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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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3 Jul 2013
News / Polish 'patriotic' brands? [14]

I hadn't realised the Tatra was produced past the mid-1990s. A rather imrpessive looking vehicle.

3 Jul 2013
Love / Polish Farm Women [34]

I insulted no-one. The word wife was never mentioned. But since you have constantly derided the notion of a fresh, wholesome, untainted and innocent, God-fearing girl in her 20s, you obviously have a different aesthetic.
3 Jul 2013
News / Polish 'patriotic' brands? [14]

And isn't Tatra a beer?

Yes, and it was also a Czech-built car -- a large rear-engine job. Don't think they made it into post-communism, but the make was already around in the interbellum period.

3 Jul 2013
Love / Polish Farm Women [34]

Not everyone reduces everything to attacks or compliments. First you were lambasting the poor bloke for having unrealistic demands, so now when he has revised his requirements, you're back at your favourite pastime -- blasting. Why don't you buy a dog so you can kick him to let off your pent-up frustration. Or. better yet, jump into the bear pit at the Warsaw Zoo and kick the first bear you see in the balls.
3 Jul 2013
Food / What made in Poland produce would you recommend [110]

Ideal but still hard to achieve

I agree, but than all the time, energy and moeny waster on the PO-PiS mud-slinging and general poitcikign by all parties, Poland should have set up a Poladn-promotinmg research and promotion unit to sound out foreign markets and aid Polish business. Teraz Polska was a great idea which was supposed to promote Polish products of the highest quality. But the word is that whover pays the most gets to use this symbol. Ain't there a bit too much self-interest and too little civic-mindedness about?
3 Jul 2013
News / Polish 'patriotic' brands? [14]

Grzybowski & £ukasiewicz

Indeed, and Chrzęszczykiewicz & Przybyszewski would also go over like a lead baloon. But there are also names that are both Polish and pronounceable (occasioanlly Latinised): Varsovia, Cracovia, Polonia, Polonaise, Masovia, Tatra, etc.
3 Jul 2013
Love / Polish Farm Women [34]

You're the e-gadgetarian so scroll back. It's somewhere in there when he was publically analysing me for some odd, unknown reason. I reckon he fancies that sort of thing. There are outfits that keep sending out spam: Find out what you're girlfriend, wife or chidlren are doing that spy on people for a fee. Maybe he could set up such a firm and earn a little extra on the side. Hey, why not ask him directly,when it was he made that comment. Then it'll be easier for you to find it. Good luck!
3 Jul 2013
Love / Polish Farm Women [34]

One can be married and still fancy a certain kind of woman that your wife may not be.
BTW, re stalking; ask your mate Delph how he could have possibly known that I really am a practising, church-going Catholic. Did he (does he) follow me to church on Sunday or what? You sort it out with him and let us all know, OK?
3 Jul 2013
Food / What made in Poland produce would you recommend [110]

Great stuff. Niech żyje Solaris! Some may disagree that economic partiotism exists or should exist, but in a scale of best to worst, Polish companies may also be judged as follows:

A. Polish-owned company producing a recognisable Polish product under a recognisably Polish brand-name, giving employment to Poles and reinvesting profits in the company's operations.

B. Polish-owned company producing or assembling non-Polish copycat products under a non-Polish brand name, but giving employment to Poles and reinvesting profits in the company's operations.

C. Entirely foreign-owned company or with only a Polish minority stake, producing or assembling non-Polish copycat products under a non-Polish brand name, giving employment to Poles (cheap manpower), reinvesting only the bare minimum in its Polish operation and transferring most profits to the home country.
3 Jul 2013
Love / Polish Farm Women [34]

allowed to insult Sobieski's wife

This has nothing to do with anyone's wife. When I asked where my 50-year-old should look, I was merely relaying his want list. Someone asked what was meant by 'quality Polish womanhood' and I replied: Quality Polish womanhood would be a decent, respectable, hard-working, loyal and devout Catholic woman who makes a good wife and mother. Nobody has to agree with it. If someone rejects those priorities -- fine -- it's not against the law.

Only some ad-hominem-obsessed PF-ers are constantly dragging in the employers, family members or private affairs of other posters and try to imoptue simialr mtovies to others.
3 Jul 2013
News / Polish 'patriotic' brands? [14]

Anyone know which of the above-mentioned companies has a Polish majority stake?
That is important because Poles take the decisions and the profits are not mainly transferred to outside investors.
It's difficult to deny the Poles' anglomanic propensities. Mickiewicz wrote (in Pan Tadeusz): 'Co Francuz wymyśli Polak polubi..'. Now that can be updated with the substitution of Anglosas or jankes....

Why is it that Poies display so little pride in ownership, in their own innovations and recognisably Polish products and brands? One would think that after being kept down by foreigners (partitions, Hitler, Soviets) for so many years, they would want to assert their own identity and diaplay more national pride? Even the concept of 'patrtioic brands' is a US import.
3 Jul 2013
Love / Polish Farm Women [34]

As I understood it, the gent had originally wanted a wholesome unspoilt girl in her 20s. Not able to find it, he lowered his standards and settled for what was more readily available. But a widow who went to Canada to look after her sick elderly mother sounds like a good person, even though the age and marital status were not what had orignally been desired.

Quality Polish womanhood would be a decent, respectable, hard-working, loyal and devout Catholic woman who makes a good wife and mother.
I presume your priorities are quite the opposite: pierced, tatooed, fun-loving pub-crawling, pot-smoking sleep-about. The kind that rarely if ever darkens a church doorway but never misses a party. To you that is a 'real' woman. To each his own.
3 Jul 2013
News / Polish 'patriotic' brands? [14]

Now, now! I don't think you are criticisng 'the home of the brave and the ladnof thre free' (words from the national anthem). You surely mean surfboards!
3 Jul 2013
News / Polish 'patriotic' brands? [14]


This week Uncle Sam is everywhere in US adverts and the media are running a list of the 'most patriotic' American brands, as perceived by surveyed Americans. The list is headed by Jeep, followed by Hershey's, Coca-Cola, Levi Strauss, Disney, Colgate and Zippo.

The Rzepa author noted that many Polish brands did not survive in the aftermatch of transformation (think Nysa, Żuk, Unitra, Cora, £ucznik, Polonez, etc.).

Those that have made it in post-PRL Poland have included Pesa, Frugo, Mokate, Ziaja, Reserved and Solaris.
Some brands have survived only because they were bought out by world biggies adn include :E. Wedel, Wawel, Prince Polo, Pudliszki, Winiary, E, Ixi i Kokosal, Żywiec adn Okocim.

Do you foresee the growth of original, indigenously Polish products and brands or are Poles doomed to be mainly a nation of mercenaries in the employ of foreign capital?
3 Jul 2013
Love / Polish Farm Women [34]

When in Chicago, be sure to attend Sunday Mass at Holy Trinity Church which draws people, including many attractive and available Catholic young ladies, from all over the metropoltian area.There are social hours after Mass -- a good way to meet people. There are also Chicagoland Polish bars and clubs if your taste runs more to good-time Suzies and other floozies. The choice is yours.
3 Jul 2013
News / Polish flag in dog sh*t + the "Imperium" movie [37]

Samoobrona woman (forgot her name).

Renata Beger. She said she liked sex so much she had 'kurwiki w oczach'. I understand she's back on the farm shovelling cow manure.
2 Jul 2013
News / Polish flag in dog sh*t + the "Imperium" movie [37]

TVN will pay half a million zł for promoting disrespect for national symbols in your program .

The Supreme Court did not find in the severe penalty of violation of freedom of the press, freedom of speech.

In March 2008, in an episode of " Cuba Provincial " Guests : cartoonist Marek Raczkowski and actor Christopher Stelmaszczyk , encouraged by the lecturer would put thumbnails Polish flag in the dummy dog droppings. Provincial Sam did not.

TVN has been ordered to pay 500,000 zł for showing public disrespect for Poland's colour which are under lergal protection. Kuba Wojewódzki planted a small Polish flag in what appeared to be dog excrement, and many people were offended. Wojewódzki claims it was just a 'happening'.

I recall a case where some of his ethncially correct compatriots in NYC once displayed a crucifix in a jar of urine. They claimed it was a form of artistic expression.

Should disrespectful public displays of this kind be against the law?
What if someone dispalyed a photo of Michnik or Tusk in a pile of dog crap -- would that be OK?
2 Jul 2013
Love / Polish Farm Women [34]

I will hold onto it for future reference whenever a PolAm askes about marrying Polish. Incidentally the 50-year-old I mentioend a while back did not have to come to Poland. He met a 40-year-old lady who was caring for her edlerly mum in Toronto and after she died he comforted her and they became friends. She is a widow from Siemiatycze (husband was killed in a car crash). She has a 16-year-old son living with his aunt in Siemiatycze and she is a very devout Catholic. The gent, who had been hoping for an 'innocent and wholesome' 20-some-year-old, has apparently lowered his standards. Whatever the case, I for one wish them well! Ad multos annos!
2 Jul 2013
Love / Polish Farm Women [34]

Maybe some of you PF-ers more experienced in this area could inform this gent of a good Polish online matrimonial site. He is interested in qualtiy Polish womanhood.
2 Jul 2013
News / Poland - land of uni students? [11]

I really haven't studied the Good Father's Higher School of Social and Media Culture in Toruń, so I don't know wherther it qualifies. In case your itnerested, check it out:

2 Jul 2013
News / Poland - land of uni students? [11]

A recent CBOS survey showed that 78% of the Poles surveyed felt higher education is now a mass phenomenon. What are your thoughts behind all the many fly-by-night colleges, higher schools and effective diploma mills now accepting tuition-fee-paying students?

Does a degree from even a state uni in Poland guarantee any kind of future these days? Or is it like the joke: What does one recent uni graduate say to another in PO-ruled Poland: 'Zapiekanka, please!'

What are things like in your home country (if you are not a Polish national)?
2 Jul 2013

I reckon the przybrany brat and przybrana siostra have carried the day. Thanks Shorthair Thug! Maybe it's just because up till recently that was a far rarer situation in Poland than in the English-speaking countries. hence

that term seems less familiar.
BTW, in Polish macocha (stepmother) is hardly neutral but carries a negative emotive charge. The term po macoszemu (in a stepmothery fashion) usually means to treat somebody like sh*t.

Do you find that wujek and ciocia have taken over and edged out stryj and stryjenka? Also do you call your 1st couisn brat stryjeczny or siotra cioteczna?

The listing provided shows many terms not only no longer used but even unintelligielbe to many of today's average Poles. I recall świekra from the Gospel about świekra św. Piotra...
2 Jul 2013
Life / Fr. John Bashobora National stadium Warszawa (Warsaw) [81]

You most certainly can change your gender

Can you also change your orientation?. If someone is uhnhappy and uncomfortable with the orientation one was born into, can that be changed. There are treatment opporutnities available.Why is it that the LGBT crowd is so opposed to treatment and wants to deny that freedom to those potentially interested.
2 Jul 2013

That's the problem. Przyrodnia siostra is a half-sister, ie the biological offpsring of one of your parents, hence she shares 1/2 of your blood.
A step sister is a total stranger; your dad married a woman with children from a previous marriage and those are your stepsisters or stepbrothers.

Someone suggested przybrany. Would you tell someone: Zosia to moja przybrana siostra? In English no-one would have any qualms about saying; Sophie is my stepsister nad everyone would know what was meant.

German acts just like English (both Germanic after all) with Stieftochter, the French say belle-soeur,
cводная сестра (literally soemthign like consolidated sister) is the Russian equivalent.
2 Jul 2013
Life / Your least liked Polish TV series? [6]

Just off hand, my least liked series/programmes include: Rodzinka,pl, Kiepscy, Na dobre i na złe (and all the other 'horrory chirurgii' type shows), Kuba Wojewódzki...
1 Jul 2013
Life / Fr. John Bashobora National stadium Warszawa (Warsaw) [81]

She was unhappy with the body/sex she was born into, she changed it.

She was unhappy with the body/sex she was born into, she changed it.

She has become the darling of the libertine set. So one is allowed to change one's gender but not one's sexual orientation. Just the mention of that is heresy to all the self-styles 'progressives'. Why is that?
1 Jul 2013
Life / Fr. John Bashobora National stadium Warszawa (Warsaw) [81]

the chains of oppression and spoon-fed nonsense.

Mainstream relgion is exerting a declinign influence on society, so it's kind of like beating a dead horse. How many of your friends, colleagues and others you interact with are all that religious?

Today people are being spoon-fed, downdumbed and exploited by the new religion of popconsuemrism or popcommericalism which incidentlaly is nearly a carbon-copy of mainstream relgion.

It's got its high priests and icons, saints and devils, liturgies and mantras, sins and ways to (PC) salvation. Its temples are shoppign malls and rock arenas. And it is all the more insiduous since the suckers who fall for it usually don't realise they are being victimised and exploited.

Popcommercialism has replaced authorities with seasonal idols, tried and tested values with trendy passing fads and words of wisdom with cheap slogans, buzzwords and smart-alecky ripostes. Is that the new 'religion' you really want to lead people to?.
1 Jul 2013
Life / Fr. John Bashobora National stadium Warszawa (Warsaw) [81]

but some moderation would be greatly appreciated.

I fully agree. Perosnally I am turned off by luxophiles, be they polticians, celebrities, business tycoons or sport stars, and regard it as immoral in a world where half the popualtion goes to bed hungry. But a luxury-loving man of the cloth is even worse because that's not what Christianity is about. However, one cannot go overboard by suggesting every last widow's pense (including the the 200 zł you mentioned) goes only to fuel Rydzyk's personal lifestyle. Running a media company and university costs money. And although you may disagree with his views, RM and TV Trwam are performing an extensive mission, bringing solace to elderly shut-ins, providing a Catholic approach to the news and reminding Polonians world-wide of their ancestral heritage.