Drift. In our case we have Member Drift. People have been presented with the chance to vote for their favourite member (Ed – I’d vote for my left leg) in a poll created by Head of Prefects aka Doggie G. Not content with that he has asked members to state how they feel they are perceived by others on PF. Already camps are emerging. We suspect there are sub forums growing on the Internet where campaigns are planned, scurrilous rumours are started and where smilies are permitted. Who will win the race to be top dog (no preference inferred)? Apparently the winner will be announced next weekend by the head of the PF Electoral Commission, Seanus. This is the first time a sheep has held such a prestigious post. We are informed that he has impeccable integrity and has no ties to the Bush Family or Mr Mugabe. Time will tell.

Anyway, that’s enough of the whinging Pom for now. Let us turn our attention to the pick of the week’s user activity – that’s activity on the Forum of course. Some of the things off Forum seem a trifle distasteful.

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words

Arien has started a new post your most ridiculous picture ever taken thread and some of the members are obliging in enthusiastic style. No real shockers yet but we note that Kemaleon appears to be sponsored by a leading hair gel manufacturer. This could start a trend in sponsorship. G could be sponsored by Winalot. Szarlotka could be sponsored by Birds Custard. In these hard times any additional source of revenue is most welcome. PolskaDoll has emerged from the shadowy text based world to reveal that she is really Vicki Pollard. Nice try PD but the real Vicki couldn’t string two words together and we’ve seen Mods that can put whole sentences together.

Dimensionally Challenged part 2

Kemaleon has started a new three word Bed Time Story. Apart from the obvious numeric difference how does this in fact vary from the old five word story? Is it more challenging to be more precise or is it lazier to type three words rather than five. Also, how does this compare viz a viz the English and Polish Word Association threads. If we get a wizard idea where do we post now? Maybe it’s because the whole off topic lounge was purged and the old threads have not yet reappeared. Of course this thread survived the purge. (Ed – don’t get smug smarty pants, it didn’t have to be Shakespeare like to beat off the opposition and you still have a long way to go). Nice to see our efforts are appreciated by management.

Beijing – to go or stay

A lively debate has been carried on as to whether Poland should boycott the Olympics. Of course this was widened to include a lot more countries than just Poland. The general consensus seems to be that China should be given a bit of a bloody nose over it’s treatment of the Tibetans, and indeed all dissenting voices within China. The sport is above politics counter argument has also been aired. Our view is that the boycott threat should be used. The people of Tibet (and of Nepal and Bhutan too come to it) are amongst the kindest and gentlest people on this planet in our (OK my) opinion. It’s a complete freaking disgrace the way in which they have been treated by Beijing over many, many years. Stuff the Reds – that’s China not Liverpool FC of course.

The Great Over Washed.

Wroclaw has promoted a discussion on our personal hygiene. It would appear that the majority of us shower in the mornings. Some of us take two showers a day and some prefer to take a bath, particularly on cold winter’s evenings. This reminds us of the numerous water and power shortages in the pre Maggie Thatcher bash the striking hoards days when we were encouraged to save water. The slogan doing the rounds was ‘Save water – shower with a friend’. Good days those. We intend to start a new thread asking which PF member you would want to shower with to reduce our Carbon Footprint. Trivial thread we know but it could be illuminating.

That’s all we could find of general interest this week folks. Of course the immigration debate rages on and on with the usual mixture of informed argument and nonsensical ranting. No change there then. We yearn for the simple style of facts, conclusions and recommendations arguments but sadly little evidence thus far.

Still it’s not all doom and gloom. The little piece of Wroclaw that is Szarlotka’s local pub (see previous Editions) goes from strength to strength. The Polish have learnt to play darts better and we Brits have taken the pool more seriously so a healthy inter EU league is emerging. This has lead to the first golf society tour ever to Poland from our lot being planned for the summer. Who cares how good the course is going to be, we just cannot wait to get our sad butts back to Poland again, well the three of us who have spend time there anyway.

Hasta la vista
6 Apr 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

It's only Sunday.

Yes but Monday is taken up mainly by a flight to Rio Shawn H. No Wifi on BA. No luggage either.