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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
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Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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22 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Then you're also forgetting that Gowin's free market ideals clash with Kaczynski heavily

Amnesia? We've been though this all before. The Poland B, populist, rural, socially conservative and pro-clerical PSL is an unlikely a bedfellow for any centrist, socially linberal, pro-market party as they come, and yet....

Either you don't know how politics functions or you're playing the fool the have something to say and keep the thread going..
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

of him also being Jewish

I for one have never heard anyone hint that Kaczmarek was Jewish. Seems you are privy to different little-known facts. Do englihten us, please. But even if he was, does that lessen Mazowiecki's guilt in helping the totalitarian reigme try to convict him on trumped-up vcharges?
22 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

no chance of forming a coalition

You overlook a highly probably scenario: either Gowin takes the conservative faction out of PO and form his own party which will enter a coalition iwth PiS or will merge with PiS outright.
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]


What does that have ot do with Poland? The point is that Lane was a true-blue anti-communist uncontaminated by any lefitst infections.
But why veer off the subject -- rigged Stalinist trials. Why didn't you ask if the Kaczmarek farce was the only one or were there others. What exactly type of pressure and torture was used by the puppet regime? How effective were those measures to force innocent people to confess to crimes they didn't commit. Does Belgium use such interrogation techniques? If not, woiuld you favour their introduction? How many innocent Poels were sent to their death by the Stalinist trerror apparatus?
22 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Didn't you cry victory

40% was the highest scored to date. This time it was simply stated that 'PiS retains lead' which is absolutely ture. It did not say 40% lead, but as usual you tried some backhanded why insult and discredit the messenger. Poll results will fluctuate. There may even be a case or two where PO actually pulls ahead by a small margin, but the proof of the pudding is in the voting. A landslide victory for PiS et consortes appears very much in the offing. Re cheap and tacky insults of the 'duckist' variety, what about calling the president a Chamberpotist? A komora is a chamber after all.
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

Mazowiecki at least has no stain on his character

So say it openly: supporting a tototalitarian regime in a rigged trial with the death penalty hanging in the balance is a noble and Christian deed.
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

He was even casting aspersions

No, wikipedia was... Kazcmarek was innocent of the trumped-up espionage charges the stalimnist regime had cooked up. Anyway, this is common knowledge and public domain available to anyone who wishes to find out.

Kaczmarek was not the only prelate victimised by the Soviet-installed and Kremlin-cotrolled puppet government. Read up on the three years of Primate Wyszyński's incarcertion. There was even a TV play about it.

All in all, you have entrenched the view that the PC dictatorship is the direct heir of Stalinism. Same type of arguments and tactics -- guilt by suspicion and innuendo, casting groundless aspersions, generating false rumours... The only difference is the lack of physical reprisals but, if things continue the way they are now going, that too will come. Already Catholic adoption agencies have been forced to close down becuase they insisted on entrusting orphans only to married couples and not on demand or whim. That's still not as 'dynamic' as beating up or killing people in dark back alleys, but it's a step in the 'right' direction!

Since the IPN was mentioned, that institution has for years been compiling documenation on the lawless, incarceration, torture and cooked show trial of Bishop Kaczmarek. Those who read Polish will learn that the Good Bishop was tortured to exact false confessions, beaten, starved, threatened, intimiadated, pulled out of his cell at night for many-hour-long interrogations, in winter confined to unheated cells with wide-open windows. Commie torurers were indeed worthy successors to their Gestapo predecessors.
21 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

Rigged is an everyday English word

If you use that word on a daily basis, then your English is better than I gave you credit for. But you should see the broader context: my interlocutor said if a person is guilty he should be convicted. The point is that trials are rigged to convict the innocent. I know he knew the exact menaing of the word and it was just part of his haranguing, harrassing, nitpicking tactics. I guess some people get theri jollies off that way. I even suggested he should join a chess club.
21 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

has to do with being Belgian

A native speaker of English would surely know what a rigged show trial was, but he pretended not to. A non-native might not know what rigged meant in this context -- it isn't a word one uses every day.
21 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

people can still be either innocent or guilty.

Bishop Kaczmarek was innocent, and that makes Mazowiecki's heinous act all the more damning. You seem not to have the foggiest idea of what stalinism was all about. Ever read Arthur Bliss Lane's 'I saw Poland betrayed'? As US ambassador to Poland he was in media res and had hands-on experience with what was going on.
21 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

Depends whether or not the person is guilty of the crime they're charged with.

You're not Belgian are you? Any native-speaking UK-er would know a trial is rigged and false witnesses are trotted out so an innocent person can be convicted. Totalitarian regimes have always used this procedure to eliminate their political enemies.
21 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

Did they execute the guy?

So rigged show trials are OK if no-one gets executed. Subjecting an innocent man to Stalinist-style interrogation (I can tell you something about that if interested), incarceration, harrassment, trotting out false witnesses, and using the signatures of lackeys such as Mazowiecki, Szymborska, Mrożek, Kijowski, Słomczyński et al to build up a false case is a normal democratic procedure in your books?
21 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

How or why would anyone need to 'whitewash' a highly respected public figure

So, you believe Mazowiecki acted nobly and decently when at the urging of the Stalinist regime he affixed his signature to what effectively could have been the good bishop's death warrant.
21 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

He did not, though many did.

So all your kitty-footing, beating about the bush and variaitons on the theme are an attmept to whitewash only Mazowiecki or also the other Stalinist collabroators listed above?
21 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

Wałęsa obviously signed something to get the SB off his back, but he did not snitch and nobody was harmed by it. Bishop Kaczmarek was facing the gallows.
21 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

That's obvious. If a prominent figure lauded by some as a hero or outsanding leader is shown to have had a hand in a rigged Stalinist show trial against an important churchman which carried the death penalty, then that is obviously something to think about and reckon with.
21 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

That's like saying if Tusk staggered drunk across Warsaw's OId Town and you did likewise the following day. you'd both land on the front page of the next day's Fakt and Super Express. Your proportions are clearly skewed.
21 Jul 2013
Life / Polands' Generation Y = instant generation [22]

I have never heard of somebody putting photos in swimsuit on his/her CV.

Neither have I. Nor did I know you could insert links into a CV. Maybe that's the latest thing amogn the younger generation.
21 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

A Pole would say: Co ma piernik do wiatraka? Prominent Polish political and cultural figures were being disucssed, not some odd Bolivian, or a Canadian I happen to know or an Italo-American my sister used to date. As usual, you've got yours wires crossed in an attmept to engage in your favourite pastime: ad hominem attacks. But even there you're slipping. You failed to bring in Grand Master Bernardone for the 27th (or is it 42nd) time.
21 Jul 2013
Life / Polands' Generation Y = instant generation [22]

you might as well give us a link to such nonsense

But I did give the link at the very outset. Unfortunately it was in Polish, so you probably didn't bother to read it.
Put through the Google Flemish translator if that'll help:

21 Jul 2013
Life / Polands' Generation Y = instant generation [22]

I don't recognise the caricature.

Truth to tell, my impression is that recent graduates, some 27% of hwom are unemployed, are happy to get 2,000 zł a month for starters. I was surprised at the high figure listed and wanted to verify it.
21 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

Tadeusz Mazowiecki was not the only prominent Pole who brown-nosed the Stalinists and provided false evidence against Bishop Czesław Kaczmarek, accused of being an 'American spy'. Prominent writers who bore false witness included Szymborska and two of her husbands as well as many other well-known wordsmiths:

Karol Bunsch, Jan Błoński, Władysław Dobrowolski, Kornel Filipowicz (future husband of Szymborska), Andrzej Kijowski, Jalu Kurek, Władysław Machejek, W. Maciąg, Sławomir Mrożek, Tadeusz Nowak, Julian Przyboś, Tadeusz Śliwiak, Maciej Słomczyński (a.k.a. Joe Alex), Wisława Szymborska, Olgierd Terlecki, H. Vogler, Adam Włodek (first husband of Szymborska), K. Barnaś, Wł. Błachut, J. Bober, Wł. Bodnicki, A. Brosz, B. Brzeziński, B. M. ...

21 Jul 2013
Life / Polands' Generation Y = instant generation [22]

Maybe you should go on a job interview with a headhunter

Who cares, so what, big deal! You really try to make a federal case out of every tiny titbit. Ran acorss it so threw it up to verify if is it was true. You immediately turn it into an attack on the poster. An idea or issue or someone else's qutoe shared on the forum does not necessarily mean the poster agrees with it. He may only wnat to see how others approach it.


Known to many Poles as RADIO BZDET!
21 Jul 2013
Life / Polands' Generation Y = instant generation [22]

I've never seen anything like that

Great! Why not give us a thumbnail sketch of the typical 20-some-year-old job seekers you run into?
Pay expectations, job performance, general attitude, use of company computers for private emailing, computer games and facebookery, etc.
21 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

there's a reason why you don't like him

OK, you've got me cornered so I'll fess up. I asked him to make me deputy foreign in his government and even presented a letter of recommendation from Grand Masonic Master Bernardone, but Mazowiecki turned me down.
21 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

Maybe you could dig up some more fascinating usenet stories?

Maybe you could dig up some links our formualte your own version explaining how and why Mazowiecki helped the Stalinists regime frame Bishop Kaczmarek. Use all the euphemisms you want to to lessen, soften, rationalise and/or explain away Mazowiecki's treacherous anti-Church activity in the service of the Soivet-installed puppet regime whose false evidence and rigged trial were subsequently exposed beoynd a shadow of a doubt.