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Posts by gumishu  

Joined: 6 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 3 Mar 2025
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 6228 / In This Archive: 3025
From: Poland, Opole vicinity
Speaks Polish?: yes

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25 Jun 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish migrants fight to sleep in toilets overnight in London [11]

these were people actively using the public conveniences as a home

are you seriously calling a public toilet a home? did they get deliveries on the address perhaps delphi? i understand you are imaginative but for Christ sake be realistic sometimes too
25 Jun 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish migrants fight to sleep in toilets overnight in London [11]

I find it to be rather offensive that they were abusing the good will of their host country by sleeping there

muslims calling for introducing sharia law in the uk - tolerabla
a couple of homeless guys sleeping in a toilet - untolerable

you should be proud of yourself
23 Jun 2017
Polonia / Half-Polish Terrorist attack on the Champs-Elysses [55]

I doubt such matters are impacted by the relative reliability of news sources or the national origins of the parents of a terrorist in France.

it was a very general remark jon
23 Jun 2017
Polonia / Half-Polish Terrorist attack on the Champs-Elysses [55]

Worth being very sceptical about that. A very politicised organisation.

it's your choice who or what you trust - but it can have implications you know - like if you qualify for eternal life or not
23 Jun 2017
Polonia / Half-Polish Terrorist attack on the Champs-Elysses [55]

if you choose to believe it wasn't then you are left wondering if ABW lies which I personally don't believe - but you choose to believe what you choose to believe
23 Jun 2017
Polonia / Half-Polish Terrorist attack on the Champs-Elysses [55]

whether the report by Polish State Radio is accurate or not.

Polish State Radio report was probably copied from ANSA (the italian press agency) without trying to verify - the article from the polsatnews.pl website explains that ANSA's report was simply false when it stated that the terrorist mother was Polish
23 Jun 2017
Polonia / Half-Polish Terrorist attack on the Champs-Elysses [55]

So a link to a random website is all the proof he has.

is this veritable source enough for you delphi - polsatnews.pl/wiadomosc/2017-06-22/abw-zamachowiec-z-paryza-bez-zwiazkow-z-polska
23 Jun 2017
News / Thousands of teachers to lose their jobs in Poland [57]

More to the point, why would anyone want to return to the PRL system when you could have the excellent pre-war system instead

the old school system was rote learning and not solving problems - this applies as well to the pre-war education in Poland - maybe teachers were better back than I don't know - anyway Polish universities have for years now been complaining about the lower and lower quality of new students, this especially applies to math rich faculties - I believe one of the reasons is cutting the high schools by one year by introducing gymnasiums

The whole thing is very poorly conceived.

maybe you are right Atch - I don't know the details of the new curriculum - I just believe the current system with gymnasia has it drawbacks and one of them is specifically the preoccupation with preparing children to taking tests
23 Jun 2017
News / Thousands of teachers to lose their jobs in Poland [57]

independent thinkers with useful skills and good general knowledge of the wider world

I consider myself having quite a good general knowledge and I was educated in the previous system, school preparing children to take tests (of course it depends on tests too) is not really making them independent thinkers
23 Jun 2017
News / Thousands of teachers to lose their jobs in Poland [57]

and required reduced hours on the maths and science subjects with more time to be spent on history.

will there be more history than science Atch?(I strongly doubt it) or there will be just one more history lesson per week and one less science subject per week - I was educated in the previous system and I believe I am quite well educated - my intelligence was definitely higher than my peers though (my intelligence has since deteriorated considerably though and I'm only avarage now I guess) - so maybe I am biased - anyway Polish university authorities have for years now complained about the falling of the quality of new students - this definitely was in part because of cutting licea and technika by one year
23 Jun 2017
News / Thousands of teachers to lose their jobs in Poland [57]

When Polish students were first tested back in 2000 they performed very poorly, scoring below the European average in the three core areas of maths, reading and science.

Atch the gymniasiums were introduced in 1997 or 8 don't remember exactly - there are many factors involved in the PISA scores, including the average intelligence of children which may not be constant as you probably imagine - one thing is also that Polish schooling system was meanwhile specifically adapted to scoring better in tests - including the PISA tests which is eventually pointless except to show international success
23 Jun 2017
News / Thousands of teachers to lose their jobs in Poland [57]

Together with a return to an old model which was failing, the new curriculum reduces time for physics, chemistry, biology and IT in favour of history.

never heard of it - do you have some official source on that? and you know details? like how many hours a week will there be of science and how many more of history?

Together with a return to an old model which was failing,

how do you know it was the old model that was failing btw?
23 Jun 2017
News / Thousands of teachers to lose their jobs in Poland [57]

And remember that the current minister of education repeatedly said that no teachers would lose their jobs as a result of the reform.

ok - I don't follow the news everyday - so is it now official that thousands of teachers would lose jobs or is it some Wyborcza speculation z sufitu?
23 Jun 2017
News / Thousands of teachers to lose their jobs in Poland [57]

do you have reading difficulties ?

i co głupio ci?

this is how prejudice works - sometimes true sometimes kulą w płot - the sooner you leave your prejudice against PiS the better for your mental and emotional health mafketis
23 Jun 2017
News / Thousands of teachers to lose their jobs in Poland [57]

he 2016 test was even worse

do you have reading difficulties ? - the article was about 2014 and it was long before PiS was in power also PiS couldn't have screwed up education in just a year because they introduced no major change there to affect the PiSA results of 2016 - actually in less than a year cause PISA test take place in April from what I can gather and PiS gained power in November 2015
23 Jun 2017
Language / Poles struggle with English vowels [42]

That is a sound which as a speaker of Polish, one has to learn to produce correctly just as an English speaker has to learn 'cz' and 'ci' and clearly Nottie hasn't learned it

appart from the part that it was transcryption it was also probably approximation on part of NoToForeigners - how do you know how he actually speaks those words in real life
23 Jun 2017
News / Thousands of teachers to lose their jobs in Poland [57]

source please and details,

this article is about the 2014 PiSA test
the 2016 test was even worse
23 Jun 2017
News / Thousands of teachers to lose their jobs in Poland [57]

Better how? Poland's pisa scores have improved since the introduction of gymnasia, if they start falling will you be happy?

Poland's PISA scores where the highest a couple of years ago and are now falling
21 Jun 2017
Life / Long-term living and working in Poland [12]

Thinking long term however, is it realistic to expect generous raises?

businesses may have to raise pays because Poland is already facing a deficit of workforce and it is quite realistic that in the near future hundreds of tousands of Ukrainians who currently live and work in Poland will move west
21 Jun 2017
Life / Inquiry about prescribed medicines in Poland - Xanax, benzodiazepines [30]

I have anxiety mu entire life

if you read it Marta I have something that MIGHT help you - I can direct you to a special prayer that is meant for spiritual protection - it helped me numerous times with anxiety, paranoia and other psychological issues - if you want me to post the link to the prayer answer in the thread
20 Jun 2017
Polonia / Who still speaks pidigin Polish after many years in the country? [59]

I said it should be 'chee-e' which is correct.

chee - e isn't correct either

Can you year the diference between czeszę się and cieszę się? (roughly: I comb my hair, I'm glad) Cause I really can't.

most Poles have no problem distinguishing the two
14 Jun 2017

Pentacostal ideal of preacher as showman.

in this vain Jesus was a showman himself cause he healed people publicly - I somehow understand your scepticism of such things as faith healing because even Jesus told there will be many who come and do great sings but are not of God eventually but true healers are there to give testimony of God and its power
14 Jun 2017

I don't get where you are coming from. In a Pentacostal setting, faith healing is very much a spectacle and a performance. A form of stage magic.

as I said I never witnessed that here in Poland - my experience with Pentacostals is limited though so maybe I simply have missed it
14 Jun 2017
Travel / Information on Gliwice needed [41]

Is there any grocery shop to buy Indian/Asian spices in Gliwice?

you can buy curry powder in all better supplied shops, same goes for turmeric which is called kurkuma in Polish
14 Jun 2017

Nothing disparaging meant by that. That's just their style of worship.

I still don't know what you find theatrical in faith healings - Pentacostal services have time for people to speak and give their testimonies including about faith healing but I haven't seen faith healings at whim to be included in some kind of spectacle