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Posts by szarlotka  

Joined: 20 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2205 / In This Archive: 654
From: UK
Speaks Polish?: Nie
Interests: Skiing, mountains, music, reading, taking the mickey and terrapins

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12 Nov 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I'm not around for a while and you forget of me.

I'm sorry, do I know you? <grin>

I hope things are going well for you over here in Blighty. You've just got to be totally outrageous on here these days to get an Omnibus mention I'm afraid. Either that or write one yourself.
12 Nov 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Hang about the virtual bar moaning about how good the old days were?
12 Nov 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Does this mean you're trying to back out of writing for a few weeks?

Yes.... and succeeding too
12 Nov 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Like warmed-up cabbage served at each repast, the repetition kills the wretch at last

Well that quote from Juvenal just about sums up the last couple of weeks on here to be honest. The amount of recycling of old content and arguments would gladden the heart of Greens the world over (love it Szar, cabbage, greens – Ed). We’ve had the Muslim thing, the Jewish thing, the Russian thing, the German thing and the gay thing reprocessed and repackaged yet again. Mind you, the debates may be repetitious but there have been some real humdingers of responses flying about. None of that polite replies rubbish. Oh no. It’s been full in your face insults from the first sentence. Personally I blame the credit crunch for shortening all our fuses. Suffice it say that even the most balanced and reasonable amongst us -take a bow Seanus – has being showing his teeth. I tell you, we’re all under pressure and it’s showing. Still, despite the paucity of attention grabbing content, the show must go on.

The new Most Powerful Person in the World

Obviously many of you will assume this is either Gzregorz or Admin. Actually it’s not. It’s that nice chap from Chicago Mr Barack Obama. Reams of stuff have been written in the press and on here about the future for the US under his leadership. Having waded through hundreds of posts I am now in a position to provide you with the collective view of us all about the impact he will make on the world and in particular the implications of his period in office on Poland. Er, we don’t really know. Never mind, it will be fun finding out. As an aside some of the reactions to the Obama jokes posted were, how do we say, a little polarised.

New Guidance Systems.

I’m not talking sat-nav or Scud missiles here. Rather I refer to the emergence of a rival life counselling service to the established and renowned ‘Ask Joe’ feature. Lodz_the _Boat has offered us the benefit if his wisdom in solving all those niggling things wrong in our lives. My immediate thought was for the poor buggers who ask both of them the same question and get conflicting responses. Will they counselees take the easy way out? Will they phone the Samaritans first? Luckily this has not arisen yet since the only question Boatie has answered so far seems to have been to advise Osiol on whether to knock down a few internal walls in his flat (apartment).

Obama’s not the only big cheese in the Windy City.

Indeed he is not. Southern is in Chicago. After less than four hours after touchdown at O’Hare he has launched a new thread to compare and contrast the US and Europe. In the first post he set out a few first impressions which, not surprisingly, seem like a thinly veiled attempt to provoke another us and them debate. Still, he didn’t mention Polish girls once so I guess we should be grateful for small mercies. Just a word of caution to Southern. Think back carefully my friend. Have you ever upset Sledz in the past? After all you’re in his territory right now.

Omnibus Overdrive.

We have had another guest contributor here. The talent that is gtd kindly contributed a brief analysis of the good, the bad and the ugly amongst us regular contributors. Oh all right, he missed out the ugly which was a shame as I might have made an appearance in his post, given that I am neither good nor bad. Incidentally given the prodigious output of the man I think he should change his user name to gti (no typo). The ensuing burst of responses to his post taught me two things. Firstly, it was more interesting than my scribbles. Secondly some people thought that I would be offended to have the Omnibus littered with idle chit chat. Why on earth would I be? The whole fekking thread is idle chit chat. The only reason the thread is ‘sticky’ is because it’s a mess.

Psst – wanna buy some property?

In particular would you want to buy a flat in Krakow. The whole thread has some useful views and counterviews on the economic prospect for Poland as a whole and the property market specifically. Some see Poland as well isolated from the global downturn whilst others doubt the latest economic predictions. It will be interesting to see what happens. The hope has to be that Poland’s economic growth is not unduly adversely affected.

Polish Drivers

It’s official. They’re not as good as some but better than Saudis, Kuwaitis, Chinese and Indian drivers and also better than Nepalese Yak herders. The recent national holiday road death statistics pointed to another few days of human tragedy that could and should have been avoided. Let’s hope the message gets through over time.

And finally.

Congratulations to Wroclaw Boy who is going to be a daddy next year. Nice to see Lir and Pingwin popping back in to say hi to us all. I hope Decorator’s birthday went well. I raised my Guinness in salute to him.

Just a short Omnibus this week as I have to fly, literally.

Ceremonies are different in every country, but true politeness is everywhere the same.” – Oliver Goldsmith
3 Nov 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Welcome to the births marriages and deaths section of the Omnibus.

Congratulations WB. Great news.

As far as I know nobody got married this week.

I know of one death but no-one on here.
29 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Sorry, Szarlotka.

Good lord. No need to apologise. The concept of a supra-Omnibus is a good one but there is a danger that it will be too constant. Your earlier effort "stuff happened" might become the norm. I mean it's accurate, concise and easily digestible.
29 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

go to the beach for a week and come back and all is the same

At last someone has noticed that I just copy an old edition and recycle it. Smart man.
28 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I cant help but feel theres a hidden message..

If there is and you crack it can you let me know?

Just the normal lunchtime ramblings of a tired and confused mind from me.....
28 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Yes. And the funny thing is they all live in the same house
28 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I'm beginning to think I'm that piece of furniture that everyone walks around and never takes any notice of.

But more Louis XV than MFI Wroclaw....

Sorry about the mis-reference. T'was another seniors moment
28 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Let’s just clear one thing up once and for all. I think that both Bratwurst Boy and SeanBM make a significant contribution to the general ambience of PF. Their incisive analysis and general air of informed gravitas make this a better place to be. My previous post may have inadvertently implied that they were no good wasters who have to buck their ideas up a bit. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am happy to put the record straight on this. For anyone else who feels that I did them wrong in the anniversary edition, either through inclusion or through exclusion, I would just like to ask that they stop the hate mail. I get enough of that from HM Customs and Excise, the Inland Revenue and disaffected former employees and can do without any more sources of such correspondence.

Moving on. There have been some significant developments this week, both in the real world and the cocooned almost ethereal environment that is PF.

Now Please Wash Your Hands

Magdalena, based upon personal observation and detailed reports from her beau, has concluded that we Brits cannot seem to wash our hands properly after partaking of a natural break in public toilets. Ho ho said I. A dead thread if ever I saw one. But no, the responses flooded in (ed – unfortunate choice of verb there Szar). It would seem that this is indeed a problem. Inevitably the discussion turned global and the old subject of Middle Easter bottom wiping techniques came up again. Apparently I am a complete wimp for using antiseptic sprays in lieu of decent soap and water. I am also at risk from C-diff (ed – what’s that, a bad GSCE result or something?). If the conclusion is accurate it could well stop foreigners shaking hands with us ever again.

Another Hygiene Related Issue….

Is Poland’s economy going to be flushed down the global economic toilet along with the rest of us has been asked of us in several different threads. The answer is a resounding we haven’t got a clue really. Which is a lot better position to be in that the Americans and Brits. Certainty used to be good thing but no longer. Given the stage of Poland’s recent economic growth and its relatively less severe exposures on debt trading you have to be confident that the effects out there will be less severe than in other parts of the Globe. The most important question, however, has to be whether I sold at the right time. In times of crisis you have to look after number one. Unfortunately I am number two in my household. Number one is very comfortable thank you. Oops, I just realised that I’ve probably upset Osiol by talking us into the mire. I see his point of view really. It’s easy to convince yourselves about doom and gloom. From now on I will debate only the impending upturn. Assuming I live long enough that is.

Pirate in Birthday Shock

Our resident pirate, (arr that be Bartomole ship mates, yo ho ho and a bottle of Lech) turned thirty this week. He announced it in his normal laid back and unconcerned manner. At least he did to start with but then in a Munch like fit of panic he started to feel old. SeanBM came to his rescue to let him know that actually he wasn’t the oldest person on here and that Bart was good for a few more years yet. See that just proves that I really value Sean’s contributions (ed – not really you’re just concerned by the number of lawyers on here). My own view is that Bart’s life expectancy really depends on what he says in Scottish bars rather than medical conditions.

Death Throws

Wroclaw proposed that the Should Poland continue to support Bush's war on terror thread be given the old heave-ho after 3,000 posts. Miranda seconded the motion. With that sort of heavyweight intellectual backing you would have thought that would have been the end of it. You would have thought wrongly. It rumbles on. Interesting twists this week though. Apparently it is a good military exercise. Also the food and social life in Camp David makes it a good place to be on a Saturday night. If I was still involved in that sort of thing I think I would find the lack of penguins a bit of a downer.

Perennial Favourites

No not flora. I’ll leave that to Osiol. Just a gentle reminder that the usual battlegrounds have a full compliment of combatants again this week. Russian nastiness, racist attitudes, polish women appreciation societies, dating advice for nervous newbies and the like are all well supported again. If you want to join in just pull up a chair and the dealer will explain the rules. Just don’t twist on 19 and you’ll be fine. It says something when you home in on a post just for being distinctive. I mean I’m following the crows at sunset thread avidly. Are they crows, rooks, jackdaws, starlings. Do they just appear in the winter? Just how many of them are there? Can you eat them? If so did I eat them in Warsaw? This has the makings of an interesting debate.

Breaking News

Rumours of his death have been greatly exaggerated. Crow is back with us (ed – good link from above Szar, we’ll make a journalist of you yet). Whether this is just for the duration of his latest poll remains to be seen. However, we would like to welcome him back into the fold.

The best of the rest

Can’t be bothered to read it as I have motivation deficiency syndrome. Some one else do it PLEASE.
27 Oct 2008
UK, Ireland / Hand washing at public toilets in the UK [75]

I always TRY to wash mine thoroughly. There are times when it is imperative to get out of the loo quickly. This is usually when there is a drunken thug or crazy person present. Sometimes it is because the state of the loo is so awful it's better to leave and use the antiseptic hand wash that I tend to have with me. This avoids MRSA too.
24 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

OK. You two best friends now then?

Im sweet natured a puddy cat :(

I'm sure you are. But to be on the safe side......
24 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

You missed Baby Spice though... :)

So I did. I present the award to DavidPeake's new arrival........
24 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Time is money....money is precious....

I refer SeanBM and Bratwurst Boy to the above opening from the very first post in this thread. Sorry guys but I ran out of time. There were so many more 'recognitions' that I wanted to make. Here is a potted sample:

BB for teaching us that Germans DO have a sense of humour
dcchris for revealing that some Americans DO understand football and don't all call it soccer
The early work of Ola123 in warning us of the property crash and showing that socialism is alive and kicking
Giles for the quality of his insults....

The list would be endless and work is a bit demanding at present. The last paragraph sums it up really. It's a great Forum with great people (largely).
23 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It may have escaped your attention, but the 24th October marks the first anniversary of the initial publishing of the Omnibus Edition. It hardly seems possible that a whole twelve months has passed. There are a few more grey hairs, a few less brain cells and a bit more cellulite on bottoms and inner thighs everywhere. In order to mark this auspicious occasion, we are honoured to announce the inaugural publishing of …..


Our thanks go to our sponsors for making the money available in these difficult times. Without their support and contributions none of this would have been possible. In no particular order we have to thank:

• The Rose and Crown for hosting the judging
• Winalot for the food
• Spearmint Rhino for the inspiration to carry on
• Lehman Brothers for the un-cancelled corporate credit card
• Arthur Guinness & Son for refreshments and moral support
• Noimmigration for the money from his sponsored hunger strike
• And finally our dear editor, Ed, for the loan of the pens and paper and his generous gift of pork scratchings.

Without them all we could not be here today.

Without further ado we can move on to the stunning array of awards on offer this evening.

Most Original Thread

We admit this is going to be controversial. There are over 12,000 of the little beggars to choose from. On top of that a lot of them have been cleared away by Admin’s super efficient broom over the year. Nevertheless we have short listed 4,365 of them where the authors were seeking a Polish Princess or two. The carefully differentiated nature of the requests, the painstaking descriptions of the would be suitors and the effortless charm that leapt out at you clearly set these threads aside from the rest of the dross on here.

The Good Citizen Award

This is awarded to the member who has done the most to aid their fellow citizens in the year. The nominations are:

Admin, for the service, the smiles and for not banning me for a whole year
PolskaDoll, for doing most of Admin’s work, acting as the big tough bouncer in ejecting eejits and for not banning me
Polson – for single-handedly running not one but two football score prediction games, collating the results and teaching the less gifted of us how to count.

And the winner is Polson - Je ne parle pas bien français, mais cet homme est une étoile absolue.

Insomniac of the Year

Many of you have had difficulties sleeping at various times of the year. Shopgirl went through a phase, Osiol had a coffee and cheeses induced bout. However, the clear winner has to be the half Polish, half Greek and half cut Filios1. Days he went sleepless for, to the extent that sleep deprivation drove him to go ever so slightly bonkers for a time. His mild mannered demeanour was replaced by a raging bull approach to all non Poles. Luckily he’s calmed down a bit since.

Looney Tune

This is lovingly awarded to the biggest nutter on PF in the last year. Until recently it was difficult to get the shortlist down to manageable proportions. Recently, however, two outstanding candidates have emerged:

Loveislam, for pasting the whole of his Holy Book in less than 2 days and for preaching to all at the drop of a hat in the vain expectation of converting Wroclaw Boy to Islam

The mad German SS Paganist bloke who came, insulted and was banned in the twinkling of an eye. Can’t even remember his name if the truth be told.

Anyway, we have to award it to the mad German. He was truly screwed up.

Best newcomer

I was going to give this to PolishgirlTX for her refreshing contributions, her assistance in all translations and her being an all round good egg as we Brits say. Then I found out she didn’t like Shawn of the Dead which made me waver. And then along came joepilsudski with the refreshing personal advice column that has changed many of our lives forever. Crazy name, crazy hat, crazy guy.

Musician of the Year

There have been many musicians dropping by over the year. The bassist jnowiski has reappeared. We had the lovable Dutch rock man MareGare with us until he was savaged once too often and disappeared. But for sheer persistence, and for the fact that he has actually posted his work on several occasions, this prestigious award is given to Osiol.

Dog of the Year

We have several people masquerading as dogs on here. Our leader, Gzregorz, has been a Tatra Mountain Dog for ever. Patrcyja19 followed suit. The award this year must go to another dog. One with floppy ears. Step forward Mufasa, champion of smilies.

The Heartbreak Hotel Award

Several of you have loved and lost during the year. Many more of you have probably lost a fortune but that is another story. Three people in particular have held our rapt attention on here as the enormity of their losses was gradually retrieved. Firstly we have the sad case of the idiot fireif. Single handedly he produced half of the content on here for months with his ever more desperate attempts to woo the lovely Annia. Then Irishdeano poured out his heart to us. But there is only one multiple offender. Poor Wildrover has loved and lost and loved and lost and loved again. He disappears for weeks on end and then pops back to tell us what’s happened this time. Poland, Ukraine. You name it he’s been there. Stick at it buddy.

The Eczma award.

This is given to the most persistent irritant on the Forum. Sometimes it abates but then flares up again leaving us with a nasty urge to kill the offender. We considered the Spammer in chief, Vera. A true nuisance but really it’s a no contest. Noimmigration has managed to confuse a legitimate debate on immigration with puerile attacks on the Polish people thereby invalidating any arguments he may have made in his (admittedly infrequent) lucid moments.

The Spice Girls

Posh Spice – Studentka (aka Lady Catalina)
Scary Spice – ShelleyS (Well I wouldn’t want to rub her up the wrong way)
Sporty Spice – Miranda (all that cycling you see)
Ginger Spice – Wroclaw Boy (Espana paid me for this one)

Strongman of the Year

It’s a no brainer. Has to be Vincent the only person to admit to being a Spurs fan. You have to be strong to hold up a whole Premiership.

The Emmenthal Emmy

Given to the PF member who has done the most to [promote the lifestyle benefits of cheese in the year. And the winner is PolishgirlTX.

Word of the Year

Kmiot for the Polish word (thank you G)
Gnarley (thank you ummm_hottie)

Criminal of the Year

And the nominations are:

Szarlotka for plagiarism
The entire country of Russia (according to Cellinski)
Wroclaw Boy for speeding

And I award this to myself (Ed – I told you not to go public with this)

The Chamber of Commerce Award

This is for the PF member who has exhibited the key characteristic that has been shown to be present in all successful people – the ability to focus. None can doubt the amazing focus shown by Southern. His dedication to the glories of Polish women has known no bounds. But even this has been eclipsed by the efforts of one of us. Sadly this has to be a posthumous award. Our dear Slavic friend Crow has moved on to forums new. We shall never forget his pan Slavic passion and the ability to bring it up in any conversation. Relinque in pace dear Crow.

The Rumble in the Jungle Award

This year has seen some titanic struggles in the PF world. Who can forget some of the big fights:

Espana vs everybody else on Formula 1
• MareGare vs Wroclaw Boy
• ShelleyS vs Krysia
• Easy_Terran vs Bubbawoo
• Miranda vs JustysiaS

The jury were unable to come to anything other than a split decision so you can all have an award.

The Hall of Infamy

Each year we intend to induct members into the Hall of Infamy. Think of it as a substitute for the gold watch that your company can no longer afford when they have to retire you 20 years early. This year the dubious honour is bestowed upon:

Seanus, loads of post, loads of common sense
Gzregorz - for the complete transormation from rebel to benign leader
Bubbawoo, for longevity and the best put down lines ever
Sledz – for being Sledzlike
Hueg – wordsmith extraordinaire
Sausage – the name just tickles me
Ukpolska – for technology services in getting i-player to work from Poland
Ranj – for the quotes and humour (humor to you)
Daisy – for a better class of nagging than I get at home

And that brings this year’s ceremony to a close. We would have liked to give all award winners their special prize. It’s just that we put the prize fund in an Icelandic bank to get better interest you see. Never mind, it’s the thought that counts.

For all of the 6,000 plus of you who did not win an award I would just like to say “try harder next year you bunch of wasters”. Become more distinctive. Try posting in the nude or something.

But joking aside, thanks to the vast majority of you for making this such a good place to be. It’s never dull, sometimes as depressing as Coventry city centre on a rainy night, sometimes as uplifting as a WonderBra and sometimes gut wrenchingly funny. Take a bow people.
23 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

but I hope you are too busy to feel nervous

Very busy but not writing the old Omnibus I'm afraid......
22 Oct 2008
Food / Polish cookies recipes [43]

i will let you know how those cookies taste if i don't kill that recipe... ;)

I'm munching on some now. Delicious.
17 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Only 7 days to go before the Birthday Edition....Best start writing it then
13 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Are they banned or just sitting down in their respective corners having a rub down before the next round?
13 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Strum along with this one. (with apologies to Mr Zimmerman)

Come gather round posters
Wherever you’re from
And admit that the warfare
Around you is just like the Somme
And marvel once more
At whose home is the best
If your time on here
Is keeping you from liasin’
Then you better start runnin’
Or they’ll think you a pest
For the posts they are amazin’

Come loonies and fanatics
Who love Islam or Zen
And given a chance
Will be back once again
And don't be a Turk
For they'll call you a burk
And there's no telling when
That it's ever to end
For the good that are here
Will just get a smirk
For the posts they are amazin'
13 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Polishing his golf clubs probably...

No - binning them !
13 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Typical manager.

Eh? executive director please

better than that szarlotka guy

Is it really that difficult?

Great effort Vincent.
6 Oct 2008
Food / Polish cookies recipes [43]

Mrs Sz suggest this recipe.


1/2 c. butter
1/2 c. sugar
1 egg yolk, slightly beaten
1 egg white
1 c. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. vanilla
About 1/2 c. chopped nuts
Candied cherries, cut in half

Cream butter and sugar until light. Add egg yolk and vanilla. Add flour, sifted with salt. Mix well. Roll dough in small balls, dip into unbeaten egg white and roll in finely chopped nuts. Place 1/2 cherry in center of each ball and press down. Bake in 325 degree oven for about 10-15 minutes. Remove from pan after 1 minute. Cool.
6 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

You see I am making a rec room in one of the lofts with pool table and bar.

Splendid. Do we get an invitation to the grand opening.

i'll just stick to troll bashing, akhem, compassionate and gentle advice in the singles section ;)

In your own, inimitable style no doubt. Go get 'em