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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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23 Jul 2013
News / Poland's Murky Stream Media - Rydzyk [36]

You keep bringing up the shipyard business but I don't recall you providng any evidence. There was something about Piasecka Johnson many years ago, but did that have anything to do with the Good Father? Clarify if you can.

I seem to remember Tusk promising Poles he would save one of th shipyards and allegedly has a dependable Arab-world buyer. It tutrned out to be a fiasco, yet another unkept promise. You never mention that, do you? You win the Partisan of the week award.
23 Jul 2013
News / Poland's Murky Stream Media - Rydzyk [36]

Could Rydzyk perhaps like to explain the sources of his funding, then?

Ar lkeast Rydzyk's operation funded by free-will donations. What about Tusk and his high-living family wallowing in luxury, kids holding good jobs obtained through pull not qualificatons, travelling all over at the taxpayer's expense. That is the major difference. If you say little old Babcias are funding Rydzyk, at least they're not doing so at gunpoiint. The taxes Tusk takes from their meagre old-age pensions is olbigatory, not voluntary.
23 Jul 2013
News / Poles in EU structrues are traitors? [5]

Foreign Sec. of Poland Radosław Sikorski said in an interview that any Polish politician who sets his sights on a top EU post is regarded as a traitor even before he becomes an official candidate. Abotu such a one it is generally said he is pushing for a good place at the trough. He said other countries (eg Norway) have state candidates for top EU posts.

Do you agree with Sikorski's assessment of Poles? Is it a national trait in your view?
23 Jul 2013
News / Polish government to allow kosher and halal methods of animal slaughter [29]

Merged: Worst Polish-Jewish ties since 1989

Poland's Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich said after a meeting with government officials that the ban on kosher slaughtering was bad news for Polish-Jewish relations in fact, in his view,it has caused 'most difficult Polish-Jewish relations since fall of communism'. Tomasz Miśkiewicz said that the shock that Muslim and Jewish communities greeted the news of the ban was equivalent to 'Polish Catholics being told they could not eat carp at Christmas'.

Minister Boni said that the government aimed to send the issue back to the Constitutional Court, which ruled last year that kosher and halal slaughter was incompatible with Poland's animal rights legislation.
23 Jul 2013
News / Poland's Murky Stream Media - Rydzyk [36]

The Good Father Tadeusz Rydzyk has described what some people call Poland's mainstream media as the MURKY STREAM MEDIA which spoon-feed the unsuspecting public with SMS (sex, music & sensation). By contrast decent media such as Radio Maryja and TV Trwam offer wholesome entertainment, good music and information as well as providing spiritual enrichment and are geared to the proper formation of the audience.
23 Jul 2013
News / MA in Poland without much studiyng? [3]

Poland's Higher Education Min. is developing a scheme whereby a student will be able to forego half the required subjects if his professional exeprience to date can count towards his degree. Only those under 25 are eligible. The official reason given for this change is to better adapt one's academic career to market requirements. This should also make it easier to reconcile academic studies with job, family or other personal commitments.

22 Jul 2013
News / Poland's political party to ban pornography? [60]

The AWS government wanted to ban púrnography and the measure was passed by the Sejm and Senate, but ex-commie Kwaśniewski vetoed the bill. The PO's star polemicist Stefan Niesiołowski (back then a member of the ultra-right-wing Christian Naitonal Union) called him a púrno-fasto (púrnogrubas).

Now British PM Cameron is proposing a less drastic but possibly more effective move. Internet púrn will be blocked and availabel only to thsoe who sign a declaration saying they wish to view it. Most likely that will discourage many

who up till now had preferred to view the disgusting filth behind the cloak of anonymity. Your thoughts?

The British government has put on the screw. So at least you can interpret David Cameron's plans for the team in terms of restrictions on access to púrnography. In practice, it would appear in such a way that púrnographic sites on the Internet would be blocked, and if someone wants to use them - provided that it would be an adult - would have to submit the declaration.

In Poland, the left-liberal environment was so far delighted to Cameron as Conservative who - according to them - grasped the inexorable logic of progress, which turned out to witness the determination with which he fought on - in spite of his party's MPs - of the institutionalization of "marriage" sex. I wonder how these same groups adopt the current proposal of the British government?

22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

has a file on Mazowiecki

I know all this as a matter of fact. If this topic fascinates or intirgues you, check it out and track it down. I don't have to becuase amongst educated Poles (maybe not expats and yuppified wannabe Western copycat Poles) the Kazcmarek case is well known. But this subejct neither fascinates nor intrigues nor evene interests you in the least. All you wnat to do is: BICKER, BAKCBITE, SIDESWIPE, CALL NAMES, DISCREDIT, QUIBBLE, QUARREL, SQUABBLE, INSULT and ANTAGONISE. There's no law against it so go for it, ale beze mnie. (Google that for the translation!)
22 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

family-destroying legislation of which Poland opted out

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union - Poland and the United Kingdom
Although not a full opt-out, both Poland and the United Kingdom secured clarifications about how the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, a part of the Treaty of Lisbon, would interact with national law in their countries limiting the extent that European courts would be able to rule on issues related to the Charter if they are brought to courts in Poland or the UK.[11] Poland's ruling party, Law and Justice, mainly noted concerns that it might force Poland to grant homosexual couples the same kind of benefits which heterosexual couples enjoy,[12] while the UK was worried that the Charter might be used to alter British labour law, especially as relates to allowing more strikes.[13] The European Scrutiny Committee of the British House of Commons, including members of both the Labour Party and the Conservative Party, has however cast doubts on the provision's text, asserting that the clarification might not be worded strongly and clearly enough to achieve the government's aims.

22 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]


Yesterday Moscow, today Brussels is a common Polish saying these days. When can Poland finally be Poland? Only under the 4th Repubic, I reckon.
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

innocent men

Terrorists are not innocent men. They've got 9/11, Madrd. London and many other attacks on innocent people on their hands.

not OK for Poles to support

It is not OK for Poles to support the puppet regime installed by Soviet occupation forces. That is the same as supporting Hitler's General Government. Poles had every right to disobey, cirucmvent, undermine and sabotage the alien invaders and their local flunkies.
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

that city's own website

Here is a typical Harryesque response: How do you know it's reliable? There are so many hackers and pranksters in cyberland that one can never know for sure. Provide somne credible evidence that this is not just some cyber-prankster's idea of a joke, etc., etc. ad nauseam. That's what a discusison with you is like. It's not evren a disucssion but a deliebrate ploy to stymie and thwart every attempt at genuine discourse. Remember: you have been seen through by now. Everyone knows you latch onto peripherals, casual afterthoughts and meaningless trifles to make sure no meaningful discussion can proceed.
22 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

European Union

Poland will never enter the euro zone, because the EU will soon collapse anyway. And good riddance to the costliest, least effective and most bureaucratised super-structure in the annals of mankind!
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

'The EU will forcibly micro-chip your babies

Some time ago I already sbmitted a post on the microchopping of babies. Google if you can't find it on PF.
The rigged trials agaisnt Kazcmarek is general knowledge. I could ask you to prove Helsinki is the capital of Finland, and when you provided a link I'd repeat wikipedia is not reliable or whatever. That would be precisely your trouble-making, nitpicking style. Not interested oin learning something new and expanding your limtied knowledge but in only in crossing swords, harrassing, haranguing, fault-finding and discreditng the poster. Hasn't that become a bit boring by now?
22 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Be all that as it may, the fact is that the Fourth Republic will rise again. Crooked polticians, shady business and behind-the-scenes ex-commie special services will be swept away with Jarek's mighty broom. Co daj Boże!
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

completely silent about the crimes that your own nation

Because this is the Polish Forum, not the American Forum. Why not bring in how China killed and tortured the Tibetans? A crime to be sure but not related to Poland. And because of all the red herrings, smoke screens, sidetracking and thread hijacking we have still not found out whether the Fearsome Foursome regard Mazowiecki's public support of the rigged Stalinsit trial as noble or heinous. Let's leave the Tibetans and Americans out of it.
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

Speaing of hijacking threads, what do the US have to do with Kaczmarek and Mazowiecki? It was Mazowiecki's ignominious behaviour that launched this thread in the first place. Condemn it or glorify it (your choice -- every decent and noble person supports the rigged trials of totlaitarian regimes, innit?)), but at least stick to the main issue!
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

Way off base. We are at war with terrorism. In war some democratic procedures msut be suspended or restricted to protect against the enmies of democracy such as Muslim terrorists. For well over a century teh USA has been the world's arsenal of democracy, f ghting for freedom wherever in the world it was being threatened. This reflects the Polish saying: For your freedom and ours. The USA is a noble coujntry fighting the ignominous forces of death and destruciton. The PRL was an ignominious terrrorist force trying to suppress and subjgate its own people at the Kremlin's behest. See no difference?.
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

Poland committing several decades ago.

PRL Poland was a Socviet occupation zone run by the Kremlin's hand-picked 'Polish' puppets. Pne cannot compare that to the Lnnd of the Free and the Home of the Brave (USA) or even today's Poland, truncated and tuskified though it is.
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

was about IPN and Mazowiecki

The spokesman can direct you exactly where to go to find the information you're lookign for far beztter than any PF-er..
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

Since you were too lazy to find out yourself, the IPN spokesman is Andrzej Arseniuk: 22 581 8542. Ask him about Kaczamrek's fair trial and at what stage their investigation is into its fairness is at present. I'm sure he'll be glad to enlighten you. All the others who believe Mazowiecki perfomed a noble serivce by personally sanctioning the false accusations against the Good Bishop are also welcome to check this out.
22 Jul 2013
Food / The great British teabag hunt thread [66]

Just drippy, messy tea leaves to chase down.

Any leftover tea leaves are dumped out at the end of the day and a fresh batch of esencja is brewed the next morning. Guess yoiu run with a Polish yuppy crowd where quick & easy is all that counts.

while taking the thread off topic

I wouldn't dream of it -- that's your speciality.
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

you supported Poland letting the USSR use Poland as a site

Are you mad? What possible influence could I have had on what the USSR did or did not do. Hitting the bottle this early in the day?

At least the bishop got a trial

A rigged trial is no better than being jailed or executed without a tral. The whole kanagroo court proceedings are a mockery of justice.
22 Jul 2013
Food / The great British teabag hunt thread [66]

an unpleasant bitter taste

You must be doing something wrong. The teapot method makes a rich, full-flavored brew adjusted to
the drinker's desired strength with absoltuely no bitter after-taste. And there are no drippy teabags ot dispose of.
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

Are you going to give us any comment on your own nation continuing to this day to use torture, kidnapping, illegal detention, 'black sites', show trials and the rest

No, because that is not germaine to this forum. With the exception of the palce in Masuria. Poland had every sovereign right to let an ally use the site for hosting and transferring suspected terrorists.

But getting back to the subject: was Mazowiecki's role in openly supporting the rigged trial of an innocent man
a noble deed? Yes or no?
22 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Why do you keep on lying about the PSL?

So PSL is now socially liberal, anti-populist,pro-urban and anti-clerical. Interesting. Can you get a Piechociński or Pawlak quote to back this up? That must have been a fairly recent about-turn because they voted against all the PO's libertine proposals earlier this year.
22 Jul 2013
Food / The great British teabag hunt thread [66]

good value teabags

Do you actually like those messy, drippy teabags? Polish traditonalists call it herbata 'rozmokła bibuła' (soaked-paper tea). Nothing beats the Polish/Slavic teapot method in which a strong tea essence is made in a small teapot. A bit of essence according to taste is then poured into individual glasses or teacups and then topped up with boiling water. No samovar is needed, but the tea is great. And the teapot is always on the ktichen counter so anyone can help themselves by boiling some water.