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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
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Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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10 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

The Government owes the Church nothing

All society owes the Church a great deal: spiritual depth, a moral compass, charitable and educational servcie to the nation, and the Polish government simply respects the fact. Not to mention the great architectural wealth forming part of the nation's cultural heritage which is costly to maintain and restore are requires state assistance.
10 Aug 2013
Life / The annual national pilgtrimage in Poland - all roads lead to Częstochowa [28]

if you believe that your God will cure you

But if leading medical researchers cannot find natural explanations for certain cures, do you regard yourself as more itnelligent than they and have your own private, superior explanation. In canonisations and beatifications, not one but an entire consilum of physicians incluidng atheist ones are required to pronounce that there is no medcial explanation for certain cures.

In Lourdes there are rooms full of crutches, sticks, wheelchairs, walkers, etc. left behind by generations of pilgrims who have been cured. Were they all hoaxters or ill psychosomatically in your view?
9 Aug 2013
Life / The annual national pilgtrimage in Poland - all roads lead to Częstochowa [28]

believing that we can get cured at Jasna Gora

But people have obtained medically unexplainable cures at Jasna Góra, Lourdes, Fatima and other Catholic shrines. Not everyone, it's not automatic. But then neither is medical treatment guaranteed to cure everyone. Faith can move mountains. Remember: for God nothing is impossible!
9 Aug 2013
Life / The annual national pilgtrimage in Poland - all roads lead to Częstochowa [28]

What are you trying to prove

The Fearsome Foursome are a band of hopelessly embittered Christophobes blinded by their seething hatred of Catholic Poland, Christianity, believers and all that is good and decent. Their only faith are the cockeyed prejudices, biases and sacred cows of PC (Poltical Creepiness).
9 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Have you actually read the Polish Constitution?

Is there any statement such as 'separation of Church and state'? Is there any statement declaring 'Polska jest państwem laickim'? Instead the terms autonomy, independnece appear and cooperation appear: 'The relationship between the State and churches and other religious organisations shall be based on the principle of respect for their autonomy and the mutual independence of each in its own sphere, as well as on the principle of cooperation for the individual and the common good.... The relations between the Republic of Poland and the Roman Catholic Church shall be determined by international treaty concluded with the Holy See, and by statute.'

That's a far cry from mailicious laïcité, although Kwaśniewski and his commie cronies wanted to force through something resembling the hostile Soviet or French model of excluding and isolating the Church.
9 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Poland is a secular country and will remain one

Yes, keep those horse-blinkers fastened so you don't get a glimpse of a church steeple or wayside shrine...

aren't happy living in secular Poland

I'm not. I'm living in Catholic Poland. Poloinia semper fidelis. Bóg - Hoinor - Ojczyzna.
Like Mickiewicz* wisely said: Only under cross can Poland be Poland and a Pole a Pole.

*Adam Mickiewicz - 19th-century Romantic bard and freedom-fighter.
9 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Some advice for those who want to live in a mythical non-existent Polish secularist land of make-believe: Look away when you pass a church and go make a tea when the pilgrimage is shown on TV. When you can't help but see a packed church, pretend you are viewing an ex-church in the West turned into a Tesco or pub. Go to work as usual on Jan 6, Corpus Christi, Aug. 15 and Nov. 1, because they've got no business turning Church feastdays into official public holidays. Be sure to eat a Big Mac for Wigilia. Never go to a school or hospital because you might see a cross hanging there. And never call the pogotowie because there might be a red cross on the ambulance. And, above all, never go to America, because every banknote is inscribed with the motto: In God we trust!
9 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Do you support this?

I'm sure you detected the tongue in cheek!? But the PC dictatorship actually uses police methods against people with dissenting views. Despite a long traditon of street preachers in London, police recently bundled off a Christian preacher saying homosexual practices were sinful.
9 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Are you talking about the regime TV???????

Don't rightly recall if it was TVP INFO or TVN24. Just something that whizzed by me. I think the term used was otyłość (obesity) rather than nadwaga (overweight), but I'm not 100% certain.
9 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Poland is a secular country

Tell that to the Radom police and you'll be handcuffed and frisked at best. If you mouth off, they'll throw you in the slammer. Other Fearsome Foursome members can bring you a cake with a file inside.
9 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Not sure if there's some connection, but it might appear that countries with undistinguished Anglo-Saxon eating habits (US, Canada, Britain) tend to produce more junk-food addicts and fat slobs that those known for their distinctive cuisine (France, Italy). Sad to say, TV reports recently indicated that Poland leads Europe in the child obesity department.
9 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

then joined Palikot

Anyone who joins Palikot is not only a renegade but should have his head examined. The errant police chief should be exiled to live out his days in the godless spiritual vacuum of a Belgium or UK.
9 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Police in Radom are up in arms against their new boss Karol Szwalbe who ordered crosses to be removed from local police stations and tried to talk policemen out of taking part in their annual pilgirmage to Częstochowa. Szwalbe, who has been the police chief for only a few weeks, has been reported to his Interior Ministry superiors for his brazen assault on Poland's time-honoured Catholic heritage.

Crosses are displayed in the Sejm and Senate, Polish council offices, schools, hospitals and other public institutons as well as many private businesses.

from: wpolityce.pl
9 Aug 2013
Life / The annual national pilgtrimage in Poland - all roads lead to Częstochowa [28]

Polish TV news bulletins these days are presenting glimpses of the annual national pilgtrimage as the Feast of the Assumption of the BVM approaches. Parish groups all over the country, scout troops, police contingents, army detachments, school children and uni students, sportsmen and others like tiny rivulets trickle towards increasingly larger streams of pilgrims which in turn merge to form of mightly river of Catholic Poles headed for Jasna Góra Monastery, the country's most sacred religious shrine. TVP INFO has reported that young people account for some 80% of the pilgrims. There are young marrieds pushing prams, invalids in wheelchairs beign wheeled by loved ones and foreign contingents from such countries as Italy, Slovakia, France and Germany. The pilgrims bring their intentions or come to thank God for graces and answered prayers. A sense of spiritual fulfilment envelopes the foot-sore and road-weary pilgrims as they near their destination. It can truly be called Catholic Poland on the March -- an uplifting sight to behold for anyone in whom there beats a Polish heart.
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

...."a piece of paper"...

Yes, indeed. Patriotism comes from the heart and soul. It's a vibe, a feeling an inner uging. Not a scrap of paper. No-one whose gran never sang him to sleep with a Polish kołysanka and made him zacierkę na mleku would understand it. Such a one will not feel choked up when the choir sings: Podnieś rękę, Boże Dziecię, błogosław Ojczyznę miłą...
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

supposed crookedness

Here is but one example of the Gronkowiec clique accepting a 90,000 zł road-building bribe.

Eight people - officials and entrepreneurs - stopped in Warsaw Central Anticorruption Bureau , which is conducting an investigation on corruption in connection with investments road .

Detainees have from 33 to 65 years ; among them is the head of department of signaling and lighting Municipal Road in Warsaw , his deputy, office worker road and communications office of the city and entrepreneurs from Mazowieckie . As reported CBA concerned suspicion adopted by metropolitan officials at least 90 thousand . zł .

All the detainees were taken to the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw, which is investigating the case. Warsaw District Prosecutor's Office spokesman Dariusz Ślepokura said that the chief and his deputy heard allegations accepting bribes . Warden erected 13 such allegations; his deputy seven.

I have better things to do than collect examples of her clique's crookedness and misrule. But if you're so inclined feel free. Just google her name (the full name is Gronkowiec-Waltz, I beleive) with such added terms as machlojki, przekręty, łapówki, etc.
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

Truth to tell, I am not very hopeful regarding the recall. Thanks to people like you the Staph Infection will most likely survive. And Warsaw will be the worse off for it. But them's the breaks!
8 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Mikolajczyk who risked their lives for Poland 'idiots'

Mikołajczyk took a gamble and failed. But that was becuase Churchill and FDR, later Truman believed or pretended to believe Stalin's promises in the first place. They should have listened to Patton. The 'iron curtain' speech was truly anti-climactic. FRD was an ailing man and probably not fully alert and competent at the time. Bad series of coincidences and unlucky breaks. Happens in international relations all the time. Stalin simply outbluffed his American and British coutnerparts.
8 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

The promise of free and fair elections in post-war Poland was secured

Only an idiot would believe any of Stalin's promises.

Russians had millions of men

Millions of ragtag, battle-weary, underfed and underequipped soldiers who under the onslaught of the advancing US Army well might have mutinied against their Soviet commanders and gone over the Ameircan side.
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

if you don't like living in Europe

Poland still hasn't become part of Sick Europe -- the opt-out has so far prevented alien unconstitutional marriage norms being forced down the throat of Catholic Poland. Everything must be done to stop the spread of PC-style EU toxins at the Odra-Nysa border -- Żeby Polska była Polską!
8 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

what Britain could have done to prevent a Soviet occupation of Poland

They and America could have faced up to Uncle Joe at Teheran, Yalta nad Postdam. The Red Army was way overstretched and weak at that time. Had they listened to Gen. Patton, the good ol' US Army would have moved east and rolled the red vermin back across the Elbe, Odra and Vistula all the way to Poland's pre-war boundary with the USSR and Stalin couldn't have done a damn thing about it except puff his pipe and break wind.
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

then refusing to take a ballot paper

That means the creepy Gronkowiec may stay at the trough!? Heaven forbid!!!!!
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

Not that there are any such persons who post here

Only the one his is one knows for sure. The rest of us can only suspect, guess and speculate.

I am a EU citizen

That's nothing to be proud of. Being associated with that hoax of a pseudo-super-government is no claim to fame. It will soon collpase anyway, so why even bother to discuss it. Probably within a decade people will be back to their normal currencies: marks, franks, liras, etc., and it won't be any too soon.
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

You still did not explain why you think the double-checking of the Pesel numbers is not fair

Who said anyhting about it being unfair? They did not list the US among the countreis one could hold citizenship in and be allowed to vote.

They also did not say the vote was denied to anyone who happened to be is a spy for the Belgian Government of His Royal Majesty?