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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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13 Dec 2011
Love / I have a crush on a Polish boy ~ [15]

A 14 year old boy who communicates all the time,is surrounded by teeny girls,none of whom he dates,in fact says he will not date anyone for X amount of time.....

Loves spending time window shopping, plays games that dont involve Modern Call of Halo...loves Anime, shares your love of pretty Cakes, is kind and considerate when you are ill and has not made any innaprorpriate lunges.....in fact,he can talk to a girl.....yups,Im no expert, but, THE BOY IS GAY......
13 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish is an official language in the UK? [68]

Since when did Polish have the letters " æ ", " Ỳ " and " Ù "?? lol

You still think native English speakers will be working in whatever dept of Westminster Council that produced that do you?
Ok, its mistakes in Polish you highlight,but you get my drift :)
13 Dec 2011
Love / I have a crush on a Polish boy ~ [15]

Never ask a boy out on a date, wait for them to ask you.

B0ll0x !
Cant comment on the rest of the OPs post past about the second sentence.............teen speak is baffling to me these days :)
Edit, tried again.............sorry to break the news OP, but that boy may end up being your life long friend,but, Ive a feeling you will be sharing that friendship with Dorothy ;)
10 Dec 2011
Love / What did I do wrong? A Polish girlfriend doesn't want me to send her anything? [84]

So, the Polish mental state.

A propensity to play Live action Deal or no Deal with yer girlfriends.....seriously, whats with Poles and cardboard boxes? If its not sending yourself in the post to rob somewhere its sticking your partner in a damp cardboard box and expecting her to just ,like, die or summat.....
10 Dec 2011
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

I suppose Sir Lancelot was horny Croat that ?))&%$# his wife.Merlin was Albanian witch-king.Don't ask him about Luke Skywalker please...

Classic :)
10 Dec 2011
Love / What did I do wrong? A Polish girlfriend doesn't want me to send her anything? [84]

I didn't respond with that

I did, must be the hot headed genetic memory of my Norseman forefathers, just got that berzerker spirit, cant help it,get myself all in a tizz sometimes...;)

Dessi, once again, for other readers, you know Im only roasting, I love the Gorale, apart from the schister who tried to charge a student in our group 100 Z for a photo in Zak':)

I have never met you in person, Isthatu, perhaps you have the vigor of a highlander too,

yup,proves we've never met, these days Ive the vigor of Thora Hurd ( Betty White for our US cousins) on ketamine ......
10 Dec 2011
Love / What did I do wrong? A Polish girlfriend doesn't want me to send her anything? [84]

Laugh if you want, but I am laughing at you and the rest of the world who are not endowed with the vigor of a Gorale.

Would you care to translate that?
No worry,shall do it for you.......... Gorale= Highlander
and erm, whats my genetic make up, oh,yeah, Highlander...........translation, Highlander :)

and, how many Hollywood movies and syndicated TV shows,not to mention Queen albums have been written about Gorale?????
I think *my* Highlander trumps yours ....
slippers with pompoms and felt bowler hats VS crazy face paint and skirts, no contest mate ! :)
10 Dec 2011
Love / What did I do wrong? A Polish girlfriend doesn't want me to send her anything? [84]

Isthatu2, don't be so hard on him ;)

Im not, I genuinly like him, but this thing, OMG, if I had the obssesive personality of delpho , his whole schtick about having some genetic memory of Polishness is fooking hilarious and Id be beasting him daily for it, but, Ive still a bit of a life :)

( and besides, Josey Wales is on telly and he's just said the "r ya gunna draw those guns r whistle dixie " line , so ,offski soonest ;) )
10 Dec 2011
History / Was the holocaust by Germans in Poland the worse genocide in history? [210]

Claim what you want legend, no rational people would take you seriously anyway.
I bet even if you stood in the middle of Tel Aviv shouting this guff the strongest reaction you'd get would be a kindly jewish mama patting your head and asking where your care workers were at.................
10 Dec 2011
Love / What did I do wrong? A Polish girlfriend doesn't want me to send her anything? [84]

I am of Polish descent. My body and thus my mind are part of Polish reality.

OMG , that is priceless :)

that those in the Polish diaspora who carry the reality of what it is to be Polish in their very being.

again, LOL!
Matey, born in the USA ,the old red and white is stuffed full of blue too...............if you were Polish born ,maybe your comments wouldnt sound so goddamned pompous and hilariously off the mark............

pal, I was born in Scotland to an Irish dad, and as I constantly prove here that gives me fek all special insight into the pulse of the Scots and Irish that were brought up in those countries.....
10 Dec 2011
History / Was the holocaust by Germans in Poland the worse genocide in history? [210]

Stop trying to arIe lick, he's one of yours ;) For," stupid british partition" I think ya better name check Jinnah old chap . Slight problem of most Indians and all the departing British officials NOT wanting partition, most Muslims and lots of Hindus WANTING partition......

Of course, if simply refering to the actual *hands in the air, shut eyes and draw a wiggly line on the map* outcome, yeah, spot on.

BTW, WB dessi :)
10 Dec 2011
History / Was the holocaust by Germans in Poland the worse genocide in history? [210]

The whole "3 million" stuff was taken out of nowhere and can not be proven in any way, I don't understand why It still is treated as a kind of official figure...

Because it mirrors the " 3 million Polish Jews"?
TBH,Ive always treated it as "fact"....

Genocide isn't a competition

We have a clear winner anyway...

8 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Do you think ED Miliband looks Polish? [21]

A good constituency MP

lol,not quite "damned with feint praise" but.... ;)

( I want Ken Clarke to finally admit he is really a lefty and jump to labour ;) )
8 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Do you think ED Miliband looks Polish? [21]

In any case, Labor leaders are all pimps, and have a history of criminality

What a complete pile of stinking horse droppings Joe.
He's my local MP, a sound bloke,very hard working. A man with his own mind.
(bloody anoying speaking voice though :) )
8 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Do you think ED Miliband looks Polish? [21]

he looks Jewish positively Jewish.

Wow, a Jewish bloke,who looks Jewish.....what next? Black people with kinky hair and flat noses????
7 Dec 2011
Language / 24 hour time telling in Poland vs. other countries [29]

For a party invite it would be very unlikely to be written in the 24hr system. Simple really,how many parties start in the first 12 hours of a day? Clarity is not an issue,for more formal requests of ones attendance the 24hr system may be used. Or just AM/PM.
30 Nov 2011
Love / What's the way to seduce a Polish girl ? [64]

sissy sport


American football

Tiny genitalia owning,steroid abusing puffs covered from head to toe in body armour to play rugby.yeah,so manly that one ......
28 Nov 2011
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

Nope, you are a 'merican............not Polish.
Poles generally have a far better grasp of English than you,thats the give away. go eat a keilbasa and do us a favour,bite your keyboard fingers off at the same time.....
26 Nov 2011
History / Lt. John Ward - a Pommy hero of the Poland's AK [8]

Wasn't he from New Zealand?

Thats the Red Runs the Vistula fella you are thinking about,and he was a Brit who after the war moved to New Zealand.
Quite a few non Poles found themselves working for or actualy members of Polish underground groups. Many were escaped POWs from the camps built in Poland/old Germany.

If I remember rightly during the Uprising Slovakians made up the largest national group.