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Posts by szarlotka  

Joined: 20 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2205 / In This Archive: 654
From: UK
Speaks Polish?: Nie
Interests: Skiing, mountains, music, reading, taking the mickey and terrapins

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6 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

to think I was about to post some Scouse jokes on the cheer me up thread.

Post away. I am safe in the knowledge that I am about as far removed from the stereotype Scouser as it is possible to be.

Ps what is the Polish for hub caps?
6 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

To be honest, I’m not sure I should be writing this edition. I know that Shawn-H was set the task of writing it when Miranda shouted at him to do so. However, he didn’t appear to be too keen so I thought I’d pen a few words just in case.

Oracle of Delphi anyone? No we’ve got Joe.

A new value added service has emerged this week. Joepilsudski has set himself up as the new agony aunt of PF. In his fresh looking ‘Ask Joe’ feature he provides incisive and timely advice to sort out all of your problems in navigating your way around this cruel and often confusing world. The early signs look promising, despite the ridiculous hat that he appears to favour. Already some of us, myself included, have benefited from his wise and thoughtful advice. I’m not sure how the established agony aunt here feels about the new upstart. I refer, of course, to JustysiaS who until now has been the one to provide the compassionate and gentle advice to all those seeking the love of a Polish Princess or two, particularly where the requestor is of a Middle eastern persuasion. I suggest that we need a new thread that provides us with advice on which agony aunt our problems should be addressed to.

Love this Song

Oh good thought I, a new music thread. Imagine my horror to find out it was another religious fanatic trying to change the (my) world. This particular gentleman, Loveislam, has been more persistent than most. We’ve had all manner of videos. The first set was vaguely interesting since the featured religious leader looked just like Terry Waite. After that it got very boring to be honest. So far he has only converted Somerled. I think he was converted to left hand drive, manual gearshift cars but I might be wrong there. I am now convinced that all religious and spiritual advisers have a set agenda item at their meetings to allocate a web site to their followers to spam. Obviously Loveislam must have been a bad student since he got us and there is a fair chance that Polish Catholics were never going to be an easy target.

Speedy recovery needed…

.. for Osiol who has a very nasty sounding bout of something nasty sounding. It’s not been a good week for the Donkey as he was also suffering from drinking too much fine bitter earlier in the week. Others have gone down with illnesses in a show of solidarity. Apparently there is a really nasty flu strain heading our way and we have to go and find a doctor (not easy) to give us a jab (needle not boxing) or we might miss some days at work. This is likely to be a bonus for Daisy who hates her boss anyway. This week she revealed that he is a twitcher (the radical arm of the Bird Watchers) who zooms off to far flung corners when there is a rare sighting of our feathered friends. Sledz has helped Daisy out by inventing rare sightings in the Falkland Islands.

Credit where it’s due

So far, to my knowledge, none of us has topped ourselves because of the economic crisis. I don’t think any of us has lost our jobs yet either. In fact the only real impact on me so far has been the landlord at my local limiting the size of my bar tab and insisting I settle up at least once a month. Yes the pound is in free fall and air fares are rocketing but really I can’t see any great recession just yet. When it does arrive, as it surely will, I intend to print out a copy of ParisJazz’s post where he defended bankers as not being greedy and no different from manufacturers and stick it on my dart board. Not greedy? I can only assume he works for a financial services PR firm.

Over there, over there

Well we have another Brit domiciled in Polska now. Telefonitka has finally made the move over to Krakow. I’d like to add my best wishes to her. There must be a fair few anglos in Poland now. Luckily for them it would seem that our Dear Leader quite likes them and it’s the rest of us that sometimes cause him a problem. Not just him too it would seem. There have been a couple of threads which want to know why the hell the Brits, Yanks, Aussies and Nepalese are here at all and why there are not enough Poles on here. Closing ranks a number of thoughtful replies have been provided, notably from Seanus, Osiol and LondonChick. It would seem fair to claim that most longer term members have a genuine interest in Poland or Poles for a variety of reasons. In other cases the reason must be a morbid fascination with Polish Shelf toilets.

That will have to do for this update. My efforts are focussed on producing the ‘mega edition’ for the first birthday of the thread in a few weeks time. No-one but no-one will be safe, of that you can be sure.
1 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Bereft of inspiration I gaze out upon the trees
Blindly seeking witty words to please
Deadlines have passed unnoticed and unseen
But still no words have been written on my screen

To write the usual tosh that has been my trait
Is no longer possible, for now my fate
Lies in producing incisive prose that from afar
Is better now that Vincent and Miranda have raised the bar

To bring things home that I’m in a mess
Read on above as Shawn-H thinks that I’m in a dress
And just when you things are at an all time low, that’s it
Daisy has pronounced me as a lazy git

It’s not for lack of effort on my part
That I have been unable to make a start
I’ve read the whole of PF from front to back
And even then I face the sack

It’s lack of content herein that is the shame,
It can’t be me, I’m not to blame
There are only so many times I can summarise
Frenchboy’s ego and noimmis outright lies

Where is the new exciting, structured and intelligent debate
That will allow me rein to freely elucidate
Where are the tales of travel, good deeds and the perverse
That would let me be myself and not resort to verse

Gone like so many formless things
Fragile moths on gossamer wings
An empty vista full of cant and bile
Is no place for Szarlotka’s guile

Wait a minute I see a glimmer of hope and joy
Buried deep in today’s posts there are gems, oh boy
Helena’s travel notes, the next Bill Bryson?
Not so for Wroclaw Boy, more Mike Tyson

And best of all, I can scarce believe it
Wroclaws’ back and fighting fit
Penning verse in the Dubious style
Go admit it, you all had to smile

Hang on a moment, why am writing in this way
Knowing that he will be sure to have his say
The master will critique this pupil and then
Cover his screen with many strokes of his red pen

So now it’s time I took my leave of you without delay
I have to get home in time to see Liverpool play
Before I go I wish you health and happiness
And failing that just have a Guinness.

29 Sep 2008
Love / Nice Polish women photos [329]

Maybe the theme of the party was 'The Invisible Man' or maybe 'chameleons' or maybe she can't post pictures yet..
26 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

have decided to write another edition, since Szarlotka seem to have abandoned his post as a writer in chief completely. I think he did that for the pure purpose of being mentioned in an edition again and again..

Look make no mistake, this is a coup d'etat. I've been cast aside like last season's Armani dress. If she wasn't so cute I'd be upset.

All hail the Miranda. Great job M
26 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

since when?

About 2pm GMT yesterday. Or so the rumour has it...
25 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

... Can I start a rumor on this one?

The Omnibus Thread is a rumour free zone

The Omnibus Thread is a rumor free zone

(Bi lingual me)
23 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Does the absence of those people mean a "new era on PF"?

Brave New World more like..... or maybe more Nineteen Eighty Four... I could think of a few posts and posters destined for Room 101
23 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Yep. About £50 poorer. The kids will have to go back on to the streets now.
23 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Welcome from a sombre and deeply depressed Omnibus Edition office. Sporting events over the weekend have left me feeling down. Firstly Liverpool failed to see off a plucky Stoke City and had a perfectly good Stevie Gerrard goal ruled out by a partially sighted, retarded lunatic who had obviously tied up the match referee ten minutes before the start of the match, donned his match uniform and cantered out on to the Anfield pitch quietly humming to himself. Then to make things worse Europe lost the Ryder Cup to them Yankies. Fair enough, the better team won. The US played some of the best golf ever in the competition. However, it still hurts, especially when one of them gallops down the first fairway using his Driver as an imaginary horse. Good ole boy that Boo Weekley. What a character he is. Shouts of Boo S A everywhere. It’s golf Jim but not as I know it. Largely because, unlike JB Holmes, I can’t actually drive the ball 370 yards. Just wait for two years when we get the US team over to Wales. You boys can’t play in the rain and guess, what, its always freaking rains in Wales.

Oh well to more mundane matters……

Vincent comes clean….

how you tried to set them free.
They would not listen
they're not
list'ning still
perhaps they never will.

That’s right. Vincent was the mystery writer of this column last week. For some reason his splendid effort ruffled a few feathers and people were getting agitated and demanding the name be revealed. Vincent has now been asked to be a regular contributor. Good call in my view. He should have lots of spare time soon when Spurs, on current form, will be out of all the cup competitions. Mind you they did beat Wisla Krakow last week.

Sorry seem to be the hardest word.

It is. I have no intention of reading any more dribble about farm girls, Satanism, paganism, euro coins, Bangladeshi entrepreneurs, people trying to sell me the concept of MLM, mad Americans propositioning retail assistants, pan Slavic world domination, people who are too sexy for their shirts…… I ain’t summarising any of that tosh. Someone start a thread on the comparative critique of Steinbeck and Thomas Mann. That I will read.

Actually I would summarise some of the recent threads but I’m too depressed about the golf!
19 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

To save Mr szarlotka from any more hate mail and death threats

I don't think they will stop anyway

I apologise to all to all who felt they were offended

Come on Vincent, they deserved it

the writer forget that most women don't have a sense of humour:))

How true

Mr szarlotka has already demoted me back to office boy

.which still makes Vincent the most senior member of the staff
19 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Sue the Omnibus Edition? What is the world coming to? Just in case my lawyers have advised me to comment as follows:

• The last edition was not composed by Mr Pie. He unfortunately forgot to add the standard disclaimer to the effect that the views expressed were not necessarily endorsed by said Mr Pie

• That the guest writer is not a girlie
• That Mr Pie does not mind being consistently beaten in football scores prediction by girlies
• That the first section of the guest post gives a massive clue to the true identity of the author
• That Hueg has watched too much Star Trek to the extent that he now has three ears – a right ear, a left ear and space the final front ear

Lukasz, what now? This the OT section, so it's expected that discussion will not be about POLAND.

Off Topic or Old Testament? Verily I shall smite Lukaz from on high...
17 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Under the Freedom of Information Act, i demand you tell us who it is?

Editorial Integrity prevents me from disclosing the name of the talented individual concerned. Mind you for a brown paper parcel full of used £20 notes....
17 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

do not even count my own posts pie

Pie didn't write that. it was our anonymous guest omnibus writer.
16 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Hidden Depths….

I am delighted to announce the arrival of yet another literary giant here on PF. Below is an admirable Omnibus Edition penned by a shy and retiring PF member - which obviously rules out some of you – who wishes to remain anonymous, at least until the royalty cheques start rolling in. Read on…….

A light hearted look at polish forums by guest writer, Norm D Plume.

Polish invasion….the second coming:

Many poles , will be making their way to England on Thursday, to visit White hart lane, for the big Euro football game. The home office have issued a statement saying, that, despite an anonymous, tip off, and protest , from a man in Glasgow, they will still, be keeping, the jobcentres open as usual. Meanwhile the standing for p/f’s 2010 world cup matches are in. #1 jbman, #2 PolkaDoll’s (boyfriend or father) #3 sausage. Spokesmen for the two big bookmakers say, the smart money is on the “banger” going to the top, when he plays his game in hand.

Hurricane strikes twice:

P/f members, Svenski and polishgirltx, had to put on wellies and hard hats, last weekend, in anticipation, for the tail end of hurricane Ike arriving in Dallas. All was well though, and it was almost possible, to hear the sigh of relief, from all the young men all over the UK when their favourite girl started posting again. It was bad luck too, for the poor girl, a day earlier, 1500 of her posts were blown away, by admins monthly clear out.

Squats, fries and video takes:

P/f member telefonitika, got a glimpse into the future, when she came across a demonstration, of the new European, ‘open plan toilets’ in Krakow last week. The Donny lady, give it, both thumbs down, most members agreed, with some asking , how low, can they go.

Another member just back from Krakow, the adorable, bi-lingual Dubliner, Poor Edward, posted a journal of his trip. Cuisine loving folks, wondering what delights, our man tried out, were left disappointed, when the young traveller declared , he dinned only, on big macs, beer and vodka.

Highlight of the week, was a musical and video masterpiece, by the forums lovable pet donkey. Smoothing banjo music, accompanied by animation, was a breath of fresh air. Many people in the know, are forecasting, the new album will be in the shops at Christmas.

On yer bike mate!

P/f boasts some of the fittest members on any forum, with the founding of the new biking club. Many members from all corners of the globe, have been exchanging their views on bikes trips with others. One female member said that she has other interests as well, and quoted the words, swimming, young man and speedo’s. It is not clear,at this stage, if she is leaving the club,or, was just asking for a translation.

Unusual thread of the week:

. The polish handshake. Arguments have been breaking out, why the polish handshake is so strong and firm. Some have debated that it is the strongest grip in the world, and many agree, but, come on folks , can it really, be stronger than the grip of a Scots man, holding on, to a £5 note?

Some threads that complimented each other.

*I found Christ on this forum ; Looking for 3bd flat in Warsaw*

*My polish boyfriend fancys are pakistani neighbour .What do i do ? ; Say Hello. Wave Goodbye*

*I need a good dictionary! ; I married a Polish girl once.*

Have a good day folks, and keep those posts coming. Regards Norm.

I think you will agree – a splendid effort
16 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

ButwhydoIstillthinkyouareagirl???? Szarlotka is so feminin!)

In my best manly baritone I can assure you BB that I am 100% male. I can only do a single task at one time. I hate shopping. I often wear odd socks. I always forget to put the top back on the toothpaste tube. I cut down trees, I press wild flowers……

Having a feminine sounding PF name does have it’s disadvantages, like getting romantic PMs from the love surfing lonely males. Maybe I should change it. I mean John Wayne didn’t like his rela name – Marion wasn’t it?
12 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Welcome once more from the palatial offices of the PF Omnibus Edition team. Well to be honest the offices are not palatial and the team is actually now just Szarlotka. Due to the recession, the complete lack of sponsorship and the absence of advertising revenue, I have reluctantly had to let the researchers go. Times are so hard it was no longer possible to continue to provide them with even their meagre remuneration – three pints, a packet of salt and vinegar crisps and a copy of Nuts magazine. Well that’s life I guess.

It’s not the end of the world as we know it.

The spanner heads at CERN have, after all, not doomed us to life as anti-matter particles. Although to be fair their clockwise, anti-clockwise beams have not collided yet. We have at least 27 days left to indulge in all sorts of things that you do with a few days of life left. This may include asking the boss for a raise, asking the boss’ PA out for dinner, finally learning to play the piano or even being nice to a German.

So near but yet so far.

An outstandingly funny post emerged from Ms Joannat. In it she set out very clear terms of engagement for a deep meaningful relationship with a suitably endowed man. Well endowed in this context included him having a nice car, good income, deep pockets and any level of attractiveness other than pug ugly. For the first time ever, Szarlotka could tick most of the boxes so threw his hat into the ring and went off for a good night’s sleep. Arising early the next morning, imagine his dismay to find that Admin had wiped the thread. Oh well back to married life for me then. I bet she looked like the back end of a bus anyway.

Oh I would purge 500 posts and I would purge 500 more.

Yep. The monthly purge of off topic has occurred once more. Once more we have had all sort of goodies removed. The world will now never know which of my musical submissions reduced Osiol to tears of anger and frustration. Is Sledz an early or late Pink Floyd Fan? Does Michal really like Wagner? Historical records of fact have been lost for ever. Unless of course there is a copy of the stuff in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. For the benefit of Newbies, if you love to see your post numbers growing just post in the serious categories and leave Off Topic to us serial offenders.

Groundhog Day

No sooner has Admin cleared down oodles of material, blow me down if old chestnut topics don’t mysteriously reappear. I mean, look at this lot that have come back post purge:

• Are Polish Women Easy?
• What do men look for in a woman?
• What do women look for in a man?

By my rough calculation this must be the fourteenth reincarnation of these beauties. For future reference I intend to provide my definitive responses, given that this is sticky thread and presumably will survive long enough to form part of my epitaph (which means 4 days if I don’t get my £50 back Szar – Ed). Here goes:

• They are easier if they speak English, note easier not easy. If they only speak Polish then they are very, very difficult.
• Men want charm, good looks, sophistication, short dresses and a potential father-in-law with a spare season ticket to Anfield in a woman
• Women want charm, good looks, sophistication, pert bottoms and a potential mother-in-law who is dead in a man.

Next candidate for the Lazarus thread award will probably be ‘What are your most embarrassing moments?’

Anarchist seeks global pen pals.

Well it makes a change to have requests for company from sources other than crazed lonely nutters or African web bots. Some German anarchists want to be friends with us all. Damned if I understood the logic since it went off to discussions about the SS. Were they friendly anarchists? Anyway, Hueg put them right. At least I think he did as he wrote back in German. Flash one that Hueg. Maybe they could be friends with Crow? Although I’m not sure whether pan-Slavics are anarchists. If nothing else they could have an interesting chat even if at the end of it they agree to knock the spots of each other.

Predictions are entirely predictable

Polson has roped in at least 12 of us to guess the football scores and taken on the onerous job of scoring the results and fielding all disputes. As predicted Szarlotka is languishing in last place. Never mind, England won in Croatia so I don’t really care that much.

And Finally…

There have been no volunteers to be the second ‘guest’ writer of the Omnibus Edition. Obviously following Miranda has been too daunting for most. Daisy has volunteered the Dear Leader, aka Gzregorz, to give us a Polish view on the great debates on here. So far the Dear Leader has not responded, being pre-occupied with the great affairs of state that he must deal with. Therefore I suggest as many of you as possible send him a PM pleading with him to give us a lead in these difficult and challenging times.

That’s all for now. Have a great weekend people.
9 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

but it is appreciated.

Thanks very much. As for the time I can type very quickly and I don't stop for sense checks.

Grzegorz could do the abridged version

Splendid idea. Many kmiots and yawns. No waffle, just hard hitting in yer face commentary. Come on G, volunteer. You know it makes sense for leaders to lead from the front.
9 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

She could be your North American correspondent, keeping an eye on matters across the pond, and you can keep an eye on us crazy folk in Europe?....just a thought:))

I was thinking more of a pick on some poor soul once a week and insist they write the Omnibus or else face the massed hoards of mocking voices if they duck out of it. It would be nice to have a few people summing up the week from a Polish or Poland based perspective.
9 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Oh damn. I had a wizard idea to have a poll on voting for the PF member who would be the next guest author of the Omnibus. Guess what - no polls in Off Topic.
8 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Stuff happened. The world is going to end in a big bang where we get covered in sticky Swiss Chocolate. Sz is confused as per normal. Have a good day
8 Sep 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Well we have cleared out the old PCs, hi-fi and back copies of What Car magazine from the Press Room. We’ve run the vacuum cleaner around the old place, dusted off the shelves and upgraded the operating systems of the crappy equipment the miserly old Editor provides and we now intend to honour our solemn promise to the delightful Daisy to rattle out another edition of the Omnibus Edition. Time presses since Arise-St-George has kindly pointed out that the boffins at CERN could obliterate the planet on Wednesday when they switch on the new Large Hadron Collider and create oodles of mini black holes that could spread out of control. The chief objector appears to be a doddery old German Chemist. Like what do Chemists know of particle physics then? Szarlotka would like to point out that if indeed the CERN nobles do create a quasar deep within the planet that eats us up then he would like the credit for first raising this issue on PF. Think he’s going senile? Then check out the things that keep me wake at night post. Aww, don’t bother it’s probably been cleansed to make way for another desperately seeking Suzanna post or three.

Right, now how do we distil many weeks, nay months, of action on here into a suitably succinct Omnibus without boring the pants off of everyone with monotonously trotting out the collective thoughts of posters young and old? The simple answer is we don’t. We adopt the Chinese approach to history by denying that any of it ever happened. Yes there may be written records of what Osiol, Krysia, PolskaDoll et al have posted but let’s just say that they were unapproved by the Party Machine and therefore cannot be treated as records of fact. Instead we pretend that the world only came into being at the end of August and since it’s going to end on Wednesday that gives us a nicely shortened spectrum of activity to report upon. This end of the world thing is hanging over us like a dark cloud. Just a few days remain in order for us to pen a suitable epitaph for planet Earth. From Big Bang to lots of mini Bangs with a lot of banging in between.

Still if the World is to end at least we’ve been seeing a bit more of it of late. They (who are they by the way?) say that travel broadens the mind. Now is this a truism or just a bunch of baloney we ask. We’ve had our eyes on a nice piece of research on PF that would attempt to correlate the tolerance, quality of argument and understanding of poster’s thoughts against the amount of travel they have undertaken. Now travel needs to be defined in this context. Merely having had two week hols on the Costa del Sol and steadfastly refusing to eat Spanish food and talking very loudly but slowly in English is obviously not travel. Neither is having undertaken one of those whistle stop tours of 29 European capitals in 21 days. You know the tours we mean. The ones where you can fit in Minsk in addition if the coach party agree to forgo toilet breaks for three days and limit themselves to less than a thousand photos per stop before politely jumping back on the bus. No, travel in this context is taking the time to try to understand different cultures, ethics, languages and customs. It’s not just backpacking and taking the local buses. It’s more than that. Travel is what Ryszard Kapuscinski did. A great author and true humanist. Now there would have been a magnificent guest author of the Omnibus Edition. (Great, some semblance of relevance to Poland at last Sz – Ed) We were getting there. It’s difficult getting back into the flow here boss. In our humble opinion great travel writers are up there with the literary giants. If nothing else who would you rather have with you when your truck breaks down in the Gobi Desert – Kapuscinski or Dostoevsky? One could fix the truck whilst the other would bang on and on about St Petersburg and moral rectitude.

Now our point is would it be possible to say definitively that, for example, noimmigration’s intolerance, bad spelling and general lack of respect left you in no doubt that he has never ventured outside of the Gorbals, or if he had it was on the aforementioned Costa del Sol package tour. In contrast could we assume that Osiol for example was widely travelled? We will never know I guess since the data is not there, and anyway we’re all doomed later this week anyway .Still it was worth a muse.

So to the action then. (About bloody time too Sz, just remember I have outsourcing options now. I have Miranda’s contact details and even the short form stuff that the donkey knocked out is looking viable now – Ed). Ooh we’re like trembling in our sandals.

Political Shenanigans

It seems like the Republicans have got themselves a woman running mate. Bit like us when we go down the park for a jog. This has stirred up the US members to debate the rights and wrongs of the poor lady. Some like her a lot and some don’t like the pro life stance or the haircut. We wonder if her hubbie is actually starring in Deadliest Catch. Over in Canada the Liberals appear to be angling to force an election too. We were amused to hear Stephan Whathisname being interviewed on the TV out there. Interesting tactic to have a spokesman (leader?) who in unintelligible to the English speakers. Still at least no one could claim that he did not fulfil his election promises since nobody could understand what they were in the first place. So it’s going to be all change in North America. Can’t see the same applying to Russia ourselves. Putin’s Poodles will exist for ever I guess. Mind you he did commit a bit of a faux pas by being photographed shooting tigers. Someone should point out that there are less Siberian Tigers left than cow tailing oligarchs. The Animal Liberation Front will probably get him now. Nice to see George W humming Georgia on My Mind during the Olympics in between goosing the US beach volleyball team.

It ain’t what you say, it’s the way that you say it.

At last the ladies have revolted against some of the more shall we say unimaginative and disrespectful posts from the internet groping fraternity. Whilst we empathise with the ladies in we still found the intensity of their broadsides frightening. Made us think twice about the PPPP (Polish Princess Propositioning Post) that we were composing at the time. No messing with this lot.

One in, one out and when you’re here please don’t shake it all about.

You have to hand it to the man. Within what seemed like minutes from the story hitting the Press, noimmi had posted news of the latest think piece on immigration into the UK. For non EU nationals the proposal is that a new immigrant can only come in when one leaves. Sounds like a reasonable solution to pressure on public services and budgets – at first glance. The reality could be more frightening though. You can just see hoards of would be immigrants at Heathrow waiting to pounce on unsuspecting foreign looking passengers flying out to see if they’re leaving the UK for good. Fights would break out. It’s bad enough now at tube stations with people looking to see if you’ve finished with your daily travelcard. Just imagine what it would be like if Uk residence was up for grabs.

Confusion reigns

Time was on here you could just about remember who is who and even have a reasonable chance of remembering which continent they resided in. Now as numbers grow inexorably larger it’s getting more difficult. To make matters worse the choice of names is becoming a pain. I mean take Bebi. No offence but it’s very close to Babi and I’m sure we had a Barbi at one point too. So let’s make a conscious effort to differentiate ourselves shall we. Like Bebi_polishcityname_age_not_looking_for_love for example (sorry if I’ve misrepresented Bebi there but you get my drift) . Also let’s have an end to the Michal, Michal2, Puzzler, Puzzler1, Puzzler2, Puzzler_I’ll_be-Back stuff as well. Talking of Babi we vaguely recall that at the ripe old age of 23 she was worried about getting old. Szarlotka was not impressed and went into deep shock.

New proposed jobs category

It’s just occurred to us that we need a new category for Premiership Football Managers and Oligarch Chairmen. Obviously it is no use having this on an English forum as precious few of them are English. Instead we propose to host it here so that every one time manager of the St Etienne Under 13s boys Division 2 runners up sides can advertise themselves as being available to be manager at West Ham or Newcastle. Then the billionaire owners of such clubs can easily sign them up on millions of pounds a year with buyout clauses after three matches when the managers of Valencia under 7 girls teams make themselves available. If we charge $50 an advert we could do away with Premium membership and get admin that well deserved villa in the Bahamas. And what is it with Manchester City signing Robinho. Word on the street says that City pulled a cunning stunt by sending Mr Bob. E. Charlton , who works in the bar at Eastlands, to offer him a chance of playing in Manchester. Obviously a Brazilian based in Madrid had never even heard of Man City and since it was the great Bob E. He signed on the spot.

Hueg go your way, I’ll go mine

Nice to see the Huegmeister popping by more often. The man has the power to cloud the clearest day in a mist of impenetrable prose. A sort of reverse lighthouse really. The distinctive refusal to use the quote feature is another quirk that differentiates him from the crowd. Is this all an effect from an extended period in Austria? Is it really that boring that man is forced to play on words and formats in a desperate attempt to retain his sanity. If Wednesday goes wrong we may never know.

Oh well, hear endeth another content free incoherent ramble. If you have enjoyed this then please tell your friends, assuming you have some. If not then please tell the management.

4/10 Sz. Too long, too rambling. No passion. You are on probation as at now - Ed
15 Aug 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

As I did, of course, szarlotka's

That's funny. My wife keeps referring to me in the past tense too. Come to think of it my boss on this contract just did as well. Maybe I've passed over to the other side?
15 Aug 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Rule 3 of being a man states "If all else fails, open the manual"