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Joined: 6 Jul 2017 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 3 Sep 2024
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7 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Really? What was so antagonizing for Berlin? Info that Poland would rather pursue her national interest rather than be a butler for Berlin like Tusk.

Poland enjoyed far greater influence in Europe while working togeter with Berlin than now. Poland could have worked together with France and Germany to shape the European future after Brexit, while now they'll either have to choose whether or not they want to be part of a deeper integrated Europe, or if they want to be sidelined. Poland is free to pursue its' national interest, but it is not particulary smart doing so by antagonizing all its' important European partners.
7 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Whether you interprete the 23% as agreeing with Trump's ideology (or views) or not is completely up to you.

There are other factors to consider as well. Many Poles might simply be happy about Trump's visit because of what he presents (American commitment to Poland) instead of what he is. Even those who don't like Trump personally might be simply happy about this gesture.

I mean realistically speaking, there are not many reasons why Poland should be happy with Trump. Warsaw is most concerned with Russia, and there is the greatest uncertainty surrounding Trump. Trump's antiliberal ideology might make him sympathic to some PiS Voters, but Poland is unlikely to benefit from this, since this is mostly a domestic issue. The fact that Trump has endorsed Brexit is problematic for Poland, since they want to secure the rights of Poles working in the UK for which they'll need a strong hand as possible.
7 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Then why did walesa receive such applause if you claim that it was only pis supporters? I didn't hear a single boo or any other disrespect when his name was announced.

A fellow student of mine is a PiS supporter, yet he told me that he admires Walesa and doesn't share the animosity of his party leadership against the man. Just because you follow a party doesn't mean you have to agree with everything the party says.
6 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Germany proved to be a every fickle partner and their interests as they see it doesn't align with the national interest of Poland.

If anything, it was Warsaw that needlessly antagonized Berlin since PiS got elected while Merkel showed great patience with them. That being said, I don't see why Germany and Poland should not be able work together closely. Both want to keep Russia out of the European Union, both have taken an interest in protecting the Baltic states, and both want the current pro-European government in Kiev succeeds. Both countries are important trading partners for each other and there is potential for closer economic cooperation.

Ultimately Poland need to see to her own defence but that takes time my friend.

I think this is more than just purely military matters. Poland's army is strong enough to make any conventional invasion not worth the cost. But if it wants to shape Europeans destiny, it must do so in accordance with other countries and major allies.
6 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Exactly. Romania might, but that's about it. The rest already chose their beds.

Exactly. Romania might, but that's about it. The rest already chose their beds.

Even Romania recently announced that it would participate in the project of closer military cooperation with Germany. Its' economic dependence on Western European investment is also far too great for that. Poland simply has not the ressources to make it even remotely interesting for any of those countries to have a bad relationship with either Western Europe or Russia.

A lot, actually. It was made clear by the Americans that they wouldn't visit Warsaw unless President Grabar-Kitarovic was there to take a central role.

Good to know, that has hardly been reported here. You'll have to hand it to Croatia, they know how to conduct effective diplomacy. They have such a good standing in the EU that this will hardly be held against them, even by those who dislike Trump.
6 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]


1. What has Croatia to do with Trumps' visit to Poland?
2. The Polish government has done everything to appease Trump, including bringing people from all over the country to greet him. That was hardly a slap into Trumps face.

3. Obviously the Three Seas Initiative doesn't offer much to Poland, realistically speaking. All the countries involved are economically dependent on either Russia or Germany (or both). When pushed, they might have to choose between either Moscow or Berlin, but none of them will antagonize both and side with Warsaw.
6 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

I wonder if it is truly wise of Poland to place so much faith into Trump. I mean regardless of what you think of him personally, there can be no doubt that the USA will focus less and less on Europe and instead continue its' pivot to the Pacific. North Korea and China are the countries Trump seems to be most concerned with, and China's ascension will no doubt only make American concern more urgent over the years. The USA might stick to its' commitment to defend a fellow Nato ally, but in the many other European issues that concern Poland, Warsaw will need powerful European allies. As of right now, the UK has sidelined itself through Brexit and will remain marginalized in European affairs (as evidenced e.g. by how they were not part of the negotiations about the Ukraine). France and Germany will remain the key players in the EU and Europe, and even Central European countries like the Czech Republic have agreed to closer cooperation, e.g. by integrating part of its' military into German command structure. Alligning itself closely with an (increasingly) desinterested USA while having an openly hostile relationship with Russia and a worsening relationship with the Western European countries would end up badly for Warsaw in the long run, especially if it wants to influence how the EU will develop in the next decade.