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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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27 Jul 2013
USA, Canada / PolishAmericanReview's review of current events in America [48]

own dedicated websites and expensive lawyers

You learn something new every day. Yes, there are loads of organisations with an animal rights agendas, not to mention the ecologists defending the habitat of frogs and rodents. They've got their own websites, are often bankrolled by wealthy donors, defended by pricey lawyers and promoted by professional PR specialists. And there's nothing wrong with that, except denying it exists. Here are but two websites; the rest you'll have to find on your own.


27 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

destroying others places of worship

The consummate hypocrite and foremost pharisee has spoken! One of PF's most virulent Cristophobes, who defines all religion as a collection of fairy tales, suddenly finds it convenient to defend 'places of worship'. The Warsaw Orhtodox Church was a monumental, oppulent landmark built to emphasise Muscovite-Orthodox control of occupied Poland. Just like the Warsaw Citadel was built in the 1820s as a symbol of Russian domination.

Read the post above this one. While we are at it: stop flaming.
26 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

Here is an update on Rzepa's ongoing survey:

Nic, zostawić tak, jak jest (Głosy:851)
Budynku nie ruszać, ale zmienić jego otoczenie, żeby tak nie rzucał się w oczy (Głosy:447)
Zburzyć (Głosy:573)
Nie obchodzi mnie to (Głosy:115)
Nie wiem, o co chodzi (Głosy:59)
26 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

After World War One, a huge Russian Orthodox Church in Warsaw, regarded as an symbol of 123 years of alien tsarist domination over Catholic Poland, was dismantlred brick by brick until not a trace of it remained.
26 Jul 2013
Language / Polish collective numerals question [9]

This may make more sense if you think of the word dwoje not as the equiavalent of the numeral two but of the word twosome. In English too one might say 'a twosome OF musicians' -- the 'of' being the equivalent of the genitive case.

Why the dative and locative don't work that way after dwoje, troje, etc. is one of hte many lingusitc mysteries of Polish.
26 Jul 2013
Language / Ukrainian language similar to Polish? [236]

The addiiton of Polish equivaletms show that at least in thsi vocabulary selection Russian and Slovenian are extremely close:

Mister - Gospod - Gospodin - Pan
Mrs. Gospa - Gospo - Pani
Star - Zvezda - Zvezda - Gwiazda
Glass - Steklo - Steklo - Szkło
Skin - Koža - Koža - Skóra
Speak - Govorimo* - Govorit`- Mówić
Propose - Predlagati - Predlagat` - proponować
Search - Iskanje* - Iskat` - szukać
Street - Ulitca – Ulitca - Ulica
Work - Delo - Delo - Dzieło, Sprawa
Flower - Cvet - Cvetok - Kwiat
Sense - Smisl - Smysl - Zmysł
Bird - Ptica - Ptica - Ptak
Debt - Dolg - Dolg - Dług
How - Kako - Kak - Jak
Pike - šèuka - šèuka - Szczupak
Trader - Trgovec - Torgovec - Handlowiec

*Those are not infinitives, are they?
26 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

An online Rzepa survey on what to do about the Stalinesque 'wedding cake' known as the Pałac Kultury (nicknamed Pajac Kultury), the Warsaw cityscape's long-standing eyesore, has shown that 351 want it demolished, 522 want it to be left alone and 282 feel its entourage should be changed (built round) to make it less obvious. What's your take on this?

Nic, zostawić tak, jak jest (Głosy:522)
Budynku nie ruszać, ale zmienić jego otoczenie, żeby tak nie rzucał się w oczy (Głosy:282)
Zburzyć (Głosy:351)
26 Jul 2013
Life / Freedom of religion v animal rights in Poland? [38]

From a constituional standpoint, the Polish constitution speaks of freedom to practise one's relgion but does not
mention 'animal rights' or 'humane slaughter'. Therefore the kosher ban is unconstituional.
25 Jul 2013
USA, Canada / PolishAmericanReview's review of current events in America [48]

suggests that NBC actually didn't do such a thing

I'm sure you weren't following those events blow by blow back then. Alll it proved was that the big bucks were on the TV network's side to bankroll pricey big-time lawyers as well as various forms of behind-the-scenes pressure.

Only the very naive believe rich and poor receive equal treatment in courts anywhere. Unless one happanes to belong to a PC-supported showcase minority. Can a court-appointed lawyer compete with a heavily bankrolled pricey top-shelf attorney?
25 Jul 2013
Language / Ukrainian language similar to Polish? [236]

Russian and Ukrianian lack nasal vowels such as ą and (rarely heard but always written) ę.
BTW have you got hands-on epxeirnece with the Ukrainian street scene? How does a Russian-speaking Kyivian react to the sound of the Ukrainian tongue -- indifferently, with interest or does it strike him as a peasant dialect. Some Wielkorusy look down on Ukrainian and and Belarusian regarding them as dialects of Russian used by mużiki.
25 Jul 2013
News / Too much history in Poland? [7]

The Sejm is not for discussing the past, but the future

Good point. The families of vicitms have a right to learn of their loved ones' fate and burial sites but via channels other than the Sejm. Makes sense.
25 Jul 2013
News / Too much history in Poland? [7]

There's a draft proposal of a Sejm reoslution honouring the vicitms of the Augsutów raid (obława augiustowska) of 1945, when the NKVD and their Polish flunkies cracked down on Polish freedom-fighters, 600 of whom were captured and shipped to the USSR, newver to be heard form again.

Without going into that particular episode, the quesiton arises (sometimes heard from foreigners visitng Poland or following Polish online news) that Poland is too absorbed with its own history and is living in the past. Wołyń, 'Unsere Mütter...', the Powązki excavation of UB victims' remains, the continued search for the missing 4,000 'Katyń' victims and many other examples seem to justify that view. What do you think?
24 Jul 2013
Language / Ukrainian language similar to Polish? [236]

if we compare basic and older vocabulary

Could you provide soem examples of differences in vocabulary between eastern and western Ukrainian speech and maybe also Carpatho-Rusyn which contains Slovak influence.
24 Jul 2013
Language / Ukrainian language similar to Polish? [236]

Polish got an articles

What do you mean by that? Polish has no articles such as German der, die and das, French le and la or Bulgarian ta at the end of a word.
24 Jul 2013
Love / I love a Polish girl, but I don't want her to drink [37]

Is your young lady a social drinker -- wine with dinner, champagne toast at weddings, a drink or two at parites or does she have a drinking problem. The latter would mean she's an alcoholic and cannot live without drink. Do you require her to be a teetotaller at all times?

There are exceptions, but usually it's best for both spouses to have as much in common as possible for the marriage to succeed: same nationality and religion, similar priorities and interests, similar approach to child rearing, similar likes and dislikes, etc.

If differences do occur, then to succeed both sides must be extremely tolerant and empathic and have mastered the art of compromise.
24 Jul 2013
Life / Poland - royal baby bonkers? [17]

that the youth of Poland are far more driven and determined

Yes, that is probably still true. Probably more intelligent in terms of general knowledge about the world. Many American teens aren't sure if the Civil War (1860s) was in the 18th or 19th century. The point is that the Polish media and entertainment industry are mainly promoting and glamoursing role models from the materialistic, consumerist West. I read somewhere that Poland has Europe's (or maybe Central Europe's) highest percentage of overweight and obese children. You still don't see in Poland the same number of fat slobs you do on American streets, but little by little....
24 Jul 2013
Life / Poland - royal baby bonkers? [17]

If you're such a stickler for rules and regulations, then at least tell us what you think about today's tabloidised media.
24 Jul 2013
Life / Poland - royal baby bonkers? [17]

Neo-Nazis burning TV vans and then write about Polish patriots who want to protect their country

How about a quote to back this up? I don't expect one because this is yet another anti-poster attack to wriggle out of saiyng what you think about today's tabloidised media.
24 Jul 2013
Life / Poland - royal baby bonkers? [17]

the public are far smarter than the media give them credit for

That's probably ture, but in general the down-dumbed education system is taking its toll. In every country where schooling has been turned into fun & games, kids are whisked through from class to class, everything is made super easy and teachers are super-indulgent so as not to antagonise parents.

There's no getting away from the fact that the paper media are in sharp decline, but how about the celebrity, gossip and trivia news sites on the web. There are loads of nonsense in the cyber-world -- astrology, reality stuff, prn and just plain garbage. Someone is obviously lapping up the swill if advertisers are willing to bankroll such sites.
24 Jul 2013
Life / Poland - royal baby bonkers? [17]

In the older photo the pavement opposite was crowded with wellwishers, in the newer photo it was crowded with international film crews.

Excellent evidence of the giant strikes made by popcommercialisation. Today it's the paparazzi who take centre stage at the behest of their tabloid masters. Why: only to downdumb the public and exploit their downdumbness to the hilt: £££££££, $$$$$, €€€€€€, zł zł zł zł zł zł....... The dumber the poublic the easier to bamboozle and screw!
24 Jul 2013
Language / Ukrainian language similar to Polish? [236]

I am east Ukrainian

Colloquially one sometimes hears that Ukrainian is half Russian, half Polish. Seriously though, is there any difference between the Ukrainian spoken in the east and the west? Is the Lvïv version more influenced by Polish and the Kyïv region one closer to Russian.? Are there any vocabulary differences? Can you give a few examples. In Kraków, for insatnce, people say na polu and elsewhere na dworze to mean outdoors. They also don't pronounce the trz sound and say: ile jest czy razy czy?

Dużo diakuju!
24 Jul 2013
Life / Poland - royal baby bonkers? [17]

Just shows the degree to which copycat Poland has been tabloidised. Not only papers patterned on the Sun and das Bild but nealry all the media have been whipping up royal-baby hysteria, as they did during the Princess Di crash and funeral. I respect Britain's royals -- at least they stand for tradition -- it's the way this and other items are exploited by the sensation-seeking meida that is socially downdumbing and brain-cluttering. Ever see the magazine rack in a typical Polish supermarket -- a handful of news weeklies, magazines devoted to cars, sports, dogs, babycare, etc., and a prepondernace of colourful rags wallowing in and spreading celebrity slime... That's to infect and exploit those whom popcommercialism cannot get hooked on brainless computer games. As long as there's a single złoty in your pocket, they'll get you one way or the other!
24 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

By PC you mean

I mean a worshipper of the religion of Poltical Correctness or, more acurately, Political Creepyness.

Merged: PO to woo ex-commies ahead of the autumn Parliament elections in Poland

Shocked by Komorowski's defeat, the Platformers are scrambling to shore up their ranks ahead of the autumn general election. PM Kopacz wants to put out feelers to the ex-commies who may not make it into the Sejm. SLD and Palikot orphans are therefore being wooed by the PO which could turn into a centre-left party. The staunchly ultra-capitalist economists Balcerowicz and Petru are reportedly mulling the creation of a pro-market grouping, so the Platfusy are hoping to absorb them as well. Since PiS will most likely win 46% of the vote, it will be able to rule independently without forming a permanent coalition. But it will surely conclude tactical voting coalitions with the Kukiz group, PSL (if they make it) or whoever to override successive exploitative, people-unfriendly or decadent PO brainstorms. WELCOME TO POST-PO CATHOLIC POLAND!

Merged: Kukiz beats PO in latest opinion poll

The latest political-preference survey reported by Forum - Bankier.pl showed that rock musician Paweł Kukiz enjoys the support of 25% of respondents ahead of PO (20%). PiS can count on 36% support.

There is always the novelty factor of a new face or grouping. Some say Kukiz lacks a nationwide network of regional organisaitons and there isn't much time to create one. However, maybe most of his backers shun cut-and-dried political structures and vote straight from the heart. He claims he is an anti-systemic activist, so he will most likely attract many of those sick and tired of the decade of unending PO-PiS warfare.
23 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

PO +SLD+ PSL are going to create the government

Heaven help us! It's like question: is there anything wrose than a PC creep? Yes, two PC creeps!
23 Jul 2013
News / Poland's Murky Stream Media - Rydzyk [36]

Exactly, where did it go to?

You're barking up the wrong tree. How in the world would I know where the money went? YOou act as if I were the Good Father's business partner. Maybe when i join the Resurrectionist Order.... (LOL)!

But if this is that important to you check around, try Googling, maybe track down some journalist who wrote about it and ask for his sources and share your findigns with PF. I'm sure many will be interested.