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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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17 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

electoral system requires around 45-47%

PiS are inching their way up and whould hit the 45-47% level some time soon.
17 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Merged: Hurray -- PiS achieves 40% mark

The latest TNS poll shows 40% of respondents voting for PiS and 34% for PO. PSL with 2% is out of the running.
That pushes PiS to or near the level where going it alone might be possible. That is good news in face of those who claim PiS is 'unconscionable'. One cannot rule out that Gowin will lead the conservative wing out of the Platformer sand pit and set up his own party, perhaps called, Partia Sprawiedliwości (Justice Party) or Partia Konserwatywna (Conservative Paty) which could garner from 10 to 12% of the vote and enter a coalition with PiS. Everything is still possible. Who knows if soon PiS will not reach the 50% mark. Co daj Boże!
16 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]


That is what it's called -- the Selective Gazette by those who have read into it and analysed their tactics and ruses. It's PC dictatorship all the way. And we all know what PC means -- leftist-liberal-libertine phobias, complexes, biases, prejudices and taboos passed off as 'progressivism'. Stalin also called what he was doing 'progressive'. Maybe that's no coincidence becuase Michnik and many other journalists of this rag have Stalinist family roots.
16 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

double declutching

I understand the original Italian Fiat 500 (of the 1950s) required this. I have never owned a car that did. Have you? It's hard to concieve doing this 4 times (4-speed gearboxes back then), but I reckon one can get used to most anything.
16 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

It's a cultural thing. Sure you can take some glowing tablet-shmablet to bed and have it shine in your face, but some prefer a real magazine or newspaper. The feel, the rustle, even the smell of printer's ink as well as the general ambience -- those things also play a role.

There are people who enjoy getting away from it all on the bosom of nature without the bells of cellphones and other e-gagdetry to contaminate the natural surroundings and distract them from the beauty of God's good earth.

And yes there are also those who go on outings and bring along laptops, cellphones, MP3s and other e-junk and spoil things for those looking for peace and quiet and the music that rustling leaves, babbling brooks and songbirds provide. To each their own!
16 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

Merged: Gazeta Wyborcza losing readers.

Fakt has eclipsed Wybiórcza as Poland's top-selling daily. Super Express is in 3rd place. The only papers that have noted increased sales are Gazeta Podatkowa and Sport.

It turns out that fewer and fewer people reaching for " Gazeta Wyborcza " . The latest readership survey shows that in the period from December 2012 . Until May 2013 . On leadership position has changed , and the log Agora declined .

The information service wirtualnemedia.pl that the new leader of readership in Poland in the study PBC General was " fact " , ahead of " Gazeta Wyborcza " .

15 Jul 2013
History / Piłsudski's Cadillac to be rebuilt [8]

The Cadillac Fleetwood Special 7-passrenger limousine ordered for Marshal Piłsudski in 1934 ( a year before his death) is going to be restored. It will be available to the Polish head of state.

Piłsudski had epxressed a preference for Cadillacs already back in 1918 and such a vehicle took him through the Polish-Bolshevik war. Incidentally, it is armour-plated and therefore theoretically attack-proof.

"The coffin you are planning here for me" - these words he had denounced Marshal Jozef Pilsudski at the sight of his new limousines - armored Cadillac Fleetwood Special Seven Passenger Limousine . Swirls of history were not for the car gracious - was completely destroyed. Secret police shooting at floating to check their resistance to bullets. Today we know that this unique car will be rebuilt. Dziennik.pl scored the only picture cars that have survived from the mid- 30s .
14 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Nope, only heard it on the grapevine. If it's so important to you, do some research. I couldn't care less.
14 Jul 2013
News / More technology, but less common sense in Poland - Rydzyk? [40]

Those waiting with baited bretath for the actual words of our dear PiS leader, here they are as translated by Google:

There is no Polish without the Church, because the Church is Poland's only possessor of the value system that Poles know. Those who want to destroy the church, who reject the system in different ways, and now it's trying to do in the nursery, you have to offer only nihilism, and thus reject everything that regulates civilized relations between people. Again, this is the path to destruction of our culture, the destruction of our nation. In any case, we can not agree to this. In the name of faith, but also in the name of reason. In the name of concern for the future of our nation.

14 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

You figure it out. All the security apparatus departments were headed by such people. Maybe they were Albanians or Norwegians or maybe Chileans? R U 1 2?
14 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Your beloved Soviet plant Jabberwocky, ethnically correct Berman and the remaining cuthroats in the security machinery, Kiszczak and thousands of others had blood on their hands and should have been prosecuted. But even the top murderers like Jabberwocky used tricks to evade prosecution, changing lawyers in midstream which meant a several year delay and later using health issues to wiggle out of the specific cirmes he was accused of in 1970 and later. So PC types are also soft on communism? Interesting!
14 Jul 2013
News / More technology, but less common sense in Poland - Rydzyk? [40]

They are holding their annual RM/Trwam pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of the Black Madonna at Częstochowa's Jasna Góra Monastery, Poland's most sacred Catholic shrine.

PiS leader Jarosław Kaczyński addressed the RM pilgrimage saying (I heard it on TV Twam): There is no Poland without the Church. Without the Church our nation is threatened by nihlists... Faith and reason are our countrr'ys only salvaiton... Here we are gathered in a body but out there (back home?) a great deal of work remains to be done... (More or less along those lines -- that was before dinner so I have only roughly paraprhased it.)
14 Jul 2013
News / More technology, but less common sense in Poland - Rydzyk? [40]

Another very transparent ruse typical of the poster. Unable to dispute the fact that the majority of Poles are not atheists or PC fanatics, he brings in what he claims to be the majority view of Rydzyk. Someone who doesn't follow the board too closely might conclude that yours truly had said 'a majority of Poles support Rydzyk.'

The curve balls and red herrings have become plainly transparent for all to see. If you can't rebuff an argument, then sidetrack it and confuse the issue.
14 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

PZRR were not Nazis

In this case de-communisation. Other countries were able to deal with it, why not Poland? De-communisation would not affect rank and filers or even highly placed indivduals (Balcerowicz was one) who sawthe light when martial law was declared and quit the party. But anyone holding a leadership post in a basic party cell all the way up to the Politburo should have been barred from public office for a set amount of time. Those who should have been convicted of crimes like Jaruzelski and Kiszczak would be leaving prison after having served their 25-year terms.
14 Jul 2013
News / More technology, but less common sense in Poland - Rydzyk? [40]

No, but if they are all like-thinking regardless of their nationality // copycat Poles brainwashed into thinking that modernity means obeying the PC dictatorship or expats // then such a person is sheltering himself from the majority of Poles who are not atheists or PC fanatics.

PF PLEASE IGNORE THE FOLLOWING (which concerns an IT matter): Zmiana nast[piëa w poëowie zdania: like-thinking byëo OK, ale nast{pnie -- wyszëo jak //.
14 Jul 2013
News / More technology, but less common sense in Poland - Rydzyk? [40]

While channel-flipping I run across Trwam and if it looks to be interesting I may watch a bit. I do the same with TVP, TVN, CNN, Religia.pl. even RT. By being on PF I have to interact with a disproportionately large pro-PC faction which is but a niche in greater Polish society. And thank God for that! One sometimes wonders why Pole-bashing expats stay in a coutnry they hate so much when there is Holland and other 'progressive' countries which would welcome them with open arms.
14 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

would have to go through a period similar to French

No! Physical violence would not be necessary. Legislation would suffice. Any member of the PZPR who did not hand in his membership card during the 1980-1989 Soldiairty period could be barred from certain sensitive and/or deicison-making posts. This should have been done back in 1992 -- now it will be far more diffciult, since the ex-commies have wormed their way into the system and economy, but it can be done if the political will exists. The PO has proved to be useless in that regard, but a PiS victory could advance the matter.
14 Jul 2013
News / More technology, but less common sense in Poland - Rydzyk? [40]

Anyone who interacts only or mainly with a small minority group of agnostic PC-supporting yuppies, but has limited contacts with the majority of Poles who are Catholics and do not bend to the dictates of PC rule, is by definition sheltered. Functioning primarily in an expat ghetto does not expose a person to the real country, be it Costa Rica or Iceland.
14 Jul 2013
News / More technology, but less common sense in Poland - Rydzyk? [40]

But have you ever watched TV Trwam? Or are you among those PF-ers who lead a sheltered life and interact only with like-thinking yuppy-PC circles rather than experiencing the full, multi-faceted Poland?
14 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

abandon the anti-Communist 4th Republic

So you are in favour of por-communist ranting? Don't you think it is high time to eliminate any remaining traces of the post-communist establishment, SLD or otherwise, oldboy network collaborating with shady business and crooked Tuskite politcians?
13 Jul 2013
News / More technology, but less common sense in Poland - Rydzyk? [40]

Only your sidekick Harry replied to this thread. You chose to reply in another Father Rydzak thread, prpobably to find a pretext to call the original poster names. There were two Rydzyk threads today -- he is a prominent enough perosnnage to deserve more than one measly thread.
13 Jul 2013
Love / Are Polish girls better cooks? [45]

Polish potato salads

Polish potato salad is not as common as Poles prefer sałatka jarzynowa (veggie salad) containing some potatoes but also peas, carrots, beans, pickled cucumbers, radishes, apples*, even pickled mushrooms at times.

* Diced apple is the mystery ingredient in many Polish sałatki -- no-one can taste the apple which blends with the other ingredients to give the salad a bit of zing and a fuller bouquet.