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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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16 Jun 2013
News / Poles back Gronkiewicz ouster referendum [26]

Many Poles eagerly affixed their signatures on Sunday to a petition calling for a referendum to oust Warsaw Mayor Gronkowicz-Waltz. Among the reasons given in leaflets being passed out are:

-- closure of schools and daycares amid the expansion of the city's administration by 3,000 more bureacrats,

-- raising public-transport fares whilst cutting back on the number of lines,

-- the whole trash-pickup snafu

-- messed-up road-building projects

--overall negligence, waste and incomptence.
16 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

actions of the Holy Inquisition

Isn't it a bit ahistorical comparing the middle ages to the 20th century and dragging in football hooligans to boot? (No pun intended!)
The fact remains that the Spanish Inquisition, which lasted a couple centuries, put to death accodding to various estimates from 3,000 to 5,000 people convicted of heresy. The victims of the Spanish Red Terror of the 1930s which lasted only a couple of years did not even get a show trial and were slaughtered in the tens of thousands.
16 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

In self-defence, yes. Imagne a raging wild-eyed band of bolshies barging into a church, pocketing valuable religious artefacts, smashing up priceless statuary and hacking ornate confessionals to pieces. The priest should have come out of the sacristy and said: 'Greetnings lads! In case you want to torch the palce, there's some petrol stored in the cellar.'
16 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

I'll keep bringing Kaczynski's father up. It'll soon be time to question the mother, too.

It is a known fact that Olejnik collabroated with Jaruzelski's martial-law regime. (Check wikipedia.) Many people that were in the PZPR for personal advantage had the decency to hand in their party cards when martial law was declared. At that time, most of the cultural community were boycotting the official media and entertainment circuit, and a vibrant udnerground culture began developing in Catholic churches. Churches provided a safe haven for uncensored lectures, concerts, exhibitions, poetry readings and other cultural events.

But bringing up Kaczyński senior without providing even a shred of evidence is just so much empty fluff and blather. Sure, it's a free country, so we can even say Abraham Lincoln was actually a space alien. There's no law against it if someone doesn't mind making a fool of himself once again.
15 Jun 2013
News / TV Trwam gets credibility stamp [21]

Could be Lux has received private bequests with the donors' stipulation that they should remain anonymous, hence their reluctance to throw open their books. Dunno - just speculating. But TVN is a wealthy concern as far as I know, so they could easily even run their Religia TV at a loss just to cut into Trwam's viewership. TVN is the most anti-PiS station there is, don't you agree.
15 Jun 2013
News / TV Trwam gets credibility stamp [21]

OK, fair enough. But TV Trwam was first and then TVN set up its rival Religia TV. Now they are both on the air. Does the TVN one already have a digital slot or is it bidding for one or what?
15 Jun 2013
News / TV Trwam gets credibility stamp [21]

Don't be disingenuous - the matter has received enough publicity, and the requirements for a place on the digital platform are transparent.

It's been discussed but do you think I followed all the technicalities? Please explain in plain non-gadgetarian English (maybe the way Delph did with ciookies) which exact rules Rydzyk didn't comply with. Also how the multiplex (whatever that is -- I wouldn't know one uif I tripped over one) will increase the TV's audiece range. I think that's what it's all about innit? How many viewers can he reached at presetn and after getting a digital slot?
15 Jun 2013
News / Footie hooligan punch-up thwarted in Poland [47]

Police prevented a clash between rival football fan clubs from £ódź who were planning to face off in a park. Such a pre-arranged clash is known in Polish as an 'ustawka'. Do such events take place in other countries? If so, do they have any special name?

As Adam Kolasa said the press office of the Lodz police , skierniewiccy police received information that on the territory of the county early in the morning can lead to confrontation kiboli . The police showed up in a few selected places before kibicowskimi militia . It was found that 15 cars appeared almost simultaneously in the depths of Landscape Park , the clearing away of two kilometers from the provincial road No. 705 .
15 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]


The above wikipedia link also shows a photo of a red firing squad taking aim at a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The British press headlined the event: 'Red assault on Catholic presence in Spain.' Seems some PF-ers have the same mentality as those bolshie gunmen: destroy, purge, eliminate!!
15 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

None of the above

You really are brainwashed! Where did you get your one-sided view of history, from feature films and comic books? Any thoughtful person must admit that the nationalists employed extremely harsh, cruel and extreme methods to rout the bolshevik vermin, but the reds were not exactly holding a Sunday School picnic.

If you taken the time to go beyond urban legends, fiction and buzzwords, you would have learnt about the Red Terror (Terror Rojo), the name given by historians to acts of terror committed by nearly all the so-called 'republicans' or 'loyalists' in the Spanish Civil War. They killed tens of thousands of people (including 6,832 members of the Catholic clergy). They also launched as attacks on landowners, industrialists, and politicians as well as desecrating and burning of monasteries and churches:

15 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Olejnik had every right to air her views

But Rydzyk hasn't, right?
15 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]


Class at its best innit? Why is it that PiS-bashers object so much to Gronkowiec, but use gutter-level epithets for those they disagree with. what's good for the goose is good for the gander!
15 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

More good news! The latest poll shows: PiS 39, PO 32, SLD 14, Palikot 5 and PSL 3.

The bad news is that Palikot is in and potential coalition partners PSL and SP are out. And to think not long ago someone said 'it'll ever happen!' when I predicted a 37 or 38% win for PiS. We'll see!
15 Jun 2013
News / TV Trwam gets credibility stamp [21]

The link says digital platform slots had been given previously to entities in far worse financial shape than TV Trwam.
The general feeling is that Tuskite Dworak will do everything he is ordered to by the boss.
15 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

Not that the government were communist

It was efffectively communist and pro-Soviet. Sure they hid behind high-sounding terms like republican and loyalist, but the ubiquitous Stalin portraits showed under whose patronage the red slaughter was being carried out. They were bent on introducing Soviet-style rule as soon as they consolidated their power. In your view, there was no such thing 'as the Comintern designed to spread the red menace world-wide? Stalin's Comintern masterminded, organised and bankrolled the so-called 'brigades' through web of Soviet spies and sympathetic collaborators.
15 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

International Brigades

A nice euphemism for communist guerirllas recrutied from ariound the world by Stalin's Comintern. They included the communist Abraham Lincoln Brigade set up by the Communist Party of the USA and Poland's Dąbrowski Brigade. To have allowed the 'legally elected' communist government considate theri rule would have unleashed a red bloodbath unlike anything ever seen outside the USSR.

The fact that leftist writers have glamourised the so-called 'republican side' has somehow made it trendy amongst the gullible to badmouth the nationalists fighting to free their land of bolshevik infiltration.

Both sides used extremely cruel methods but what they stood for is what counts. Religious groups that collaborated with the red scourge were dealt with harshly. The bottom line is that luckily communism did not gain a foothold along Europe's western fringes.

Don't forget that Hitler was also legally elected. Bur Germany lacked a Franco with the balls to nip things in the bud early on before the Nazis could unleash their wave of death and destruction.
15 Jun 2013
News / TV Trwam gets credibility stamp [21]

Polska B still can watch it by

Why do you hate people who had no control over where they were born?
Not everyone was lucky enough to have been born to a well-to-do family in affluent Belgium.

TV Trwam's credibility

Dun & Bradstreet evaluate only financial credibility,
15 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

Franco's Spain

Never forget it was Franco's Spain that repeated Poland's 1920 victory over the Bolshevik assault. Only a few km had separated the invading red hordes from the Prussian border beyond which pro-communist German workers were seething with unrerst awaiting 'liberation' by their Russian comrades.

Were it not for Franco's rebuff of the Stalinist forces that tried to set up shop there, all of Europe might have been engulfed by the red menace. You're surprised the Church backed Franco? Who should they have backed, the red scum that was murdering clergy, raping nuns, pillaging and burning down churches under portraits of Stalin and hammer and sickle emblems. Back to History 101!
14 Jun 2013
News / TV Trwam gets credibility stamp [21]

TV Trwam owner, the Lux Veritatis Foundation, has received a business credibiltiy certificate from Dun & Bradstreet. By the same token it has divested Poland's broadcast authority of their main argument for refusing to grant TV Trwam digital platform access. On Thursday, TV Trwam showed broadcast chief Jan Dworek humming, hawing and getting tongue-tied at a meeting with TV Trwam officials.

The Foundation from Poland is certified entity , which has a very good financial situation . This certification also applies to previous years. This confirms that when the licensing process was settled , we had a very good financial situation , as opposed to entities that the concessions granted and - as we remember - these companies did not contribute funds to the state budget - said in an interview with Television Trwam Lidia Kochanowicz , Director financial Lux Veritatis Foundation .
14 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

more sense to return PO to power

Dream on, as support for the Platformers dwindles day by day. It's now obviouo you plan to go down with the Titanic.
14 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

Anybody can think up a 'religon' on his computer and start solicitng funds. Is that a legitmate religon or a scam?
Legitimate means a socially accepted body of believers that is officially recognised and legally registered in a given country. Since our focus is Poland, how many believers are non-Christian? Satanism in Poland is not one

of the registered denominations nor is Scientology.
14 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Past electoral results. The tables have turned as recent surveys show. The best is yet to come, baby!
14 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

I thought it was something ancient but googlin it convinced me that you're taking the p*ss...
A bit of humour never hurts.
14 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

I thought you were a remember of PF's famous (or infamous) expat quartet. Are you a Polish-born ethnic Pole? More than 2 years remain before the next election and PiS will mobilise loads of support by then. Each gaffe, stumble and blunder by PO will turn more voters away from them.

BTW what or who is Eridu?