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Joined: 23 Jul 2017 / Female ♀
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 31 Jul 2021
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2076 / In This Archive: 938
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes

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24 Jan 2018
News / Arrests made in Poland for Hitler birthday celebrations [35]

Why don't you just stop? Poles suffered because of Nazis, both Polish Jews and ethnic Poles. Millions of fatal victims, millions of forced labourers, 200000 kidnapped Polish children, robbed museums and galleries, ruined cities and the list goes on.

Whoever praises hitler is a j***
24 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

For of goodness sake, I was being sarcastic.

The Battle of Monte Cassino was extremely difficult and cost lives of thousands. Every little helped. And it wasn't only the Brits. It was an allied forces who fought the battle and many other battles. And whether somebody likes it or not, no matter how well trained or disciplined British soldiers were, they didn't fight the Axis by themselves. Have some decency.

No matter what nationality a soldier fighting the Nazis was, they were on the same side. Their blood was equally red.
24 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

Or perhaps it's you who are brainwashed by your history lessons. Poles fought all by themselves against two totalitarian countries.
How many British soldiers fought in Poland?

In your case, it was the Allied countries - was it only the British who fought and died in the battle of Britain? No, you got actual help. I don't know about other countries, but Poles had to pay with gold to fight for Britain.

You mentioned Monte Casino, sure, you Brits would have got to the top all by themselves with breaks for tea ... I bet thousands of soldiers from other countries just got into your way.

As I said before, Britain was one of few countries who helped Poland but why don't you get of your high imperialistic British horse and admit it wasn't as glorious and helpful as you want us to believe.

Yours sincerely,
loser Pole

Send my love to other loser Poles you know and preach your beliefs-I'm sure you have the balls to say it out loud, too. Not only remaining amonymous on an Internet forum.
23 Jan 2018
Genealogy / Why did(do) Poles sometimes have German first names? [28]

Andreas is the Latin version of Andrzej and the church records in Galicia were kept in Latin. That doesn't explain Wilhelm or William, though. However, it might have been used as an Anglicised version of a name like Władysław similarly to Stella and Stanisława - just a guess, though.

Or they were actually of German/Austrian origin.
22 Jan 2018
History / Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles. [78]

There is such a statue.

If that is really Harry, well he claimed his grandpa's brother had suffered from the Red Army so ...
-it's not Harry
-he lied
- he told the truth but doesn't care

Whoever it is, they're trolling in the most awful way especially if it's directed at somebody whose family suffered from the Soviets. Don't let that (cough) upset you.
21 Jan 2018
Genealogy / Advice on tracing Prussian ancestors - Stettin area [10]

I don't think the siblings or the date of the parents' marriage were put in birth records. At least not the ones I have seen.

Try contacting the state archives in Szczecin.
21 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

It's just me not being a native speaker.
There were few things Britain did for Poland if you want to correct my prepositions.
I'm not going to be like those British bullies here who spread nothing but hatred.
21 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

Actually some British people here do make Britain look bad.
Luckily, not all of them.
Britain was among those few countries that did something to Poland. But no matter how some try to present their 'truth', certain things are not as perfect as they want to believe.

Now go ahead, bullies, try to belittle and patronise me. I don't care ;)
19 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

That is a fact -25 pilots. Now where is the controversy? ;)

I still can't wait for that quote as I'm really impressed TPV remembers what's written on page 299 of Anders' s book. How about page 225?

They may call Poles idiots all along but that no matter how they want me to believe it, it's easy to see he has no idea what's in that book and that he must have found that page number googling for arguments. I have come across it, too.

Playing with the facts again ;)
19 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

A quote from the book will do if you can't adjust the size ;)
I hope you can do it, can't you? After all, you were able to quote the Times here.

By the way, I'm slightly confused here ... what about that part of the quote about other Polish soldiers and sailors?

Thanks in advance!
18 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

@Taxpaying voter
Oh, you say so? Then it must be true!

No need to confirm your claims with any sources! Who would do that?

If you ever write a book about it, send me a copy! I need to learn more from you -about WW2 and other things, too.

Are you, by any chance, the author of the book about Anders?
18 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

As I may be wrong and I have no copy of the book in question - not to mention I can't remember if TPV posted the title, the author or the year it was published (and I don't think all books about Anders contain the same information on page 299), I hope TPV will spend some of his valuable time and scan or take a photo of that page - with the right context provided.

As for Poles in the Wehrmacht, let me remind you - as you seem to have forgotten - I mentioned it was about those who had signed the Volksliste.

I'd be grateful if you could stop taking my words out of context. The same applies to ignoring things I said before. If that doesn't depend on your conscious choice, I'm sorry for your problems with memory and concentration.
17 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

Why don't you stop putting words in my mouth? If that's what happened to your grandfather's brother, I'm sorry. But if that happened to your family, why did you question the whole thing about the Red Army?

As I said in #731, and of course, you chose not to notice that, it was about regular soldiers. Like him. The Phoney War is a fixed historical term. Argue about it with history teachers.

Were all those thousands of British POWs captured before the German attack on France that marked the end of the Phoney War?

And wait a second ... you seem slightly hurt when Brits are underapprieciated. Hmmm, but talking crap about Poland is ok.

As for the Victory Parade, well, the Soviet backed communist government was invited not Poles who had fought under the British command. Have you studied political propaganda? You seem to be doing great at bending the truth to prove your point.

And the conditions under which Poles were conscripted into the Wehrmacht and those who were forced to do so are also well known. So stop lying again.
17 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

I have read about such people. I think it was Gustaw Herling-Grudzinski who mentioned people from Western Europe who had come to the USSR to experience communist ideas and ended up in gulags.

But judging from his opinion about the Red Army, I doubt he even knew about it.
17 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Kudos to you. Unlike TPV you had the balls not to ignore an uncomfortable thing about Britain. He just comes up with some new c**p all the time about Poland, yet ignores anything similar that is connected with Britain.

I guess opening a new part/department of an already existing museum might be a solution.
BTW, is there any place devoted to British Jews in the UK? And I'm asking out of curiosity, no mean intentions.
17 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

@Taxpaying voter
Yes, I'd love to name a liar here. It's you. #700 about tens of thousands of Poles who chose to join Nazi forces. (I saw it quoted here and had to find the original post) Poles in the Wehrmacht were those who had signed the Volksliste. If they hadn't, they would have ended dead or in a concentration camp. Like Wilhelm Brasse. There were also those Silesians, Kashuhians and Pomeranians who did it volunteerily. But for most it's a painful part of family history. That's why they deserted the Wehrmacht as soon as they could.

As for other lies, well you also mentioned your grandparents' generation in terms of WW2 experience with the Red Army. Have you answered my question about it yet? I have asked you twice about it. Or have you ignored it (something you have just accused me of). I admit I chose to ignore the four of you bragging about how fantastic Britain was during the war so I haven't read much of your yeah-we-were-so-fantastic debate here. If you have indeed answered that question, where will I find your answer?

There might be other things but I can't be bothered to read it all.
As for what Britain could have done to Poland, (I have just seen the question),well, as I said before it was the Phoney War. Period.

But they (not you personally) did more than other countries. Mostly regular soldiers. Not only from what is now Britain but from the empire like the South African RAF pilots.

There are, however, other bitter things worth mentioning, like the Victory Parade. And other things but I don't want to reach your level of accusing others of the worst only.

And really, why do you choose to live in such a terrible country? Full of narrow-minded people with a loser mentality. I understand some of you are even married to Polish women and have half-loser children. Tsk tsk tsk
16 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

Yet another thread where a group of British immigrants keep complaining and lying about the country they live in.
To sum up: they're fantastic and Polish people are idiots.
Now imagine living among idiots ... scary ...

As for Polesie 'signing up' for the Wehrmacht, Mr Kurski from PiS would love to hear a Brit has a similar attitude. ;)
15 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

@Taxpaying voter
I think it's real disgrace actually. Regardless of religion as not only Jewish tombstones were treated like this. But I can't take responsibility for those who allowed that. At the same time, you've got Polish students or scouts who tidy Jewish cementaries.
15 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

You don't find everything there.
Sometimes a stroll around the old part of towns gives you strong experience - the sukkahs, the traces of where mezuzahs used to be. Both rocks and candles on Jewish graves in November. Quite a few organisations commemorating Polish Jews - quite often run by gentiles.

What's the best museum to visit that commemorates British colonies; )
There's this statue of a British soldier attacked by a tiger at Victoria and Albert Museum, though ;)
15 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

What's my excuse for being interested in history? Wtf?
What facts about the American history did I get wrong?

I'm actually also interested in history of Polish Jews. What a pity there are no Jews here who could tell about Jewish customs and traditions.
14 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

What about my knowledge of the US? How often do I post about the US? The last time was about African and Native Americans and what I wrote was true. As a matter of fact, I read a lot about them in the past and I bet you'd be surprised how much I know. And it was you who had started the topic.

I also wrote about Roosevelt who refused to aid Poland after The Siege had been shown in America. And about how Americans reacted to Karski's report.

What else? And what didn't I get right?
As for your historical 'facts', well, let's start with your latest mistake concerning Bulgaria and WW2. Or when you wrote that Warsaw hadn't considerably suffered compared to some German cities.

As for your contribution to the forum, you don't know much if anything at all about the economy or everyday life here. You allegedly spent here several hours some twenty years ago. Yet you post here every day. Mainly about antisemitism (or 'if you want to go to Poland, learn some basic Polish' or 'terrible Polish accent').

You allegedly know Poles in the US. You're friends with a Janusz and his wife. Or whatever his name is. Are they antisemitic? Do you accuse them of antisemitism every time you meet?
14 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

I suspect one of the reasons he keeps writing about antisemitism is that he really wants to write something here but he doesn't really know much about Poland so it's one of the things he thinks he knows about.

His actual knowledge is another thing. ;)
14 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

So what if Jesus had survived?

You know what? I'll leave it to you two. You'll accuse Jews of killing Jesus, Lyzko will blame Catholics for hating Jews. You two are quite similar so you should enjoy it.

Thank goodness for mafketis or I might really think these are the American ways.