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Posts by gumishu  

Joined: 6 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Jan 2025
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 6228 / In This Archive: 3025
From: Poland, Opole vicinity
Speaks Polish?: yes

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26 Feb 2017
News / Poland, still corrupt, but not as bad as Czech/Hungary & Italy [36]

For instance, this is a fine piece of journalism by a newspaper directly controlled by PiS.

there is no newspaper in Poland that is directly controlled by PiS - there are PiS friendly media yes (and they are a minority)- but they are sometimes critical of PiS depending on their stances
16 Feb 2017
Language / I'm a Romanian trying to learn Polish [8]


you can start by learning the sounds of the Polish language - only a couple are different from the Romanian language I guess - there are guides to Polish alphabet on youtube. I haven't looked for it but I guess you can also learn basic Polish phrases on youtube.

Polish is a dificult language and you probably won't be able to put together even simple sentences or understand most of what is spoken after watching a couple of videos though. (No idea how difficult Romanian is)
27 Dec 2016
Language / What's the difference between "idź" and "przejdź"? [19]

iść means generally go on foot
jechać on the other hand means to go with a use of vehicle: to ride a bicycle - jechać rowerem; drive a car - jechać samochodem, go on a train/bus - jechać autobusem

pojechać is a perfective form of jechać - the difference between the perfective and imperfective forms can be described this way: I will use past forms of both perfective and imperfective - On jechał rowerem do pracy- He was riding a bicycle to work vs. On pojechał rowerem do pracy - He rode a bicycle to work
19 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

Kuchciński excluded an opposition MP and he did that against the rules (and for no reason, really)

the exclusion was maintained by the Konwent Seniorów afaik which is a collegial body
18 Dec 2016
Language / What's the difference between "idź" and "przejdź"? [19]

What's the difference between the words "Idź" and "Przejdź"? Can they be used interchangeably?

they can be used intechangeably to some (quite small) extent.

Przejdź is a prefixed form of idź - the prefix is prze - the prefix typically adds a notion of crossing something, completing something (przeczytać książkę -to read a book through, to complete a book), going through something or past something - (przewiercić - to drill something through)

to cross a street - przejść(sometimes przejechać) ulicę, to go past a kiosk - przejść obok kiosku,

there are some uses as noted above when przejść and iść are almost synonyms - However przejść is then a more formal or polite form. Proszę przejść do poczekalni - Please go to the waiting room. is way more polite than Proszę iść do poczekalni. (means the same though).

Przejdź do stacji kolejowej is formal. Idź do stacji kolejowej or Idź na stację kolejową (slight difference between na and do) mean the same (almost the same thing) but are more colloquial.

Przejść also can be sometimes better translated as to move than to go: Przejdźmy tam. Let's move there/Let's go there.
18 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

Why did Hitler and Stalin wait 6 years until 1939

Hitler and Stalin were idealogical enemies until Ribbentrop-Molotov pact -

any more questions?

And the UK and EU did nothing. If they wont avenge their own murdewred citizens, do you really think the western public has an appetite to fight and die for Poland? Dream o

then why is not Putin annexing Ukraine, Baltic States and Poland in the right now if he knows the West won't move a finger? what is he waiting for?
18 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

Little Green Men.

have you seen Little Green Men in Western Ukraine or Kiev - if not why?
why are there no Little Green Men even in Latvia and Estonia who have big Russian minorities?

Russia's military is 35 times larger than Poland's.

if Russian wanted to invade Poland it would do it long ago - why wait?
18 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

Ok, it's all fine. And the major scientific institutions in Poland are wrong. Why don't you trust Polish science?

as I said if you claim that the removal of dying spruce is impossible without removing all other trees I doubt your competences
18 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

They both specifiy "two-thirds" of the forest will be logged!

it does not mean all of the trees will be removed simple as that - I think you have problems with reading comprehension
18 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]


Read this: euobserver.com/environment/134841

Or this, from PiS-controlled media: thenews.pl/1/9/Artykul/254202,Extensive-logging-starts-in-Bialowieza-forest

neither of these support your claim
18 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

every lay person could have posted what you have (after a bit of research)

and if you claim that the removal of dead spruce is impossible without removing all trees I simply doubt your competences
18 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

As you might have guessed,

every lay person could have posted what you have (after a bit of research)

I still doubt whole blocks of the forest will be chopped - haven't found anything that supports your claim of the 2/3 of the Puszcza to be cut down - I have no idea how wide is the area designated as the UNESCO heritage site and what it entails in practice - I don't know if the planned dead spruce removal can help - spruce is dying here as well (Bory Niemodlińskie) and in the entirety of the Polish mountains - can we help it? i don't know - there are people who probably know better (somewhat better - i doubt their infallibility)

It's almost like they don't ever expect to need to protest, either because they will never be out of power or they will prevent the kind of demonstrations that they might want to oppose on the streets.

again - YOU ARE PARANOID - I think it comes with education - the more educated people are the more paranoid they get
18 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

gumishu - here is a map of white-tailed eagle distribution in Poland: ornitho.pl/index.php?m_id=509&frmSpecies=158&action=species&y=-1

according to the map there are suspected 185 nests of white-tailed eagle in Poland - it means simply you can go all your life not seeing one - and they are limited to areas where larger water bodies are present - there are only 3 such nest locations in the GENERAL area of Puszcza Białowieska - I guess you rarely go to forests

You're happy to be told that you have to be silent and go 100 m away, forever more, no matter what the situation?

I have no issues with that - the real decisions are made through voting not on the streets
18 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

It's hard to counter demonstrate from 100 m away!

why would you even want to counterdemonstrate?
17 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

maybe you are right about the plans though - I haven't followed the issue beyond a certain point

I read this article and well this doesn't sound
- Białowieża National Park won't be affected as the article states - the other parts of Białowieża forest are a commercial forest anyway
17 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

It is impossible to remove spruce without also removing other species because they grow in mixed stands,

it's definitely not impossible

maybe you are right about the plans though - I haven't followed the issue beyond a certain point

there are propsals to ban street protests that might annoy Kaczynski at his monthly Smolensk meeting

the new law says manifestations need to be separate by 100 meters - this is not banning in my dictionary
17 Dec 2016
Genealogy / Polish Family Photograph translation [3]

a koło dumu tom licho wijśli. to fotografjista muwjił to musim sie samni dać zdjuńć tu domu? to jeden pszy drugem stoji to tak dobrze nigdy nie wijrzy

and by the house we don't look good. the fotographer said we need to have photos taken separately- at home? we stand one beside other and it will never look very good

I don't know if it makes sense in regards to the photography - it's a dialect btw - can't really pinpoint the geographical location of the dialect but it looks like some Mazovian one
17 Dec 2016
News / Polish Stalinist criminal hiding abroad supports KOD [101]

only last week I was reading the transcript from a press conference held during martial law at which a certain American 'journalist' appeared to be trying get his tongue so far up Urban's ar*e that he'd be able to lick the back of Urban's teeth clean.

are you somehow suggesting that it was Polonius? cheeky you
17 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

But do you think it will stop at environmental groups?

Yes I think it will stop there - if you think otherwise then in my eyes you are hysteric

but a year ago nobody thought that the government would want to expand logging to 2/3 of a world heritage site at Bialowieza Forest?

as far as I know the dead spruce stands will be removed - hardly logging of the 2/3rds of the Białowieża forrest

it is meant to prevent all spruce from dying out there - will it work? I don't know
17 Dec 2016
News / Polish Stalinist criminal hiding abroad supports KOD [101]

The problem is your boy JK cannot stand the slightest bit of dissent or disagreement. He's really a pathological character.

oh yeah, JK's death squadrons cruise the streets of Poland nightly and eliminate his enemies - I didn't know we live in Argentina
17 Dec 2016
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

I just gave you two precise examples. There are many many other possible examples around environmental law and the rights of environmental campaign groups.

ok - to be honest I haven't read the link when you first put it in - hmm this new law is hmmm fringe and in my opinion necessary to stop environmentalists from blocking important infrasturcture investment - your second example does not make sense - you can challenge any investment be it private or state if it puts your well-being at risk based on civil law

appart from this fringe law which tackles enviromentalist organizations can you give an example how your rights have been limited?

In other words, your national emblem (the eagle) now has no protection in Poland if a forester wants to cut down its nest to make firewood.

have you seen an eagle in your lifetime - I haven't and I live in a forest