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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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5 May 2010
Life / What's wrong with you, Polish people - is it an inferiority complex? [120]

I think it's a little insincere for a foreigner to ask a Pole how behind they think they are in terms of development considering the stifling effect of communism. If I were a Pole, I'd be mightily annoyed at that question.

Some foreigners, esp Brits, seem to forget that communism was imposed rather than chosen. The Poles have many sharp cookies and they just need outlets to express/show their talents.
4 May 2010
Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her [620]

I can't stand that, there's nothing worse. Playing the morality card whilst doing otherwise. Actions speak louder than words and I sympathise/empathise with you. Touch wood, my wife hasn't and won't go down that path but we never know in life. I trust her not to and trust shouldn't be blind :) Good luck!!
2 May 2010
Travel / Is September good for going to Poland? [15]

That's when I went in 2004. It isn't the best time but I enjoyed it as it was getting a bit cold and I always saw Poland as more of a cold country. It's the thrill of being there for the first time. That applies to any new place :)
2 May 2010
Law / Student Visa NON-EU Student (an entry-visa for a Nigerian citizen) [70]

Who has ever heard of a Polish-German-Nigerian? A Polish guy who speaks no Polish? Sth is amiss there. Sb who thinks Nigeria is rich ;) Don't you know that the West will abscond with your oil wealth? You don't have a ruthless leader to take everything from the people so we do it for you.

Poland doesn't need these workers as there are plenty of unemployed people as it stands. Also, they don't speak Polish so what's the point?
2 May 2010
Law / Student Visa NON-EU Student (an entry-visa for a Nigerian citizen) [70]

Yeah, they are the worst scammers in the world too. I saved a guy here from a huge trap involving a rather convincingly written letter that had a slip that I spotted. We don't that kind of nonsense here, Poland is trying to move forward but has mohair berets of its own to contend with.
2 May 2010
Life / Wearing "strange" things for poles and consequences, is it true? [44]

True but there are many more such types in Scotland and the UK in general (no deflection intended). Poland has its 'dresiarze' culture but I see more potential for violence than actually perpetrated crimes and have had this impression throughout my whole stay here. They may talk about hitting out but I have never worried about my personal safety here, unlike back home where there are plenty psychos.
2 May 2010
News / Poland -- good place for child-rearing [8]

I would most definitely come down on the good side. I just hope that religion isn't drummed into them so that they can make choices for themselves. The 'sticker society' is anachronistic and needs to be replaced by a more rounded approach to why they believe in certain things. Morality tends to be for choice here but it can be overly stiff. More tolerance and Poland would be a highly desirable location for raising kids.
2 May 2010
Life / Wearing "strange" things for poles and consequences, is it true? [44]

It's just about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'd be far more worried about wearing the wrong colours than wearing earrings. I've never worn them in Poland but I did in Scotland and nobody batted an eyelid (they were in my left ear :)). You are dark-skinned and that's how you are, Poles usually don't react too much. They are quite indifferent unless given a cause.
2 May 2010
Law / Student Visa NON-EU Student (an entry-visa for a Nigerian citizen) [70]

Agugu, they won't be after the oil companies secure more contracts and give nothing to Nigeria. This is the unfortunate reality and why Westerners are despised by many there. My friend needed an armed escort around the clock due to the level of animosity there.
2 May 2010
News / Poland -- good place for child-rearing [8]

I hope there was no 'Freddy Mercury style' undercurrent here ;) ;) A good finger for rearing a child? That's just rude!!!

Mods, please change it to 'place', thanks!

Stats are just that, numbers! They are often collated haphazardly but I feel that they may be quite accurate here. Children here tend to be sharper but I hope that their parents still have the time for them given their busy lives.

Pol3, your last stat made me laugh. Do you really think they are going to declare that? You can't even begin to get close to a representative stat of those that haven't had sex under 15. Just think about it for a moment!
2 May 2010
Love / Are Polish men romantic and caring or... "plain"? [85]

I do know of some types here that could easily be romantic. The kind that could be quiet and look into their partners eyes over a candlelit dinner. The kind that could enjoy a soppy movie with his missus.

However, I think that there is a lot of battling going on. Many Poles are romantic in the sense of having hazy ideals more than being physically intimate and close. It just depends, though. You have to get at their heart.
1 May 2010
News / Poland could emerge as new European and world power. If? [116]

Drac90, you are free entertainment, thanks! Just don't meet Leo Zagami, he would split his sides laughing and maybe die ;)

Which brand of matches do you buy anyway? We used to have those messages at the back of Bluebell matches in Scotland. I loved reading them when I was 6 or 7 :)
30 Apr 2010
News / Poland could emerge as new European and world power. If? [116]

Drac90, what garbage is that? You didn't fight off Germanisation or Russification at all. They were fought off for you. The Germans were defeated, thanks largely to Britain, the Soviets and America. The Soviets were pacified after that. I think you have an image of Popes running towards enemy soldiers and casting spells on them. Best stay off the acid!
30 Apr 2010
News / Poland could emerge as new European and world power. If? [116]

Leo Zagami would agree with you and he is a 33rd-level Mason. He did a major interview with Project Camelot and he knows the inherent corruption there. There is another guy online who exposes them, Greg Szumanski or sth like that. The Vatican is one of those shady institutions hellbent on power.
30 Apr 2010
History / Should visitors to Auschwitz pay an entrance fee? [82]

It cannot be left to go bad, that's for sure. People travel far and wide to see life's treasures and historical sites. I didn't begrudge any of my payments in Japan as I appreciated their value. I still think that it should be an EU matter.
30 Apr 2010
News / Poland could emerge as new European and world power. If? [116]

1) It's about opportunism, Crow. Word has it that Tusk has signed a deal for Patriot missiles, safe in the knowledge that Russia is absorbed in creating cordial ties by token gestures like releasing Katyń documentation and collaborating with the Smolensk investigation.

2) Ukraine and Russia have a new understanding with the Sevastopol extension to 2042. Besides, the new Ukrainian PM is an unknown element and Ukraine is 50/50 right down the middle on the deal to get new gas for cheaper. There is hardly a readily ascertainable 'Ukrainian position', Crow. They are divided!

3) Such fine balances don't come easy. Those countries know that Poland has old ties with Serbia and it's a matter of extent.

4) Poland's economy will grow as it will grow. It has some catching up to do but that process in motion won't disturb Germany.

5) Nobody would begrudge them doing that after 10/04, Crow.

6) Poland has had a solid trade relation with China for a long time, Crowie. There is compatibility in supply/demand and many others are going down the same road.

7) The Vatican is a mainstay. Poles worship it but so long as they don't see the behind-the-scenes machinations of it, all well and good.

8) Poland is open to offers I'm sure

9) Oh well, if Pudzianowski whoops Yusuke Kawaguchi next week, I doubt it ;0 ;) I lived in Japan and can safely say that they have a healthy respect for Poland and Poles. I think the respect is mutual amongst educated Poles. India and Brazil, there is potential.

10) God Bless Poland and good luck to its future aspirations!
30 Apr 2010
History / Should visitors to Auschwitz pay an entrance fee? [82]

It is one thing knowing what it was all about, it's another to feel the severity/magnitude of it. I would pay the entrance fee for the simple reason that there is minimal distortion of the truth. I listened in on a tour guide giving her account and it moves away from the inherent bias of some authors that are in it for book sales :(
30 Apr 2010
History / Should visitors to Auschwitz pay an entrance fee? [82]

I agree, M-G. Those with a conscious should follow the verstehen approach and try to put themselves in the shoes of those that were there. There is little worse than the anger at being the victim of a miscarriage of justice. Injustice bites hard!

Let us never accept guilty by association. Stronger minds will always rise above that and God Bless them!
30 Apr 2010
History / Should visitors to Auschwitz pay an entrance fee? [82]

Absolutely right! By making regular contributions, we reinforce our commitment! We have seen multiple breaches of the Genocide Convention since its inception in 1948 and we can ill afford more. We, the people, can vote with out feet and make a stand, regardless of what our inept governments do.