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Posts by kondzior  

Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 6
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15 Jul 2012
News / Could be in prison for 10 years for trying to bribe the Polish traffic police [39]

So, Britain has no freedom whatsoever. Are you proud of it?

If anything, because of the poor state of Polish roads in some cities and towns, the speed limits should be reduced. 40 km ph around Wroclaw's side streets would be fast enough all things considered. On the main arteries that are straight and pedestrians and hazards are easier to perceive, perhaps keep the 50 km ph.

This is preposterous. On two land road (I mean two lanes in both directions) you should never be required to drive under 80 kmh.
15 Jul 2012
News / Could be in prison for 10 years for trying to bribe the Polish traffic police [39]

What? It is legitimate claim, you could keep the money in there, so you don't have to search for it at the gass station. In may experience, the "offer" was rejected only once, among dozens. And the cop just said, in indignant voice "Niech pan sobie to wezmie" (You take it away, mister). Granted, I was more then double over the speed limit, I should have put 200 zl there. Tough luck.
15 Jul 2012
News / Could be in prison for 10 years for trying to bribe the Polish traffic police [39]

You need to keep a 100 zl bill in your car' documents all the time. That way, if he is so inclined, cop can take the money and let you go, but if you chance on some stickler, he cannot accuse you of bribing, you can alwys claim that you have forgoten that it has been there.
11 Jul 2012
Life / Individualism in Polish culture...Is it almost Nonexistant? [170]

It is enough to look on the traffic in Poland, to know we are among the most individualistic people in the world. Seeing the behaviour of the drives in some countres, I get the creepy the feeling that the cars are driven by robots, strictly adhering some arbitrary rules, wheather there is a point to it or not. When someone stops at the red light, while there is no one in miles, I always roll my eyes, "are you even a human being?".

Couple of posts above, the stuff about crossing the white line in the airport. What this nonsencse is all about? Why should I obey some stupid rule about not crossing some stupid line? I am a free man, no one asked me if agree with that rule. If ordered otherwise, I'd just cross this line just out of spite. Security of the airport? They are paid to maintain it, their duty is to do it without inconveniencing me.

In Poland we know that the state is an enemy, so we should defy it at all times, even the trifles like ignoring the traffic regulations are helping to preserve the freedom.

As for forumers speaking about the (bad) influence of the family... Family helps you fight against the tyrany of the state. If you are alone, estranged from your family, it is easy for the government to enslave you, to make you follow all sorts of laws.

If you hope to stay as a free individual, you must remember this: You and your family are paramount. Any other thing is secondary, and no concern of yours.
3 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

Old belief systems pass, new ones come. In terms of adherents, Christianity is collapsing. Let's hope the next stage of humanity is better than the last.

Dream on. Going to a church every Sunday is by no means sine qua non of being Catholic. I hardly bother for almost 20 years, and I consider myself religious.

Without religion the society would collapse.
25 Jun 2012
Love / Is it acceptable for a Polish male to have a German girlfriend? [58]

Are you trying to claim that ridicules image you presented was part of scientific debate?

Your knowledge seems to be a tad outdated. The reading is hard?

I am not getting into conversation...translated = lalalalalal I dont hear you

25 Jun 2012
Love / Is it acceptable for a Polish male to have a German girlfriend? [58]

Modern humans left Africa 80,000 years ago

Agreed. But the continent has not been left empty, you know...

and ALL humans descended from them

Except for the ones, who did NOT left the Africa. They had no chance to interbreed with Neaderthals.

By the way, have you ever heard about en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Transracial_Adoption_Study - Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.

But you know that, scumbag

Now, that's what I call a convincing, reasonable argument.
You are baiting me into flamewar, or what?
23 Jun 2012
Language / Jas Fasola = Mr. Bean, why? [12]

Jas is a diminutive of Jan (John). There is also proverbial "glupi Jas" (stupid Johnny). Not to mention Jas is also a certain type of bean. Jas Falona sounds funny, while Pan Fasona would be rather weird. I am not saying that Pan Fasola would not work, but when you translate jokes, you should avoid literal translation, when possible one should try fit it into cultural context.
23 Jun 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

There are no valid benchmarks for Poland to compare herself to, apart from possibly Ukraine and Belarus.

Now, are you trying to be offensive?
23 Jun 2012
Love / Why do Polish girls and women look at me in a flirty way? [44]

Sometimes it may be cultural misunderstanding.
I noticed that in countries like the UK, USA, Canada, people tend to stand very far from each other while talking. So far apart, that I almost feel the need to shout, because they could not hear my normal tone of voice.

Before I adjusted, I was geting the most weird kinds of looks, when standing in what I consider normal distance. One guy even accused me of trying to flirt with his wife, and at the moment it was the last thing on my mind.
23 Jun 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

One should only compare to the best, or else it is as if you were looking at the street beggers, in order to improove your self esteem.
16 Jun 2012
Language / How to remember Polish words? [23]

have no idea what it is, look it up and then realize that I knew it all along.

I used to have the exact same problem with English words. It'll pass.
11 Jun 2012
News / British senior politician compares Poland to South Africa during apartheid [129]

There is no such a thing as racism in polish football. It is just a wild claim, concocted by BBC.

Why would the BBC concoct racism in Polish football? To show off their skills at faking TV footage?

Do I have to re-write all the stuff that is not on this page?
British senior politician compares Poland to South Africa during apartheid

(London riots anyone?)

What have the riots got to do with football?

It has everything to do with hooligans.
11 Jun 2012
News / British senior politician compares Poland to South Africa during apartheid [129]

Given the great success that the English Football Association has had in sorting out hooliganism, I would suggest there's a lot of know how. Know how that Poland and Ukraine evidently lack.

And London riots evidently shown how trustworthy that knowledge is, and how it successfully was put to use.
10 Jun 2012
News / British senior politician compares Poland to South Africa during apartheid [129]

Instead of pointing fingers at others, nations such as Britain schould take a very close look at THEMSELVES. They see themselves as some high-minded defenders of tolerance and moral standards - BASED ON WHAT? "Tolerance" based on orwellians laws of putting people to jail for several months for saying non-PC things while drunk? Suspension of the innocent until proven guilty " for hate related trials? Pretending that multi-kulti is the pinnacle of human acheivments and sweeping events such as London riots (shouldn't that be more of a problem for a country hosting Olympics than some, minor in comparison, fights with the police in Ukraine which allegedly make it unsuitable host for the Euros?)? This why do you look at the splinter in your brother's eye and not notice the beam which is in your own eye? attitude leads to understandable iritation.

If it was the Sun article it migh've gone unnoticed, but when the BBC yields to such sensantionalism, unprofessionalism and irresponsability (Read this statement from the executive director of the Jewish Community Centre of Krakow who claims his words were misinterpreted and taken out of the context: economist/blogs/easternapproaches/2012/06/ugly-spectre

Imagine in what situation all of this puts the guy and his cultural effort - an effort, which needs the support of the local community which is understandably endangered by such "documents". Is this the way to promote the Polish-Jewish dialogue or to recklessly spoil it? it raises some serious questions. The BBC during the Cold War acheived some kind of a special status in Poland and now it's a good time to put the assumption that it presents true and ubiased news into question. The issue of why even the public-funded media tends to reach the tabloid level these days is also far more interesting that the topic of hoolies in Poland.

I, for one, am ok with this recent UK's trend, after all, this may not only discourage the people of color to come as turists or professionals, which would be bad but also a thing we could live with, but also the people who would want to immigrate to Poland and the "raibow society" is the last thing we need right now, along with the "tolerance" or the "Europeans standards". It may actualy spur a discussion in Poland on what those "standards" really mean and I'm sure the majority wouldn't want to have them introduced in our country, this irritation disillusionment may actually be a blessing as the people may finally stop looking at the "respectable Western media" as if they had all the answers.

As for the hoolies, we don't need the BBC to know we have a problem. But the problem isn't racial violence, it is simply violence. Conidering the August London events, the UK unfortunately doesn't have any know-how we could use. The short-term solution seem to be better policing with financial pentalties along with the social works along with the more severe penalties for the more serious mishbehavior, and the long term, making sure that such underclass doesn't form any more (education and generally more active role of schools, zero tolerance for violence during school-age, improvement in generall economical situation, cutting the benefits on the pathological families or rather making sure that all the money gets spent on children and not their underclass parents etc.). As I have said, the UK is unable to teach us anything about this issues thus making this statements tottaly ridiculous, what next, Al-Jazeera expressing concern with woman abuse?
16 May 2012
News / Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story? [711]

Never again. I still have savings, to survive another 3 years. If by that time there is still no proper job, I am going to end up with it, with dignity. Probably will drunk myself into stupor, then jump from some high building.
But reading someone babling about BOOMs, or growth, it is damn irritaring.

Man, if you are for real... Come on, I know there is no eden here, but still...
If you have money to survive 3 years, you have enough to start your own business. Or, if it is not your thing, I can understand that, try to buy into existing business, as co-owner you will not be disrespected, just try not to rub their faces into your superiority.

Or try to lern something new. You say, you have the experiance in IT? So try to lern E# programing, and maybe SQL. Hell, even investing into Lotto tickets would be better then just waiting till your money runs out.

Don't flame me, I like Gothic too.
20 Apr 2012
Life / Teenage Pregnancy in Poland [108]

PlasticPole, are you drunk? I can see myself posting something like that in the state of delirium, I really do.
30 Mar 2012
Travel / Driving in Poland, are there any rules at all? [149]

Lets not make it personal, would we?

Yes, there is a risk involved, but it is the risk I am willing to take. As a matter of fact, it is the part of the fun.
30 Mar 2012
Travel / Driving in Poland, are there any rules at all? [149]

Oh, come on, if It’s Too Hot, Get Out Of The Kitchen. Thats the problem with the world of today, every thing is tailored to suit the sensibilities of cowardly old women.
29 Mar 2012
Travel / Driving in Poland, are there any rules at all? [149]

Well, if you drive fast, and are not overly cautious, you feel that "dreszczyk emocji". It just makes driving fun. Youfeel that you are alive, and every second is an adventure.
28 Feb 2012
Food / How toxic is industrial salt? (some food factories in Poland used it for sausages) [49]

Industrial salt is just normal salt without added Iodine (which is added to table salt) and usually in larger crystals.

Absurd. Industrial salt contains large amounts of sodium sulphate, which is quite toxic. Most important is degeneration of nevous system. It explains, why I feel so tired, seemingly without any reason, for almost a year now.
26 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

They come to milk the system and subsequently reduce this country to a nightmare doing jobs for the elitists that no self respecting person would do. They are communists for Gods sake. They see this as a paradise.

I suggest that you should reduce UK's wages to the level of Estern Europe's ones. As long as it is possible to earn ten times more then in home, for the same job, some people will keep coming.