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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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15 May 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

Paulina, what does sex mean to you as a Polish woman? What's your general impression, is it a hedonistic nuisance or a meaningful experience?
15 May 2010
Love / My recent experience with a Polish girl. [231]

Remember where you come from, that's a golden tip. Some Polish girls can be colder than an ice block and they will freeze you in no time. If you are from sensitive stock, start saying your prayers as they'll eat you alive. You don't matter, they do ;)
15 May 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

Oh, I fully agree, Paulina. That is why I feel that they cheat themselves more. If my wife cheated on me then I wouldn't be overly angry as she would have cheated herself and blackened her own conscience. Maybe she could live with that, I don't know. I could never cheat, it's not in my blood. Besides, no offence, many Polish women are just not compatible with me. I don't find their 'jibe' alluring and there is no real connection. It's not a language thing, that's for sure.
15 May 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

In general, what I have gathered is that more Poles go out to dance and have a good time than to get laid. That is more of a British thing. Polish women tend to put themselves at the centre of things by ingratiating themselves in one way or another. Their ego tends to take center stage and then they are off and running. Sex is on their terms ;)
15 May 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

Spot on, southern. I concur wholeheartedly. With this opinion, you show your insight. Some of the most ungrateful people I've ever met are from here.
15 May 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

And that neatly gets me to the point. You can't just be impulsive here. You try it on and they blow you off (in the wrong way) ;) They are so happy to deny you and I've seen it with different Polish women.
15 May 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

Paulina, the truth hurts :) There needs to be more circumspection generally.

Shawny, true. It's the latter that fox me.

Sex is just gratification for some and I don't go in for that.
15 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

This is where I go against Mladic. He was responsible for the killing of many innocent men and boys. However, let's not forget that it was Dutch boys that loaded them up, aiding and abetting the Serbs. Morrignon had guaranteed the safety of the Muslims. What a joke! Karadzic was in Srebrenica and Vlasica etc. He was furious at the brutality of Oric etc. The Serbs wanted revenge!

I hope that Scotland becomes independent as we won't need bailouts. We have ample oil&gas and also have 30% of European tidal power. Tourism too. Those Greeks have been stung by the Euro.
15 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

OK, I'm not going to turn this into a discussion on Serbia. Just be aware when the first Srebrenica was.

Rescue sounds so noble. Time to change that term :)
15 May 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

Shawny, you would think but......

Paulina, she reads PF so I'd better not say ;) ;)

Davey, never tried that but I love tips :)
14 May 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

Not entirely true. Many Scots are avid clubbers. Anyway, this is about sex. They seem to like a good rogering like any other but the moods are always just around the corner.
14 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

M-G, you have a strange stance on Serbia. Sometimes you see their plight, other times you criticism them outright. You don't seem to see the full picture.

As for bailouts, let them slide. Stepping in is becoming fashionable and that just ain't right.
14 May 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

When the wine is flowing, it sure as hell ain't me ;) She's asleep anyway, she has a 12-hr day ahead of her.

I've conditioned myself to take it or leave it. Wine and music will always hold precedence, always :)
14 May 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

Paulina, yes I am. It's very much a work in progress ;)

Shawny, plenty wine, yes. Thanks :)

Sex dear? Who dear? Me dear? No dear :)
14 May 2010
Life / Is grumbling a Polish attribute? [24]

Well, Scots are mighty impressive too. We really give it some in public places. It's, frankly speaking, a laugh. The Poles are still ahead tho :)
14 May 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

They are even worse? Niemożliwe! They are prissy little tarts who could use a swift hoof up the arse. I can't stand whimsical and vain little princesses.
14 May 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

Good point, KP. Vain, moody and ignorant. They possess those qualities in abundance. Valiant and heartfelt Celts they are not! Give me a passionate Celtic woman anyday.
14 May 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

Very selfish, when they want it only. If you don't oblige, they mutter expletives at you. Some of the most self-centred women I have ever met.
14 May 2010
Life / Is grumbling a Polish attribute? [24]

It's fashionable to grumble here. Some have turned it into an art form. Some advice, get over yourselves and wake up!
13 May 2010

I'm glad that it hasn't gone back to the world wars, that's a bonus :) People have got their own issues in life without worrying too much about what people from other countries think.
13 May 2010

Probably true, Wrocław. The ex-commie connection going strong ;) ;)

BB, I should have put wink marks there, sorry. The truth is, I don't know what the majority of Germans think so I wheeled out a stereotype for good measure :) I liked Berlin a lot and felt great in Germany.

Truth be told, I don't think other Europeans think too much about Poles. Only the UK as there are so many there. Otherwise, 'out of sight, out of mind' applies.
13 May 2010

Nah, Italians and Poles are close enough due to the prevalent ski culture. Having said that, I remember a story from my 15-year old student from a few years back. He told me that a couple of Italian shopkeepers refused to speak to him in English. They persisted in speaking Italian and it drove him nuts as his English was top drawer.

There will always be specific instances of foolishness.
13 May 2010

In Germany, there tends to be the perception that Poles are inferior. Then again, the Germans see almost anyone else in that way.

I think many Brits have no problems with Poles. It's just the swamping effect that sours the milk.

Poles are pretty well received across Europe.
13 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

How much more of this garbage can people take? How insincere of these fools to flash their cash when some clamber to make peanuts. Let others learn for themselves and stop the 'rescuing'.