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Joined: 30 Apr 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 6 Nov 2012
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Posts: Total: 990 / In This Archive: 757
From: Poland
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8 Apr 2011
News / What Poland can't do right [113]

doeas Poland make any decent goat cheese?

There are some small producers and it's available locally.
6 Apr 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]

coś co czego w swoich przebogatych krajach już dawno nie widzieli...

bo ja wiem, czy nie widzieli?
nie wiem, jak w Szwajcarii czy w Norwegii, ale w innych krajach widzieli niejedno, chyba że specjalnie odwracali głowy, żeby nie patrzeć.
Myślę, że to nie o to chodzi, że syfu nie widzieli. Ale takie różne relikty komunizmu są po prostu ciekawe dla Zachodu, podobnie jak stare kamienice, z których obłazi i osypuje się ileś tam warstw historii. Pocztówki szybko się nudzą, a w takich miejscach widać życie, czas, zmiany.

Zresztą. Kiedyś, młodą gęsią będąc, znalazłam się w Nowym Jorku i znajomy Amerykanin, który robił mi w tych pierwszych dniach za przewodnika, zapytał, co chciałabym zobaczyć najpierw. Ja bez zastanowienia walnęłam: Times Square, bo to najlepiej znałam z filmów, na co jego wyraźnie zatchnęło, zzieleniał trochę na twarzy i wykrztusił: - B...b...but it's filthy!

Z drugiej strony czytałam też o jakimś Francuzie, który do tego stopnia był zafascynowany Kieślowskim, że przyjechał do Polski specjalnie po to, żeby sobie obejrzeć Ursynów. I zwiedzał go nabożnie, jakby to było Notre Dame.

Z trzeciej strony, popatrz na przykład na reportaże z Rosji w polskich mediach. Co jest tam dla nas ciekawe, to że mają McDonalda?

Tak że wszystko tu jest względne :)

You are the best :)

oj, ale mi podniosłaś endorfiny ;)
6 Apr 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]

Tak przy okazji: o co chodzi w tamtym wątku, tak w skrócie?

hmmm, o wiele prosisz :)

Guardian zamieścił fotoreportaż z Wawy autorstwa Davida Levine'a.
I teraz:

punkt widzenia A: zdjęcia są szare, brzydkie, tendencyjnie wykadrowane i w ogóle tendencyjne. Wiadomo kto za tym stoi i pod płaszczykiem czego. W tej chwili facet obrywa już i za nazwisko. Powinien fotografować wyłącznie uśmiechniętych studentów na Starówce i nowe apartamentowce.

Punkt widzenia B: zdjęcia są niezłe, mają klimat, a poza tym tam naprawdę tak wygląda.
6 Apr 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]

i jak tu się nie wstydzić własnych rodaków?

E tam ;)
Jak to mawiała kiedyś pewna moja znajoma: życie jest bogate we formy, a i w treści niebiedne.
6 Apr 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]


Ostra, protestacyjna nota:
- Nieprawdą jest, jakoby w naszym mieście
Zjawił się ptak o kształcie kota
I wysiadywał jaja w gnieździe.

Wszelkie na ten temat informacje
Opublikowane w wiadomej audycji
Są to ordynarne prowokacje
Spreparowane z określonych pozycji.

Przez rozmaitych wyciepków i niedonosków
Przy umyślnym zachwianiu proporcji,
Więc zastrzegamy sobie prawo wyciągnięcia ostatecznych wniosków
I zastosowania retorsji

Oraz opublikowania prac na ten temat,
Które nasi naukowcy już przygotowują,
Zwłaszcza że ptaków o kształcie kota w ogóle nie ma.
I jaj w gniazdach nie wysiadują.

Natomiast, faktycznie, w ogrodzie Jana Dreptaka
Przy ulicy imienia Bohaterskich Mężów Brydżit Bardo,
Zjawił się kot o kształcie ptaka,
I zażądał dwóch jajek na twardo,

Tak więc kot ptaszkokształtny
Nie zaś kotokształtny ptak,
Co zaświadcza weterynarz Józef Pikantny,
I zootechnik Alojzy Kłak,

Oraz farmaceuta Zdzisław Ciemieniucha,
A tamtą wiadomość, która nam ubliża
Wyssaliście z własnego, brudnego palucha!
- Społeczeństwo,
i Senat

A. Waligórski
6 Apr 2011
Language / How to say 'mean' in Polish? [22]

before i can accept it, i have to undertsand it.

Just try to reverse the order. You need to accumulate some material first and then you'll start to understand how it works. Your approach could work for learning English - which at the beginner level is more like a set of Lego blocks - but it's not good for Polish.

If you don't understand the way something works, just try to memorize it. It'll come into place later.
6 Apr 2011
Language / How to say 'mean' in Polish? [22]

Absolutely nothing. I couldn't even remotely guess the meaning. Sorry. They're just strings of unconnected words.

On second thought, "znaczyć do mów" in speech could be understood as "znaczyć domów" - slightly incorrect for "to mark up houses".

Chaza. Don't fight the way the language works. Just try to accept it.
6 Apr 2011
Language / How to say 'mean' in Polish? [22]

when i have asked my polish cousin, 'co do znaczy słowo' = what does the word mean' i was wrong then?

this was correct (without do - co znaczy słowo...)
notice that "słowo" is not a person.

You've been given examples of correct expressios, just try to memorize them.
6 Apr 2011
Language / How to say 'mean' in Polish? [22]

so i can only use znaczy, using znaczałem for example is not allowed.


what does oznacza mean.

oznacza is similar in meaning to znaczy, but it can also mean "to mark" - oznaczać trasę = to mark up the route

if i wanted to say, i mean , you mean, iwould have to use on znaczy, ty znaczy. is that correct.

no personal pronouns here. To znaczy (it means). It's a fixed phrase, don't treat is as a verb in this context.

also when i use the word czy i understand that to mean do ,does, did, along with other words of course.

"Czy" is put at the beginning of a question which can be answered by yes/no. Therefore it replaces the English operators: do, does, did, will, have etc.
6 Apr 2011
Language / How to say 'mean' in Polish? [22]

am i not correct in sayiny, in your sentense you have said 'do you want to tell'.

you're correct, this is just a more natural way of expressing "I mean, you mean..." etc. in Polish. Alternatively, you may use "znaczyć" - czy to znaczy, że... (literally: does it mean that...)

But don't conjugate "znaczyć" - ja znaczę, ty znaczysz, on znaczy - the meaning is then completely different.
6 Apr 2011
Language / How to say 'mean' in Polish? [22]

do you mean to say
czy chcesz powiedzieć, że.../czy to znaczy, że
did he mean to say
czy on chciał powiedzieć, że.../czy to znaczy, że...
I mean to say
chcę powiedzieć, że...
what he meant to say was
on chciał powiedzieć, że...

or a more universal phrase: chodzi o to, że...
6 Apr 2011
Travel / Pics of Warsaw by the Guardian's David Levene [107]

I know now, why you are opposing me so hard

OMG Monia. First you took me for a foreigner with no idea of the Polish reality and now I'm a frustrated commuter from a provincial city, envious of the Warsaw glamour. Wonder what comes up next. No, I've never commuted to work in Warsaw or anywhere else for that matter, with the work I do I could live anywhere, even in Puszcza Białowieska. I like where I'm living, thank you very much. And glamour of any kind is not exactly my thing. But go on please, this is getting more and more interesting. Don't let me cramp your style.

I don't think you'll ever understand why some people might like these pictures more than a gazillionth shot of £azienki or Galeria Mokotów, and even - surprise, surprise - come to like the city shown on them, so I'll just link a song for you.
6 Apr 2011
Travel / Pics of Warsaw by the Guardian's David Levene [107]

I asked about young people not businessman

There are many young people in these pictures. For some mysterious reason, it seems you've got fixated on the picture of two elderly pensioners eating in a bar mleczny. They're probably not homeless, they're quite decent looking and anyway, most Polish pensioners can't afford anything more than a bar mleczny as far as eating out, you know it as well as I do. Not that there is anything wrong with bar mleczny - they're great institutions, much better than fastfood joints.

I live in this city and my idea of normal life differs from yours so immensely , but you know better I guess ( from books I suppose !)

I'm not sure why your idea of normal life should differ from mine so immensely and why you suppose that I know Warsaw (or normal life?) from books only.

Poor people live in your city aren`t they ? Whats so special about polish poor people , whats so unique about them ah?

Yes they do. I don't know if there's anything special about Polish poor people, they're just as real as the richer ones. And I live in Lublin, which is generally looked down upon and regarded as Polska B, so I suppose there are more poor people in my city than in yours. But I still fail to get what all this has to do with the quality of the pictures.
5 Apr 2011
Travel / Pics of Warsaw by the Guardian's David Levene [107]

Monia, I think you're barking at a wrong tree, this is not a tourist folder nor a City Hall presentation, it's an effort to touch the spirit hidden beneath your "districts of office buildings" and "hundreds of new subdivisions". These you can find everywhere, in any city around the world. What he's trying to show is unique to this specific place.

Whenever I'm in Warsaw I see lots of those old communist era buildings and plain people in the streets, just like in these pictures. The businessmen are probably too busy with their businesses to be seen. Plus, they all look the same, so what's the point of shooting them?
5 Apr 2011
Travel / Pics of Warsaw by the Guardian's David Levene [107]

Nice work, and I wouldn't call it amateurish, no way.
I like what he's doing with the light, especially the picture of the stadium and another one, number 21, with the tram tracks - they get a nice graphic quality.

I also like it that he didn't choose a sunny day to shoot and make things brighter. He's got the right light for the season and the place, you see the sky is overcast and feel the cool fresh early-spring air, that's how it gets then, Poland is not a Mediterranean country after all and for me the light is one of the basic things shaping the feeling of any place. He's just got it right.

And the building in Próżna is simply fantastic, it's like a close-up of a very very old person.
4 Apr 2011
Food / 'Shortening' is used for baking and stuff [14]

yeah, it probably worked differently, just as it is the case with baking powder and other kinds of flour.

I used to bake bread and I like reading baking blogs but there are always problems with transferring recipes to/from the UK and US, and it works (or rather doesn't work) both ways - just try to get mąka krupczatka out of Poland... Proper pie crust is just one of those things, takes a lot of experimenting.
4 Apr 2011
Food / 'Shortening' is used for baking and stuff [14]

even if it's called self-rising - it's not

where did you find self-rising flour in Poland? I thought we just don't have it (not that I miss it ;)