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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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20 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

very modern

Did you know every leftist utopia was billed by its advocates as modern until it collpased. Stalin's wave of the future,
and Adolf's 1,000-year Reich as well as today' shop-till-you-drop consumerism and moral decay are being peddled as something o so trendy and modern. Have people forgotten about Sodom and Gomorrah? How many thousands of years ago was that?
20 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

'good atheist family' and the others are rarely if ever seen or heard

But you never hear anyone refer to them as 'a good atheist family', do you?
Again it's not a qwursiton that such a family cnanot be good, but 'good Catholic family' is an existing conceopt, these others are not.
20 Jun 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]


DuckBoy won't ever leave

If you are referring to our great leader Jarosław Kaczyński, he wil under the right cirucmstances. He is not a megalomaniac but someone to whom service to hisi beloved Polish, Catholic homeland is paramount.

I believe everythign should be done to make sure PO is a closed chapter. Na wieki wieków. Amen.

It took years for Tusk to recover form the 2005 defeat. Billboards were proclaiming a President from Gdańsk (Tusk)and a PM form Kraków (Rokita) but they lost. The PO reacted by pouring an unprecedneted amount of vile, vicious scorn on the winners. Not even the ex-commies, who deserved all the scorn anybody poured on them, were so brutally reviled. Have you forgotten those details already? That was not decent political rivalry, it was vulgar, gutter-level, no-holds-barred slander and character assassination by Gang of Tusk.
20 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

The term 'good Catholic family' may trigger confusion, resentment and perhaps even some envy amongst the godless, but maybe they should ask themselves why no-one ever says 'good godless family', 'good atheist family', 'good agnostic family or 'good pagan family'. Sure, someone can say those things to prove a point or just to be funny. One can also say 'good peanutbutter family' or 'good ćwikła family' as a lopsided joke. But as a concept 'good Cahtolic family' does exist. It means a family whose shared Catholic faith is a bonding factor integrating its members round a common system of values. Others ałso have values -- someone will say. Sure they do, but still 'good atheist family' and the others are rarely if ever seen or heard. Ever wodner why?
20 Jun 2013
Life / Polish way of life? [34]

really quite popular

You know the net is a mockers' paradise. Anonymous posters feel safe to mock, ridicule, slander, cut to pieces and take the p*ss out of everyone and everything.

They'd soon change their tune and their ranks would dwindle if a poster had to give his real full name and email address.
20 Jun 2013
Life / Polish way of life? [34]

hate so many things in Poland

Only the non-Polish alien intrusions brought in by expats rtrying to contaminate the true Polish soul.
Hate and bitterness towards the soul of Poland, its relgious faith, its charismatci leaders such as JP2, Father Rydzek, the Kaczyńskis, etc. is what keeps many expats going.
20 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

Polson: France used to be called 'najstarsza córa Kościoła' (the Church's eldest daughter). Now more approrptiate would be 'najstarsza córa Koryntu!'.(the eldest daughter of Corinth).
20 Jun 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Possible scenarios for the 2015 elections:
1) Nothing changes; the PO-PSL coalition is repeated as the same groupings make it into the Sejm in roughly similar proportions;
2) A PiS-PSL coalition emerges after winning 45% of the vote.
3) A PO-SLD coalition emerges after winning 45% of the vote.
4) During the campaign, as a result of behind-the-scenes negotiations, the conservative wing of PO merges with PiS; they do not join PiS but form the PS (Partia Sprawiedliwości) which win 50% of the vote. Gowin is at its head and forms a non-coalition PS government; Kaczyński becomes honorary president for life;

5) A SLD-Palikot-PSL coalition emerges after winning 45% of the vote.
6) Impossible as it may seem, politicians belatedly come to their senses and realise too much time, effort and money has been spent on a futile Polish-Polish war and resurrect the original PO-PiS coalition planned in 2005.

7. Some other option?
20 Jun 2013
Life / Polish way of life? [34]

Pointing out the realities of Poland is not bashing it.

So you regard the mock-prayers adn chants in that video to be Polish reality, eh?
20 Jun 2013
Life / Polish way of life? [34]

Just shows that many expats are Pole-bashers. If they don't like Poland, who's keeping them here?
20 Jun 2013
Life / Our Mothers, Our Fathers on Polish TV? [19]

war crimes, death and horror everywhere, traumatized soldiers etc

Some of those things were indeed shown. The point is that the focus were this German fivesome and what they saw and experienced. And they couldn't have seen and experienced everything.
20 Jun 2013
Life / Our Mothers, Our Fathers on Polish TV? [19]

The discussion afterwards was very interesting. The film's German consultant said the Polish episodes were secondary in importance, the focus being the five German friends and how they fared during the war. But a Polish prof, Szarota, objected saying that if the only Polish theme was that the AK was anti-Semitic, that would entrench that distorted stereotype amongst coming German generations.

Szewach Weiss, former Israeli ambassador to Poland, pointed out there indeed was anti-Semitism in prewar Poland but where didn't it exist? He noted that Poland had produced Żegota (to save Jews), but never spawned a Vichy, Tiso or Quisling regime.
19 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

appointing young people with little/no experience

So you're against giving young people a chance to develop and gain experience? Interesting!
19 Jun 2013
Life / Polish way of life? [34]

If they act that way you describe...
19 Jun 2013
Life / Polish way of life? [34]

All crass materilialism, creature comforts, pure physiology, animal-like activities devoid of spriitual susbtance. Homo sapiens or homo ludens?
19 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

What do you have against sweeping out crooks, racheteers, connivers, parasites who have wormed their way into the administation and economy for their own selfish benefit and to the country's detriment. That's what PiS is all about: Law and Justice.
19 Jun 2013
Life / Polish way of life? [34]

I'm not an expat

Was there another Jon-soetmhing (also some numners, if i 'I recall) I'm confusing you with. Anyway you seem to send out the same kind of expat vibes as our Fearsome Foursome. Also you use English colloquial expressions not typical of a Polish national.
19 Jun 2013
Life / Polish way of life? [34]

many 'alternatives'

There are many alternatives in every country, and yet, as my thumbnail sketch of America shows, there is something, a certain climate, consensus, ambience, call it what you will that covneys the flavour, and spirit of a given nation. Not every American likes baseball, some may be allergic to apples and Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to salute the flag, but there nevertheless exists that certain something indicative of the overall taste and texture of things. That's all I had in mind.
19 Jun 2013
Life / Polish way of life? [34]

Traditionally it has meant life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as well as mother, the stars & Stripes, apple pie and baseball. Also the rags to riches theme -- a land where anything possible. Also New York'a biggest Pole, Stasiu* Liberty, welcoming Europe's huddled masses, the human refuse of your teeming shores...

*That's a little joke -- is should be the Statue of...

There are many

So you would be unable to present a synthetic encapsulation of the most typical Polish values and lifestyles. I reckon functioning in an alternative, counterculture world makes that rather difficulłt. As I said once before, many expats do not have a 'feel' of the country even after years of physical presence.
19 Jun 2013
Life / Polish way of life? [34]

American way of life has been a buzzword in the USA as long as anyone can remember. Today Merkel speakinn about cyber-surveillance said it can be used to counteract 'threats to our way of life'.

Is there a Polish way of life? If so, what does it entail? Any thoughts?
19 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

exactly zero interest

For now. Use a little imagination and think ahead. Are you truly unable to envisage various scenarios? Do you truly believe things never leave their rut? Merkel teaming up with lefties sounded like mixing petrol and strawberry jam, but somehow...
19 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

He replaced them wtih the Polish classics which had been yanked by the commies or their post-commie successors.
Now the Gang of Tusk has again re-pauperised the collection. Probably only the future PiS-PSL government can remedy the situaiton.
19 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

we need people that can do mathematics and science.

Aren't there enough pre-programmed robotic earning machines who cannot see anything beyond their horse blinkers except their e-gizmos, equations and filthy lucre? Giertych represented Christian humanism that transcended the purely materialistic and pedestrian.
19 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Giertych was a disaster.

Admittedly he only had two years, but he did beef up the educational curruculum with more history and culture. values More importantly, he believed the school should not only teach facts, but should bring pupils up to be decent, patriotic Poles. Lefitst, gfloablisst and assorted one-worlders of course reject such ideas, so that makes Giertych the bad guy in their books.
19 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

other parties will make sure that PiS don't get in through the back door again.

Like a mantra your keep repeating the notion of other parties ganging up on poor PiS. At present PiS-PSL seems the most plausible to me. But if Tusk and Kaczyński somehow managed to rise above their petty ambitions, PiS-PO would be possible. Recall how that coaltion was to have been created but failed to materialise. PO came up with all kinds of weird proposal like holding coaltion talks on live TV -- something never done anywhere. PiS grudgingly consented but piolticians ended up smiling at the cameras, adjusting theri ties (the slob chic hadn't set in yet!) and nothing came of it. Although they lost, PO were offered the same number of cabinet posts as PiS but still kept bickering until the whole project fell through and Kaczyński was forced to seek outside help. Giertych was OK, but Lepper was a total flop..
19 Jun 2013
News / The sack for 7,000 teachers in Poland? [8]

gay sex

Are you suggesting that gay sex can help solve the demographic shortfall? For all your homophlic bias I can't really imagine even you proposing such a thing.
19 Jun 2013
News / The sack for 7,000 teachers in Poland? [8]

we need to get people going at it like rabbits

Yes, a little moustachioed chap once thought the way you do. He called his project Lebensborn. This is not a fish hatchery or chicken farm -- the point is to replenish the demographic shortfall within the traditonal, sacramentalised family. The purpose is to actually bring children up, set an example and ensure they carry on the family tradition.

Informal, often fly-by-night liaisons frequently lack the stability and permanence to do a proper job of child-rearing.

think about gay sex

Funny you did not latch onto the shackers-up, but onyl gay sex. Who is obsessed?
19 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Only an uncoalitionable PiS woudl be poltically toxic. But with 37% (PiS) and 10% (PSL), they could form a govt. Theoretically PO (27) and SLD (14) could also come close to that, but that would spell the death knell for PO. As soon as Tusk floated the hint of a PO-SLD link-up, support for his party began falling. PO is not just liberal and conservative but also include a Solidarity-rooted, anti-communist contingent who would never stomach a red bedfellow.

The above figures are based in some of rthe recent opinion polls, and over the next 2 years, anything can happen. That is politics!
19 Jun 2013
News / The sack for 7,000 teachers in Poland? [8]

Yet another spin-off of the low birth rate is the prospect of 7,000 teachers losing their jobs according to Education MIn. Szumilas.
Yet another argument for traditional marriages which ensure demographic replenishment better than shakers-up, let along sterile same-gender liaisons.