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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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20 Jul 2013
Life / Polands' Generation Y = instant generation [22]

Today's 30 and 40 year old managers refer to fresh 20-some-year-old graduates entering the job market as 'generation Y' or 'the instant generation'. With no experience they are demanding stazting pay of 5,000-6,000 zł a month as IT specialists. Their CVs meant to show their achievements contain links that do not open, but may include photos of them in swimsuits during the recent holidays. They balk when the employer forbids them visiting Facebook during working hours.

Does this sound like a good description or today's recent graduates?

from: rp.pl
20 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

how Adam Michnik protects him?

It is obvious he has been using all his pull and behind-the-scenes leverage to prevent the extraditon of poltical criminal Stefan Michnik. In August 2007 the Polish Institute of National Remembrance began work on a motion for his extradition On 25 February 2010 Military Garrison Court in Warsaw at the request of the investigation division of the IPN issued an official arrest warrant for Stefan Michnik.

20 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

It is not common knowledge only to those who swear only by 'official', expurgated and prettified biograms.
go beyond officialese a bit. Mazowiecki actually did one decent thing in his lifetime when he quit the post of UN Rapportuer in the Balkans.

Tadeusz Mazowiecki threatens putsch, welcome in 1953?
In 1995, he was a man who openly expressed his opposition to the hypocrisy of the UN's activities in Bosnia. Tadeusz Mazowiecki resigned from the UN Special Envoy to this country, criticizing the inaction of the organization in the face of genocide. This gesture reflected the world wide coverage, also because Mazowiecki was the first in the history of the Special Envoy, who resigned from the position.

Here you can read about the one decent thing Mazowiecki did in his lifetime when he voluntarily quit his prestigous and well-paid post of UN Rapporteur in the Balkans:

"(...) Many times I said that I made mistakes in my youth as a man in early twenties (...). When it comes to criticizing the underworld, I can only say that I felt already in the 50s, that this is the terrible, dangerous exposure of young people "- including these words former Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki tried to answer yesterday evening in the "Kropka nad i" questions about the text of Slawomir Cenckiewicz published in the latest monthly "Historia Do Rzeczy".

Even official wikipedia biograms of Mazowiecki cannot entirely hide his nefarious deeds:
Under Stalinism in Poland he was involved in the defamation of the Bishop of Kielce Czesław Kaczmarek, groundlessly accused by the Communists of being an American and Vatican spy.[1] In 1952, he published a pamphlet titled The enemy remains the same (Wróg pozostał ten sam, co-authored with Zygmunt Przetakiewicz, then editor-in-chief of WTK) imputing an alliance between Polish anti-communist resistance movement and Nazi war criminals.[2]

20 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

Not exactly credible

Rather than smart-alecky repartees, why not provide some credible and reliable links to show what Mazowiecki really did during the Stalinist years.
20 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

Reportedly, by who?

Read up and expand your horse-blinkered horizons! I forgot to mention how Mazowiecki and Wielowieyski gave their support to the regime's kangaroo court trial against Bishop Czesław Kazcmarek who had been fraudulently accused of being an American spy.

20 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

leading Catholic intellectuals

Read up on this leading Catholic intellectual who collabroated with pre-war Falangists-(extreme right wing)-turned-Stalinists.

Mazowiecki and Wielowieyski were rerportedly sent by the regime to the Vatican to sntich on Cardinal Wyszyński -- a thorn in the side of Poland's Soviet-controlled puppets.
20 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]


One musn't forget that the KOR-ites and Catho-lefitsts (Katolewica -- Mazowiecki, Wielowieyski, etc.) served the Solidarity movement only as advisers who helped draw up documents and things. After the 1989 election they tried to talke over. Luckily the Polish people swept the Unia Wolności (their stronghold) out of parliament. The bad news is that the post-commies came to power a second time.
20 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

cold lech

Lower case for a proper name is a spelling mistake in English, whether it refers to a beer brand or the Greatest President Free Poland has ever had.
19 Jul 2013
Life / A Polka station in Poland? [27]


You probably don't know that in American slang Dutch means German. A Dutchman is a German. The Pennsylvania Dutch came over from Germany.You know Dutch>Deustch. Haven't you heard of the notorious gangster of the 1920s and '30s -- Dutch Schultz whose ancestry was not from Holland.

It's better not to pontificate on things one knows nothing about!
19 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

Trying to say that Gazeta Wyborcza was "stolen"

It is very appropriate and true. After the Szechter ganf got into tjre Sejm on the coat-tails of the working class, the mood in their midst was roughly: Wałęsa has done his thing and can now return to Gdańsk while we run the show. Well, Wałęsa dressed them down at a meeting where he sternly lectured them and then withdrew Gazette's right to use the Solidairty logo. By then, the gezseft of Szechter & Co. had been firmly established. Indeed, throughout the entire 16-month Solidarity period before Jabberwocky's bloody crackdown there had been friction between the Prawdziwi Polacy and the korowcy.
19 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

We know that Gazeta Wyborcza emerged as the voice of the intellectuals within Solidarność

...and how the KOR-ties turned it into a major geszeft making money not for the Solidarity opposition as originally intended but, without Wałęsa's or Solidarity's knowledge or approval, into a goldsmine serving that gang of Szechter compatriots known as Agora.
19 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]


Anyone interested, check into how GW emerged, how it got hijacked by the KOR-ites and how Wałęsa banned them using the Solidarność logo. What was to have been the organ of the Solidarność opposition movment got turned into a big corproation owned and operated by you know who's compatriots.
19 Jul 2013
Life / A Polka station in Poland? [27]

Like polka music?

Unlike anarchic, decadent and angry rap full of resentment and aggression, polka music is happy foot-tapping masic, cheerful and upbeat which puts a smile on people's faces, esp, after a beer or two. Listen to some and see if you don't agree.

Some words are in English such as: You can have 'er I don't want 'er, she's too fat for me...
Or: Who stole the kidzka* from the bucher shop.
And then there's: In Heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here.

*Kaszanka in Poland.
19 Jul 2013
Life / A Polka station in Poland? [27]

very much homegrown.

You mean home-grown copycat rap-crap! Ughhhh! A cheap make-over to monosyllabic grunts straight from America's slums.

Why bother with Czech music

American polka music is mainly Polonian but, as the emailer pointed out, also inlcudes Slovenian, Slovak, Czech, and German varieties. There is also Ukrainian and Hungarian poka music in fact entire radio stations that play nothing but.
19 Jul 2013
Life / A Polka station in Poland? [27]

A PolAm sent me the following email:

There is a POLKA RADIO STATION now in Poland and a polka band called......?
Google Kassebe Radio or Kaszube Radio. Hope I have that correct. I was able to connected to the station.
Guess we are exporting the American genre known as American polka music.
While it is mostly Polish bands from the US, you will Slovenian and German,
Bohemian, and "Dutchman" styles as well.

Anyone know the name of the Polish polka band referred to? Maybe Polonian polka music will take off in Poland. If white kids can listen to that disgusting, foul-mouthed rap-crap, then why not?!
18 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

Rz is definitely a PIS mouthpiece

Whose mouthpiece is GW aside form representing the interests of the post-KOR-ite clique?
18 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

But what students do not need at all, is a PIS ideologically translated version of their history - which obviously would be full of distortions, not to tell plain lies.

No, they need a KOR-ite version of history which by its very nature would contain the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, innit? Its heroes would be Jaruzelski, Kiszczak, the KPP, St Jacek Kuroń, who destroyed the Polish scouting movement, and a number of other politically or otherwise 'correct' characters.

Merged: PiS retains lead in latest poll

PiS continues its lead over PO in the latest survey 30.4 to 24.7. SLD - 14.4, PSL - 5.1, Palikot 4.9.

Looks as though PiS are doomed to win the next election and PO to fall by the wayside. And it's high time. The survey results clearly show the Polish nation wants a change. Jarek, get your broom ready to sweep away all the crud!
18 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

I never read any Giertych-approved history books, but knowing his general pro-Polish, pro-patritoic and anti-communist orientation I only assumed the crimes of post-war communism would figure prominently in history classes.
17 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

History and heritage doesn't provide employment

Poles are not Scots, and not everything is about dollars and cents. An understanding and appreciation of one's history and cultrual heritage makes for a fuller person with a deeper sense of self-worth. On that basis practical knowledge can be built. If utilitarian skills are dumped into a spiritual and cultural vacuum you create only an earning and spending machine -- not a well-rounded human being.
17 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

clueless education minister.

They don't come any more clueless than the current one. She has diluted the curriculum in order to downdumb school children rather than giving them a solid portion of Polish history and heritage the way her predecessor did.
17 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

But strangely they point-blank refused to play

Were they even invited? PiS has traditonally viewed them as a commie collaborator since they were in more than one SLD government.
They're probably not worth even discussing as most likely they will not cross the 5% threshold.
17 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

they've been coalition partners in many socially liberal governments

Because they'll play ball with anyone fofr a crack at cabinet posts, even the ex-commies, and that is really falling low. But politics is politics.

I never read wikipedia about PSL becuase I have followed them for years. In the civil partnership vote the PSL was solidaly against it with the Gowin crowd and PiS.
17 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

social issues

The PSL is socially conservative, pro-Catholic and pro-family ideologically and economically populist.
17 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

socially, they're centrist

So they are against abortion on demand, same-sex marraiage, easy divorce, recreational drugs and for Chrsitian values and family traditions?
17 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

could a libertarian like Gowin ever go into a coalition with a party that relies on trade union support?

How could the liberal, pro-business Platformers form a coaliton with the rural, socially conservative and populist PSL? But they did. To get into power parties would form coalitons with the devil himself. Look at Merkel. What could a decent Chrsitian dmeocrat have in common with libertine, anarchist social-democrat scum, and yet.