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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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28 Jun 2013
Life / Masculinist movement needed in Poland? [26]

Some claim today's men are more effeminate than previously. Do you agree? If so, is that the result of militant, man-hating feminist propaganda? Actually feminism would appear to be a misnomer like Poland's wieloryb (which is not a ryba but a ssak). Most feminists are hardly very feminine and try to be rugged, pushy, assertive and even two-fisted. Maybe something like virilist would be a more appropriate name?

If feminism is a movement intended to promote women's interests then maybe it's high time men created a maculinist movement (or by some other name) which would promote men's interest and protect them against

misandric feminists. Any thoughts?
28 Jun 2013
News / Poland one step closer to visa waiver by US Senate [59]

The US Senate has adopted the proper immigration measure, now it faces a battle in the House of Representatives. It's high time Poles stopped being treated like high-risk potential terrorists. 'America's most loyal allies' and copious pats on the back have been provided by the Clintons, Bushes and Obamas of this world, but Polish oil fields in Kuwait somehow failed to materialise, the offset deal has fallen short of expectations and the visa queues are still in place.
27 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]

Poland has enough deep-water ports. It could use a shallow-water port for smaller vessels and there's plenty of those about. Maybe the excursion-boat option could be developed. Or a special economic area declared. Sadly, it seems the politicans have all travelled to Elbląg to further their own politcal ends and will soon lose interest.
27 Jun 2013
News / Swastika -- symbol of happiness according to Poland's anarchist group [16]

What about a swastika hanging from the gallows? Such grafitti is also seen. At least Poland bans the display of
both symbols unlike Russia where the criminal sickle and hammer, red star and mugshots of serial killers Lenin and Stalin are prominently on display.

But to give Lenin his due, like Hitler with his VW, at least Vladimir Ilyich has made a lasting contribution to world civilisation. To this day one can find Lenin cupboards in homes all round the globe!
27 Jun 2013
News / Swastika -- symbol of happiness according to Poland's anarchist group [16]

Poland's anarchist scum are up in arms over the decision of a Białystok prosecutor who regards the swastika as a symbol of happiness and prosperity. After the matter was referred to Prosecutor General Seremet, the chief Białystok prosecutor has decided to pursue the case.
27 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]

Everybody seems to be forgetting one important thing: the livelihood and wellbeing of the poor people of Elbląg and its envrions.
26 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]

Do you think they could also rebuild a railway bridge and dredge the port?

If Donny Boy gave his OK, ways would be found to get it done. What's more, you'd be all for it.
26 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]

Volunteer labour doesn't cost a dime, soldiers do what they're told and scouts are civic-minded sorts...
26 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]

But since then other figures have been floated. Maybe they could get the army, boy scouts and volunteer townsfolk to do much of the digging for free. Where there's a will, there's a way!
26 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]

a billion zloty

That is probably an figure inflated by opponents to use as a scare tactic. Smaller figures have also been mentioned. Ain't there no such thing in Poland as muncipal bonds?
26 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]

a local harbour

Maybe it's a local harbour, but whatever the case, a team of experts or trouble-shooters should be set up to do a feasibility study. Maybe Elbląg could come alive again by combining local water traffic with recreational facilties to give the good people of Elbląg a sustainable livelihood. Maybe create a sepcial econ zone there. There may be numerous other possibilites.
26 Jun 2013
News / Poland's Nationalists hold congress [132]

He sanctioned a cirminal system by his adherence to the oparty line. Nobody ever saw him pull the trigger, in fact he probably never did. Nor did Adam's brother -- you know the fugitive from Polish justice hiding in Sweden. That's why desktop killer is an apter description. Such people presided over rigged trials and handed down sentences, whilst the bloody and dirty work was done by underlings. Do you really have the brain of a 4-year-old? These are such basics. Probably Hitler did nto gas a single Jew himself.
26 Jun 2013
News / Poland's Nationalists hold congress [132]

Remember, I wasn't the one who said they are currently in charge. They were up to 2005. The PZPR system was a serial killer. Miller, Kwaśniewski and anyone else who sanctioned that system through personal memebrship was an accomplice to the crimes. Naturally, the higher up in the leadership, the greater culpability.Some 100 Poles lsot during lives at the hands ofthe regime during martial and its aftermath alone.
26 Jun 2013
News / Poland's Nationalists hold congress [132]

Mass murderers and their followers are still in charge.

Szechter, a fugitive from justice hiding in Sweden, and Bauman are till alive, but most of the Stalinist butchers are burning in hell. Not so with the next generation -- the descendants of stalinsits. In fact, all ex-PZPR members of the SLD took part in the Katyń conspriacy of silence, the anti-AK campaign, spread lies about Father Popiełuszko and the others murdered on PZPR orders. So until the SLD again wins power, they may not be directly in charge by holding cabinet posts, but they are still playing a political role. Less prominent are ex-members of the criminal PZPR holding fatcat jobs in state treasury companies largely beyond the scope of public and media scrutiny.
26 Jun 2013
News / Poland's Nationalists hold congress [132]

An innocent man.

Well, by your standards, I can see where that could be the case. As a follower of Adam Schechterosn the Great, who regards the red butchers General Jabberwocky and Kiszka (or whatever his name is) as 'men of hionour', I can see your point. Besides, the AK were anti-Semitic terrorist band who deserved to be persecuted by Bauman & Co., innit?
26 Jun 2013
Life / Expat, immigrant, foreigner. Not all foreigners in Poland are expats. [84]

guerrilla gardening

Sad to say I'm not the cutting-edge tedny you appear to be. This is the first time I've heard that term. I presume it could mean mean cultivaitng an abandoned garden. If it's truly abandoned and ownerless then what's the harm? But squats can often become health and fire threats. Bowels and bladders need release even in buildings devoid of plumbing, and the drunk falling asleep on a pile of rags with a lighted fag is an old story....
26 Jun 2013
News / Poland's Nationalists hold congress [132]

I don't thnk he's ever been accused of that, nor has he been accused of any criminal acts

Yes, because allegedly free, Magdalenka-deal Poland was never able to carry out proper de-communisation. Bauman was a high-placed commie operative in a unit known for persecuting AK freedom-fighters. But in London he would have been out of the reach of the Polish justice system just like Michnik's brother, a fugitive destkop murderer hiding in Sweden.

Age has nothing to do with it. In recent years elderly former Nazi camp guards have been put on trial after all these years, but there is one major difference. They were only Ukrainians, and therefore not ethnically correct.
26 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]

shipping corn down the Wisła on rafts.

So why was the Port of Elbląg established in the first place?
Nothing comes into being for no reason at all.
26 Jun 2013
Life / Expat, immigrant, foreigner. Not all foreigners in Poland are expats. [84]

Mostly young ones

As a wider phenomenon didn't that go out with the hippies? Is a squat more formalised than a bunch of homeless living together in abandoned buildings or allotment garden sheds? They probably couldn't be too structured because I should think the squatter lifestyle would attract those with anarchic leanings.
26 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]

Destroying the Krynica area would also guarantee economic harm, not benefits

I can see you are the PF's Renaissance poster amd count marine engineering, port design, maritime shipping and overal marine management amongst a plethora of your areas of expertise. I am far more mdoest. However, a projection shown on TV indicated that the Vistula Promontory could be cut through at different points. They wouldn't have to choose the proximity of Krynica.

My suspicon is that you would have had no interest in the Elbląg issue if PiS had had not offered a bold proposal to save the port city and its people. And conversely, if Shifty Eyes had proposed something, you'd be all for it. Am I right?
26 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]

Communism ended over 20 years ago.

But Chrsitian Humanism did not. Next to God, man is the most important, his welfare and that of his family. Don't you find it sickening that those who are doing well and lack nothing in the material realm coudl be so selfish and callous not to see the plight of their fellow-man and fail to extend their compassion, empathy and tangible assistance to those nto as well off? The people fo Poland B, C, £ ot Ż, who haev had no say in where they were born, may be far better people than those wallowing in luxury in some glittery apartamentowiec. That's why Poland deseprately needs PiS!

Why is it that 2005 (for most of the year, an SLD government) had quite high tonnage figures, then the figures collapsed in 2006 and 2007 during the PiS Government? Hmm...

What's the English word for poślizg (slide?). When President Obama or any other leader announces something it doesn't happen the next day. The huge, complex machinery of state and economy does not immediatley react to the push of a button. Many of the shortcomigns occuring during the all-too-brief glorious two years of the Fourth Republic had resulted from previous SLD blunders. And Poland will be suffering because of the PO's ill-considered measures long after the Platformers have been swept out of office.
26 Jun 2013
News / Restoring the Port of Elbląg? [113]

Everything is not only about money, tonnage and ship size. There are people who know the price of everything but the vaklue of nothing! That's where PiS stands head and shoulders above all the tin-horn politicians, shady buisness types and their brainwashed toadies, becasue the welfare of the good people of Elbląg in this case comes first and foremost. Elbląg was a normally functioning seaport with a maritime-oriented citizenry until the Russiasn started pulling their fast ones. An additional wndow on the Baltic would allow the city to thrive once again and with it the entire surronding area.
26 Jun 2013
News / Poland's Nationalists hold congress [132]

Great poster! The EU-PC crowd think they are so forward-looking and progressive that they cannot see all the markigns of a dictatorship trying to reshape Europe in the image of the Brussels bureuacracy. Their censorship does not differ that much from what Comrade Stalin and Herr Hitler had imposed. They still have no gas chambers but can already have unsubmissive people sacked, force charitable institutions to close down and effectively blackball the non-subservient.

Hats off to the Irish, UK and Poland for having the guts to demand opt-outs from the Brussels 'bible of dictates':
-- The Irish cannot be forced to participate in any future EU military force;
-- The UK will no tbend to EU pressure re labour laws and other matters;
-- And Poland remains sovereign in the realm of family legislation and cannot be forced to accept all the trendy PC -deviations.
Hopefully that whole top-heavy Eurocracy will collpase -- the sooner the better!
25 Jun 2013
Life / Expat, immigrant, foreigner. Not all foreigners in Poland are expats. [84]

Those that attend citizenship classes which end with passing an exam are requried to take an oath of allegiance to the Untied States and renounce allegiance to other countries.* Those who remain immigrants do not. Of course every US-born school child and immigrant kids to in both public and Catholic schools recite daily with hand over heart: 'I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and the Republic for which it stands -- one nation, under God, indivisible. with freedom and jsutice for all.' Jehova's Witnesses, who pledge allegiance to no earthly empire, simply stand silently by.

Other than that I have never sworn nor been requested to swear any separate oath.

*From what I gather, In actuality the US authorities turn a blind eye to dual or multiple citizenship as does Poland and other countries.
25 Jun 2013
Work / Corporate integration or blackmail in Poland's companies? [30]

They are usually very popular among staff

Give anyone free food and drink and you'll be pretty popular. The point was: is what my corporate insider told me an exaggeration or sporadic thing or does it occur with fair regularity? Namely surveillance and veiled interrogation in a relaxed, happy-go-lucky liquored-up atmosphere: 'Hey Zbig. let's have a drink... By the way I've been hearing things about our good friend Marek. What about you?'