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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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27 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles working in Manchester, England - request for facts [34]

Everything Tef said,plus, dont leave the locals out.
A photo reportage hagiography of good 'ard working Poles doing the jobs the locals wont do(yeah,wot ever...) will do zero for community cohesion IMHO.
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

English class system is alive and well. The Norman hierarchy keeps the anglo/saxon/celtic well divided.

The first part of that is utter tosh, the second sentance however carries a nugget of truth, 1 fifth of Briton still owned by the descendents of Norman Robber barons, a huge swafe still held by "The Church" and a similar size held by the Saxe Coberg Gothas........

Why hasn't anyone pointed out in percentages more Poles are in employment than British. Huh. Why???

Why should anyone point out the bleedin obvious?(if it is and you can back that with facts)

And which nutcase brought ww2 into this? Isthatu, Wasthatu? ;)

fek all to do with me mate :) That was seanus' leap of "logic"....:)

Shankill(part of yer nation, after all)

You finally see sense.... ;)
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

I work for the NHS and there wouldn't be one without all the foreign workers!

Easily countered by the point made on QT the other week. Train more Britons. But why spend money on training people when you can rob the third world and now eastern europe of its nurses?
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / The Slavic Tax Thieves Stealing from the UK [29]

Pass mate, I try not to think about it, being gutted at the price does not fill my tank up........10 years ago when I first started driving £30.oo would fill my tank....now £30.oo gets me just over 200 miles.......and Americans think they have it bad ;)
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

And don`t forget, we saved yuor ass in 1920 too.
How many Soviet battleships did your Navy sink? (Ok, TBH 100% correct we sank a heavy cruiser..) SEE LINK;

British forces denied the Bolsheviks the ability to move by sea, RN guns bombarded the Bolsheviks on land in support of Estonian and Latvian troops and provided supplies.

ON the night of 4 December, the cruiser HMS Cassandra struck a mine while on patrol duties north of Liepāja, and sank with the loss of 11 men of her crew.

On 26 December, British warships captured the Bolshevik destroyers Avtroil and Spartak[4] which at the time were shelling the port of Tallinn. Both units were presented to the Estonian Provisional Government and, as Lennuk and Vambola, formed the nucleus of the Estonian Navy. Forty Bolshevik prisoners of war were executed by the Estonian government on Naissaar in February 1919 despite British protests.[5] The new Commissar of the Baltic Fleet-Fedor Raskolnikov-was captured onboard Spartak. He was exchanged on 27 May 1919 for 17 British officers captured by the Soviets and later appointed Commissar of the Caspian Flotilla by Trotsky.[6] In the Baltic, Raskolnikov was replaced by Nikolai Kuzmin.

In April 1919, Latvian President Kārlis Ulmanis was forced to seek refuge on board the Saratov under the protection of British ships.

Once and for all. Poland was not the only one fighting the Communists.....grand scheme of things you guys saved poland from communism (for a few years) but if the Reds had got much further they would have been stopped by Europes armies. I think Poles often forget that every one else in Europe had actually been fighting a real,big war for four years, which is odd as Poland was one of the main battlegrounds and supplied soldiers to just about any and every nation :)

Just a friendly reminder, there is a link for this available here;

cut & paste with no link. it can only mean one thing. bin.

Don't forget the 100 word limit with cut & paste.
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / The Slavic Tax Thieves Stealing from the UK [29]

Quite, after all, in the UK there is no such thing as a non Tax payer..................60% of what I spend to fill my car up is Tax......
25 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / The Slavic Tax Thieves Stealing from the UK [29]

Tax Dodging, nah, me neither.
maybe the odd bit of cash in hand building work etc ,but thats a good sign of integration with local customs and working practices :)
25 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / The Slavic Tax Thieves Stealing from the UK [29]

Shortly after WW1, a newly free Poland stood up against the might of the emerging Soviets. During the early-mid 1930's a huge upheavel in Poland was caused by some middle ranking staff officers. In the early 1950s ,after Stalins death, the pressure on Poland eased slightly but still,untill the 1980s Poland was subservient to the Soviet Union.

Now in the 21st century its rather pathetic for people to take dole charity for some percieved failing somewhere between the mid 30s and mid 50s, especially so when anyone with experience of Poland know fine well that charity is a far worse swear word than any kurwa thrown around in the street, or is that just giving thats a no no, recieving is honorable is it?

EDIT after reading seanus' post above,posted as i was writting the above ;

Poles can often circumvent loopholes

LMFAO....I swear I hadnt read this when I posted :)
Some Polish must have rubbed off on me ;)
25 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

hardly a big number you know -

Oh boy.....Id love to read the reactions if 22 milion pounds of Polish Tax money was going to the UK to give to 26 thousand English children........I think we all know how that thread would go :)

Some have told me straight that they have no qualms about milking the British cow

sshhhh, you aint supposed to tell *everyone* that ;)
25 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

Those benefits are payback for Britain's WWII negligence

stop talking trash Crow.............. that is one of the funniest posts on here...some 20 year old Agata who cant keep her legs shut gets child benefit becaus of yalta......get a grip.
25 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

Its brutal logic, but,its logical :)

British Dole for British non Workers!

Why do they 'intergrate' with Pam and not hudson...

maybe for the same reason that I "intergrated" with Polkas not Polaks in my times in Poland......;)
25 Oct 2011

I just wish the Poles wouldn't say sponsoring when they mean a discreet form of prostitution.

Explains the odd looks when I talk about sponsoring a small boy in Northern Thailand.......
25 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

"...and standing around on street corners smoking loudly..................."

sorry, ,why does that 5 year old post of,was it "micheal" always come to mind?
25 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

Yep, sentiment common for those without that a bit of paper, thats is not about the paper is about academical way of thinking,thats my point

Oh,bless, you claim an "academical way of thinking"......why dont you ever show this then?
You actually have no idea of the amount of "bits of paper" I have in my name and what letters I am entitled to put after it if I felt poncey.....all I said is I didnt attend university for a degree course :)

Go on, tell me you have a masters in sociology.........I think they give those away in happy meals in PL ;) (and everywhere else TBH ;) ).
25 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Ireland for the Irish.

Shouldnt that read " Ireland, Britain,Canada,Australia,New Zealand,USA,Spain,Holland .....(oh,you get the point) for the Irish?
25 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Now.....If that was absolutly 100% going to work as a solution I would personnaly give a lift home to Poland for 4 Polish people..........
But it wouldnt ,so, I say if they are here and in it with us lets be in it together rather than fracturing into petty tribes of worker versus worker.
25 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

I understand you are British and you have life experience and you can read but all that cannot suffice as equivalent of univ degree.

lmfao...you have a worthless bit of paper to prove that your educational establishment wanted to keep its scale of norms to a good comradly level.......bless.

You still tend to talk absolute gash.

Lets see what you are really saying: You Poles are unscrupulous garbing bastards, which is perfectly understandable because you are Eastern Europeans.Pretty sentiment given that you claim to like Poles, well who Am I to judge whats tingle your fancy :).

Not at all, your education has let you down once more in the comprehension dept'. I wrote perfectly clearly that when it is part of the psyche of a nation to take advantage of a state they feel no loyalty too then of course they are going grab as much as they can. Sort of like the yanks in the 1760s :)

Got nothing to do with where you are in the world beyond the fact that your location happens to have fallen under the soviets.....

Well, since we are talking history, you have forgotten to mention that you started your international career as pirates and invaders :)

Actually, wrong again, these Islands were exporting clergy and monks all round europe invigorating the power of the western Church while you guys were still worshipping four faced tree's :)

The whole Pirate thing came later,and we were damn good at it,play to your strengths I say :)
25 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

I don't know about numbers

No, you dont know much about anything do you? doesnt stop you always being right and people actually experiencing it being wrong, ffs, you are like a woman....

See, I knew it. First error - Soviet's Poland wasn't our own state.

That was my point, *you* see no problem in taking what ever you can from any state because of your history,perfectly understandable and with the disenfranchisment felt by many britons these days with our own state a situation we are learning to copy ;)
24 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

Whats about Brits did they behave perfectly too?

er,yes you blind pilock.....there were NO riots around here...as made perfectly clear in the post you quoted from...get a grip.

Hard to say really

Easy to say really....unlike your country we dont have a history of parasitical behaviour towards our own state.....we never had the mind set of take what you can...........as unlike you lot we were not being propped up by communism and fake non jobs etc....so now, with hundreds of thousands of parasites descending on britain from all corners its starting to get slightly tiresome.
24 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish Migration to the UK - A moderate speaks! [41]

Not "their" fault most of the time though, especially on the south coast Ive heard its down to the local authorities in the cities selling off housing or upping rents and then dispersing the people to B and B land. Where they get trapped in a circle of unemployment as anyone who has lived in a resort knows there are never enough year round jobs for just the locals anyway.
24 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

Surprised me too to be honest.
But, high number of shaven headed tyskie quaffing young Polish lads living in crappy areas of London, sorta to be expected.
I have to happily report that our 10-15 thousand Poles behaved perfectly during the riots....OK, we didnt have any riots here,but.... :)

edit, to clarify, that was 3rd in foreign born people arrested...the totals for non British people arrested is *only* 13 % of all arrested.
24 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

These are your people and your problems

These are YOUR people but OUR problem,edit .
The Poles in london only came behind the jamaicans and somalians when it comes to numbers arrested during the london riots so take your self righteous pity party and fook off.
23 Oct 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

:-) He must have had a practical mind, converting a communist symbol to a religious one: Maria degli Engeli.

haha, I got the basic religious message with Mary but hadnt realised it was even more cunning than that.
For all us protestants,what does "Maria degli Engeli" mean ?
Its a few years since I took the photo,but if I remember right it looked to have been worn down after it was in place ( i suppose that would be a no brainer as it would never have got past the foremen) and looks to have been done a while ago,so, could it have been in the 80s? I seem to remember photos of big demonstrations around there.....if so,more subtle than giving Churchill a mohican :)
23 Oct 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

lols, easy for Poles I grant you :)
But, what made me laugh was the fact that the local who took me there hadnt noticed that part of the X in Marx had been rubbed out to leave it as, MARY ENGELS LENIN :)
23 Oct 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

My turn;
ps,look closely at what is written. ;)

  • where?