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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
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Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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18 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

cleverly written - nothing stops the establishment of an alternative that grants exactly the same rights given to a married couple.

If that ever happens, it will be a day of national tragedy. All flags at half-mast until the nonsense is repealed. Luckily, the Sejm has spoken and Tusk has made it clear he does not plan to pursue the issue. But Holland and Spain and a few others beckon!
18 Aug 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

PiS 43%, PO 32%

PiS contiue to lead the pack with 43% support against 32% for PO. Ex-commies in Poland can count on 12% backing and PSL barely squeaked through at 5%. Palikot is out of the running.

Depending on the final outcome, 43% is close to the level at which the winning party can go it alone without seeking coalition partners.
18 Aug 2013
History / Should Poland be given ANY credit for ALLOWING Jews into Poland for 1000 years? [195]

except when someone tells lies

The only way to offset lies is with the truth, not silence. Silence merely perpetuates urban rumours that have been circulating since God knows when.

Silence in this case also clearly proves your only interest is in fault-finding, nitpicking, sideswiping and bickering, and it wouldn't be the first time by any means. That has been your entire modus operandi all along, as other PF-ers have clearly seen. When it comes to offering facts to rectify what you claim are 'lies', you prefer to crawl back into the woodwork.
18 Aug 2013
Life / Why Polish people are fat ? [81]

Among US-born Polish Americans there are quite a few in the overweight category. But most remark how svelte the Polish girls coming over from Poland look.
18 Aug 2013
History / Should Poland be given ANY credit for ALLOWING Jews into Poland for 1000 years? [195]

Do stop lying

I'm not lying. I simply do not know and am searching for the truth. Since that is your domain, why not finally give us some true, authentic and genuine qutoes from the Talmud on the Goyim. Remember you, not me, are the super-ultra-mega e-gadgetarian. They shouldn't be that hard for you to hunt up. Failure to do so will simply entrench the urban myths in circulation (assuming they are just myth), but some doubt will always remain. Now you have your chance to become a defensor judaeorum and that can only be grist to your (or anyone's) mill.
18 Aug 2013
History / Should Poland be given ANY credit for ALLOWING Jews into Poland for 1000 years? [195]

I never said I was a Talmud expert. Since you seem to be, why not give us some authentic quotes of what the Talmud really says about gentiles. I'm always willing to learn something new.

What about this:
Libbre David 37
A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.

18 Aug 2013
Law / Poland and the Euro - benefit for Polish economy? [49]

So you are assuming that at present 75% of Germans would root for the euro? The opposition to the euro is even greater in Poland, if I recall.

The point is -- is it worth entering a zone that may well collapse in the foreseeable future?
Then the countries that wisely remained outside it will avoid the chaos and confusion of restoring the national currency.
18 Aug 2013
Law / Poland and the Euro - benefit for Polish economy? [49]

Regardless what the pro-globalists, one-worlders and EU super-state advocates claim, the fact remains that voters in the UE's biggest and richest country, Germany, want the euro scrubbed and the Deutschmark returned. An Emnid poll found that 51 per cent of Germans believed their economy would be better outside the 17-member eurozone while just 29 per cent said it would be worse off.

18 Aug 2013
History / Should Poland be given ANY credit for ALLOWING Jews into Poland for 1000 years? [195]

Please quote from the Talmud


This link gives sources, chapters, pages, etc. in the Talmud. If you're really that interested (and not just in it for the bicker and banter as usual), plus being a super-mega-ultra computer geek, you should have no trouble tracking them down.
18 Aug 2013
Feedback / Warning for posters who have been changing the names of famous Polish politicians, celebrities, etc. [90]

Merged: Name changing (using nicknames for political figures in discussions)?

Just to get this straight once and for all, using nicknames for poltical figures and public persons in general is unacceptable. Also changing PF forum nicks is banned. What about those who for convenience write P3 or Delph for short? Is that also out of bounds and the entire nick must be written out letter-perfect?
18 Aug 2013
News / Tomasevski makes an idiot out of himself yet again [28]

Huge banners are nothing at all abnormal for ultras

What you say cannot be ruled out. Neither can other possibilities. The fact is that services observe, keep their hand on the pulse of things, make contacts and take whatever steps are necessary to acomplish the task at hand. And all this is something neither you nor I can prove or disprove. Unless you are claiming there is no such thing as secret services -- that they stopped deisting when PRL was overthrown.

BTW, you failed to indicate whether you believe Poles in Lithuania are fairly treated or, as Lithuanian Poles themselves complain, are blatantly discriminated against.
18 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Poland is a secular state that guarantees freedom of religion (or lack of religion

You know that the Consitution also guarantees that marriage is only between a man and woman. No other alternative arrangements are possible. I hope you also respect that constitutional principle and will fight to protect it.
17 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

constitutionally a secular country

The rant is by the letter-of-the-law sticklers who keep harping about the alleged separation of chruch and state and secular country (neither formulation is found in the current constituion). It should be remembered however that the the present constituion is a post-commie document forced through during the Kwaśniewski presidency agaisnt widespread oppoistion by patriotic Poles. Besides, it's only a piece of paper. Stalin's constitution proclaimed the USSR a free and democratic country. But one needs only to look about to see the real Catholic Poland, whether or not some scrap of paper calls it that or not.
17 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

a cross alone has no place in public places

Again your horse blinekrs are preventing you seeing what's all about. Police and soldiers in uniform go on pilgrimages in Poland. Priests bless police and military cadets taking their oath, they are invited to bless newly opened motorways (too bad Tusk is opening so few of them!), bridges, town halls and even shopping centres. But there's no law against being delusional, creating in one's own mind a fictitious, make-believe secular Poland. Except that it doesn't exist in real life!..
17 Aug 2013
News / Tomasevski makes an idiot out of himself yet again [28]

Poznan supporters believe that they are the real heart of Poland. With it, telling Lithuanians to bow down to their masters seems absolutely normal and in character for them

Your tendency towards simplistic solutions is incredible. Is everything in life a simple question of either or? One does not rule out the other. If they were xenophobic (antii-Lithuanian for instance) in the first place, then it woild have been all the easier to instigate such as scene. So far no-one actually knows who was behind it -- spontraneous or inspired from without. BTW did you ever consider who actually ordered, created and paid for so huge a banner?
17 Aug 2013
News / Tomasevski makes an idiot out of himself yet again [28]

Must have been a single member with very long arms

More make-believe naivete? A basic knowledge of psychology is enough to know about mob and audience reaction. Young footies fans are full of adrenalin and can readily be talked into doing outrageous things. One time it may be smashing up cars near the stadium, other times battling riot police or bonking the fans of a rival team. Holding up a banner is mild by comparison. It takes only one person to get the ball rolling, and others soon chime in: 'That's a cool idea!'

I know nothing of Tomaszewski's polticis (correct spelling BTW -- on his blog he spells it Waldemar Tomaszewski first and then the Lithuanian distortion in second place), but he is right in saying there are double and even triple agents. Everyone knows that. That's one of the ways those services operate.
16 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

A CBOS poll carried out in 2012 showed that 93% of Poles regard themselves as Catholics; all other religions amount to 1,8%.


they aren't real Catholics

The devil quoting from the bible and heathens, atheists, agnostics and other misguided godless types lecturing Catholics on what real Catholicism is all about is downright laughable. Those who do so apparently are so totally lacking in self-criticism that they don't see how ludicrous this is.
16 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

but it is incorrect to say that a majority of Poles are Catholic.

You know more about it than the Poles themselves, right? Upwards of 90% declare themselves to be Catholic, not just Christian, not just believing in God, but C A T H O L I C. I you don't like it, the Czech Republic beckons! The sooner the better. They's got very good beer down there BTW.
16 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

country (a country at one time barely tolerant of religion

By country you mean the Soviet-imposed regime. Poland is the Polish nation first and foremost and it has always been overwhelmingly Cahtolic. The vast majority declare their identificasotn with Catholicism, and that was the case in PRL, although such surveys were not published and back then, and remains so at present. Regardless if a Gomułka, Miller or Tusk run the regime, the nation is Catholic to the core.
16 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

secularism is guaranteed by the Constitution

Does that term or the separation of church and state even appear in the Polish Constitution?
16 Aug 2013
News / Tomasevski makes an idiot out of himself yet again [28]

that they are either traitors or Russians.

This is just make-believe naivete, right? Secret services do not do anyhting so obvious and gauche as taking over entire teams or their fan clubs. They select one member who seems ot be a soft touch, is greedy or perpetually short of cash, has gambling debts is desepate or whatever. Then someone with an aura of credibiltiy approaches him (no-one with an obvious foreign accent) in a pub, café or park, gets to talking and gently explains the problem at hand. If he could help out a bit it'd be worth his while. That's how secret services everywhere operate. Of course, as circumstances require, there are also more forceful means -- assassinations, intimidation, blackmail, someone getting beaten up by unknown attackers, etc. The secret services post no links for any of this and if caught go into total denial. That's why they're called secret and engage mainly in covert and clandestine operations.
16 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

the symbol of one religion

Because this is Catholic Poland, whether anyone likes it or not. The heart and soul of Poland have always been and will probably always be Catholic. And that despite attempts to infect the country with alien values and copycat culture.

Those peddling super-secularist notions would probably feel more at home in the godless Czech Republic. It's only a stone's throw away, so why not go for it! Wouldn't it be great to wallow in a spiritual vacuum of sterile agnosticism and laïcité 24-7?
15 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

that using school children as guinea pigs

Would they react similarly if someone tried to smuggle LGBTpropaganda leaflets into kindergartens and schools?
13 Aug 2013
Genealogy / Unknown Origins Dzikowicz [9]

The spelling is definitely Polish and only Polish. But if someone with that name moved to Ukraine would probably get called Dykowycz and in Slovenia Diković. Many surnames are shared by most or all Slavonic nations but spelt a bit differently.
13 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

the real issue is that certain people bully and intimidate if any attempt is made to enforce the Constitution in Poland.

Especially those who scream HOMOPHOBIA to high heaven when someone recalls that the Polish constitution categorically defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Not a woman and an ape, not two men, not a girl and her dog or any other off-the-wall combination!
12 Aug 2013
Life / Poles fear gay babysitters [9]

A poll has shown that 57% of respondents would entrust their child to the care of a homosexual but 77% would not mind a coloured babysitter.

11 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Francecan no longer be seen as a "catholic" country

True. France was once regarded as 'najstarsza córa Kościoła'. Now a more fitting appellation would be: 'Najstarsza córa Koryntu!'
11 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Did the Romans need to learn Goth or Gaulish?

And look what it got them: oblivion. he same fate may be awaiting the Anglos who seem to have an aversion to other languages.