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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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7 May 2013
Travel / Amount in Polish zloty? Question about booking flight from Poland to UK. [3]

It's okay I found a way to bypass it. You open another tab, book a flight on it from the UK to wherever [if you want GBP] and then click on continue. When you go back to your original booking and click continue, it changes to £ as well. It's weird but it works.
7 May 2013
Travel / Amount in Polish zloty? Question about booking flight from Poland to UK. [3]

I am trying to book somebody a flight from Poland to the UK, but the amount is in Polish złoty. I am paying with a card from the UK, with GB pounds. Will it take the right amount from my card? Will it even take anything from an account in this country? How does it work?
1 Apr 2013
Language / Wesołego Alleluja or Wesołych Świąt? [30]

Święto is any holiday (religious or not). It's a universal word.

Really? I always relate the word 'święto' with holy. If someone tells me 'dzisiaj jest wielke święto,' I assume they mean it is a holy day for whatever reason. Even when you here them use a phrase like 'wielkie święto piłki nożnej,' as an example, they mean it is almost like a 'holy day'/very important day in football.
28 Mar 2013
Life / Is it a 'big deal' to wish Happy Easter in Poland? [29]

Yeah not thinking. I would say following old customs without really understanding why you are is essentially doing something without thinking. You just do it, because people do that, so you act like a sheep, just cause, you might as well and why question the tradition.
28 Mar 2013
Life / Is it a 'big deal' to wish Happy Easter in Poland? [29]

(unless she's an atheist, then it won't make much sense).

I'm pretty sure I have heard many an atheist wish each other Happy Easter where I live. They just say it without thinking.

I am a Catholic but even I get a little tired of the traditional celebration of Easter. I will go to Church on Good Friday and I will go on Easter Sunday but I used to be told I can't do anything that will bring me any remote happiness from Friday till Sunday as I should be reflecting on the sadness. It ended up with me just sitting around the house rather board, hoping for Easter to end [Easter is a pagan name for the Christian holiday by the way].

Lent as well. Jesus had to go 40 days, once. Why do we have to give something up every year? I don't bother now, otherwise it would just be the same stuff, like chocolate or some crap. This year I have given up looking at the KKK site.
28 Mar 2013
Genealogy / Looking for a Polish Woman (30-38) in met in Berlin for the New Year with her daughter [5]

These threads are great. 'Yeah met some women in an airport, was wondering if she might look on this forum and reply.' What are the chances, really? 0.01% or less than that? Do you want to do her that much? Forget her dude. If she didn't leave you her telephone number, the chances are she wasn't interested.
6 Mar 2013
Life / Do Polish people like Turkish people? [66]

Makes sense Dreadnought. There is a big difference in not liking people of another race and just not wanting thousands of them to move in where you live. The latter is not racism in my view. It's healthy, logical segregation.
5 Mar 2013
Life / Do Polish people like Turkish people? [66]

This thread was started ages ago but the title still makes me laugh. He asks it like 'he just wants to make sure the Polish people love Turkish people.' Why would they love them? I love Turkey peeps. You know, people who bring Turkey to you when you are hungry.
3 Feb 2013
Life / What's wrong with you, Polish people - is it an inferiority complex? [120]

There are civilised and uncivilised people all over the globe, but I have noticed that there is a lot of pushing and shoving among Polish people, in this country, but that's because, as mentioned, a lot of the turd has made it's way over here. As also mentioned, this means that soon Poland might be a very nice place with only the decent people left, where as Great Britain will be a wasteland for the corrupt and selfish of many nations to scavenge off. GB did have a lot, but it won't have more.
2 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Why are Brits so left-wing? [60]

Wikipedia should never be used as a definitive sorce of information As anyone can write it, someone who does not have a clue what they are writing about perhaps

Funny that people use Wikipedia as a source when it suits them but criticize it for being unreliable when it has something they disagree with. If it was that way off then it would most likely be taken off by now.
2 Feb 2013
News / Characterizing Poland's political parties [33]

@ jkb

The way your describe RP, you make it sound like some sort of saviour to take Poland out of olden times and bring them in to the modern era as it should be. It frightens me that people can think in this way about that mish mash of weirdos, druggies and zip heads. Oh and a rich leader who likes to wave phalluses around.
2 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Why are Brits so left-wing? [60]


1 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Why are Brits so left-wing? [60]

So you read 2 pieces of a smut and a paper so far to the left it makes hippies look like republicans, to get your range of opinions.
27 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Why are Brits so left-wing? [60]

As far as the school teachers stuff, I agree with that too, particularly here in Britain. It's kind of frightening. A lot of them are unable to hide those views either. They don't force them on students, but I would say it's quite obvious.
27 Jan 2013
News / Poland is the source of horsemeat in burgers? [169]

Besides, if their suppliers in Poland lie and cheat about something as basic as what animal it is, what else are they lying and cheating about?

Oh yeah I almost forgot. Polish bad, Polish evil, Polish cheating, lying, thieving drunks.
27 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Why are Brits so left-wing? [60]

Most British people I've spoken to are pretty left-wing politically

That is probably about right. The only reason the 'conservative' party won is because Labour did so horrendously badly, but the conservatives in Britain, even though David Cameron is supposedly a Christian, are more financially right wing than morally. Not like PiS in Poland, who are financially more to the left but morally very right.

They seem to be pro-gay rights, pro diversity, non-religious and extremely proud of their country being multicultural.

That pretty much hits the nail on the head in general terms but remember

Pro diversity - They have to be since they have now allowed and legalized so much

Proud of being multicultural - Same as the above. They've shot themselves in the foot with opening the gates wide open and now, even though it causes them more trouble than ever, they like to pretend the country is fine and they are proud of British meaning, almost any race under the son. It's a cover. If they could get rid of blacks and Asians they would do it in a heartbeat, but it's too late.

I hope Poland does not follow in their footsteps, it is not too late for them, yet, but it might be soon.

Side Note/ I did a stand up comedy gig tonight. The guy before me was black. He did some poor jokes about how he doesn't understand directions from white people but does understand them from black people. Honestly it wasn't that funny but got a big [and obvious] white guilt laugh. I went up, did some stuff about how white people are so scared to say a anything these days and worry about accidently being racist [like lets place chess, I wanna be white so I can go first]. The black audience [not many of them] found it funny enough but the white liberal pussy footers in the front row were silent as a mouse. Perhaps I wasn't funny, but they laughed at the black guy. Perhaps I only make black people laugh. Just an example of how messed up it is in Britain [similar in the US I would think]. In Poland no one would be afraid to laugh at the stuff. It wasn't even anything racist, just observational humour about race.
11 Jan 2013

Have we still not learnt that generalising is naive? There are gold digging women in many countries and decent women too. There are ******** here, there and everywhere, and decent people too.
17 Dec 2012
Life / Where to buy a Christmas Tree in Krakow? [11]

Unfortunately I don't have a car. So They will have to be somewhere accessible by tram.

I assume you are not going to be buying a particularly big one then? BTW did you misspell the word Christmas on purpose to be politically correct and not have the word Christ there or was it a simple typo? I am just curious. I assume the latter otherwise you probably would have written X.


It's nice to hear that you just bought yours with Christmas nearing. Where I live people have them up by the 1st of December. There seems to be popular belief in Britain [and the US too I am assuming] that December is Christmas. No, December is a month Christmas is in. Don't let the commercialisation of Christmas get you. If we listened to what the shops told us, Christmas would be a 3 month festival, beginning in October when Christmas themed stuff starts to get put out.
14 Dec 2012
News / March for Poland's democracy organized by PiS 13th Dec [49]

Another march? Are they not getting slightly sick of predicting huge crowds and only getting a tiny percentage of what they predicted?

Funny since the the march on 11th November had more followers than the march the official presidential.
30 Nov 2012
News / Weronika Szmajdzianska crowned Miss Global Teen 2012 [8]

I was thinking the same thing. I mean, yes they are pretty and obviously I would prefer to look at them than a row of dog turds but seriously, how do you make your pick? They are so similar to one another. You might as well just clone one of them and put slightly different clothes on her clones, giving them different 'qualities' and 'skills,' then choose one.
10 Nov 2012
Off-Topic / Languages you [dis]like [9]

It might be unfair or harsh, but I was on the bus today and heard a women speaking to her child. The child was talking a lot, very loudly, and it was in another language. I found it unbearable to listen to. It got me thinking what languages I do not like. Nothing against the countries, I just think the language sounds awful.

I would put Dutch, German and most Scandanavian languages up there with ones I do not like.

How about ones you like the sound of.

I like Spanish. I also like the sound of other slavic languages, such as Ukrainian, Croatian and even Russian. Not Bulgarian though.
9 Nov 2012
Life / Driving license needed while driving in Poland? [8]

In Britain you don't ever have to carry your driving license as they can check if you have it [and are registered etc]. Is that how it also works in Poland, the US and other countries people on here live in, or is it needed?
31 Oct 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

It depends what the topic maker's aim is. If we wants to bring the Russian and Polish people together, that's fine. If he wants Polish people to develop a sympathy for the Russians leaders, it aint gonna happen.