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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 1522 / In This Archive: 755
From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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27 Dec 2010
Love / I treat my Polish colleague like I would treat my older sister, Confused [9]

this is going to be a weird one..

Yeah ... usually people here come to ask ways to ask their Polish friend for marriage =D ...

But your'se is nice and honest. Dont worry. So where are you from EXACTLY ... ?

If she puts so much attention to you... maybe she is feeling something else while you something else?

Better to clarify to her about how you see her.
27 Dec 2010
Polonia / MOVING MY STUFF TO MOSCOW and a Harley motorcycle ...any ideas? [58]

How does Mrs Lodz like it?

She is very feminine and delicate. We had a very warm Christmas recently in which her Parents also came on our invitation for just a couple of days. But the entire week my family (sisters, nephew, niece, two closes cousins, brother in laws, an old uncle ... parents obviously) were present. All totally as Polish as one can get. Among them she was the only Korean with very "beginner' Polish :), and Korean-English (as the accent is always there). She was smiling most of the time, not a single complain ... my mother already likes her alot (and mom was the most skeptical about my marriage to her).

I asked her on how she feels ... and she replied about how she will give her best, and how she trusts me. I know my part of the responsibility too, and she ofcourse my highest priority now. But she is there to give it her best effort and knows how much I love my own place. She is adjusting very well, and my family already loves her and are great friends with her =).

I know...but their principles are the same as mine...

Its all good ... it was just a farewell wave =D ... as you have spent so much time among us in Poland =) ...

I hope you like Russia ...
27 Dec 2010
Polonia / MOVING MY STUFF TO MOSCOW and a Harley motorcycle ...any ideas? [58]

Though in that case it would be alright for you Lodz, cause you'd have a boat to carry things. ;P

I'm not going anywhere away from my city which everyone knows how much I love =) ...


Hey its all good but I were not talking about it ... it was something far more simpler and just about you, not your "pack!" ... but good luck in whatever you do.
27 Dec 2010
Polonia / MOVING MY STUFF TO MOSCOW and a Harley motorcycle ...any ideas? [58]

stuff i really need over there....

Cant you buy them there? I dont think Russia is that desolate =D ... he he

By the way my best wishes to you on starting a new life =). I know how it feels ... butterflies? =) ...

Specially going to a new place, new customs and cultures. You are a British right?

Remember, while you are there, praise God for what you have. Also, remember what you got and how you got it ... never look down on anyone due to their background, color, nativity or education or job or income ... anything. Remember that goodness is something that comes with the blessings and mercy of God, and it can come from anywhere - also go away if you show no respect to it and become nothing but selfish.

Every good thing in life is somehow interlinked, and every good thing lead to another ... and the cycle of life remains dynamic =).

No lectures ... just waving you a happy farewell to Russia! Take care.
24 Dec 2010
Love / Foreign Men and Polish Girls for Citizenship [59]

Another thread full of insecure haters ...

There are people of all kinds every place ... but hey! ... enjoy your stupidity.

Hope for some, Christmas bring some brain and some confidence.

Let the world glitter in love, warmth and joy ... some who are so far away from it - hope their heart gets to know what warmth actually means!
24 Dec 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

Gypies/Indian-looking women

I think Gypsies came from Egypt:


There is a good graphical things available in here.

In any condition, whats the difference. If they are not economically in good condition, then it is the failure of our governments because they are after all our people in our lands. This is the fact unless you are ... well ... obsessed with your color as many crazy ppl are.

there are no super women and super men.

I know ... it came from the fact how some of my friends treat their women ... specially a guy I know who still writes poems literally on his wife after years of marriage ... he is nuts about her. And isnt that a good thing? I think it is ... even after them having children, it looks good.

Thats where it came from ...

My dad loves my mom alot too ... and I would like to be just as loving to my wife. But its nice to see marriages doing better than the best one you got to read in a book!
24 Dec 2010
Love / Possibility of Marriage with a Polish lady [96]

Just tell her that you love her ... hold her hand and be honest to her. I dont think anything less than you getting married to her fairly soon. Its nothing out of the world, people here just analyze things abit too much trying to think from their perspective. I've known Polish women with Iranians aswell. They are with every nationality which comes to Poland. No reason for you to worry.

Plus if you have good strong moral values, you will meet a similar character yourself and that is a good thing isnt it?

Catholicism might come in between but its loosing its grip on people really ...

Just come in and dont think so much ... love has got no formula really, its unpredictable thing.
23 Dec 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

I have a problem with nobody! ... I've not been alot with Turks ... I didnt have them as friends and I dont know them that well. But I am sure they've got good ppl there...

Whats the thing with you identifying people with whom I allegedly have problems? ... I'd like to be in control of myself and not have any problem with people. Because humans are basically humans ...
23 Dec 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

what is your stance then?

My stance is to have good friendly relations on equal terms with the Germanics and the Americans. They are good economic forces with alot of good stuff we can share from them. Not everything ofcourse, but there are knowledge bases there, and very good scope for common cultural or economic/academic exchange. Again, of equal terms.

One paragraph you missed quoting:

What about those children who have a German parent, or an Indian or an Egyptian or an American or English parent? ... They are OUR CHILDREN, and their parents who live in Poland are also ours, because they are the spouse of our children - and no brave hearted man or leader or a caring leadership can do injustice there.

^^ that is important. We need to assure our children their rights and not become a facist nation which turns against its own children. No hearts of Polish men or women can be broken. Breaking a heart is like breaking the home of God! ...

There will be men and women of Slavic states who can ofcourse be in love with even a German! ... I myself dont think of this, but this is definitely not impossible, and ofcourse we cannot do anything about it (and neither should we). But our culture, economy and values should be so strong that this child should grow up as a proud Polish or Serb or from anywhere in the Slavic Union.

There are Indians, Egyptians or Americans or even Turks with relationships here. I know some friends very well personally. We need to realize that this is an important thing to consider. The future possibilities ARE there aswell. Its just plain truth and we need to enjoy our diverse senses developing in some of our people. We need to evolve with time, our union cannot be rigid. I read somewhere, where its written that "If you grab sand strongly in your hand, if quickly flows away from your fingers". As a union, we need to realize this and accept the liberty of our people to choose.

Unless these basic rights are tolerated - rather CELEBRATED ... a Slavic future is not possible. Atleast not a Slavic HAPPY future.

Crow ... before you reply of go ahead with your dreams ... give this a true thought. Because this is just the way it is. Or come visit some of our towns with students... I will greet you myself in Lodz if you ever come. We have many student clubs and I have a club of my own with good active people ... we cannot have unity without these senses recognized (neither do I need such unity myself ofcourse).

Hope you get the idea. The structure of our societies are the first concern, economy and power comes after you know that your people are free!
23 Dec 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

you speak like a woman now

Its not speaking like a woman brate. Its called speaking like a Pole. An educated and civilized modern Polish person. Women or men is not the issue here. Our women are nothing less. Yes, be are biologically different and have different functionality in our lives (different responsibilities and works aswell). But intrinsically we are not less/more wise than the other. We must respect the slavic woman when we contemplate a slavic alliance right?

Do you know that I have wished it before I knew a certain CROW in a certain Polish forums. I have liked the idea, and not because I am some kind of an extremist.

But the ideology behind the alliances you and I preach are different in our international relations as well as internal liberty. I wish for a progressive and exemplary Slavic union which recognizes the impluse of the people to be more open and more accepting. We like people, we love other cultures too.

We can be a powerful force, culturally - historically and economically. We can attract people of all lands to share knowledge with us.

What about those children who have a German parent, or an Indian or an Egyptian or an American or English parent? ... They are OUR CHILDREN, and their parents who live in Poland are also ours, because they are the spouse of our children - and no brave hearted man or leader or a caring leadership can do injustice there.

This is the difference between our views. However, I have done work for a possibility of this union than just tipe on computers =) ... in peaceful manner, with people who are just as optimistic and progressive minded.

This is the future of this region ... not isolation or segregation ... but progress and rejuvenation!
23 Dec 2010
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

A wish Polish women actually get to see this thread. I just showed it to one now. I was intrigued.

"The fact is that this page is filled with men who are very distasteful" - was the first remark I received. A Polish women who married a Polish male!

This place speaks of the mindset any good hearted Polish (or any) woman would love to avoid even while walking on the same lane!

There is no one who is ugly, God has made people beautiful in their respective diversity. Some are pleasing to someone's eyes, and that is when love happens. It is not necessary that everyone must consider every man or woman the most beautiful. Because the most beautiful is (and rightfully) one person in ones life.

In any condition ... such a balant display of hatred and ugly talk is the true display of internal despicable selves. God save any good hearted girl from such people.

There are handsome men and women from every country, and I am very proud to know such people, and to know how Polish women and men can be happy with them too.

As for painful people with poisonous hearts ... they cannot be happy or normal even with a girl of their own kind!

23 Dec 2010
UK, Ireland / Changing my UK driving license to Polish one [13]

We need safer roads. Some people try to blemish the driving skills of Poles, but I would say that we love to drive as free birds, with very smooth skills.
23 Dec 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

typical for 3rd world.

We have just one world. ONE WORLD ... there is no "third" world.

As for your generalizations ... the only answer is "you should be ashamed of your existence, unless you change it".
23 Dec 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

Crow ... how can you think of a united Slavja when slavs in some places wish to be more accepting and find other races and gypsies as people just like them.

I am in favor of a united Slavic alliance ... or something like that. But not something like a USSR! No Crow, it is not done that way. This extremity takes your purpose down to ashes, a purpose otherwise quite attractive to many poles ... surely.
22 Dec 2010
Language / How can i teach my child Polish language? (I'm Russian, my wife is Polish) [35]

that me and my wife can buy that is Fun and will keep little Anasiazja's attention to teach her polish.

Beautiful post. Reading a father concerned about his daughter is very nice. You, your wife and your daughter are a complete unit. I know its supposed to be the normal thing, but these days this is nothing less than unique.

In any condition ... buy some Polish rhyme DVDs ... children music ... audio story telling DVDs ... they are available. As your daughter gets to hear them, she will develop a better Polish. But nothing can match her mom's help in speaking Polish with her.

Beyond all these languages ... my suggestion would also be to teach her the language of love, patience and respect, regardless of country, history, race, language or religion. We have strained and unnecessarily wounded history with many of our neighbors and unnecessary doubts against many good people in the world. We need a generation who would dress the world replenished with love and care.

A Russian Polish couple like this is very much welcome to me.

Take care.
14 Dec 2010
Love / What do Polish guys think of Irish girls? [187]

I think the simple answer to this topic is ... they think Irish women are nice too!

Infact, the factor of any uniqueness is not exactly there. It all depends if the person has fallen in love ... and love really doesnt need too many logical explanations ... does it.

Infact ... you should never ask your love "why you love me?" ... this is a very wrong question - because if he really is in love with only you ... he probably will not know the exact reason ... but will love above reasons and rationality =)
10 Dec 2010
Love / What are the most popular ethnicities for Polish women [90]

Such a tolerance

What do you expect? ... Re-read all that you have been writing, and now coming and saying that I dont tolerate blacks and turks or italians and germans.... why should I be intolerant of them? ... I havent even interacted with them much. They can live their life just like anyone else would ... provided they dont bother peaceful people and live with respect and peace for their surrounding...
10 Dec 2010
Love / What are the most popular ethnicities for Polish women [90]

Liberals like you wants to show it as an ideal

By the way ... you can name a new ideology coming up ... Social Liberals! ... Lol...

No ... I believe in the future of the world as a one country ... with regional administrative bodies, all working together for common good.

Be positive in your approach ... good things come out.

Patriotism does not mean racism. Patriots have respect for other nations.

Patriotism often crosses the line into nationalism ... and then many such isms which are not good.

I love my country, but I dont exalt myself over anyone else. We all are humans... as a human I can love my home ... but have equal respect for someone elses home too ... however the peace I find in my home is unique and natural ... however I never think of myself as exalted over anyone else because I have a home too!
10 Dec 2010
Love / What are the most popular ethnicities for Polish women [90]

Turks are part of the Balkans

Whatever they are, they are humans and they do have a part of their country in Europe and thats just too geographically true.

I dont understand the almost impotent nature of the fear some racists have. It proves that they are dead scared of some "other" people.

You will notice that most of these racists display the lowest abyss of animal characteristics. In any other way of life other than just racism. They are mentally unsettled, ignorant, pervert, irresponsible, uncaring, unkind, useless, insecure bunch of hooligans.

I think southern also acts as a measuring tool on "How stupid have you been". When he is in favor of you or celebrate you, it means you did something wrong, so you should analyze yourself. He is like a PH test ... lolz...
9 Dec 2010
Work / Education in Poland - system and structure [118]

Merged thread:
Education and Environment for Polish Children

So what do you think of it?

What are you suggestions for the children in Poland? ... Their future and their today?

Are you satisfied with our education system? What about the kids of foreigners in Poland, are they finding it ok?

What about the immigrants in Poland ... what are their perspectives? ... What about integration and learning how to deal with foreigners being a part of the curriculum because it seems that in future we might meet an inflow.

What about out environment, atmosphere ... both intrinsic and extrinsic? Are we doing good? ... what are your suggestions ppl?

Its the most important asset for Poland.
9 Dec 2010
Love / What are the most popular ethnicities for Polish women [90]

1.5 years in Poland and never experienced or felt any racist behaviour towards me

I know ... we are tolerant. That is what I have been and most people I know have been. Because most people I know are educated and respectful.

So the question was strange for me.

Again, it was out of curiosity ... curiosity can never be strange ... strange sounds different.

Wanted to know the behavior of your country folks with other nations ... nations other than European.
9 Dec 2010
Love / What are the most popular ethnicities for Polish women [90]

Strange question

No it isnt ... in PF many people talk about racism ... and Turks, Arabs or Indians or Latin or other people come with agendas. Which is all good if you resist racism, but I was curious on how it is dealt in your country.

When a person from my country comes in, maybe you welcome because you want to relate yourselves with Europe. So I wondered what happens with people from Africa or South America or Asia comes to your place ... how you treat them.

What they were known for ?

I dont like to make comments putting people down. Dont worry about it. Just be respectful, good and dont stalk. You will be ok. I believe many of ur country ppl dont hopefully. We just know less of the Turks maybe, and what we know seems to be slanting towards negative.

By the way if I say it, that will make me feel worse than you. So lets not indulge in negativity.

9 Dec 2010
Love / What are the most popular ethnicities for Polish women [90]

What is your behavior to them? ... how things work out?

Unfortunately I dont know alot about Turkey, I only saw a few Turks here and they were not known for positive reasons ... and also we knew them by face mostly...

Anyways just curious...