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Posts by Antek_Stalich  

Joined: 6 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 997 / In This Archive: 862
From: Poland, Brwinów
Speaks Polish?: Native speaker
Interests: Making music, photography

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7 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

The video is very interesting. Indeed, (AFAICR), Poles could access East Germany using their personal ID, at least for many years, and at least the inhabitants of the border zone. Since 1990, a passport with valid visa was required for a Pole to enter Germany. Getting the German visa (at least in Warsaw) meant long hours of waiting in queue, possibly for couple of days. The Queue Committee held a list of participants updated daily. If you missed putting your signature on given day, you had to start all over. In 1990, I was expected to go for scientific work to Duisburg. Technically, it would be a business visa, yet a clerk from our Institute had to attend the Queue Committee every day. Once, she lost her position by non-signing. My visa was jeopardized. Therefore I activated my superpowers ;-) (taught by golden survival rule "Always go to the TOP") and went directly to meet the German Cultural Attache. The Attache understood the problem instantly and I got my visa on the same day.

However, the German clerk wrote the visa start date: 10/7/1990 (10th of July, 1990) in unclear pen, and my return train ticket made according to the new Polish rule read: 1990-10-7 (7th of October, 1990) On my exit from Germany, the German border officer said: "Aha! You should have left Germany on 10th of July, you overstayed, now I got you!". Luckily, the older of the two men, a German conductor patted the other one on the shoulder and said in German: "Leave the man alone, you do not understand it".

Returning to the times before 1980s, Poles were technically allowed to countries of Warsaw Pact, and the luckier ones even to HEAR, HEAR! Yugoslavia! ;-) (Army officers could not travel farther than Yugoslavia during their whole life). Some lucky people having families in the West (like my family) had rare chance to travel there, only it was never guaranteed. It was a decision of a clerk if a given citizen could get the passport (and the Embassy of the other country had to issue the visa). Those lucky could buy as much as $50 for their whole travel ;-)

There were of course contractual workers travelling to say, Libya or Iraq. There were scientists, artists, writers that might get the permission to travel. Our guitarist Krzysztof Klenczon of Czerwone Gitary and Trzy Korony got such a chance. By playing for American Polonia, he earned enough to be able to buy a Gibson guitar... Lucky man! All above in this paragraph related to 1971 - 1980, the beginning and end of Edward Gierek era. Before Gierek, travelling to the West was hardly possible, from Solidarity times the situation got very complex and I am not a person to explain it.

Regarding voting - I don't know. There is so little historical material available on the Net! I was looking for lyrics of some Communist/Stalinist songs since I wanted to make some punk-rock parody of that. None to be found. Also, almost no pictorial material. As if those times had never happened... And the witnesses are slowly dying out, leaving space for "Seekers of the Truth" such as our young friend Żelaznoboki ;-)

Jola, I'm sure Delphi knows enough about Poland and what the communism was like. Have you ever read the book "Kamienne tablice" by Wojciech Żukrowski? That 1965 novel describes the life in Hungarian Embassy in India. Very interesting insight for people looking for traces of history. Zukrowski was a declared commie, yet you'll find a grain of truth in the novel. There are so many things I would like to know about the history that was the life when I was a baby, yet no historical facts are available really. I support Delphi's historical interest.
7 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Może rzeczywiście te dwa czynniki głównie skałdają się na nieumiejętność przebijania się, promowania własnych osiągniąć

No tak, a jak Polak się promuje, to wyjdzie polaczek i powie, że Polak "is showing off". Prawda, Polonius? ;)
Już mi lekcję polaczki dali w temacie "Who is poor in Poland".

Szkoda, ze Havok nie zapytał za ile kupiłem dyplom... Jeszcze nie wpadł i na taki greps ;)
7 Jun 2011
Love / I was late and this Polish girl flipped out [36]

only if she could bring Tatko along

Daddy's Girl ;-)))))))))))))))))

Many young Polish girls like bringing their Daddies with them, true.

My Dad mystified me once when I was a kid. "W niedzielę popłyniemy z Tadkiem" (we will swim with Thaddy this Sunday).

He meant "statkiem" (we will go by ship this Sunday) ;-)
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

If you don't like living in Poland, move to Belarus, The Country of Great Opportunities.
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Poland is poor in the east for sure..

Do I need to translate it for you, Milky?
7 Jun 2011
Love / I was late and this Polish girl flipped out [36]

Oh man, did i get it.....BOTH BARRELS.

My fault that Warsaw was experiencing horrendous Snow, my fault that they closed all but one runway......you get the idea.....

Good thing is when they are already empty on the ammo, they cheer up and are the loveliest creatures in the World, right Ed?

Yes, move on and do change this in your profile before people start making fun of you: Interests: intelletualism

Jola, I don't want to go personal but your profile vs. nickname needs updating, too ;-)
7 Jun 2011
Love / I was late and this Polish girl flipped out [36]

BritinPoland is completely right.

i researched that polish etiquette that within 15mins late is ok.

No, this is called "the academic quarter" and is only related to students and some teachers as an excuse. A Polish gentleman needs to be present in advance, and the lady is allowed to be late up to 15 minutes because Polish women rule, and Polish gentlemen accept that. Just to give the OP some insight. (Still, I think it was her excuse, she simply did not like the looks of the OP).
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

That's why a graduate without several years of intership is literally nobody and I think no one can argue with that statement

Do you think it is only related to Polish universities? Graduate rookies always need several years of practice in their profession. Same as driving: You get the driving license and only then you start learning practical driving. No graduate has the required experience to know everything and understand secrets of the profession at the career's start, regardless how good the University had been.

I think of a Swedish guy who decided to make his PhD instantly after his graduation. His decision was driven by the fact the Swedish industrial PhD gets generous salary on the first job, despite of his complete inexperience in industrial matters...

And, regarding Old English. I'm talking about Philological faculties that are very important at the humanistic Universities. Havok may not know that philology has very little in common with daily usage of given language... If one wanted learn Polish, I would not recommend one joining Slavic Languages ;-)
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Stuff you're saying doesn't make any sense.

Same as your statement that Chemistry was invented after Process Engineering? Or that 140 km/h is 60 mph?

People who teach in Poland have no valid experience in the industry. That's all.

Prove it.
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

That's why America had the crisis and Poland hadn't.

You seem to know very little about academic life, Havok, so I'll tell you that for example a Professor in Old English does not necessarily need to be an expert in street English of Australia of today.
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Another Polish debt...

Not a debt, a grant. Do you have any idea about the notion of the word "grant"? What makes you talk nonsense? Is it anything wrong with you in Australia that you need to compensate for so much?

you might to tell me where your students will find work and what are the costs associated with this course..

I will tell you nothing on the cost because you are telling me nothing about yourself. Could you tell me how much you earn as the toilet cleaner, please?

Where will they find the work? Oh, I have discussed it with the students a lot. Don't be worry - they'll find their jobs and become my clients as their predecessors have done it.

Havok, if you dared to read: The Chemistry faculty in Wrocław is doing research in -- among others -- biotechnology. Four million bucks per a single project does not sound that bad, does it?
7 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

Where the f*ck was I??? I was in Wroclaw during the inception! Must've been studying hard(or drinking) ;) I think it was a great idea- so Polish don't you think?

Wrocław is very interesting city! It is so University oriented that it is very different from any other big city in Poland. The idea was very Polish, true. The news about the OA exploits were passed mouth to mouth, listened to on short-wave radios and read about in underground magazines. It think Serbian whistled out Milosevic driven by exactly that very example.

The ways of avoiding censorship were numerous. It is widely known that the lyrics of a Perfect song:
"Chcemy być sobą" (We want to be the true self)
were indeed:
"Chcemy bić ZOMO" (We want to beat law-enforcement police troops)

Or, the famous trick as described in the "Beats of Freedom" movie. The band Maanam was taken off the air because they didn't want to perform for Soviet commies. Marek Niedźwiedzki, leader of the hit list at the Polskie Radio 3, the hits being voted by a phone poll, replaced the Maanam song with a 30-second drum beat taken from that Maanam song. All Poland knew the trick, the censors were helpless.

Before any gig or concert, bands like KRYZYS (colleagues of mine and pioneers in Polish punk) had to present song list and lyrics to a censor. For that reason, they had to manipulate the lyrics to put innocent meaning; still, the audience could perfectly understand what the songs were about.
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Polish schools are poorly equipped and have no money for cutting edge research or any research lol as a matter of fact.

Polish University. Oh, indeed? Laboratory #50 in Wrocław, 25 PCs and the most modern professional engineering software.

Even toilets are clean there ;-)

Workshop, last Saturday. Me in the blue shirt.
If Universities have no money, how come I was paid for my tuition?

I only regret I haven taken pictures of two banners outside the building:
One, specifying the sum of over US$4,000,000 for a biotechnology project.
Other, over US$10,000,000 for reconstruction of the Chemistry Faculty buildings B-2 and B-4.
Money were expressed in PLN, EU financing.
7 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Ja tam Adam pamiętam hiperinflację jak musiałem sam rodzinę utrzymać, więc proszę Cię: nie pierdol głupot, dobrze?

Tutaj rowniez obowiazuja zasady o wulgaryzmach i wyzwiskach.

Powiedziałem Adamowi to co powiedziałbym mu w twarz, a to nie jest chyba wykluczone, Adminie? Powiedziałem, żeby nie pitolił głupot.

Bardzo mnie się podobało: "This post has been censored by Admin". Komuno, wróciłaś!
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Now you understand that Polish degrees are sometimes not worth the paper there written on.

Another University degree holder?
7 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Oni chcą się uczyć. Mamy zabrać Ojczyźnie wykształconych ludzi? Hitler i Stalin też tak chcieli.
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Antek_Stalich: May I ask you about your own scientific degree, University, and graduation year?

'87, M.Sc. Chem. E., Politechnika Warszawska, [eng.pw.edu.pl/Faculties/Faculty-of-Chemical-and-Process-Engineering] this faculty, and Assistant (scientific post) at the [en ichp.pl] Industrial Chemistry Research Institute until 1996.
6 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Polish education is kind of useless.

May I ask you about your own scientific degree, University, and graduation year?

You started your argument saying that 1.5K PLN goes longer way in PL then 1.5 EU in France

Havok, again. Will you learn counting? He said 1.5k EUR. And 1 mile = 1.609 km.
6 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Czy modernizacja = depolonizacja? [22]

No popatrz jaki to dziwny kraj te Stany. U nas w ogóle się proklamacji państwowych z okazji świąt kościelnych nie ogłasza.

Może czas by wrócić nad Wisłę?
6 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

If he does I will name the place of work and you can ring them and ask how much they pay per hour.....

Yes, he may go to Ireland to clean toilets, too. Double wages, double living expenses.
6 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Ale co tam Słowacki i Mickiewicz mogli wiedzieć on naszych czasach?

Od ponad 180 lat nic się nie zmieniło pod tym względem, a mimo to Polska miewa się świetnie.

A może dorzucić Balcerowicza i spółkę?

A może wrócić do komuny?
6 Jun 2011
News / Tusk drops Chinese COVEC building the A2 motorway in Poland [83]

I am sure , Antek , he did not take part in any of such discussions , but some blame him for not overseeing the outcome.

You think Monia it is the PM who signs all such contracts? Or, maybe his minister?
6 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

What level of education?
He would earn more by cleaning toilets, I presume.
6 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

No tak, a co on rozumie z tego wszystkiego? Tak, tak.

Tak bardziej na temat, to Polacy mają chronione pochodzenie miodu pitnego, Zubrówki i czegoś tam jeszcze, a spirytusu nikt lepszego nie produkuje ;-) To w sferze ciała. W sferze ducha - muzyka chopinowska miewa się nieźle. Behemoth też, ale może Polonius nie czai ocb ;-)
6 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Na przykład nie wiem, czy produkcje naszego projektu Psychodance są małpowaniem, bo są to polskie piosenki autorskie, no ale rocka Polska nie wymyśliła? ;)
6 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

you are family minded after all.

Not in the sense I seek relationships with a broader family or I like family re-unions, no.

You see, Jola, I've been to many countries and seen a lot. Still, the air and soil smell too differently there. Call it patriotism if you like.

I like Real Ale and I like the English people, English food for example. Still, I could not live in UK.