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Posts by kondzior  

Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1027 / In This Archive: 671

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16 Feb 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

If I never visited Western Europe, I'd be unaware how poor I am. Going around as a turist, it is not enough. I have visited homes of my supposed equals, my business partners, and I felt like imposter. Begger in nice clothes.

When I first registered here, I needed to know how Westerners see Poles. And it helped me somewhat, I found out that I should not wear socks with sandals, when abroad. And stuff like that.

I almost forgot about Polish Forums. Now I sometimes read it, when I drink myself to sleep, trying to forget that I wasted my life, strugling to to get onto the level slightly above an unemployed from the western country.

I want communism back. Now, I have said it.
15 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Common pitfalls for Poles learning English [187]

Wroclaw, while stating that my spelling troubles ended, I have meat relatively speaking :) Example: I do hear the difference between "man" and "men", but I'm unable to faithfully reproduce any of these sounds.
15 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Common pitfalls for Poles learning English [187]

For the English spelling, I just had to accept that I have to lern both how to pronounce the word, and how to write it down, that these two cannot be figured out from each other. When I accepted that, my problems with spelling disappeared.

What I find really iritating, are the two past tenses. What person, in his right mind, needs two different past tenses? The past is the past. End of a disscusion. Yes, I know the theory. And I can, more or less, put it into use, when writing something. But while I talk, I can hardly stop mid-sentence, and ponder if that past happening, I just want to mention, has any influence on the presence, or maybe not.

Similarly, articles "the", "a"... I know the theory. But the very concept is alien to me, and I tend to play hit or miss with these.
13 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

Higher values, my toe. If he got any guts, he'd fought with the gun in his hands. Fighting for your country, by hiding in the shadows, and taking money from the people who would happily nuked your homeland, is like killing people in order to save them.
10 Feb 2012
Po polsku / ACTA, anti-ACTA - kto ma rację? [5]

Co to znaczy "sie ugial"? Czy Tusk ma byc czyms w rodzaju dyktatora?
Wydawalo mi sie, ze demokracja ma polegac na tym, aby politycy dzialali zgodnie z wola wyborcow. Pewnie, zwykle nie ma tak dobrze, ale taka jest teoria. Oskarzanie o slabosc bo wzial pod uwage wyborcow... Polonus, a moze liczyles na to ze Tusk sie uprze i jego rzad upadnie?
9 Feb 2012
Love / Living with a Polish man, but he has a drinking problem? [60]

Oh, comon, maybe he just got a stresfull job, or something. There is no better way of dealing with streses, then geting dead drunk. Not every day, to be sure, that would be like alcoholism. But twice in the week, it is about right.
5 Feb 2012
Life / Polish Film Industry-Popular Polish Movies [7]

Not so long ago, Polish film makers used to create the real movies, as "With Fire and Sword" or "Pan Tadeusz".

But since they discovered soup opera's formula, all they are producing are countless episodes of "telenovels". And, from time to time, a bland romantic comedy.
2 Feb 2012
History / Was the Polish/ Lithuanian commonwealth a European power? [111]

Commonwealth has been quite a powerfull entity.
However, our ancestors were never interested on meddling in other's nations affairs, the way today's "powers" do. (Russians may diagree, but it was just a group of private citizens, not a Commonwealth as such).

Commonwealth was mostly focused inwards.
2 Feb 2012
History / Would you classify the Poland's Communist years as a "Soviet occupation" ? [221]

Peeing problems aside, certain jobs flatly required party membership. Like being a teacher. Or any managerial position. And there where times, when it seemed that communisem will never be overthrown. So some people just tried to make a living around it. Higher ranking party members had no choice but going to Church in secrect, baptise children in different towns, then they lived in, and so on.

Communists, that really believed in it? Don't know. About 5%, I'd say.
31 Jan 2012
Law / If you lose your job in Poland is it easy to claim welfare? [36]

Come to think about it, every EU country should have exactly the same welfare system. Especially if they expect us to adopt euro currency.
After all, it would be nice to quit a job, for a year or two...
31 Jan 2012
Law / If you lose your job in Poland is it easy to claim welfare? [36]

Not sure about foreingners.
The walefare is about 500 zl/month. There is a catch, though. After 6 month, the walefare is canceled, no matter what.
Also, you need to have been employed for 12 month during the last one and half a year (or something like that) to get the walefare in the first place.
16 Oct 2011
Language / Kurwa? at end of every sentence [51]

I would not trust a person who isn't throwing a little "kurwa" once in a while. Such a person got to think very highly about themselvs. I believe Americans call such a personas "nerd".
16 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Feedback needed from Poles confused about English [12]

My favorite. Once I got confused when American person told me that she "slept on the train" For Pole, it sounds as if you have slept on the roof of the train. As in Poland, you can travel only inside of the train.
19 May 2011
Love / American marrying Polish woman in Poland - Church problems [79]

It can help if you are able to produce marriage certificate of your previous marriage. If it shows that it was not a Catholic ceremony, it shoud clear any obstacle.

A priest cannot conduct a ceremony for already married person. Regardles of money. It is too serious an issue. If his bishop would found out, he'd end up deep into the fecal matter. It would cost him more then you can possibly pay him.