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Posts by scottie1113  

Joined: 13 Mar 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2016
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 896 / In This Archive: 563
From: Gdansk, Poland
Speaks Polish?: learning
Interests: sailing, American football, cooking, reading, etc

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9 Apr 2010
Work / International House - Kracow school - any chances of being offered a job there [59]

If you want to teach in Poland, do your CELTA here. I did mine in Warsaw at Bell three years ago. It was a little more costly than IH, but still cheaper than what it would have cost me in the US, and I made some good contacts while I was there, including the person who gave me my present job. I have friends who did their CELTA at IH, and they all said good things about it. I don't know what the current state of affairs is.
9 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

peterweg is right. The US is terrible. As he so rightfully points out. the food is crap. There are no decent restaurants anywhere, there's no ethnic food available (well, maybe the one Mexican restaurant in Sacramento, which I've probably eaten in), and the supermarkets don't have an almost unlimited variety of fresh fruit and vegetables year round, not to mention the different cuts of meat that you can find everyday in, say, Poland. If you think otherwise, you're an idiot, just like the rest of the people there.

And he's right about the scenery. Dull, drab, boring. No Grand Canyon, no majestic coastlines, no mountains or forests like in Washington's Olympic Peninsula or in the Rockies. No Yosemite National Park, which people all over the world have said is one of the most beautiful places on earth. No Zion or Bryce in Utah. Nope, they're all fakes created by Hollywood, just like the moon landing in 1969.

It's true that the people are myopic idiots. All of them. There are no good universities in the US, whether public or private. No great world renowned medical centers like the Mayo Clinic. No Nobel Prize winners. Frankly, no culture either. No world famous writers-hell, nobody in the US knows how to write. It's just more Hollywood hype.

I really have no idea why people still live there, and I can't even come close to comprehending why so many people from all over the world want to go there. The place is a wasteland. Somalia's better.
30 Mar 2010
Travel / Visiting Sopot for a week in late May/start of June looking for restaurants/pubs [17]

Forget about taking a ferry to Hel. They won't be sailing when you're here, so you'll have to go by train.

In Soppt I highly recommend Bar Przystan at Wojska Polskiego 11. This restaurant serves good fish at very reasonable prices, and it's right on the beach. To get there walk down Monte Cassino toward the molo (pier) and just before you get there turn right, walk along the walkway for agout 1000 meters and you'll see it on the left.

Josef K, near the train station, is an excellent cafe.

In Gdansk visit Pikawa on ul.Piwna. Greta coffee, great pastry, nice decor, reasonable prices.

The best pub in Gdansk, if not in all Poland, is Absinthe in the Old Town. It's not a club or a disco, and sometimes the music gets a little loud after 22.00, but it's a magic place.

Pick up a copy of Gdansk in your pocket. Free at most better hotels. I get mine at Scandic (old Holiday Inn) across the street from Gdansk Glowny (main train station). It's got lots of good information about restaurants, pubs, cafes and things to do in Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia.

Sunbathing may or may not be an option when you're here. The weather in May can be unpredictable, and last year it was cool and it rained a lot. But if you go to Bar Przystan and it's a sunny day, you can eat lunch, have a beer if you're so inclined, and then step onto the beach. It's maybe 50m to the Baltic which is going to be a little cold when you're there.

Want more info? PM me. I live in Gdansk and like to help visitors when I can.
22 Mar 2010
Study / German v.s. Russian, language usefulness in Poland? [54]

If you're going to come to Poland, learn Polish. It's just that simple. Why would you expect to go to a country of 38,000,000 Polish speakers and hope to find someone who speaks German or Russian? That makes no sense to me.

No Polish classes in your neck of the woods? I'm not surprised, but unless you live far out in the boondocks (yep, I'm American) you must have access to a bookstore which either has or can order books to help you learn. Polish in 4 weeks is a start, although it's really weak in grammar, and unless you've studied Latin, the case system is going to be a real eye opener for you. And do a google search for online learning. BYKI, I think it's called, has some good basic pronunciation lessons.

All of these are better options than wasting your time learning German or Russian. In my area (Gdansk), German is more popular than Russian, , but my Polish friends don't like it because they say it sounds too harsh compared to either Polish or English. Russian, like Polish, is a Slavic language and there are more similarities, but there are fewer Russian speakers here than German.

And if you think you could speak either language in a shop, you're mistaken. Polish first, then English.

Learn Polish! It ain't easy but people here will love you for trying.
21 Mar 2010
Travel / What to do when it's raining in Gdansk [33]

I only got out of bad 30 minutes ago, straight in a taxi and down to Gdansk glowny.

Dang Harry, I missed you again. I was in Absinthe on Friday but not Saturday night.
21 Mar 2010
Travel / What to do when it's raining in Gdansk [33]

It's raining today, so I walked for an hour around the Old Town, then ducked into Absinthe for a beer. It's quiet on Sunday afternoon and the music is good, not loud. It's a good place to talk with friends or just think. Museums are always an option but I've seen them.
20 Mar 2010
Work / Are you teaching English in Poland? [120]

I was talking about institutions like International House and Bell etc.

Touch neither. They are parasites.

Why do you say that?
12 Mar 2010
Real Estate / Just by gauging the interest in this forum says all about property in PL [36]

True, unless to have to borrow money to do it. I meet twice a week with a senior bank officer and today he told me that several of his bank's commercial clients are having difficulty meeting pay roll because of the "crisis". They have property which they want to sell but they have no buyers because banks don't want to lend money. Do you see the irony here?
9 Mar 2010
Work / Teaching English in Krakow -- how to find students? [52]

Question for the english teachers around Poland. Does it make a difference if you are fluent in polish as well as teaching english

In a word, no. Polish is very rarely used in my classes and then only for specialized vocabulary. How do you explain "cod"? A fish that swims in the ocean? Use the Polish "dorsz" and you've got instant comprehension. In addition to my full time work at an accredited school (degree from a university in French plus CELTA) I've got plenty of private lessons, all from referrals. I don't advertise. They don't come to me because of my Polish.They come for English lessons. Period. And most of my students who come back to my school for the following year request me by name to teach them. It's not always possible because of scheduling, but it's nice to hear that.

Does speaking Polish help me in my teaching? Yes, without a doubt. When I read or hear a mistake in English I can explain to them not only HOW they should say it correctly in English, but WHY they made that mistake. You can see the "aha" light going on in their brains. It's satisfying for me to see it, and they really appreciate it.

On, not to nitpick, but there is a difference between polish and Polish. To the best of my knowledge, it's the only word in English that changes its pronunciation when capitalized.
8 Mar 2010
Real Estate / Just by gauging the interest in this forum says all about property in PL [36]

I live in a 50m flat in OD Town Gdansk. I have a photo of the building circa 1960. It's not a commie block and is still structurally very sound. I want to buy it, maybe after the summer, maybe a little later. I don't intend to buy it as an investment but as a place to live in for the rest of my life. Even if they're cheaper, new flats have no appeal to me because of their location and poor quality. Not for me, thanks.
5 Mar 2010

in the Gdansk area, I don’t see a dip in prices and trying to but a decent flat in a decent area is like looking for a needle in a hay stack. That’s the reality in Gdansk!

2 Mar 2010
Love / English girl moving to Poland with my Polish boyfriend for the first time [69]

Polish summers are generally long and hot

Not very long, really, and certainly not hot, although my British friends complain that it is. But I'm from California where 30-40C is common in summer. 30 is great for me while 40 just gets a little warm.

I've been living in Gdansk for 2 1/2 years and I love it here. Poland is VERY different than the US or the UK in so many ways, but if you take the "it is what it is" approach, learn some Polish, and make Polish friends, it's a great place to be.
2 Mar 2010
Law / "FART" shop in Poland - WHAT DOES THIS SHOP SELL? [55]

There's a fart shop near my school. It sells used clothing, among other things. Find a bargain, get lucky! And did you know there's a town in Germany named Fu**ing? True. Google it.
28 Feb 2010
Love / English girl moving to Poland with my Polish boyfriend for the first time [69]

BTW, Forfour44, please PLEASE tell me that you don't teach people to say "What is an ok wage." It is my pet hate extraordinaire and I don't know why so many Polish people say it- tell them to use "which" for definitions! PLEASE!

Amen to that. Poles say it because "co" translates roughly to "what". Czy masz wyszytko co potrzebujesz? comes out of their mouths in English as "do you have everything what you need?". It should be "that" or "which", depending on context.

I get this almost every day from my students, even in FCE or CAE classes. I certainly don't expect it from a native speaker and I don't think I'd heard it from one until I read it here. Let's hope that it was just an aberration.
28 Feb 2010
Work / Boyfriend going to Poland from the US to study may possibly live there [10]

Then he's the first person in history who goes from US to Poland to make money.

If he even gets a job, he ain't gonna make much. This is Poland, not Pittsburg. He must be out of his mind to think such a thing. What kind of work does he think he can find for such a short time? Not going to happen.

He's how old? Still in high school? Man, he's got a lot to learn about life, let alone life in Poland.

I don't mean to rain on your parade, but these are some seriously unreasonable expectations. Good luck.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish people in the UK using the English version of their name? [56]

Martha (pronuonced like Ma'fa - really awful IMHO) oldfashion?

Ma'fa? no way. I's pronounced exactly like it's spelled, at least in American English.

And Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz.

This is one of my favorites. Try to say it quickly! Do you know the legend behind this name from WWII?

Agnieszka is a pretty name (just as well considering how many of them are around).

Not to mention Malgorzata or Anna!
28 Feb 2010
Love / English girl moving to Poland with my Polish boyfriend for the first time [69]

That sounds like my definition of hell.

Mine too.

I don't know where you are but I'm in Gdańsk and 1zl/min is standard if you're willing to ask for it.

So am I, and I don't "ask" for it. That's what I charge, and get, although one student insisted on paying 70zl an hour three times a week. I didn't say no. My private students are all referrals and they know my rates before they contact me, but it takes a while to build this sort of thing up.

I love living here. I didn't come for the women or because my money goes farther here. I wanted the experience of living in Poland, and I enjoy every day here. Zycie jest dobre. Life is good.
28 Feb 2010
Work / Do private ESL schools in Poland operate year-round? [5]

Word, although my school landed a very large EU contract last summer and I worked more hours and made more zl than I did during the regular school year. But this is an exception. Summers are usually slim pickings.
28 Feb 2010
Travel / Clubs, bars and general night life in Poland [13]

Gdansk has a very active night life year round, as does Sopot, only 20 minutes away by SKM. If you come here, let me know and I'll give you the name of the best pub in Gdansk.
25 Feb 2010
Real Estate / Flat prices in Gdansk Old town? [21]

I am not sure if you ( scottie 1113) read in Polish, but here is a link to an interesting website.

Thanks. I can read Polish.
21 Feb 2010
Real Estate / Flat prices in Gdansk Old town? [21]

Where in NC? I lived in Jacksonville for 2 years a long time ago. I like NC even though my home in the US was San Diego.

Everyone's not seriuos, but I'm looking for answers to my wuestion, not humor. No offense meant.
21 Feb 2010
Polonia / POLISH People IN SPAIN ....... [12]

Thanks. I knew about Erasmus. There were a lot of foreign high school exchange students in the US staying with American families. Are there any similar programs for Polish students who want to go somewhere in Europe. I can't find any.
21 Feb 2010
Real Estate / Flat prices in Gdansk Old town? [21]

That was certainly a useful contribution to this thread. Thanks for sharing. Now does anyone have something to add?
20 Feb 2010
Real Estate / Flat prices in Gdansk Old town? [21]

Promesa5 was the one who quoted ridiculous prices without a source. I live in a 50m flat in Old Town. My landlady may sell it after the summer and she knows I want to buy it but she hasn't set price and terms yet. I jusy want to know an approximate ballpark figure for a fair price so we can begin talking. Thanks.