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Posts by Antek_Stalich  

Joined: 6 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 997 / In This Archive: 862
From: Poland, Brwinów
Speaks Polish?: Native speaker
Interests: Making music, photography

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6 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

Many reasons.

...because of my elderly parents, not mentioning I got married (baby involved, too). While me, my wife and daughter might attempt leaving the country, I was too grateful to my Mom and Dad and would not leave them.

.. because I was studying chemical engineering, doing my time in the Army, joining my first professional career where I learned a lot. Then, Free Poland appeared and I got all chances in the world I have been missing before.
6 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

Any anti-Communist activity that would excuse your "closet-commie soul" statement? Because I could go to jail for what I was doing in hope of free Poland?

Some people found it fit to "spierdolić z Kraju" in search of better future. This however does not give them any right to justify those who remained in the Old Country sharing their fates with Poland! Oooooh, "armchair patriots"...
6 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

We are going OT but let it be.

First, draw comparison between the US act of slave abolition and PRL act of nationalization. What makes those acts different? Some 200 years.
Secondly, explain how and to whom you would return the compensation for the Jewish property. To the State of Israel, maybe?

Bzibzioh, what about your past, 1982,-1984? I have never left Poland for more than 3 months, and you?
6 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

Just shows your closet-commie soul.

What is approximate value of a damaged factory? Expressed in what money?
More: The act of abolition of slaves in the US was the act of the Congress, right? The act of nationalization was the act of Polish Sejm, communist or not. What makes these two acts different?

And, lady, I will not tolerate telling me anything about "closet-commie soul". What have you been doing 1982-1984?!
6 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

You are a dick !

Traitor would be a better word. ;-)

When I think more, I believe Americans should make a huge moral & just campaign and demand that the US return all slaves back to the original redneck owners, and the traitors should be shot. Abraham Lincoln obviously got what he deserved for! Traitor such as Martin Luther King, too.

Because, thinking in Ironside's way, abolition of slavery was the theft of slaves from the South by the Union.

Sad irony.
6 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

Ironside, let us take your example made realistic. Your car (no insurance) has been quite damaged: Damaged wheels, paint, upholstery, engine. You were not there when it happened and you've been stuck abroad. Someone took that car, repaired everything on his cost and gave it to a poor family so they could use it. Now you return home and demand your car. You should get your car back but first return the money spent on the repair of your car, secondly explain the poor family they should start walking again for their shopping.

Big deal of industry and housing were severely damaged during the WWII. The Polish people and the Commie regime rebuilt that and started using that. Over 40 (more!) years have passed. Now, you want ignore all history and just RETURN the property to heirs of owners? Why heirs should get it back? And even if the should, where is the balance?

Example: A Warsaw house in Old Town had been razed down to the ground. The bricks to rebuild the house were brought from Breslau. The construction work was done by people. The rebuilt house was inhabited and maintained by some people for many years. Now, you want to return it to heirs of original owners?! So:

1. Pay the heirs of the construction workers their wages including interest rate. Do not forget about the scientists, artists, architects who contributed to the reconstruction

2. Pay the fee for heirs of Commies for managing the reconstruction
3. Pay the cost of bricks to heirs of original Breslau houses
4. Demand compensation from Germany for your attempt to reverse the history
5. And maybe charge the cost of rent for 40+ years to heirs of all tenants living in the house

Do you now understand you talk gibberish? How do you want to compensate all heirs of all Jewish inhabitants of Warsaw who lost their property and life in WWII? Are you willing to be moral and just to Jews, too?

Now, shall we return the Ziemie Zachodnie i Odzyskane to Germany, furthermore pay the cost of using their land? Will you demand Ukraine returns Wschodnia Małopolska to Poland? Will you relocate millions of people to reverse the course of history? This is goddam the same "moral & just" principle!

I'm not sure how the matter of the Wedel chocolate factory was settled with Wedels but that could be quite interesting if Wedels would be ready to pay for all machinery invested there since the end of WWII.

Antek_Stalich: Ah, and everybody used to smoke cannabis at that time, too ;-)
In Lublin the best place to find wild (free-range ;) cannabis was near a bus stop right across the street from the regional police headquarters (Komenda Wojewódzka MO). Nobody paid any attention if you pulled out a couple of bushes. Some of it was pretty good too - about 1 out of 5, so you needed to pull out more just in case :)

Ah... recollections, recollections... ;)
6 Jun 2011
Life / Driving across Poland (zigzag style) [15]

Wildie, the islands are one of major reasons I avoid principal roads. After 20 km of night driving after a truck at 70 km/h, I'm getting very sleepy and wake up only to avoid the collision with an island. I do not say the islands are wrong, the single carriageway roads are wrong. Especially those passing inhabited areas. The commie road planners should have their bollocks cut off for that!

Last night, I saw something worse than the flashing lights at the safety islands. I drive and SEE WAT?! Some UFO coming in my direction from the opposite lane! Something flashing so strongly I'm losing my night vision and desperately try to keep up along the road axis! WAT DO?!

It was !@#$%^& cyclist, making him VISIBLE... Sheesh...
6 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Mnie chodziło o to takie żartobliwe "obrażanie się nawzajem" wśród młodszej młodzieży i greps (ang. meme) pt. "Twoja stara..." :D
6 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Czy modernizacja = depolonizacja? [22]

W ramach polonizacji proponuję krzyż na każdym skrzyżowaniu! :-D
Oraz protesty na rondach pod hasłem: "Gdzie jest Krzyż?!" ;-))))
6 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Polonius myślę, że jesteś osobą starszą wiekiem, bo gdybyś był młodszy to byś wiedział, że te teleturnieje wow-top-show to oglądają przeważnie 50-latki i wzwyż, a młodzież tego nie lubi.

Jak to mówią:"Twoja stara ogląda Taniec z gwiazdami", prawda, Marysiu? ;-)
6 Jun 2011
Life / Driving across Poland (zigzag style) [15]

The style of the freeway discussed in this thread will certainly (and unluckily for drivers!) change very soon. Last night I drove by the E2 part from £owicz towards Warsaw. The number of islands for pedestrian and making the left-turn safer was enormous. In fact, I had a single chance to overtake a truck on the whole route £owicz - Błonie. Yeah, such islands increase the safety in one respect but these are curse for a tired driver at night... I almost drove into two of them...
6 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Z kiełbasą mi idzie coraz lepiej

Wyrzuć tego śmiecia i spójrz w Reapera ;-)
(Nieno, kiełbasa daje radę, tak tylko się śmieję).
6 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

I had hoped we could have avoided the Church-related talk here...

Ironside, you forget about something. The properties confiscated by the communist state were used. It means, investments were done and the property was maintained, better or worse. We cannot revert the course of history to see if Zamoyskis would bankrupt with their Monte Carlo debts (or due to crises or due to poor investments) or they would make a lot of money by proper use of their property. The fact is, the properties were run by the state. Now, it is interesting to determine who would owe whom? It is impossible.

Now, The Pruszków Pencil Factory had been however returned to the heir of the owner. First thing the new owner did was killing the factory because he did not understand how to make business.

Now, Ironside - do you think it is better to act in the justice & moral way, turn everything upside down and increase the number of unemployed that way? To degrade the country's economy because you would like to "undo injustice"? Are you thinking of "peeps" or only of your ideals and also you take care of former large owners but not of "peeps"?

The way of thinking assuming a revolution is to be done and selected people make decisions who is a traitor and who is not -- is the one of most typical landmarks of Communism.

It is self- evident yes?

Not at all. Perhaps you are a traitor because some guy would say that?

Very interesting story, Antek. I didn't do the distillation myself, but was a witness of so many :) How did you purify the rum from oils? I know some use charcoal or cotton besides the evaporation itself. What about that white material mangle?

This is what is called "fractionation" or multistage distillation. The vertical tube is called "the distillation column" and if you do the process right, it is equivalent to many distillations done in one unit. The tube is filled with "packing" that has large mass transfer surface. I made "Fenske spirals", extremely efficient laboratory packing using copper wire as the material, an axle, a small electric motor and scissors to make the packing ;-) The top part is the 'reflux tank". The fractionation requires that the part of distillate is continuously fed at specified rate back to the column ("the reflux"). My column was equivalent to six distillation stages. After making the first charge of the product, the product was fractionated again (so it was 12 distillations in total, 2 operations x 6 stages = 12 stages). With this process, the oils have been totally retained in the distillation pot. Light-ends will always pass with such process but the sugar-derived are exactly what you expect in white rum ;-)

It is important to say I was controlling the reflux manually, calculating the process quality with charts (these were laying on the top of the fridge) ;-)

The white material was asbestos + mineral wool. This was thermal insulation of the column, helping better separation, greater control, and speeding the process by avoiding heat losses to the ambient.

I have calculated this very process with university students using a process simulator last Saturday. You get 70% product, free of fusel oil, with twice the 6-stage fractionation.

Alcohol of any sort, including the one produced by our colleagues from Chemistry department, served as a basis for "cashless exchange of goods and services" in our university.

Absolutely, Boletus, great story!
We had easier situation with our Chemistry Faculty and Chemical Engineering Faculty. The glass blower at Chemistry was very happy to earn more by making custom glass equipment. The craftsmen in the Engineering were good with mechanical parts and automation. However I was poor and could not afford a custom rig, so I declared some of the glass "broken", paid a symbolic fee and could build the rig myself.

Antek_Stalich: white rum
What did you make it from - sugar?

The essence of rum is that it is made either from sugar or molasses ;-) Sugar, yes. No methanol, nicely smelling light-ends.

Antek_Stalich: Konstantin Chernenko had just died
And have you tried to use this equipment ever again? :)

To kill Gorbachev?! ;-) (joking). No, I did my experiments just twice and then found some other interest - girls ;)))) Ah, and everybody used to smoke cannabis at that time, too ;-)
6 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Tylko że po całym świecie, talent wypożycza, a geniusz ukrada ;)

Tak jak to napisałeś -- pozwól że ukradnę tę złotą myśl, z całą lekuchną niedoskonałością -- brzmi to świetnie!
6 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Taki lajf, jak to mówimy w Polsce Polonius ;-)
Moi młodzi koledzy dodaliby nawet 'wyluzuj poślady i ciesz się życiem!'

Sam na przykład w ogóle nie oglądam TV -- bo nie muszę -- mam ciekawsze rozrywki. Trochę Ci współczuję.
6 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

I remember you saying how many new cars you see on the streets... actually this is a really good indicator, so here we go: annual new cars sales in Germany: ~3 million, in the UK, France, Italy: 2 million each, in "poor" Spain: 1 million, in little Belgium 550 thousand, in OK country to live ? 320-330 thousand.

Delphi and other have given their points regarding the automotive matters and I do not need to repeat ehat they've said.

I think the cars are mostly present in cities and towns, including very small towns or large villages. The visual proof for that is the A and B roads are just crammed with cars while C-class roads (xxx designation) are mostly empty.

I cannot comment on how the number of cars is translated to economic status of the country. What I can see is there is no adequate parking space in urban areas and principal roads are clogged with cars. I just wonder what would happen with one million of cars here - probably we drivers would die ;-) (This is just a casual comment, not economic consideration). Taken into account the exponential growth in number of cars in Poland and heavy road construction, one million of cars could be reached in 2 years, I think.

What would happen if all the Poles returned home???

Then the whole Poland would become one massive traffic jam ;-)
6 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Hm. Przecież już Mickiewicz napisał, że "Bo Paryż częstą mody odmianą się chlubi. a co Francuz wymyśli, to Polak polubi". Jak dla mnie nic szczególnego, natomiast podoba mi się przyjemne wyluzowanie części młodych Polaków.
5 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Why shouldn't I, a Pole living in Poland, be proud that I teach engineers in 16 countries including the whole Scandinavia how to simulate technologies using specialized PC software? Perhaps that sounds wrong for you and you believe it is Poles that always have to be taught? In my opinion, my case is a proof Poland has become a normal country. I didn't need to leave my country to make a professional career. And I'm not a toilet cleaner, mind you ;-)

Your own nickname "wielki pan" means "big shot". Why? How BIG are you, wielki? ;-)))))
5 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

you now tell us you are some big shot in the university

You have big problems with reading. Consult your optometrist please.

I am a consultant. Not any employee of any University. Yes, I use to give paid training to University Scientific Circles because students want to learn more than the University could teach them and I'm a unique expert in my professional specialty.

What part of this did you not understand?

just come down to ground level and be like the rest of us

No, buddy, I will not work like "rest of us" -- meaning you -- because cleaning restrooms would not let me earn enough to support the whole family for last 20 years, me being the single earner. Neither in Poland nor in Australia.
5 Jun 2011
Travel / Hotel / Hostel in Wroclaw in the city centre - any recomendations? [13]

I've just drove up from Wodnik to the pedestrian bridge (Kladka Szczytnicka) and strolled over the bridge. Magnificent view on the river and the Technical University, so sunny and peaceful. The ZOO just behind the bridge. I only regret I haven't taken my camera with me on the walk.

Hadn't I need to carry equipment with me, I could really take a long stroll to the University. Weather in Wroclaw is very warm now, like it were full Summer. Sweating!
5 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

My short time interest was electronics, and although I was using transistors and integrated circuits, my passion were vacuum tubes, already obsolete at those times. Attending a radio-ham club, I got many unused Soviet tubes and I built a short-wave receiver of them. And I was able to listen to the western stations with no jamming. Why? There were three short-wave bands in use. Two of them were present on radios you could buy -- and those bands were jammed. My radio was receiving on the third band, not jammed at all! ;-)

The last remembrance for today.

As a student of chemical engineering at the Warsaw Technical University, I was very much interested in practical application of my future profession. The distillation unit shown in the picture was capable of producing very good white rum, and it was backed up by my knowledge acquired during lectures, practices and tests. Quite different from typical "bimber", my stuff was totally clean of low-ends (fusel oil) and it had pleasant smell of nice high-ends. We used to drink it in the form of dark rum made together with caramel when me and friends were doing university project calculation at evenings.

The funny part was this:
When I set the rig up for the first time, I was finishing distillation in the morning, listening to the kitchen radio. Suddenly, solemn music blared from the loudspeaker; it was announced that the First Secretary of CPSU Yuri Andropov had died. Well, so what?

Yet, since the authorities used to threaten private alcohol makers to confiscate all the property in case such a person was caught, I got somewhat scared and put the rig down to the cellar.

Around one year later, I put up the rig again. Guess what. After the night of successful distillation, the radio loudspeaker blared the news that the Secretary General of CPSU Konstantin Chernenko had just died...

I think life writes scripts no fiction author would invent... because it would sound incredibly! Yet, this happened in my own life...
5 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

Traitors should not have property, property stolen by commies should go back to rightful owners (like Zamoyski for example)and the rest should had been taken care of - wisely!

"Nobody except the People should have any property! Traitors of the People cause shall be deprived of their property and eliminated. Property stolen by bourgeois and rich farmers shall go back to the rightful owners (the People) and the rest should be taken care of by the wise representation of the People - the Bolshevik Party!"

Ironside, that is not a personal jab anymore. You are unaware you repeat the most banal Communist phrases. Exactly your way of thinking was the base for all atrocities of Communism, from Lenin to Stalin to Kim Ir Sen (Kim Il Song) to Pol-Pot. And only 22 years after the fall of communism you are unable to see it!

Yes, the property was greatly returned to former owners in Romania in recent years. You know Ironside what happened? Those guys -- getting the wealth back into their hands -- have bought all possible luxuries to them and sold or lost their properties in the effect... This is true life. Not only it is this the fact widely known but I also know one of such guys personally. He got his apartment house back in Bucharest 1 (the best location). He and his son stopped working and the son started buying luxuries (not maintaining the house at the same time because why should they? That would only cost money) and they were only sucking rent money from tenants. What would young Zamoyskis of your example do? They could not handle their restored properties. They would simply sell it to the highest bidder...

the rest should had been taken care of - wisely!

This reminds the words on "The sweet cream being drunk with lips of the wise representatives of the Working Class - The Communist Party".

"All pigs are equal but some are more equal than the others" wrote George Orwell in his "Animal's Farm". I really recommend that you Ironside read a lot on communism. You might start finding similarities between your and commie thinking. If not, we could have Peep Tribunals and Revolutionary Guard Corps soon. Because who will decide who the "traitors" are? The Peeps by means of their Enlightened Representatives... I have a feeling you would be a good NKVD worker, full of moral strength and idealism...

The talk on sweet and sour cherries brought memories of innocent childhood back to me. Wawrzyszew in Warsaw (now a quarter of blocks of flats in Bielany) was a farming and gardening neigbourhood just a stone throw away of the city, the latter really starting behind today's Aleja Władysława Reymonta. The neighbours lived together since early 1920's when they bought the land on bank loans during the partition of large land properties (few know today that Chomiczówka and Wawrzyszew in Warsaw were owned by the Chomicz family). My parents had a nice piece of land. Gardening was the favourite pastime of my Dad. We had a large sweet cherry tree, and alley full of sour cherry trees on both sides, strawberries, gooseberry, redcurrant, green peas and beans, and even a field of rye! Cucumber and tomatoes! Potatos! My uncle directly neighbouring us was a professional gardener, growing flowers on sale, and he even had a horse. During the harvest time all Wawrzyszew neigbours were joining to help one another. Because of that, my larger family was partly independent of the food deficiencies in the market, and I can only describe my childhood as very happy one. To end up in 1972, when the neigbourhood was overtaken by the state to build a living quarter... And then we became urban inhabitants.

Ah, there even was a commie radio-jamming station in Wawrzyszew, to jam broadcast of Free Europe and Voice of America broadcast there in Wawrzyszew ;-)
4 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Let me guess . . . . do you do the final exams for students for a fee ?

I should say nothing but I will answer this insult.
I am a consultant. Not any employee of any University. Yes, I use to give paid training to University Scientific Circles because students want to learn more than the University could teach them and I'm a unique expert in my professional specialty.

Learn Hitman. It always helps: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_engineering
4 Jun 2011
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

Gumishu, talk with my former guitarist. The guy has contrary sense of humor.
Did you not sense a joke there? ;-)

Ahhhhhh... You are from Greater Poland, now I get it.
Today morning I drove via Turek, Szosa Turecka and was "carefully bypassing Kalisz", you know what I mean by the latter ;-) I was singing and laughing all the time in Wielkopolska! ;)))


I've heard something yesterday -- from a student -- that made me laugh aloud.

czilałt (chill-out)

-- Gdybym pojawił się na Balu magistra tak jak jestem, w szortach i koszulce, ale w krawacie, wytłumaczyłbym prawnikom, że przyszedłem na czilałcie (If I entered the Ball of Masters of Law just in shorts and T-shirt I'm wearing now, but in a neck-tie, too, I would explain the lawyers I've come chill-out style).

4 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

shot the bastards

Had shooting down Ceaucescu helped Romania reach any economic success, comparable in any way with the Polish success?
Unless you want to "shoot the bastards" and steal their properly like Stalin and his henchmen did.

By the way, Iron, 40 students of Technical University of Wrocław paid PLN100 each from their own pocket last month to cover the missing financing for the technical training. For your information, this is equivalent to 10 lunches for each student or 40 beers per student. Because they want to learn. Tomorrow, I will take pictures of the parking lots of Wrocław Saturday/Sunday students too.

Get some work. Or maybe enhance your education. Or maybe apply for a post of an executioner if killing makes you horny.