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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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3 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]


Does young have to mean stupid, boozed out of your mind, wasted on grass and rampaging in mindless vandal attacks on everything in sight? Over the years, all those things have happened at Woodstock -- smashed up trains, smashed up faces, overdoses, people robbed while they slept... Great innit?! Lots of fun!?
3 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]

The deafening 'music' and the organisers' 'kolorowo i wesoło' rhetoric cannot hide the many wayward and troubled participants swaying and wandering about the grounds in a perpetual beer & marijuana daze at the the annual deprivation fest known as Przystanek Woodstock. An antidote is Przystanek Jezus where the sick, inebriated and hungry, those who have been robbed and are penniless receive help together with the Good Word which may help them clean up their act.

3 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

very good person. All positive

There are no people who are all good. Only God fits that description. One can find flaws even in people like Piłsudski, Wałęsa, Lech Kaczyński and JPII.

Geremek (whose real name was Benjamin Lewertow) was too KOR-ish and Michnikite in his views to be a leader of the Polish nation. It can be said to his credit that although he had been a commie cell leader, not just a rank-and-filer, he dropped his membership in 1968.
3 Aug 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

basically, are about the personification of a deity

And a solid ethical system. The too are inseparabłe. But if you can't deal with it, let's remove the religious element and speak only of the one-time consensus re child-rearing of family, school, poltical establishment, media and entertainment industry. Now each is pulling in its own direction. Do you believe the 'buy and drive' syndrome mentioned above is a good thing? Is the growing commercialism and impersonalism (for instance setting the child in front a DVD contratpion instead of telling or reading him a story) a good thing?
3 Aug 2013
Life / War & Love (Polish TV serial) [4]

Great stuff, Pawian. I'm not a big back-scroller, but you hit the nail on the head! Tak trzymać!
3 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

That would be impossible in the UK.

It would in relation ot Geremek because nobody knows him there. But the anti-Thatcher pix are rather telling. Did you miss them?
3 Aug 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

you claim to be an expert

I don't claim to be an expert but I am interested in and try to observe social developments, processes and tendencies. Rather than challenge someone else's expertise, it might be better to present your own alternative observations and the reasons why you think things have developed the way they have. Have you observed the same things? If not, share what you have seen and analysed. I can now see a similar tendency appearing in Poland, at least amongst those who can afford pricey toys and extra lessons to drive kids to.

What is the situation like in countries you are familiar with other than the US and Poland? Of course, your take on the US and Poland is also most welcome.
3 Aug 2013
Life / War & Love (Polish TV serial) [4]

Anybody watching the 'Wojna i miłość' serial on Friday night? When one considers the prospect of that drunken, godless Bolshevik scum overrunning Europe, killing, raping and stealing everything they could carry away and destroying the rest, Poland truly deserves everyone's profound debt of gratitude. And it wasn't an overwhelming victory. At times the odds were quite even and it was very close. Who knows if the Bolshies wouldn't have carried the day were it not for Stalin's blunder. The serial itself was well made, with a nice balance between battle scenes and dialogues, historical events and fictionalised inserts. IMHO only Piłsudski isn't too convicning. They chose the wrong actor for the role. The Marshal was known to speak with a pronoucned Wilno accent which cannot be heard. In a previous dramatisation Zapasiewicz made a better Piłsudski.
3 Aug 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

school systems need big, deep changes. And parents do not always do

Just let's forget your negative view of the Church for the sake of disucssion for a moment and focus on consensus and the situation in the US before things began disintegrating.

Round the upbringing of the young the school, Church, parents and the poltical establishment worked together and shared essentially the same values which were inculcated in children. That educational unity fostered such tratis as honesty, decency, respect and the Golden Rule. Over time, the entities that had once worked togetehr became warring rivals, each with their own disintct priorities to the detriment of children and society as a whole.

A salient example was when a parent was called in to school over a child's behaviour or grades, the parent would try to see how to work with the teacher to remedy the situation and the child could expect to be punished (grounded, lose pocket money, etc.).

At present, the parent often attacks to teacher for picking on his/her darling little 'brat'. That makes teachers less inclined to discipline unruly pupils, and instils in the child a sense of impunity, that he can get away with murder.

Does that mean that today's parents support their children better than one or two generations ago? It may seem so. In actuality parents rarely really devote much time to actual child-rearing, to discussing things heart-to-heart , impressing on them ideals and sharing values. Parent-child interaction often amounts to little more than buying kids pricey toys, clothes and gadgets and driving them to sport practice, riding school, language lessons, etc. The parents delude themselves with the feel-good impression they are doing their job, whilst for lack of guidance the kid begins taking his cues from advertisers, the entertainment industry and the 'street' (peer groups).
2 Aug 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

once again, education, education, education.

It depends what is being taught. Nowadays school systems do very little ethical upbringing. Parents are too busy and pass it off on the school. The end result is that kids are raised by advertisers and the entertianment industry, subcultures and the fashion & gadget industry pandering to their passing fads and whims. And we all know that raising a decent young person with high ethical standards is hardly their priority.
2 Aug 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

is populated by 7 billion people

If more of them were taught that 'anything goes' is wrong and the 10 Commandments is the way to go, we'd have a lot fewer problems everywhere.
2 Aug 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

to a slow painful death

You would be right if humans were mere animals (the way atheists seem to be). Forutnately, a complete, well-rounded thinking human being has a soul and conscience, knows right from wrong, is not guided by animal instincts and is free to exercise self-control and restraint. He is not some flea-bitten cur that cannot pass up a b*tch in heat.
2 Aug 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

to classify non-believers

Or to deride believers for allegedly believing in 'fairy tales, superstitions and nonsense'. That in your books must be the epitome of showing respect for others, innit?
2 Aug 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

Merged: JP2 canonisation possibly next April

The canonization of John Paul II may occur in late autumn or spring - said Fr . Cardinal . Stanislaw Dziwisz . He added that he suggested to the Holy Father on the first Sunday after Easter - Divine Mercy Sunday , April 27 .

The decision as to the date of the canonization of John Paul II will be made at the consistory on 30 September.

Cardinal Priest . Stanislaw Dziwisz returned to Krakow after World Youth Day , which this year took place in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil ) . There, Francis announced that the next host World Youth Day in 2016 . Would Kraków .

Card. Dziwisz aid he had proposed to Pope Francis 27th April 2014, the feast of Divine Mercy established by JP2, as the date of his canonisation. So far dates in November and December this year have been metnioned. The decison will be taken at the consistory on 30th September.
1 Aug 2013
Polonia / Polonia in Brazil? [14]

You are probably all familiar with this site, but just in case:
31 Jul 2013
Life / Polish natural remedies and homeopathey better than English [84]

Krople żołądkowe (stomach drops) are ideal for an upset stomach caused by too much rich food. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juices thereby speeding up digestion. Not to be confused with an acid stomach or heartburn when neutralisers such as Ranigast are recommended.
30 Jul 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Is there any reason why such a person would not make an excellent PM?

To rabid advocates of multi-culti and diversity mania the more off the wall the better! If she were married to an orangutan, that would make her an even more 'qualified' candidate, innit? Weirdness rules!!!
29 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

Latest update of Rzepa poll:
Leave as is - Nic, zostawić tak, jak jest (Głosy:1802)
Leave building as is but change surroundings to make it less obvious - Budynku nie ruszać, ale zmienić jego otoczenie, żeby tak nie rzucał się w oczy (Głosy:855)

Demolish- Zburzyć (Głosy:1217)
It doesn't concern me - Nie obchodzi mnie to (Głosy:241)
I don't know what it's all about - Nie wiem, o co chodzi (Głosy:118)
29 Jul 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

He doesn't talk about religion and in any case is unpopular.

I never really followed Blair's political activities, but as a church-going family man with a pleasant, upbeat personality, he exuded a very positive overall ambience and was, what Poles would describe as 'sympatyczny'. Of course, not by everybody's standards. Some might think a lesbian Negress who rode a Harley would make a 'cool' PM. To each their own!
28 Jul 2013
Love / Are Polish girls better cooks? [45]

very healthy people

But small. Lack of Vit. A (cheese, butter) in the traditonal Japanese diet is believed to account for their slight build. Of coruse, this is a complicated and multi-faceted process. For instance, the heatlhy consumption of lots of veggies and seafood plus ltitle red meat may offset the harmful effects of high sodium intake and the nutritionally deficiency of rice. Probably disease statistics and longevity could at least partially explain whether that is indeed the case. Other factors affecting general health and longevity include geography, climate, soil conditions and environmental pollution as well as genetic predisposition.

28 Jul 2013
Genealogy / Anyone know the name Neugewirtz? [15]

NEUGEWIRTZ: This appears to be a Yiddish version of the German Neugewürz meaning 'new spice' (possibly the nickname given a spice merchant). Both the Neugewirz and Neugewurz spellings have been recorded in Poland, but are not used by anyone at present.
28 Jul 2013
Love / Are Polish girls better cooks? [45]

too much sodium is very bad for you

That is certainly true, but many people mistakenly regard Oriental cookery as a healthier alternative to the high-sodim diets of Central Europe. That may well be just another urban legend. As a result of extensive use of MSG and soy sauce Chinese and Japanese dishes tend to be high in sodium. Rice-reating nations are also deficient in Vitamin A and some of the B vitamins that promote growth, and avoiding potatoes can mean inadequate potassium intake. The link below explains high-sodium nature of curry dishes.

A bought curry with all the extras could include almost three-and-a-half times the maximum recommended daily intake of salt, according to a study.
The nation's favourite dish accompanied by rice, naan, sag aloo, poppadom and chutney can contain a "dangerous" 20.5g of salt, Consensus Action on Salt and Health (Cash) said.

On the plus side, the extensive use of vegetables and seafood and smaller red meat intake are defintiely among the beneficial aspects of Oriental cookery.
27 Jul 2013
USA, Canada / PolishAmericanReview's review of current events in America [48]

Which doesn't exist except in the heads of the stupid

How many PolAms are in Obama's cabinet? People with Polish-sounding names have regulary had a hard time getting ahead, but that is rarely reported. Read up if you think Poles in America and elsewhere do not suffer discrimination:


piastinstitute.org/assets/library/anti_polish_stereoty pes_radzilowski_t.PDF

27 Jul 2013
USA, Canada / PolishAmericanReview's review of current events in America [48]

Do you not have anything to say about the topic of this thread?

The topic of this thread was Pole-bashing by the American media which started with the Polack joke craze of the 1970s and '80s. Now these same media brown-nose their pet minorities in typcial PC fashion but are far less concerned about anti-Polish discrimination, Polonophobia or Christophobia are concerned. Tell us what you think of that imbalance. You must be all for it because that's all you and your comrades do on PF.
27 Jul 2013
USA, Canada / PolishAmericanReview's review of current events in America [48]

Harry: When lost for a reply, resort to technicalities, snitch to the mods, report things to the prosecutor, threaten libel suits, call in the marines. Maybe that'll confuse the issue.

Meanwhile, read up, break out of the PC propaganda strait-jacket and become englihtened at long last:

The National Coalition Against Domestic violence estimates that gay men experience domestic violence levels at least as high as heterosexual women with approximately 25-30% of gay men reporting violence from a main partner. Others have estimated levels between 50-65%. thefeministwire.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/gay-dv.jpg

About 17-45% of lesbians report having been the victim of a least one act of physical violence perpetrated by a lesbian partner. Types of physical abuse named by more than 10% of participants in one study included sexual abuse by a woman partner whichhas been reported by up to 50% of lesbians Psychological abuse has been reported as occurring at least one time by 24% to 90% of lesbians. musc.edu/vawprevention/lesbianrx/factsheet.shtml
27 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

destroying a fellow Christian church

The destruction of all religion is the hidden priority of the PC's atheistic/agnostic agenda. When it is expedient, the PC crowd will shed crocodile tears and pretend to be defending one denomination against another, but int view of their ultimate anti-religious agenda the purpose is only the stir up dissention between churhces in the hope that will speed up their demise.
27 Jul 2013
USA, Canada / PolishAmericanReview's review of current events in America [48]

Those were but a few examples. Others include domestic violence but only by males against women. The PC folks have to tread lightly round this topic since the most domestic violence occurs in same-sex households, and those are the darlings of the PC dictatorship. Intetrested in exploring that topic? Go to it and do your Google homework or forever hold your peace.
27 Jul 2013
USA, Canada / PolishAmericanReview's review of current events in America [48]

That sounds strangely like the Lux Veritas foundation

Hijacking a thread again? The Lux Foundation is deifntiely not one of the PC dictatorship's pet minorities, glamourised, promoted and handled with kid gloves. Why not then start a thread on the PC dictatoirship's bêtes noires, bugbears, hate-speech targets and other assorted pet villains. That would be a first on PF and would come from a partisan source that knows what he's talking about.