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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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10 May 2010
News / Jarosław Kaczyński sharing his words with Russians! [57]

Fair point, many were slow off the blocks in America and the press bombarded people into believing that it was OBL, the bearded wonder. Thanks to folks like Seymour Hersh, that started to change. I meant that many experienced servicemen and women lent their expertise to the 911 Truth Movement and 'dug' deep too.

You can hardly compare the death of 3,000 people with the death of a President and senior government officials. In magnitude terms, many more died in America but I mean in terms of international relations and sheer seniority of people. Where are the black box transcripts?? ;) ;) You were promised them on 22/04 and gówno macie :( Rzepa is a turnip indeed, LOL

If it reeks and people have access to the Net, where is the cogent storyline showing the conspiracy to be the right tack?

Yeah but they work under certain constraints and you know that as well as I do. The shackles are on them and they won't divulge the whole contents of those black boxes, just edited choice cuts. Just look at how quickly Tusk embraced Russia and how Putin physically embraced him. A job well done??
10 May 2010
News / Jarosław Kaczyński sharing his words with Russians! [57]

That was an unfair comment, Sok. There are many top service and ex-service people in the US that have dug very deep on the 9/11 issue. Republican patriots I might add. You of all people should understand the dynamic of the Press as I seem to recall that you work in that area. The days of complete and largely unfettered freedoms are behind us. The Press and pressure groups have provided disincentives to speaking too openly. In Poland, you can say more without any axes hanging over your head.

Many have covered most of the angles already, it's all out there so what further digging do you mean?
10 May 2010
News / Jarosław Kaczyński sharing his words with Russians! [57]

I wouldn't be surprised, that's for sure. Just today on a Polish portal, there were experts saying that it is highly improbable that the pilot made a mistake. Also, the black boxes have been decrypted so where are the transcripts? This is authority having a laugh with the public again.

JK has every right to comment as it was his twin brother that regrettably perished. However, others have jumped forward and are looking for some favour or other.
10 May 2010
Genealogy / Are Poles aware of Thracian aspect in original roots of Polish ethos? [69]

I meant ethnicity on a broader scale. They are Europe's equivalent of Japan, very self-obsessed people when it comes to introspective looks at themselves. Just like Japanese don't identify with their Asian ethnic kin, Poles prefer to look away most of the time and focus on their own.

If Poland was an island like Britain, it would never abandon the policy of splendid isolation ;) ;)
10 May 2010
News / Jarosław Kaczyński sharing his words with Russians! [57]

JK is doing his part by towing the line of hope and for closer cooperation but I think he sees that Tusk and Komorowski are using this as a platform from which to jump. You can be rest assured that JK still has a healthy amount of cynicism in him and that he will be monitoring developments. I can't imagine him being too chuffed that Putin is at the helm of the investigation. They played the card of 'utmost earnesty' in appointing Putin but it is not on a secure legal footing. There needs to be a more independent guy fulfilling that role.
10 May 2010
Genealogy / Are Poles aware of Thracian aspect in original roots of Polish ethos? [69]

I was watching a recent video of fighting between Albanians and Macedonians. Albanians claim to be Ilyrians and that they have a right to most of the Balkans. Serbians no doubt grew tired of this but the Serbs have problems of their own now.

Most Poles aren't into ethnicity, Crow.
10 May 2010
Love / Are Polish men romantic and caring or... "plain"? [85]

Exactly, tell it like it is, Justy :) Some of the people here think 3000PLN gross is a good salary. Romantic? Maybe some but it tends to be two people walking, both looking in opposite directions, joined only by their hands ;)
9 May 2010
Life / what is GG chat please? [17]

I'm with WB on this one, it's not pointless. It's a quick way of getting a message across. I use it from time to time.
9 May 2010
News / Jarosław Kaczyński sharing his words with Russians! [57]

Good to see that he has taken that position! A positive to emerge from a tragedy! However, I hope he isn't doing it out of a sense of capturing the populist sentiment. I don't think he did but it's a marked departure from his previous tone. Having said that, it augurs well for the future.
9 May 2010
News / 1945-2010 Poles will march on Red square [66]

LOL! I meant at the political level, yes. Tusk and Komorowski think they are onto sth good, I hope they are not merely misguided. Working with Russia is a nice idea but Poland must think practically and not romantically.
8 May 2010

A little less defensiveness and the jokes wouldn't be so funny. Many Poles are all so quick to laugh at others (I tell Scottish jokes) but they can't take it back. They just can't let the joke slide and tail off, they have to take the point up and defend it, even though it was a JOKE.
7 May 2010

If you are comfortable with the truth, you will not let the views of one poster take you from it :)
7 May 2010

Jola, please have some respect for PD and Wrocław. They are pro-Polish in quite a few ways and have shown plentiful neutrality in the past. I see what balatun is trying here and it's just an opinion, people are too quick to knock him. Although I disagree with what he is saying, I do so by stating it and not by launching into an attack on him. I see some really good posters here like MW and SHT being defensive. Don't be that way, let the strength of your posts do the talking and prove him wrong rather than attacking.
7 May 2010
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

Divided people are easier to govern, that's the point. When you have little or no immigration and most citizens are in their own country, you can have a sovereign group govern them. However, the EU hawks don't want that of course. They want to bring everyone under one umbrella and gradually extend that concept to encompass America etc.

Immigration concerns are going to be swept aside as local MPs cannot realistically do anything to combat it.
7 May 2010
Life / Poland = Broken country? [17]

Broken? Hardly! Poland has been making inroads in many areas for the last while. The death of their President brought them together in a big way. There are areas that need addressing but, slowly but surely, they will be.
7 May 2010
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

MP's want this kind of thing to happen. By having a huge mix of people in different countries, there is a growing need for effective governance of them and that's what the globalists want. They will play the card of collective governance. We will see more and more capitalism interspersed with communistic aspects in the coming years.
6 May 2010
Off-Topic / I need Polish nationals. Who wants to be a millionaire? [54]

And what more productive work do you do now, welshie? Does your current job really make you happier? If so, why weren't you doing it before?

Posters, please stick to the topic.
Thank you.

6 May 2010
Off-Topic / I need Polish nationals. Who wants to be a millionaire? [54]

I'd much rather be a teacher than a joker of a businessman. Those people deserve to be spat on for the scum that they are. You go with what you feel you were made to do. If you wanna scam people, go right ahead!

Teachers tend not to play the risk game.
6 May 2010
Off-Topic / I need Polish nationals. Who wants to be a millionaire? [54]

Many in the UK are testament to that, Seanny. The get-rich-quickers, if I could coin that term, are so short term in their thinking. They blow most of what they get away anyway, they haven't quite grasped the concepts of life expectancy and continuity of life yet. Ah well, let them see for themselves.
6 May 2010
Off-Topic / I need Polish nationals. Who wants to be a millionaire? [54]

Business people are full of bull. WB, think twice before you label teaching for those who can't. We very much can and we don't need to resort to scamming. Those get-rich-quick schemes are classically British and don't fool Poles.