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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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20 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

I very much hope that those who shout the loudest will not for much longer be prominent in the church in Poland.

Why should you hope or care who is or who is not prominent in an organisation you deride, discredit and despise? Get a life. There msut be other things you can take an interest in. Bungee jumping? The Canary Breeders' Assocation? A Masonic lodge? How about the Atheist League or Palikot Movement?

BTW since you're so much in favour of paper patriotism despite your alien blood and ethnicity, have you yourself applied for Polish citizenship and are already queueing? Or do you only urge others to do to have soimething to bicker and banter about?

That quote I found from the fronda.pl journalist would probably ring true - less than 2 in 10.

Joining the Church-bashing tag team, eh? Another one with a strange and obsessive interest in an alien organisation of a foreign land.
20 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

I'd much like to know what percentage of Poles meet what the RCC calls

Why this unusual and downright obsessive interest in someone else's religion? Planning to convert to Catholicism are you?
So far you have been enaged in Church-bashing pure and simple. Now there seems to have been a change of heart. Or are you simply looking for more ammunition, trying to find out what makes Catholics tick so you can bash them with more of your Christophobia? That would be more true to character.
20 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

you do not have Polish blood,

Hitting the bottle this early in the day!? Methinks my accuser fits that description, not the accused!
20 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

how do you think RM would react to Satanist symbols going up

The answer is obvious. Why do you ask? Are you planning to begin displaying satanist emblems
in the host country in which you are a guest? Delph only lectures Poles on what they should be like -- this would be kicking things up a notch: from talking to acting.

If so inclined, why not take a crack at the Sejm cruicifix. 'Undesirable alien' status and Instant deportation guaranteed!
20 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

Might be interesting to compare data with Poland.

One wonders, however, why someone like you is so obsessed about a religion he does not believe in, belong to or espouse in a foreign country whose ethnicity he does not share??? Are you perhaps preparing a doctoral dissertation in comparative religion or philosophy?
20 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

mohair beret brigade's

ATTENTION MODS (I realise Delph is the forum's No. 1 snitch, but two can play the same game innit?)
Is that slanderous remark of Harry's insulting the Polish people's kind and God-fearing mothers and grandmothers allowed on the forum?
It is no less offensive than Mr Maybach, Shifty Eyed Don, Duckboy or Gronkowiec!
20 Aug 2013
Life / Why Polish people are fat ? [81]

Wroclaw Boy
I agree that this may be a typical grass-roots reaction, but my point is that no-one was born a fast-food and snack junky. The overpowering commercial brainwashing is a fact, but why is there so little resistance to it? Shouldn't more parents (like you), schools, governments, churches, community activists, ecologists, academia, NGOs, youth organisations, etc. get their act together and counterattack?

BTW which of the above-mentioned in your view is doing the most p*ss-poor job in that area?
20 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

you don't qualify for a Polish passport by descent

Another of obsessive Harry's lies. Anyone wherever he live on God's good earth if he has two Polish parents and four Polish grandparents IS ALREADY A POLISH CITIZEN. All he is requried to do is apply for confirmation.

The downside of this is that people who have travlled that road have also had to wait for several years an go through a lot of rigamarole. (The demand is great and the consular offices overloaded with a backlog of applications to be processed.)

Since I hate buearocracy in all its manifesations (procedures, regulations, paperwork, rules, subpoints, bylaws, affidavits, applicaition forms, etc.) as much as I do Gatesian gadgetarianism, this was never an option for me. Polish patriotism is in the heart, mind and soul, not on some scrap of paper.
20 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

the faithful which there are seem to be becoming much more 'faithful'?

That is a normal development wherever mass religiosity is encountered. The mass follower tends to be more lax in his practices even though he declares hismelf to be a Cathoilic. On the other hand such laxity may be what inspires a small but growing number of true beleivers to try and to have a richer sacramental life and live their faith on a daily basis. In Polish a distinction is made between wierzący (believer) and głęboko wierzący (deep believer).

Even in highly secularised countries such as France there is a niche group of extremely devout and active Catholics.
One wonders, however, why someone like you is so obsessed about a religion he does not believe in, belong to or espouse in a foreign country whose ethnicity he does not share???

do not know that they have to go to confession before they take the communion

That is a fallacy. A Catholic is required to go to confession before recieivng the Eucharist only if he's got a grave (mortal) sin on his conscience. If his offences are only venial, the collective confession that precedes every Holy Mass is sufficient.

I'm sure nto all Polish Catholcis are aware of that fact.
20 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

[delphiandomine:[/quote] should (in any sensible country) have resulted in their immediate suspension[/quote]

Again an outsider of foreign blood representing alien thinking and values is lecturing Poles on what to do to be regarded (by him) as sensible.
20 Aug 2013
History / Poles and Scots over the centuries [4]

This book may be of interest to some PF-ers:

Review of Scotlandand Poland: Historical Encounters, 1500-2010. Edited by T. M. Devine andDavid Hesse. 2011. John Donald, Edinburgh

Reviewer: Mr. Jan Peczkis

ThePolish-Scottish Symbiosis. Insights into the Wrongly Awfulized Polish FeudalSystem

This work covers both the positive and negative aspectsof Polish-Scottish relations. Many Scots moved to Poland centuries ago. Poles came to Scotland during WWII, and again during the post-1989 period. Some of the negative features of their relationship stemmed from ignorance. Thus, thePole was as offended when asked by the Scot if he was a Russian as the Scot was offended when asked by the Pole if he was an Englishman.

The book is full of interesting information. Forinstance, the reader learns that Alexander Chalmers, from Dyce, Scotland, wasfour times the mayor of Warsaw in the 1600's. (Neal Ascherson, p. 9). Scottishpoet Robert Burns, in a poem, excoriated Catherine the Great for her role inthe Partitions of Poland. (p. 11). After WWII, some 8,000 Polish ex-servicemen,unable to return to the Communist Poland that precipitated from the Teheran-Yalta betrayal by Churchill and Roosevelt, settled in Scotland. (p.15).
19 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

if they're a practising one

This sounds like a typical Church-basher's and Christophobe's loophole or technicality to discredit Catholics. All official statistical data is based on self-declaration not ony practice frequency, but the practice option seems a good way to undemrine and sow confusion. If people freely declare their Catholic faith, then they are Catholics.

How many PO members believe in all the political hogwash and actually like Tusk without thinking of it as a good career move?
19 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Poland is a secular country

Know of any other 'secular' country where crosses are found in every public school, hospital, town hall and other public buildings? Where uniformed army troops go on pilgrimages, freshly knighted police cadets are blessed by priests and priests aqnde bishops areinvited to bless newly opened roads, bridges and shopping centres? WHere 93% of the people produly delcare theri Cahtolic faith.

The bottom line is that dingbat Church-bashers can rant and rave all they want about 'separation of church and state' or 'secular state', neither of which are contained in the constituion. Above all, such notions are not found in hte hearts and minds of the sons and daughters of Mother Poland.
19 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

It's all a question of who does the defining. Are people permittted to freely declare their religious sympathies and say what they regard themselves as, or are we to accept some Delph & Harry definition? Every PF-er has a choice: the Polish nation or D&H?
19 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

will they identify as Baptists

They may.People are different. Some Baptists are lax in their practices but have not severed their emotional ties with their religion. Others have. Aren't the PC types always going on about the benefits of diversity and all that rot?
19 Aug 2013
Life / Why Polish people are fat ? [81]

The quesiton is why do people put up with it. Who has failed to inculcate in them sale resistance to all the fake foods and snack fads? Capitalists do not force this garbage down people's throats at gunpoint!
19 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

a very vocal minority that shouts and screams for these things

Sounds like the LGBT gang. Presumably by PC standards some small but heavily bankrolled and extremely pushy and aggressive minorites are OK as long as they're not Christian ones.
19 Aug 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

particularly in text messages

That's because the system has been defectively designed, making typing in Polish extremely clumsy and time-consuming. Try to wirte the word ćmą (ćma/moth in the instrumental case) on a texting device for instance. If they can't have separate keys for the Polish letters as comptuer keyboards do then at least someone should have thought of including an ALT GR key to accent the applicable letters.

By 2015 PO will be down around 15% like SLD and PiS will be up around 45% or better. An enfeebled PO might join PiS as a junior coalition partner. That's how it was supposed to be in the first place. But the 2005 election shock suffered by PO made them bitter and vindictive and incapable of any meaningful

cooperation. Hence the exotic PiS-LRP-Samoobrona coaliton -- a loveless marirage of convenience. And then there was PO's all-out anti-PiS campaign. Like schoolboys, the Platformers wanted to put down and score points agaisnt PiS. If PiS said water is wet, PO would counter that it is dry, etc, etc. ad nauseum.

How long will they continue waging the Polish-Polish war? Probably it won't end until Tusk and Kaczyński bow out.
19 Aug 2013
Life / Why Polish people are fat ? [81]

Let's not blame capitalism just because some people don't take care of themselves

The blame rests squarely with education, the system of upbringing, be it in the family, school, organisations, church or wherever. Or rather the lack of effective educaiton and proper upbringing. The capitalists cannot be blamed because they are in it for maximum profits and that's what their marketing and advertising are all about. But who has failed to build up society's sales resistance, its ability to see through the fake products and false promises, its health awareness, economic common sense and even its sense of self-survival? They are the real culprits!
19 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

priests are seventeen times more likely to be be paedophiles

What is the source of that allegation?
If there is any truth to it at all, it might be that the screening of seminary candidates for homosexual tendencies has been quite poor. Hopefully Pope Francis will tighten up the requirements.
19 Aug 2013
Law / Poland and the Euro - benefit for Polish economy? [49]

delphiandomine: Just think - people like that can get the right to vote in national elections, while we can't

Thank goodness for that, because you might vote the Tusk clique back into power. There are enough misguided and deluded Poles about, hence such foreign aid is not needed.
19 Aug 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Jaroslaw Kaczynski

Have you deliberately misspelt his name as a sign of disrespect or simply out of sheer ignorance?: It is Jarosław Kaczyński. In Poland, a diacritically accented letter is a separate letter of the alphabet and its absence amounts to a misspelling.

Not having a Polish keyboard is no excuse because the Polish letters are all available directly above.
19 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

The majority of Polish people may reply that they are Catholic when asked

The point is they regard themselves as Catholic in an anonymous survey. That's how they feel even though the degree of practice may vary. It is only in the interest of Church-bashers to try to find circuitous ways of lowering that figure and using every means possible to discredit the Chrrch and its followers..

BTW for those who may have not made it to Holy Mass yesterday, the homilist at one Warsaw parish summed them up nicely when he said: Those constantly attacking the Church are those seeking to justify their own faithlessness and trying to give their immoral lifestyles some semblance of respectability. He added: If priests acount for only one paedophile in 1,000, then why aren't the media and other critics up in arms about the remaining 999? Good point.
19 Aug 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

make sure that PO get re-elected

Anyone who looks forward to 8 more years of oldboy misrule needs to see a shrink.
19 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

nomeklatura lifestyle in Poland

Family meet-ups had nothing in common with the nomenklatura. On the contrary, they involved a cross-section of generations from amongst family and close friends and were the antithesis of vodka-laced peer-group booze-ups by red, pig-faced commies.
18 Aug 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

They will not break away if they know that the alternative is being in opposition

Once they're elected on a PO ballot they are free to set up their separatist koła poselskie. Dunno if that's done elsewhere, but in Poland once you're elected you can change colours, become an independent, set up a new group or whatever. If a large enough group were to rbeak off (70-80 MPs), then their chances of re-election 4 years later would not be bad.

Right now all we can do is hope, pray and speculate.
18 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

cease with the preaching

That applies only to 100% aliens -- foreign to Poland and things Polish in every possible way.
18 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

e, there are Polish-Americans telling Poland what is good and what isn't good.

Even more ludicrous and downright grotesque are those of alien ethnicity, alien religiosity, alien blood and alien genes defining Poland and lecturing Poles and Catholics on how they should act..Go back and preach to your Celtic fold -- maybe they'll want to listen to you, but give Poland a break!
18 Aug 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]


Such a coalition would spell the end of PO. Close to half its members represent the patriotic, Christian Democrat, pro-Solidarity and firmly anti-commie orientation. If Tusk annoucnes plans of a PO-SLD coalition during the campaign, he willl lose a large chunk of the electorate. If he keeps it secret and proposes such a coaliiton after the election, then new break-away groups will surely appear. You probably run in circles that do not expose you to family members who have suffered, been persecuted, discriminated or otherwise wronged by PRL, hence you tend to slough off patriotic, anti-PRL sentiments.