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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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13 Jul 2013
Love / Are Polish girls better cooks? [45]

What is "Polish sausage"?

In North America it is a generic term for a sausage roughly similar to Podwawelska in Poland.
Basic ingredients are: chopped and minced pork butts, garlic, salt and pepper; it is sometiems seasoned with a sprinkl eof marjoram and a bit of minced veal or beef is occasionally added.

But in Poland there are numerous varieties: śląska, krakowska, toruńska, etc. In large Polonian centres in the US and Canada the very same varieties are4offered, but in mainstream America in the big chain supermarkets, sausage labelled as'Polish sausgae' or *Polska Kiełbasa' (sometimes wtih a white eagle thereon) is, like I said, close to Podwawelska in taste and texture.
13 Jul 2013
Love / Are Polish girls better cooks? [45]

Because of its low price Poles are eating much more chicken these days -- a white meat. BTW do you regard pork as a whtie or red meat? Pork producers in the US have for years tried to convince folks that it's defintiely a white meat. Beef is the only readily available red meat in Poland and it is pretty poor -- oftne tough as shoe leatherand none-too-flavourful. One gets the imptression that the beef on thePolish market comes from cows that were butchered after they stopped giving milk.
13 Jul 2013
Love / Are Polish girls better cooks? [45]

I keep hearing Americans, of Polish extraction or otherwise, complaining about the poor culinary skills of American women. If it's not fast food than it's junk like instant Cup o' Soup and micfowave dinners. Some believe ( hope?) Polish women are a better alternative in that area. In your experience, have the Polish women you have known been better cooks than their peers in the US or the West in general? Is this a generaitonal thing? If so, do cooking skills diminish as one goes down the age scale?
13 Jul 2013
News / Poland -- an Indonesian's eye view [7]

This article appeared in a Jakarta newspaper. Do you think it objectively sums up present-day Poland?

Over the Bright Skies of Modern Poland Lurks the Dark Clouds of Past Sins of Nazism

thejakartaglobe.com/opinion/over-the-bright-skies-of-m odern-poland-lurks-the-dark-clouds-of-past-sins-of-nazism/
13 Jul 2013
News / More technology, but less common sense in Poland - Rydzyk? [40]

'We have greater possiibltiies but less time and more academic titles but less common sense, more knowledge but fewer healthy evaluations. We are multiplying our assets but trimming away our values. We learn how to make money but not how to live. We have stable buildings but weak characters. We are creating more and more computers and storing more and more information but we talk to each other less and less.'

What say ye PF-ers one and all?
12 Jul 2013
Language / Polish keyboard 214 is best [34]

That's only because the Programisty has things asrse-backwards. Ever since Polish keyboards were first used in the early 20th century, invented, the Z has always been in the second row and the Y in the extreme lower-left corner. Same with the keyboards used at present in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Hungary and a few other countries.

QWERTY is great if you prefer to type out 25 degrees instead of 25°, and enjoy double-typing to get ę ą ł ź ż ń ś ć ó.
12 Jul 2013
Language / Polish keyboard 214 is best [34]

All depends on the typing tasks. If someone's texts are regulalry peppered with Polish, English, German and French, then using the US QWERTY can be a real pain. For Polish it's OK if the user doesn't mind double-typing for Polish accented letters and doing without the low initial inversted commas requried by Polish punctuation. Also having the degree mark °, the German ß and other symbols right on the keyboard (rather than having to dig them out of the toolbar's insert function) is a real boon.

But no-one who has not made a hands-on comparison over a period of time is qualified to say which is superior. I have and would never use the Polski Programisty is I could help it.
12 Jul 2013
Language / Polish keyboard 214 is best [34]

Every keyboard layout has to be learnt in order to touch-type anywhere in the world. The point is that even small countries such as Hungary and Denmark have their own national keyboards and, unlike Poles, do not feel they have to use an American copycat keyboard.
12 Jul 2013
News / General strike 11th September in Poland? [26]

where I come from anti-Semitism is looked upon as criminal, degrading and to be despised.

In other words, where you come from Jewish lawbreakers, embezzlers and child prnographers are able to evade criticism by hiding behind the odium associated with the anti-Semitic label. Is criticising the brutal, inhumane treatment of Palestinians by Israel also regarded as anti-Semitism 'where you come from'? If that's such a wonderful place, maybe it's time to go back,
11 Jul 2013
News / General strike 11th September in Poland? [26]

you can of course explain everything

Yes, like the fact that there are idiots (or simply pretend to be) that constantly harp on PiS teaming up with Samoobrona, whilst conveniently overlooking the incongruity of a liberal, urban-based, pro-business party like PO forming a coalition with a socially conservative, populist, pro-rural Poland B party like PSL. Never a peep or a squeak about that has been heard. Strange, eh?
11 Jul 2013
News / General strike 11th September in Poland? [26]

Because any criticism of a Jew for anything (crime, embezzlement, wife-beating, etc.) and the policy of the State Israel has been known to be labelled 'anti-Semitic' by defenders, lawyers, activists, PR specialists, ADF fucnionaries, etc. Don't ask for links becuase you won't get one. Just stop being the ostrich and open your eyes and ears for a change.
11 Jul 2013
News / General strike 11th September in Poland? [26]

In poliotics the need for tactical cooperation often brings together strange bedfellows, but that does nto mean either side has abandoned its own principles and priorities. Getting rid of hte Platformers is such a top a priority that it could warrant tactical alliances even with the devil himself.

Polonius, please take a breath before posting and use the Preview function. Thank you.
11 Jul 2013
News / General strike 11th September in Poland? [26]

Newspeak was invented by Orwell, in Nineteen Eighty-Four

And nowadays it has been taken over by the PC dictatorship who use such usually poorly defined buzzwords as reproductive rights, gay rights, pro-choice, homophobia, hate speech, anti-Semitism, etc. Nothing new under the sun!
11 Jul 2013
News / General strike 11th September in Poland? [26]

The consolidated TU movement led by Solidarność will be the vangaurd paving the way for the 2015 PiS-led clean-up campaign that will sweep away the crooked politcians, scam artists and shady businessmen of Tusklandia.
11 Jul 2013
News / General strike 11th September in Poland? [26]

Since the TUs are unable to safeguard workers' rights through negotiations, they've got no choice but to take to the streets. All three TU federations are planning to declare a general strike on 11th September this year. Solidarity chief Piotr Duda dismissed Tusk's rant alleging anti-state activities and said on TV: 'If someone says "the state is me", then we oppose such a state.' He added that the TUs would not let themselves be intimidated by government plans to curtail TU rights.

Solidarity asked before their union , what form of protest choose whether to be a few days of protest in Warsaw or strike . According to trade union Solidarity majority in favor of carrying out both forms of protest. Joint protest committee of three trade unions will be today at the headquarters of OPZZ discuss details of the planned protest and a possible general strike , which may occur in September.
10 Jul 2013
Genealogy / Great Grandfathers naturalization papers, Volnick (Wolnik) [7]

WOLNIK: possible etymology: 1) from old first name Wolimir; 2) topo nick from Wolnica; 3) topo nick from one of numerous localities called Wola (freetown - originally tax-exempt settlements to help get them started).
7 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Two years is a long time on the political stage and much can occur between now and then. For instance, Kaczyński has idnciated that Prof. Gliński would make a good presidential candidate. It cannot be ruled out that Kaczyński will not head the PiS-led coaltion that emerges after the 2015 poll. Poczekamy, zobaczymy!
7 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

'Fourth republic' project was a daft idea.

No, the project itself was sensible and rock solid. Its was the way that the Platformers and their brown-nosing media distorted and maligned it that made it look bad.
6 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

sinners, because they think differently.

Sinners are not people who think differently but who sin. The principles of Catholic teaching are clear. Nobody has to accept them. But if they don't, then they're Catholics in name only.

Why this concerns you so much is a mystery. You're not a Catholic so why are you constantly on about Catholicism.
It poses no threat to you or anyone else. On the other hand, the decadent 'anything-goes' permissivist revolutuion you so hotly promote affects everyone by undermining the family and leading to society's disintegration.

Over the course of history, decadence has always led to decay, decline and ultimate collapse. And that is an objective, empirically verifiable fact!
6 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

We've never had it so good!

That's what Tusk's oldboy network and the shady busienssmen, scam artists and crooked politicians that support him also say. R U 1 2?
6 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

condoms dont in your view Polonius3

Got a quote from the incriminated poster saying condoms are ineffective. As you know, research has shown they are not 100% effective. They are banned by the Church, and you can accept or reject that but don't put words in other people's mouths. There is a huge difference between saying something is ineffective and that it is not 100% effective. In your lingo: Ineffectief and niet 100% effectief!
6 Jul 2013
Life / Fr. John Bashobora National stadium Warszawa (Warsaw) [81]

You can't tun the clock back

Indeed, all of history's best-known monsters invoked the future and claimed what they were doing was 'bold', 'dynamic', 'forward-looking' and even 'progressive'. Adolf had promised a '1,000-year Reich', whilst Stalin called Soviet-style communism 'the wave of the future'. It lasted some 7 decades. Hitler's fiasco luckily ended in 12 years. How much longer will the permissive revolution endure and how many victims will it take with it before collapsing is something nobody knows at present!
6 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

we've moved on

Who's going to move us on from the PO-created mess -- rubbish snafu, oldboy network, cushy posts for Tusk's 2 kids, unkept promises (like that he wouldn't stand for PO boss re-election), unfinished motorways (which were to have opened for Euro 2012), gambling scandal, etc., etc., ad nauseam. One could go on and on, but the survey results suffice to show that more and more Poles are catching on to Tusk & Co. at long last.
6 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

70% of the electorate has not voted PIS

Things change. The Fourth Republic will soon be back to finish the job it started in 2005 -- this time with a solid mandate.
6 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

their miserable past

In line with your non-conservative mind-set, aren't you always saying 'things move ahead'?
6 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

dentists have always had the choice

Indeed, except the custom did not become widespread until the AIDS pandemic loomed. That means that the dentist is better protected but the same drills and other tools are used on high-risk and ordinary patients. In Poland is a HIV-positive patient requried to inform a dentist of this malady?