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Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
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From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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13 May 2010
Life / Is grumbling a Polish attribute? [24]

I was told that it dates back to communist times that if you pay for sth, it must be the highest quality regardless of what you paid for it. In that case, grumbling is inevitable. In teaching, I tend not to encounter grumbling but there is always a git who is dissatisfied with sth or other. When I confront them on it, they say that everything is ok and that they don't need my help. In some classes, I just sit and look off into space as some just ignore my corrections anyway.

Old people are definitely the worst. I thought Scottish old biddies were bad but some of the old crokes here are abominable. To me, they are not worthy of being called Pan or Pani. Those titles are earned where I come from and I'm not into being nice to those that don't merit it.

Oh yes, grumble over ;) ;)
13 May 2010
Life / Is grumbling a Polish attribute? [24]

The Scots are quite good at it. However, we tend not to follow the under-the-breath mutterings of complaint and the 'do widzenia' to say 'you served me terribly'. Simply put, there is a spark missing in many people here.

Having said that, there are many not like that. There are quite a few with get up and go that don't moan. That's what makes the moaners even worse.
12 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

That's why I said 'socialist' Labour, Amathyst. New Labour was always on the cards.

That's why I said 'ideal' communism, Amy. 'Czy się stoi, czy się leży, dwa tysiące się należy', Amathyst. It worked effectively in that way but the top guys would always wangle the system and go against its ethos.

The self-made person hardly existed. Shafting the system was the way.
12 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

Amathyst, different people believe different things. The New World is moving towards quasi-communism with rampant capitalism, a strange mix.

If you are to look at the 'ideal' system of equality, communism, then we can see how the same applies as in capitalism. The nature of humanity makes us strive for more than others. Look at Animal Farm, so much truth there. There were so many greedy bast*ards in communism. Look at how 'socialist' Labour fared. It's all a joke!
12 May 2010
Food / To find veal scalops in Kraków ? [8]

It gives a whole new meaning to 'beating the meat' ;) ;)

Veal scallops :) :) I'd love some right about now.
12 May 2010
Life / Is grumbling a Polish attribute? [24]

Humble? Some are and some aren't. I wouldn't say so generally.

Tinkerers? Yes, that's more correct.

Prepared for what? That's a platitude.

And very pie-in-the-sky too sometimes :( ;)
11 May 2010
History / Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles. [78]

I wouldn't be so quick to attack MW, Torq. You might turn out to be right but he likely has a defence. Being an anti-Semite is really deeper than just labelling.

Anyway, this entry should have taken place a long time ago. Also, Jews attacking Poles is just an extension of the plan to introduce guilt amongst European nations. They really need to understand the times before they start their attacks.
11 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

Well, that's part of it, Marek. It really is more multi-layered than people see. Just think of how senior business people react and behave on a micro scale. I remember babysitting and the CEO of a company coming back drunk and throwing any old note at me. I was a teenager but agreed on a general rate. It was just paper to him. I felt it to be a power thing and told him that I wasn't there to be bought. We don't need a big brother approach, we need people to learn lessons for themselves.
11 May 2010
Food / To find veal scalops in Kraków ? [8]

Good luck with that! There should be a place as even here in Gliwice you can buy good veal. Tasty stuff, you have given me an appetite now.
11 May 2010
History / Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles. [78]

It's all a bit late for changes, isn't it? Better late than never almost always applies but I'd be prepared to make an exception in this case. We all (should) regret the genocide, any genocide, but humanity's selfishness rules the day. While they are at it, how about compensation for the families that were killed in Katyń? ;0 ;)

please, don't take this off topic
11 May 2010
History / Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles. [78]

No no no, we don't want the Polish equivalent of the IDF here ;) ;)

What bored and opportunistic morons live in the world today. Start doing sth constructive, rather than amending sth around 70 years old. Go and tackle poverty, give to charity, whatever, just stop bringing up old wounds.
11 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

FUZZY has a good point again here. There shouldn't be a penalty through a bailout issue for those states which progress well like Germany. Why should they take it on the chin? Why not Austria? That's where Hitler was from ;) ;) ;)
11 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

It's almost the hundred year anniversary of the Federal Reserve. These cretins have been involved in dirty deals for most of that time. Obama still kept Bernanke in, surely that says sth.
10 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

Great point, FUZZY. Germany will grow tired of dipping into its coffers to bail out weaker states. Bulgaria is also doing some funny things with EU funds and Poland apparently didn't devote a sum allocated to sorting out its roads. I think the only thing that unites us is collective drunkeness ;)
10 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

How about China cashing in on all its bonds and divesting America, now that you are on the topic of fragility? ;) ;) They were even nice enough to ship back the steel you sent over for meltdown, you even got a warship to rub in the faces of New Yorkers. Talk about deals, ROTFL.

Company debentures tend to be on a much smaller scale than those treasury bonds.
10 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

It was said about Obama that he was pulling money from a dark and hidden place, I guess I don't need to spell out where. His spending came at an inopportune moment as America was straight off the back of the downward spiral process into staggering national debt.

The thing is, you don't see the inner workings of the budgetary machine. It is a mystery, even to prominent economists.

Well, PP, if you knew the approach that Thatcher engendered then you will understand why. She wrangled with Norman Lamont over the issue. Britain was never a very willing partner in terms of going along with European initiatives, not least the EURO. It changed under Blair but British sovereignty through symbols like the pound sterling don't disappear overnight.
10 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

Well, America had all sorts of problems too with Greenspan and Bernanke pulling the strings. The Fed is a corrupt bunch of private sods. Subprime mortgages, no thanks! Those people have no shame!
10 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

To me, the whole notion of credit is wide open to abuse. People grab a credit card and are offered all the perks under the sun and think they can buy a Ferrari. Debt is a pernicious disease that, unfortunately, will only become more pervasive in the future. I will never be indebted to anyone as long as I can help it.

Oh, I fear that Britain has lost out too. I was just disputing the extent based on dubious and conflicting figures. There are so many drains on our economy. Job creation for British workers who would keep the money in Britain would be a start but it goes much deeper than that. The War on Terror is a joke! The NHS, well, I have to say that spending MUST be high as Bevan saw it that way. From cradle to grave means extensive costs, there's no way round it. My Dad would be in a better position to comment having worked in the health profession for 29 years and also having lived in Britain continuously for his whole life.
10 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

Well, my talking about it isn't going to solve anything. Let those cretinous mishandlers deal with it and let them also be more cautious with international bankers who are plunging us into an ever deeper crisis. Me, I'll drift off to this beautiful song, ... Enya with Only Time :)

Rescue package, LOL, what a joke!
10 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

You haven't stated any proportions yet, PP. Much money is taken out of the British economy anyway in different ways. Still, we couldn't top the feat of clown Bush who single-handedly plunged the US into unprecedented national debt. More than most of the other Presidents combined I believe. Alistair Darling seems to have a better handle on where money goes than Rummy :)
10 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

Companies need money, funnily enough. We do have volunteer organisations too :)

If you weren't already aware, PP, Britain has operated under boom&bust for many years now so platitudes are just platitudes. We don't need trillion dollar rescue packages.
10 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

At least we have a more accountable Treasury. We didn't let people like Dov Zakheim make off with 2.3 trillion dollars. McCain grilled Rummy on that one. The War in NI was a real one, PP, not a bogus farce to make arms companies money. It wasn't about outright hegemony or geopolitical domination either. Oil neither. You get the picture?
10 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

What beloved British isles? Well, when they have been financing your frickin bogus War on Terror, what do you expect? What a wool puller that has been! Let them fall and leave the bailouts out of it. Stabilise the EURO, who really cares about it??

Poland is well above those pathetic games. RIP Skrzypczyk!

I can see I am discussing this issue with non-economists. Help them grow, RIIIIIIIIIIGHT. They need a course on money management first, amongst other things.
10 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

The Greeks have always had a penchant for high living. Still, don't believe that this is purely down to spending, PP, far from it. Do you believe that Icelandic people are spendthrifts too? They can't be given their prices. Prudent people know that money doesn't grow on trees though I'm working on a way to do that ;)
10 May 2010
News / Jarosław Kaczyński sharing his words with Russians! [57]

How do we obviously differ? I am merely saying that we shouldn't overlook the examination of evidence, far from it. This conspiracy label is absurd as Dave Von Klondyke said. I prefer to scrutinise the evidence based on source and on a broad-based sweep.

If you are familiar with res noviter veniens ad notitiam then you will know where I am coming from. It translates as 'matters coming to light' and we need to learn the lesson of 9/11. Screeds of stuff came out, the credibility of which was left to our discerning eyes and minds.

I disagree, delph. The official report is handpicked stuff anyway, we saw that from the Omission Report of 9/11. I, for one, have left the issue mostly alone as I have no faith in authority to put out what really happened. They can issue copies of the black boxes all they wish, I won't be too concerned with them.