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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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23 Sep 2012
Life / Typical for the Poloniandists [171]

Poland should be run

What should be is a pipe dream or wishful thinking. But everyone knows what is: that Poland is run by that beady-eyed conman known as tricky Don and his cohorts. Glib, slippery and slimey all the way! Notice his shifty glances and how he never looks anyone straight in the eyes. Typical of cooks and cheats.
23 Sep 2012
Food / Kasztelan niepasteryzowane is really fresh! [11]

In Ameirca you'd be surprised how many people quaff that swill! Some perfer Miller Lite -- same crapola.
It's probably got an extract content of 6-7%.
23 Sep 2012
Food / Kasztelan niepasteryzowane is really fresh! [11]

Had my first taste of Kasztelan niepasteryzowane and, like the adverts claim, it really is fresh and smooth tasting but also flavourful, not thin and watery like Bud Light. Price is nice too -- 2.29 zł. a bottle.

Also saw my first Skoda Citygo in the flesh (metal?). Cute little 5-door hatchie about the size of the Citroën C1 or Toyota Aygo.
23 Sep 2012
Life / The best English newspapers about Poland? [22]

Strictly FYI. Of course you knew the exact figures -- geniuses like you know everything, don't they. The rest of us poor peasants are not that fortunate!?
23 Sep 2012
Life / The best English newspapers about Poland? [22]

[Moved from]:

Poland's most popular weeklies

Newsweek.pl has provided data showing that the Catholic Niedziela was
Poland's biggest seelling weekly (132,000 circulation) which in July
eclipsed the PRL-rooted 'liberal' weekly Polityka (130,000).
Newsweek was trailing close behind with 129,000, and the newest entry,
conservative Uważam rze, was in fifth place with 128,000 copies.
23 Sep 2012
Food / can I find curd and sour cream in Poland? [24]

You can get rid of the off-taste by adding a generous dollop of dairy cultured sour cream to a gallon of pasteurised milk. Somehow the chemical additives neutralise each otehr. I have heard of people using dairy buttermilk for the same effect, but have never tried it.
23 Sep 2012
Life / Typical for the Poloniandists [171]

Grade A certifiable morons

Delph msut be a 'Grade A certifiable' intolerant and discrimnatory PC-ite, becuase he forgot about dziadzia (sometimes spelt jaja by non-Polish-speaking 3rd and 4th-generation Polonians) and cioci. As in cioci is making bigos, and dziadzia's car is in the garage.
22 Sep 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

I certainly do not deny Wałęsa his place in history. He happened to be at the right time and the right place. It was a close call. Had he jumped over the fence a bit later, who knows how things would have worked. But he was always too self-centred and self-conscious. A poltiican should be thick-skinned, but the moment someone criticses him he becomes an enemy for life. Too little flexibility for a politician.

BTW, have you watched 'Nocna zmiana'? It must be on the net somewhere. No one episode has polarised and poisoned the Polish poltical scene more.
22 Sep 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

I see you don't have too good a grasp of recent Polish hstiory. Wałęsa is hardlly the epitome of forgiveness. On the contrary he personifies pettiness, self-interest and bearing grudges and has never forgiven those ho disagreed with him including his former Solidarity comrades Andrzej Gwiazda, the late Anna Walentynowicz, the Wyszkowski chap, the Kaczyńskis and all the others who did not support his June1992 parliamentary coup (check out the docuemntary 'Nocna zmiana'.). It was that one act that has polarised Poland's political stage to this day, wasting untold time, effort, money and energy on petty feuding.
22 Sep 2012
Law / Fags going up 60 groszy [13]


bull tobaccer

Bull tobaccer here means Bull DUrham -- dry tobacco flakes for rolling ciggies in a smally pull-string canvas bag (cowboys kept it in theiri left-hand shirt pocket with the string tab (something like the teabag strign) hanging out. Dunno how they coild roll 'em omn horseback in the slightest breeze, as the dry flaky backy would blow away. Even in a room it was hard as hell to roll one. The stringier Bugler and Target are preferable anytime.
21 Sep 2012
Life / Poland and every aspect..... Please help me learn and understand the realities? [108]

I believe Mieszko was above all a warrior prince who probably did without such niceties as court scribes. Before accepting Christianity , the various Lechitic tribes were regarded by Christian nations as barbarians. The time difference between when Poland and other countries adotped Chrstianity was a sgnificant determinant of prevailing practices and norms. Poland in its turn Christianised Lithuania a couple centuries later.
21 Sep 2012
Life / Poland and every aspect..... Please help me learn and understand the realities? [108]

I found this in my files for what it's worth:

The oldest surviving record of early Poland was penned by Ibrahim ibn Jakub, a Sephardic Jew in the diplomatic service of the Muslim Caliphate of Cordoba (Spain). He visited the Poland of Mieszko I in the 10th century and wrote: ‘The land of Mesko (Mieszko) is the most expansive of the Slavic countries. It abounds in food, meat, honey and arable land. The taxes Mesko collects go to pay his army. He has got 3,000 armored warriors whom he supplies with clothing, horses, arms and everything they need.. When one of them father a son, the offspring receives army pay from the moment of birth. When he grows up, he (Mieszko) marries him off and gives the girl’s father a wedding gift.
21 Sep 2012
Law / Fags going up 60 groszy [13]

Bit confused! Is it £31 for a carton of 5 packets. In Poland and US therre are two 20-count packets per carton.
If in the UK it is 5, then ciggies in the UK would be just over twice what they are in Poland. Is that right?
21 Sep 2012
Law / Fags going up 60 groszy [13]

Most American don't give a hoot in a rain barrel about Poland -- er, um, uh...aint't that the place with those nice windmills and tulips and things?! That's what the more educated Yanks say.
21 Sep 2012
Law / Fags going up 60 groszy [13]

Treasury Ministry has announced iIncreased excise tax on cigarettes from 1st January. It expects to enrich state coffers by an addiitonal 359 million zotys (about $112 million) next year. A packet of 20 cigarettes will be about 60 groszy dearer.

I see fags in Poland at from 10.50 to 11.50 zł. What are they in the UK?
20 Sep 2012
News / New constitution In Poland? [57]

The Senate has legislative intiative but should use it mroe often.. It should not rubber stamp Sejm laws (that's becuase the Senate is PO dominated) but serve as a correcting instituion and a check on too powerful a Sejm. It is needed to avoid what Piłsduski called Sejmokracja -- parliamentary domination of public affairs. Anyone know the details of the 1935 Constitution?

Maybe that model with the additon of a popularly elected president might be the answer for today's Poland?
20 Sep 2012
News / IPN apologises to Adam Michnik [15]

Soviet-style hsitory created 'progressive' and 'reactionary' kings and nobles. Bolesław the Bold was idolised because he had St Stanislaus murdered. Are any of Helena Michnik's books available online?
20 Sep 2012
News / New constitution In Poland? [57]

Having closely observed the Polish political stage since the collapse of communism, my own prescription for reform would be:
-- Cut back the Sejm to 150 deputies (huge savingns of time and money)
-- Limit the Senate to 50 members for (huge savings of time and money)
-- Slightly incresase the powers of the president, more legislative initiative, slightly mroe than now but far less than France or US
-- Synchronise state and local elections and have identical terms of office for all -- 4 or 5 years (huge savings of time and money).
-- Eliminate the second round of voting - the top vote-getter wins. An exception might be when 2 candidates are only 2 points apart, then a playoff is scheduled a fortnight later (huge savings of time and money).

BTW, I am amongst those who feel the indirect US Electoral College system sucks! And I oppose widespread gun ownership. Even the 'land of the free and home of the brave' can make mistakes!
19 Sep 2012
Food / The great British teabag hunt thread [66]

Merged: Esencja tea is best

Do you like those drippy, messy teabags? Some call 'herbata marki rozmokła bibuła'!
The best tea is not the British teapot but the Polish/Slavic little teapot. In it one places some tea leaves, drenches them with boiling water and allows them to steep. Then you add a bit of the esencja to your glass or teacups (beakers are crude!) and top up with boiling water. That way everybody can get the potency desired with nt druppy bags. The teapot can stand out on the kitchen coutner for up to 2 days.
19 Sep 2012
Life / Poland and every aspect..... Please help me learn and understand the realities? [108]

Durng wars, the prime task of most people is sheer survival. That being the case, it's amazing that Poland was the only occupied country to create an offfical Jew-saving organisation Żegota, even though only there did such activity mean death for the aider and his entire family.

I wonder how keen you'd be to put your life on the line to conceal, feed or otherwise assist such a victim?
But there were war-time Poles that did, and that's why Poland boasts more Yad Vashem heroes than any other country.
19 Sep 2012
Life / Poland and every aspect..... Please help me learn and understand the realities? [108]

Jan Tomasz Gross earned the deserved name of an untiring enemy of Poland and Poles (he'd feel right at home on PF!), a swindler and cheat. Few people know that many years ago the anti-Polish falsifications made by Gross began provoking strong ripostes of eminent Poles, especially those meritorious for building bridges between Poles and Jews.

The first person that saw through Gross was Stefan Korbonski, one of the commanders of the Polish Underground State (former Government Delegate at Home), who received the Righteous Among the Nations medal from the Yad Vashem in 1980. As early as in 1981 Korbonski branded very severely Gross's various lies on the pages of 'Zeszyty Historyczne' [Historical Journals] (issue 59), connected with 'Kultura' in Paris. Korbonski focused his polemic on Gross's accusation of the whole Polish nation of anti-Semitism and indifference

19 Sep 2012
Life / Poland and every aspect..... Please help me learn and understand the realities? [108]

Ever talk to Davies? He didn't receive tenure because he tried to present a balanced picture of Polish affairs, rather than one slanted in favour of the one and only 'chosen people'. And where he was they aad a lot of say in things. Gross is not a graduate historian, he's got his degree in sociology. All in all, he is one Gross mistake!

In many US academic circles reminding people that one-half of the some 6 million Polish citizesn killed in WW2 were Christians is a 'scietnifc flaw'. Equating the crimes of Hitler with those of Stalin is another no-no. Actually Stalin produced a higher body count, except he was impartial -- he killed Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Jews, Georgians, Armenians, whoever.
18 Sep 2012
Law / Retail chain pricing in Poland? [10]

I didn't carry out an in-depth search like you did. Just Googled their website and it was't readily apparent who owned it and where it was based. But it wasn'tthat important to me -- just an off-hand comment. Do you know whose (actual names) capital (or at least the controlling stake) is behind it -- Brits, oil sheiks, Chinamen?
17 Sep 2012
Food / What Polish hangover cures and preventives do you use? [5]

What Polish hangover cures and preventives do you use?
What floored me when an uncle in Poland said he would drink a glass of oil before going to a wedding and then could drinkl all night with no ill effects. Never tried it myself - what about you?

Another was is to just eat a lot while drinking which extends your staying power.
As for the morning after, Polish imbibers I have been in touch with have recommended:
--zsiadłe mleko
--serwatka (whey) from home-m,ade cheese
-- brined-cucumber juice straight or half-na-pół with carbonated mineral water
-- fizzy mineral water straight of with lemon juice
-- Polish 'Alka-Seltzer' - 1 teaspoon baking soda and 1 teaspoon vinegar in a glass of cold water
-- cold beer
-- klin klinem (a hair from the tail of the dog that bit you).
17 Sep 2012
Law / Retail chain pricing in Poland? [10]

Yes, it's a franchise type arrnagemetn owned by a shadowy Mid Europe Partners whsoe home base is unknown but they've got offices in Poland, England, Turkey and elsewhere.
17 Sep 2012
Life / Polish Hiphop priest, Father Jakub Bartczak, releases video [9]

OK, so what is your suggestion on how to reach them? Telling them that it's OK to smoke pot, badmouth their parents, shoplift (the big chains are insured after all!), vandalise property, smoke, drink, play truant and experience early sexual initiation?