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How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]
Wow! You've got better eyesight than me. I remember when the car scandal first started, the Toruń licensing office is supposed to have issued a statement that there was no Maybach registered there, but Toruń is very much Fr. Rydzyk's city and given that the government of the time was prepared to send him government limousines on for personal use on request, their reliability is somewhat compromised.
Aside from the car issue, which is an interesting distraction, this quote from Archbishop Życiński of Lublin, one of the most respected people in Poland, is rather telling:
The polarisation of attitudes among Catholics in Poland became even more complicated when Radio Maryja, a nation-wide radio system organised by the Redemptorist Fathers, became much more involved in spreading risky politics than in spreading the Gospel. The radio attacked many honest and trustworthy Polish politicians because they did not follow the radical and simplified vision accepted by nationalists. Since a part of society regarded the radio as the Church radio station, many of them were disappointed that such a primitive form of politics was accepted by the Bishops.
Bishop Tadeusz Pieronek, also highly respected in Poland went further:
(Radio Maryja) is extremely compromising and shameful, sick and dangerous