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Posts by frd  

Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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13 Jan 2010
Food / Burgers, why not in Poland? [54]

Can't post a link, I just mean something that actually tastes like a burger and contain some kind of steak or beef.

I'd say most of burgers, same as kebabs and pizza are designed for a specific region and people, specific taste. So it will be hard to find the exactly same flavour that you like because there's a big probability that it only tastes like that in your country. Most places to eat a "burger" in poland are cheap burgers kiosks and stalls and being the cheapest of places they don't serve quality food. I know most of people here are mcdonald haters but it's the only close to decent place to eat a burger..
13 Jan 2010
Genealogy / Journal found from Fallingbostel [6]

Isn't there some kind of a museum nearby? People looking for informations about their families usually get in touch with such places first. You could always give it to them.
13 Jan 2010
Language / I need some encouragement from Polish language speakers! [30]

I dunno if it's not a bit too much over a girl you've just met in a chat room. I hope it's not gonna end up in a bitter disappointment. This forum is full of venomous threads posted by dumped people or who were in a relationship that didn't work out. It's easy to start doing lots of unnecessary when you're in love. Be careful and good luck Andy.
12 Jan 2010
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

I am not uneducated.

But robot is indeed a Czech word..

There's so many word of a French origin in English I'm amazed you guys are so touchy about English words in Polish. It's a natural thing for the language to evolve and be influenced by other languages. I'd say much worse is the language bastardization noticible both in Polish and English, visible especially on the internet, kids shortening words or omitting grammar rules..
11 Jan 2010
UK, Ireland / UKs worst drink driver is Polish. [24]

Anybody who drinks fifteen pints and the drives is..

It's best to just ignore such trash. He's very very young hence stupid or uneducated. One way or another answering his posts is just wasting time.
10 Jan 2010
Language / Polish keyboard 214 is best [34]

All the people I know use Polish (programmers) keyboard set up - and I know lots of computer users. I've never seen anyone using 214.. and a trained keyboard user will be blazing fast despite the need of using 2 or 3 ( in case of uppercase polish characters ) keys and the same time. Simple use of communicators will allow anyone to watch tv/ talk to somebody and type something in greats speed ( that is if your brain can cope with parallel information streaming ;) )
30 Dec 2009
Food / Polish culinary dislikes [83]

Strange list, I'd say most people I know like all this stuff (if they tried it). Whiskey is something that might be not appreciated by youngsters - but it's more like around the world and not just in Poland.
18 Dec 2009
Life / Ripped Off in Poland? - Expose here: [185]

Yeh yeh and i suppose thats all our fault too hey, nothing what so ever to do with Polish people who live in Poland ohh no they are totally innocent the sun shines right out of their asses. Germany became a powerhouse and Poland became what... well the rest is history.... Now theyre complaining about 50 years down the line.

Im' gonna say the same thing that I've mentioned in the other thread. What do you want to hear WB something like "Yup, we are lazy **** heads, we are under people and it's kind of sad that nazis hadn't finished us off"? Is it all right with you? Maybe you feel a little bit better? I haven't said anything about it being somebody's elses fault. As for Germany I'd suggest reading a little bit of history, the american part of germany was developing great and there was a stream of yanke money pouring into it - they had pretty much would you would call freedom. The other part was a poor cesspit ( I suggest watching "Lives of others" ). And it would be in the same state as Poland is if not the money from the western part. ( there was actually a debate once of some western german politicians not fond of the whole "let's rebuild the east part" thing )..

Is mentioning UK not sustaining so many problems as other post soviet countries your pet hate in here?
18 Dec 2009
Life / Ripped Off in Poland? - Expose here: [185]

I am sincerely sorry for you. You seem to have a bad case of Western Worship ;-)

Well sorry but it's the sad truth, I've been to several western european countries, saw all the little towns neat and clean, UK, France, Germany, Sweden, everythings clean, nice old buildings. In Poland - sad, dirty, polluted **** holes. You have maybe not that much bigger variety in shops in western countries than in Poland, but still, in here every new technology is delayed and due to that everything is a little bit more "low-end". If there are nice buildings they are under the cover of thick layer of dirt. They are restoring the "old glory" if it was any, so maybe some day, but despite that these other countries will always be a step forward. It could have been worse, we could have been Ukraine -5 years or Belarus -10. It could have been a little bit better with proper reforms..
18 Dec 2009
Work / Why is Polish workmanship so bad? [52]

It isn't rocket science to fix a plug socket to the wall so it doesn't come out

haha it reminds me, they always told us everywhere to hold the socket when you're pulling the plug out to not get an electric shock.. the truth unveiled ; D
18 Dec 2009
Life / Ripped Off in Poland? - Expose here: [185]

You know what you get in the UK is much better quality.

Yeah and take into consideration that not so long time ago, around 20 years, you had a supermarket in poland with 3 products basic products, bread, oil and "chocolate-like blocks". While in UK you had supermarkets with shelves full of goods. Around 10 years ago first shopping centres started to appear. And I still remember the time when I was in ave that there can be so many kinds of sweets on one shelf. So don't tell me that there's gonna be ever - something of similar quality in Poland to the quality there's in UK because there simply won't. Western cities will always look a little bit better than Polish ones same with amount and quality of products, and quality of life.
18 Dec 2009
Work / Why is Polish workmanship so bad? [52]

Do tell, what has capitalism (or any other system) got to do with doing a job thoroughly?

Sorry forgot to answer you. I think capitalism brought a completely different set of required traits, people getting paid for what they do not for slacking off or doing "just enough". Being in front of the rank started paying out. Skills actually matter. These things are just an ice peak and I think they are contrary to what communism was and imposed. And as I said after communism, a pretty recent period, this new way of thinging haven't rooted itself into the minds of all people. You still have lousy and crooked officers in city council buildings and post offices who think they are above law and god almighty. And you have blue collar workers who think their bungles and ramps will go unpunished. But they won't and some foreigners are still learning, one day or another this people will go out of the market because their infamy will be well known to everyone.
18 Dec 2009
Work / Why is Polish workmanship so bad? [52]

Communism has imposed certain behaviours, education, way of thinking and it was strong enough it's not gonna go off just in few generations - an example - gov ppl fighting around opening IPN archives. 20 years is a blink of an eye especially next to countries who were developing ALL the time and haven't been destroyed by war. Sorry but posh attitude of "I deserve everything and I brush off what you say with an ironic wink" sort is too narrow minded to even try and enter any kind of discussion. What would you like to hear? Maybe the things I've said in the previous post?

Yes we Poles are ******, weak, and you guys are all great and perfect. If it is, keep on chugging over it.
18 Dec 2009
Work / Why is Polish workmanship so bad? [52]

The list goes on and on, Why the fu ck can't they do things properly and it really is worrying that people with this attitude are going to the UK to work.

because capitalism in our country started not so long ago not like in some western countries. But you'd probably prefer to hear something along "because we're under-people who will always be worse than western foreigners sorry" lines.. **** off
18 Dec 2009
Work / An IT System Engineer interested in moving to Poland [11]

btw: I have tried Intel, Accenture, Thomson Reuters, Symantec, SII, MicroStrategy and still nothing...i am starting to believe that for someone that cant speak Polish its impossible to find work there.

Heh dunno I heard about people getting jobs around Silesia ( where I live and work ) in companies where staff is partially foreign fi. Siemens, DisplayLink is a UK company and they needed C/C++ coders some time ago..

crazy old bearded man that has been working on AS/400s for the last 15 years.

hehe that made my day, it brings back some uni days and the guy who was teaching computer architecture, one of the laboratories was 3 hours with AS/400..
17 Dec 2009
Work / An IT System Engineer interested in moving to Poland [11]

There are IT companies that will hire you despite your knowledge of Polish language. As for interesting work opportunities you've got google in Krakow, Nokia in Wrocław. Dunno what's in Warsaw but prolly lots of nice well known brands you can join. Looking for work in it is pretty simple you send them your cv and wait for the answer - then you go for an interview and that's all just like in it in any other country.
13 Dec 2009
Food / Wanna buy Spiritus Krakow [28]

Seems good...if you can handle it!

And you can start vomitting with blood as an extra. I don't recommend drinking spirits and anyone who's trying to is a stupid kid with no imagination, our liver and stomach are not made for such type of %.
11 Dec 2009
Life / Beggers namely Kurwa boys in Poland [70]

There's lots of them at polish railstations, especially when you're buying tickets at the ticket counters they are just staying there next to the queue asking each person for money - usually looking at your hands and wallet when you're buying tickets - probably because some people won't say "sorry I don't have any change" later. Katowice was swarming with them, same with Gdynia main railroad station..
10 Dec 2009
History / What British unit liberated Poland in 1945?? [445]

Jews had been in Poland for 500+ years. They were ethnically Polish. Just as Afrikaaners are Africans. But of course to you nobody but a white Catholic can be a proper Pole, right? Jews can never be proper Poles! Bigot.

The truth is in the past especially through medieval period there wasn't much sense of being a nation among people. Borders changed as frequently as did feudal lords. Merchants and scientists travelled enough to discard any affiliations, and serf didn't really care at all as long as they were safe and well eaten. I don't mean to undermine the statement that indeed Jews who have a Polish background are (proper or not) Poles, because it's true that they are, whether we call them Poles, Jewish Poles or Polish Jews. Wanted to raise the awareness that these old times don't carry that much relevance to the subject.
5 Dec 2009
News / New Polish gambling law - outlawing gambling except in casinos [34]

I partially agree with what has been already said, but at the same time I have to say I really don't like all these gambling "Joker" clubs popping out around every corner, shady/drunk people usually hang around them, lots of scruffy looking fellows inside. I think that the surroundings of such places is pretty dangerous and there's lots of them. There was none like year and a half ago, now I think there's around 20 in my home town, they are virtually everywhere. I was at a petrol station yesterday, one of those with a big shop and shelfs full of "more expensive and luxurious" products. And next to them in the corner some filthy, sloppy fellow stooping over a one arm bandit machine and scowling at me. I say efff it, I don't wanna see that crap on the streets. Close all of these shanty places. The idea of a 1 or 2 big casinos per one city is a better idea than lots of these little cesspits everywhere..
3 Dec 2009
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Apart from this one :-)))

I don't get it. What is your post about. Are you against or with 1jola on that stuff.
1 Dec 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

My only point is that you incorrectly approached the meaning

I think you haven't read my posts because you would have noticed that I focused my dislike on Church's approach nothing else. You've just read what you wanted and brushed the rest under the carpet. I can add that your sermon about symbols of other nations has got nothing to do with what I said, but I admire your vivid imagination.
29 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

All right let there be an extra crucifix in history classroom beside the religion one. Next to it lets hang pictures of dead taborites and other "pagans" and pictures of Perun and Swiętowit. Let's even out the overview to symbolic pros and cons.