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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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28 Oct 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

I am actually learning Russian [don't ask]. It has many similarities. Some words are the same but mean something else, like Tak and No. The alphabet is okay once you learn it but the handwriting I am not bothering with for now, it is too difficult to read.
28 Oct 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

Well said Lenka

@ Delph

The Russians offered parliamentary stability? Yeah if you call having their guys in parliament 'parliamentary stability.'
8 Oct 2012
Law / Official statistics sites related to Poland? [3]

Thanks for that. You know even when you type in to a search for world statistics you get a lot of hits for US stats. They might there is not much on this planet other than the US, or if there is, it doesn't really count.
6 Oct 2012
Law / Official statistics sites related to Poland? [3]

Hi guys I often hear lots of statistics quoted or read them in books and newspapers. Are there any known statistical sites that you could point me to that have lots of statistics and research on various different topics?
5 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

Actually - it was a disaster for them. They were claiming 200,000 would show up - for only 50,000 to turn up despite the collective organisation of Radio Maryja, PiS and Solidarity shows that the movement is simply not a viable one in Polish politics. They're trying to put a brave face on it - but it shows how utterly impotent the march actually was.

And you got that figure from? Mainstream media? Gazeta Wyborcza? It is very difficult to know just how many turned up to an event like this. People who where there say there were a lot of people, some are saying over 100 000, not counting many others in side roads/paths.

and it is believed that it is due to their financing being dependent on viewer donations

What is funny is that if we do not know exactly why it was rejected then you can believe what you like but the true reasons seem not to be known. It would be better if Dworak explained exactly what the reason was, then perhaps people could sleep easy.

PiS did far, far worse during their time in power. For all that PO hasn't been able to do, we remember how PiS abused the State organs (the CBA, TVP, etc) for their own political goals.

Yeah you have used that argument every time I or someone else criticizes PO. You got a list of examples that outweighs all the crap PO has pulled?

There might be a handful, but the statistics speak for themselves - the educated vote PO/PSL/RP/SLD, the uneducated - PiS.

Do you have a link to the statistics? I would like to know who conducted this statistical research. Wonder if it was Gazeta Wyborcza.
4 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

I'll say this, whether there were over 50 000, 100 000, or 500 000, this demo has shown that Polish people are tired of the bull. I just watched TVP info's Bliżej [might be available on the internet in a few days for those who do not have TVP info] and can tell you that there were a lot of people there who were not watchers of TRWAM but still, when asked why they bothered to turn up, said they do not accept the idea that some channels are not given the same privileges as others. Some, not necessarily PiS voters either as they were young people who said they were not Kaczynski fans, said that if PiS had done 1/5 of what PO has done, the media was kill them, yet PO gets away with it. There were of course a lot of PiS supporters there too obviously. Many well educated people, professors and also a large amount of young people, so the 'PiS supporters are nothing but a bunch of village idiots and old babcias in mocherowe berety' stereotype is played out.

Great, we can look forward to Independence Day being hijacked yet again by a bunch of far right morons who think that they are true patriots while smashing up Warsaw.

If you saw the last march you might note that nothing was smashed up, it was done in a very orderly fashion. In fact it was done so well that even the PiS political opposition praised it [as far as organization goes]. Not only that but there were obviously no provokers sent in this time to draw out an aggressive reaction and start a fight. PO forgot?
30 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Do Polish guys like American girls? [103]

American is such a big place with so many women of so many different colors and creeds that for each fat corn fed texas big momma you'll get 2 or 3 seriously good looking females.
30 Sep 2012
Work / This student Polak has a job, at last. [9]

@ InWrocław

I do not pay for any of the extras agencies I sign up for. They are free and I they take the sum of your first paid extras gig as payment, then after that the money that you earn is yours, so at least you do not have to dig in to your own pocket to sign up and they have to get you a gig to make money. Sort of a no win no fee deal.
27 Sep 2012
Law / Acquiring Polish citizenship by naturalisation [40]

Exactly he's not Polish. He can live there and be integrated and well liked but he's not Polish. Poland is not Britain or the USA where you can have pretty much any ethnicity and be considered an American. I could go live in the USA for many years and integrate, I will never really be American, even if I marry an American girl and have children there.
27 Sep 2012
Work / This student Polak has a job, at last. [9]

You get paid over £100 a day at Lidl, is that what youre saying?

No you get paid that as an extra


Oh I know that I should be considering myself lucky as others have it worse but if you keep looking at it like that, you'll never make any progress, not matter how bad you have it you'll just think 'well someone else has it worse' and you'll accept it.
26 Sep 2012
Work / This student Polak has a job, at last. [9]

Nothing great, just working at Lidl. It took such a long time to be given the chance to work but at last I can earn a bit of money as I study. I got so desperate that I even signed up to some extras sites that need people in the background for various television programs and movies. They pay well, usually it is over 100 pounds for the day [ok so not that well] and you get your travel money back and free food and drink, it is just a very long day and quite boring, but at least you don't have to work your butt off. Anyway first day at Lidl today and I found out you get no discounts since the prices are 'supposedly so good' that you do not need them. Not only that if you work over time, no matter what time or what day, it is always the same wage, not time and a half like some places. Also I noticed how when you look at a contract at a place like this it is full of 'you can't do this' and 'you aren't entitled to that.' If I was a footballer or celebrity it would be like 'you are entitled to this' and 'you will get that, plus a free house and car etc.' Man being an average person is hard isn't it.
26 Sep 2012
Law / Acquiring Polish citizenship by naturalisation [40]

i'd like to be a polish.

I'm afraid unless you have got a Polish person somewhere in your ancestry that is not a logical possibility, but you can pretend to be by getting citizenship, or at least get the right to vote and stuff.
24 Sep 2012
Love / Chastity rings in Poland - bad news for 'dziwkarze' [42]

In some American circles it is said of easy girls that they've got 'peanut-butter legs' -- easy to spread.

Peanut butter is not that easy to spread. I consume it a lot. Ordinary butter, now that is easier.
16 Sep 2012
Love / Chastity rings in Poland - bad news for 'dziwkarze' [42]

I honestly see no problems with chastity rings. People wear football shirts, not just to play football or when going to matches, even just when out and about, I think this is tacky [and I like football] but if it makes them feel good or feel like true fans [even though you do not have to wear the shirt to be a true fan] then so be it. Why do people wear a rolex? Why do you need gold on a watch? Obviously it makes them feel better for whatever reason. At least a Chastity ring means something, you do not have to wear it but if you want to, just like wearing a cross, then so be it.
14 Sep 2012
Love / Chastity rings in Poland - bad news for 'dziwkarze' [42]

Want to please heaven? Go out tonight, get drunk and get some *****

Spoken like a true Englishman

Whether you, or anyone does or not, I classify it as private information that should remain private.

I agree. Not sure why there is this fashion in the modern world to talk about your love life in detail. Just do whatever and even if I do not agree with it, what I don't know won't hurt me, keep it to yourself you filthy filth bags!!!!

Our sole purpose on this earth is reproduction (having sex) to make as many babies ensuring that our genes will get passed on. This is so important that that is why sex gives us such euphoria....to keep doing.

You poor sap. So our sole purpose is to reproduce is it and we are genetically programmed to sleep around [by this intelligent being who is powerful enough to program us called nature, although it is not real, it is just a word used what we see around us]? So who cares how I live then, right? All that matters is reproduction right? All that matters is to produce more people so they can produce more people and so and so on until the world just explodes and then it's over. I could be a killer or do charity work in poor countries, whatever it doesn't matter. None of this makes any difference as long as I create as many people as I can? What about those people who fought for their countries and died? You know those people who had no time to go clubbing and just sleep around with various different partners because they were fighting for their countries? They did not fulfill their sole purpose? The club goers who sleep around do though, I am assuming. Oh but wait, they make sure that they do not reproduce when they enjoy themselves so they don't fulfill it either. What is the point of having families as well if we are just programmed to sleep around?

The difference is, those who sleep around tend not to force their lifestyle down the throats of those who do not share their opinions

Actually this way of life is promoted and advertised to young people. They might not say, you should live life this, but they might as well say, go and do this, it is completely normal, in the same way that a religious parent would tell their child to live in a particular way because it is normal.
14 Sep 2012
Love / Chastity rings in Poland - bad news for 'dziwkarze' [42]

This is just where people differ. You believe you only live once and sleeping around is normal and part of life and that life is all about just having fun before you die. Others think there is more to it than that. Hey if you're not religious and do not believe in only being with one partner [as you might not] then do what you like, this does not concern you. Let's just hope that when you are in your rocking chair at the age of 70 you don't suddenly find faith and regret your 'it feels good do it' life.
14 Sep 2012
Love / Chastity rings in Poland - bad news for 'dziwkarze' [42]

In fact since we are on this topic of sex being dirty or not being dirty. Ever find how if you put the word 'child' in front of it, suddenly it is awful, otherwise it is fine. If you mention a guy doing something involving whips and chains with a woman, it is okay, if he does the same with a child, it is horrific, but only temporarily, since when the child is older, she [in this example] will be allowed to engage in this type of twisted activity then. There is a wide belief that children must be protected from the evils of the world, at least until they are older. We do not care much about protecting adults from the evils of the old, and in some cases, we stop considering what is evil to children, to be evil to adults, it becomes normal.
14 Sep 2012
Love / Chastity rings in Poland - bad news for 'dziwkarze' [42]

Teenagers or even more so, children, are subjected to crap like this the most as they are the easiest targets, as you probably well know. It makes you angry as it is linked to Church [at least from the link you gave] and you feel the Church should not be making money on people. The problem is in most cases it is not the Church but people who go to the Church or a Church and convince them that this is a nice idea and would like to sell some of this there. I was at mass once when someone gave a talk about purity in marriage and generally about family issues. On the way out he was standing there with a table that had many copies of his book his recently wrote, that he was selling of course. I felt that was a odd, then again let's face it, this is life. I did not buy one myself but if people are so easily conned in to stuff like this then perhaps they deserve it? Children are another issue and sometimes when I see adds for toys during commercial breaks it annoys me. Anyway the same way you can buy a cross on your necklace, you can buy a purity ring. You pay money for both, as do you for a communion dress and so on. This is how life is.
14 Sep 2012
Love / Chastity rings in Poland - bad news for 'dziwkarze' [42]

@ delphiandomine

Anytime someone sells stuff you can say it is a marketing gimmick or that they just want to make money. I would rather see people making some money on 'moral' stuff than immoral stuff. Some stuff you have to buy, like food. If the cereal I buy is in a colourful, does it mean I fell for the marketing gimmick? Perhaps I just want some cereal and that one in the colourfull box is one that I like.
14 Sep 2012
Love / Chastity rings in Poland - bad news for 'dziwkarze' [42]

There's a good reason why many UK schools banned them.

But if you are going to buy jewellery anyway then you might as well buy this over others. If you don't wear jewellery of any sort then there is no need to buy this either. It is the same reason a lot of Africans wear a wrist band in the colours of their nation.
14 Sep 2012
Love / Chastity rings in Poland - bad news for 'dziwkarze' [42]

It is nice that people wear it and are proud of this. Normally it is mocked if you are a virgin so it makes a nice change. I personally would not feel the need to wear one but would be pleasantly surprised if I saw people with them on. It is also good for a guy or girl [if they hold this belief] to know that another person feels the same way, so they can go talk to them, rather than find out later on during a conversation, after the initial attraction that they have completely different views on the topic.
14 Sep 2012
News / Reports on gangs in Poland [21]

Funny that they get off free while the guy who made the site about Komorowski gets a harsh sentence, 1 year and 3 months of community service and possible imprisonment if he steps out of line in the next 5 years time.
14 Sep 2012
News / Characterizing Poland's political parties [33]

I realise that those who think solely in economic terms might label both PiS and SLD as leftist (welfare state). The above categories however reflect ideology more than economics.

This is why I am very pro PiS, their stance is something I completely agree with, economically to the left but ideology definitely right.
11 Sep 2012
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

Not sure it is wise to learn 2 very similar languages at the same time. It will get confusing and you will get muddled up, using Czech words in Polish and vice versa . Learn one, then once you know it enough of it you can use that to assist you with the other.
9 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

Nobody who has been through the English education system rights like the above.

What exactly is wrong with what I have written? You really are some kind of a brain-dead goofball aren't you. Check your own sentences first, before you rush to judge others.

1/ I don't care much for the vocabulary or grammar I use on an internet forum. My main aim is to make the post clear, understandable and get the point across.

2/ Even though that paragraph I wrote is not of the highest class academic quality, I see no glaring errors and no I doubt a person who was not educated in England [or some other nation that speaks the language] would be able to write like this.

There! dont you mean here?

Does it matter? They both quite obviously mean the same thing and only an idiot [I assume you are one] can not tell what I mean.
9 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

Polonius I do agree with you that a large part of the entertainment industry is toxic, particularly to young people. I just thought that when you said Hollywood you were referring only to Hollywood movies. I am aware that the lives of many people involved with films in Hollywood are far from highly moral. As for MTV and a large part of the music industry as well as certain television programs, I agree, they are bad influences for young people. I mean the amount of young guys who want to be hip hop artists or footballers now purely for the fame and money is staggering. Young aspiring/wannabe football players now chat to each other about how much money they might make if they sign for such and such a club. There are a couple of names in the Polish media industry who are also toxic to young people, in fact more than a couple, in the music industry in particular. As for the Hollywood film maker, I also remember a channel that received complaints once responding with 'they get high ratings and that is their main goal, not to satisfy audiences, but to get high ratings.' The channel does not care if programs they show are offensive, they are commercial channels, if it gets ratings and makes them money, it's in. At least with public television they have a duty the audience who [in most countries I think] pay a yearly fee for it so if they get a lot of complaints they have to do something about it. It is true that much of the stuff that is regurgitated, be it in music, in movies or television program, is done so because of people who are the audiences. If the people took a stand and stopped watching and giving money for concerts and other events etc, the industries would have to think of something better, but they don't need to, and that is very said.

Do not tell me you are living in the UK because you are afraid of the Polish Prime Minister

No I have always lived there.