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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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8 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Stanislaw Mikolajczyk

Mikołajczyk had to flee for his life after it turned out Stalin's puppet regime could not be negotiaited with.

to insult the British

London and Washington both brown-nosed Stalin and sold Poland down the river at Yalta and Potsdam. When it was too late, Churchill shed some crocodile tears and came up with his snivelling 'iron curtain' speech.
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

Americans such as you are politely told to keep out of polling stations.

Who was displaying his intellectual brilliance and going off topic?
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

being Polish is the best thing that one can be

You'll never know how that feels. You will never think, feel or speak like a full-blooded Pole. Your cultural identification bears the imprint of foreign roots. You were never told Polish stories, fables and nursery rhymes nor did your gran sing to sleep with Polish lullabies. And your speech will always display a trace of foreign accent, foreign syntax and foreign thinking. It's all in the blood and genes, whether you like it or not.
8 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

a time of great shortage

Many would have returned despite the shoratges and pitched in to help rebuild the country. It was the
Stalinist enslavement of their beloved Poland that turned them away.
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

never took a Polish passport

Bureaucracy doesn't grab me. It's only a piece of paper. Polishness, pride in one's Polish heritage comes from the heart. That is something a person of alien ancestry will never fathom even if they gave him six Polish passports.
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

That is perfectly logical

Of course it is! The purpose is for Gronkiewicz to hang onto the trough and perpetuate her misrule at all costs.

of course I will abstain

So you presumably want to perpetuate the oldboy misrule of Tusk and his stable of political miscreants in which Gronkiewicz holds a prime place.
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

it's our city

Since when does Warsaw belong to aliens? Warsovians are a hospitable lot so you can freely enjoy their hospitality. They let you live and work here and make the money a Pole might be earning, but don't act let your British imperialsm get the best of you and prompt you to act like you own the place. You are only a non-Polish guest and guests should not overstay their welcome.
7 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

Are you planning to vote in the recall election

As a US citizen I am not entitled to. If I could I would defintiely support the recall.
7 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

such trivial things

I agree with you on that one. The walking Staph Infection really is a trivial thing. The sooner sre's dumped and replaced by someone like Professor Gliński the better for the people of Warsaw!
7 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

a President of all the Poles wouldn't get involved in party politics

And only coincidentally he is heeding the boycott calls of the party that created him.
7 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

President of Poland who used to be your boss

Neither Wałęsa nor Lech Kaczyński were ever my boss. What ever gavce you that cockeyed idea? For that matter neither was Obama, Bush or anyone else, as I have never worked in any state adminstration or government post.

if you're a PO supporter

Any PO supporter should have his head examined. Support that band of crooks, shysters and con artists and their well-connected oldboys and flunkies?!
7 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

All decent politicians urge citizens to vote since that is their sacred civic duty. Not the PO. To save Gronkowiec's skin, they have urged a boycott of the referendum. That's not all. They are trying to figure out a way to disqualify the signatures collected by PiS for that purpsoe. To top it off Komorowski, allegedly 'the president of all Poles', is backing the boycott by saying he doesn't intend to vote.
7 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

hi-tech things

In the 1950s a gas ring might have seemed hi-tech to a DP Pole compared to the war-torn country and gruelling Anders battle trail he had travelled.
7 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Please explain

I have never rented a room in the UK. I have picked up such impressions over the years from those Poles who had spent some time in Britain in the post-war period. It fits nicely into the Polish view of British hospitality: Nalał po kieliszku wódki, resztę schował do lodówki!
7 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

All pancakes are better if made with clabbered sour milk. Then you need no baking powder and only a pinch of soda for them to rise.

Re gas rings -- the Poles I talked to weren't impressed by their hi-tech, but by the penury and meanness of British landlords who also sparingly doled out loo paper as if it were gold leaf.
7 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Returning to the culture clash, maybe this has already been mentioned (I'm too lazy to read through the entire thread), but one thing that has freaeked Brits out for years is Poles who set aside fresh milk to sour and clabber. To the Brits it goes off, to Poles it creates a thick, rich-tasting, yoghurt-like drink, particularly good chilled on hot summer days with some dilled, buttered new potatoes. Also a good hangover remedy. I bet if it was called fresh yoghurt instead of sour milk (zsiadłe mleko) it would gain acceptance amongst Brits. Wonder what our expat Brits think of it?

Poles have been taken aback by the coin-operated British gas ring. (Dunno if those still exist in the UK?)
6 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

instead of allowing Solidarity take over.

Did he allow Solidarity to take over or did he actually ensure his red cronies of a soft landing with zero accountability? Until 2 years ago (as one of the few decent thigns done by Tusk) red rodents were getting fatcat pensions for helping the Krelmin enslave their countrymen for 45 years.
5 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]

song that teaches people good manners or anything above

Nearly all religious hymns do. So does Christian rock.
5 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Jaruzelski apologised

He also did everything possible to evade accountability. He used excuses of every kind to delay and derail his trials, even changed lawyers years into the game so it would take a year or more for the new defence counsellor to read into voumes and volumes of case documents. And finally, the health excuses. Too ill to stand trial and healthy enough to give speeches at a commie jubilee meet-up in the Palace of Culture.

Here's a bloke who for the sake of a big military career brown-nosed the Soviets that murdered his own father through cold, starvation and overwork in Siberia.
4 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]

There's a saiyng in ameirca -- abotu as much good manners as at a heavy metal concert...
Is it the pop/rock scene that is teaching young people good manners, kindness to others, altrusim, self-control, giving up their seat to an elderly person in a tram, sharing, respect for elders, doing good deeds, helping the less fortunate?
4 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]

it should be remembered that restless and rebeliious but gullible teens are such easy prey for the pop-culture establishment which uses every psychological trick and marketing gimmick in the book to make the gadget, snack, pop hit, computer game, fashion, lifestyle or viewpoint they happen to be peddling appear desirable and attractive. The powers of omnipresent commercialism exploit the teenager's feelings of inadequacy, uncertainty, confusion and fear of rejection and persuade him that by using their product or following their advice he will gain peer acceptance and become one of the in-crowd.
3 Aug 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

married a person who had

You're all for artificial scientific or industrially produced things -- condoms, probably dildoes, abortion
pills, abortions, test-tube babies, etc. What's wrong wtih having or, better yet, requiring medical
tests before saiyng 'I do'?
3 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]

that's the definition of a musician to you ?

No, but it applies to some rock musicians; others come from good homes but feel they have to keep up the reputation of a 'baddie' because rock is supposed to be rebellious, anarchic and flaunt ethical norms.

do what they want to do

So overdosing, robbing fellow Przystanek goers, spiking girls' drinks with date-rape pills and demolishing trains is just good, clean harmless fun?!
3 Aug 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

because one of them was HIV positive

And they contracted HIV at the dentist's, right? That is a possibility but an extremely rare one. HIV is largely avoidable if one avoids sleeping around, pre- and extra-martial intimacies. A dog cannot do that. A thinking human can!
3 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]

terrible job of bringing up their children

Probably many had no real families and came from broken families of divorced, addicted or violent parents. But what about the parents of the kids that go to Woodstock -- do they send their kids there belieivng it's a Sunday school picnic, not a depravation derby?
3 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

I don't' think Geremek deserved such disrespect, but the funerals of such people as Hitler, Stalin, Bierut and Jaruzelski would scream out for forceful signs of disapproval and opposition on the part of any decent Pole.