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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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22 Aug 2013
History / Should Poland be given ANY credit for ALLOWING Jews into Poland for 1000 years? [195]

But are you authorised to speak for Jewry? Let's hear what the official line towards Goyim is. Preferably from a neutral, non-partisan, objective and scholarly source. There are too many loose opinions, prejudices, biases and 'seems to mes' bouncing about, so it'd be nice to hear some balanced, impartial, authoratiative statements.
22 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

if believers want their symbol displayed

What about the White Eagle? State symbols of any kind are offensive to Jehovah's Witnesses and Anarchists, and yet their tax money is used to bankroll them.

The point is that the Cross and Eagle have been time-honoured symbols of Poland since time immemorial, and no Harry-come-lately or other know-all foreigner is going to change that with his wishful thinking and devious sophistry.
22 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Lenka: but as to the crosses in public places I'm pro "all or none".

Would you be willing to bankroll the cost? Or as they say in America - put your money where your mouth is? Would you really want the emblem of every faith, denoimination, religous movment, subculture, etc. even if it had only three members to 'grace' (or rather deface) the wall of the Sejm? And every school, hospital, town hall, police station and firehouse across the land? You know that's a bit of empty sloganeering which can never be realised, so its a devious way to to ban the Cross of Christ in this Cahtolic land.
22 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

defend people's rights to believe whatever they choose to believe

Everybody has got a right to believe that the earth is flat, that they were created by Mother Goose, that there is no god but Allah, that Marxism is superior to capitalism and vice-versa, that free condom dispensers should be found in every primary school, that there is no global warming and the polar bears are just pretending to have less ice cover to explore, that the drinking and voting age should be lowered to 16 or even 14, that the Man-Boy Love Associaton and the Church of Scientology hsould be legalised in Poland, that true freedom means the right to carry firearms, etc., etc., etc.

No-one is preventing people believing such things. One might pity them a bit but no-one's got the right to exert thought control of the kind the Politically Correct dictatorship tries to impose.
22 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

I live in a small town

Good for you! You are therefore surrounded by more real people, salt-of-the-earth types, and fewer of the big-city phonies, snobs and elitists as well as and keeping-up-appearances and looking-down-their-nose hypocrites.
22 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Where did the figure come from?

CBOS was the source. But it indeed seems a bit strange for someone to so vigorously and ardently question a self-declaration figure, unless one analyses things a bit more deeply. Pehraps this has nothing to do with Poland but rather the questioner's psychological hang-up. Perhaps it's his need for belonging that is involved -- the higher the figure of support for something he does not equate or identify with, the more that tells him he is a misfit and outcast in Polish society. And nobody wants to be that so he is trying to reduce the Catholic self-declaration level by hook or by crook.
22 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

You state that last part as though it's a fact

Yes, but the fact is that such is the teaching of the Church. Whether you want to believe it or not is a separate story. It is said that faith is a gift, and not everybody has received it.
22 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

This 92% I keep hearing is grossly inaccurate

It is a very accurate figure indicating the percentage of self-declared Catholics in Poland. Nothing more,
nothing less.
Although infant baptism is the Catholic norm, anyone who feels so inclined can pull a Palikot and sign an Act of Apostasy. A publicity-seeker could also try to be a poor man's Martin Luther by tacking it up on the door of the local catehdral. But be sure to alert the TV crews in good time.
22 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

The Catholic Church teaches that the Pope, the Vicar of Christ, is infallible when he speaks ex cathedra, ie issues an encyclical or other official pronouncement on dogma or doctrine. Some off-the-cuff quip at an ad-libbed presser abroad a plane is not ex cathedra.

Catholic teaching is the combined wisdom of centuries, nay -- millennia of theological deliberations and
anaylsis by divinely inspired Doctors of the Church, periodically updated by successive Council and Synods also fucntioning under the inspraiton of the Holy Spirit.
Of course, anyone is free to believe or disbelieve.
22 Aug 2013
History / Should Poland be given ANY credit for ALLOWING Jews into Poland for 1000 years? [195]

I really would like to know what Jewry really thinks of Gentiles or Goyim. Not what some Jew-basher or apologist for Jewry wants us to believe. Aren't there any objective, non-partisan reviews and discussions of Talmudic thought and other Jewish beliefs and practices one could consult?
22 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

But you are now. Make a good confession and go and sin noi more! Presumably if you really did not regard it as sinful it shouldn't have been counted as such, but looking for loopholes is like trying to outfox God. As I indicated before, your confessor can set your straight when in doubt. Believe you me -- he has heard it all!!!

Just to lighten things up a bit, your remark triggered an old ancedote. Dunno if you know who WC Fields was (a film comedian of the silent-screen and early-talkie era). He was a known atheist and when someone came to visit him, he was on his deathbed reading the Bible. The visitor was surprised: 'Reading the Bible? But you've been a life-long atheist'. To which Fields replied (in his inimitable twang): 'Just looking for loopholes.'

I know. I've been told I make a great stand-up comic and should definitely be on the stage... And there's one leaving in ten mintues!
22 Aug 2013
Life / Now more restaurants than banks in Warsaw? [11]

Any surviving bary mleczne out Wrocław way? Only a handful have survived in Warsaw, but they have expanded their menus to include meat dishes.
22 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

If you are aware of its seriousness and do it anyway then yes -- it is a grave sin. The term mortal has not been used officially since Vatican II. But your confessor is there to dispel any doubts or uncertainties.
22 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

RCC gave better indication what a "mortal" sin is.

It's been the same all along. Three points are required for a grave (mortal) sin: a serious matter, an awareness on the part of the Catholic of its seriousness and the resolve to do it anyway. When in doubt the priest in the confessional can clear up any uncertainties.
22 Aug 2013
Life / What makes a man a Pole? what does it mean to be a Pole? [187]

Various cirucmstances like one's place of birth or having an Italian mother or not being fluent in Polish may come into play, but anyone who feels a tinge of attachment to Poland and things Polish -- more power to him (or her)! I know people born abroad who speak almost no Polish but are in the forefront of those trying to overcome the erroneous 'Polish concentration camp' syndrome surfacing in the international media. Such a one is far more Polish than those who were born in Poland and speak perfect Polish but espouse the principle: 'My country is where they pay me better'.

So it's not a cut and dried proposition and certainly not limtied to bureacratic paperwork or official formalities. Polishness is a feeling, a vibration, a certian ambience located in the heart, mind and soul.
21 Aug 2013
Life / What makes a man a Pole? what does it mean to be a Pole? [187]

There are many factors determining who is a real Frenchman, Dane, Costarican or Korean. One of them could be what might be called 'heritage IQ'. With today's fancy-shmancy googles and wikipedias this is difficult to judge for outsiders, but you can do the test yourself just to satisfy your own curiosity.

Sit down, take out a sheet of paper, and write down the following categories:
National heros, prominent writers and poets, Polish composers, Polish cities, Polish kings, ethnic foods, proverbs, verses of the Naitonal Anthem, verses of Boże coś Polskę, at 3 verses of one kolęda, the first and last names of all four grandparents, Poland's population, area and maybe a few more.

Then time yourself (say 20 mintues): and see how many entries you can pen in each category.
This can be a competitive game if you share this with someone else and then tally up the score. But no googling and wikipedding!!!
21 Aug 2013
History / Poles and Scots over the centuries [4]

Allan Carswell describes the common Polish-Scottishexperience during WWII. The Scotch came to see Poles as Bonnie Fechters—thosewho struggle in determined fashion for a cause. (p. 135, 145). The GermanOperation Sea Lion was real, and not a bluff. (p. 145). Poles were mobilized todefend Scotland in the event of its implementation. Poles were heralded fortheir valor in combat throughout WWII. As in England, support for Poland eventuallyslipped, in favor of the USSR, owing partly to left-wing influence.

New archival information sheds light on how the Britishsaw Poland between the wars. The ambassadorial personnel had a positiveattitude towards Poland's achievements, and discounted claims that Polandmistreated her minorities, notably the Jews. (Peter D. Stachura. p. 165, 171).During and after the war, genuine friendships between Poles and Scotsdeveloped, at different levels. (p. 157). There were also religion-basedconflicts between Protestant Scots and Catholic Poles, and this, in part,animated the postwar "Poles Go Home" calls. (pp. 160-161).

Now let us move to the present. Aleksander Dietkowdiscusses the modern Polonia of Scotland. Far from taking jobs from Scots,Poles have actually increased the productivity of Scottish businesses. (p.192). In addition, many Polish-owned businesses have sprung up in Scotland injust the last several years. (p. 194). Grazyna Fremi provides the URL's ofinternet portals that elaborate on Polish events and issues in Scotland. (p.200).
21 Aug 2013
Life / Now more restaurants than banks in Warsaw? [11]

Was it a case of overproduction -- credit-granting banks were booming and evreryone wanted to get into the act? Now credit requirements are stiffer. Simultaneously more people are eating out. Perhaps those two factors have largely contributed to the change.
21 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

were swiftly kicked out in December 1981.

UPI's Ruth Gruber, an American Jewess now working for the Jewish Telegraphic agency, was the only Western journalist kicked out after Dec. 13, 1981. All the other correspondents for AP, Reuters, ANSA, DPA, AFP, NY Times, Frankurter AZ, Le Monde, etc., etc. were not. Where do you get your skewed information from?

I think it's more the point that these are the expectations that the Church has of Catholics

It's a question of aiming for ideals v the nitty-gritty of humdrum, stupid, daily life. Do people always achieve 100% ideals in whatever they do? You may not regard yourself as a lawbreaker, but you are if you have ever driven at 65 km/h in a 50 km/h zone. Do people who consider themselves honest ever fail report some tip, gift or gratuity on their income tax forms?

The point is that trying to make ideals and actual practice of the RCC faithful into something unique or unusual is either ignorant or downright malicious. That disparity occurs everywhere -- always has and always will.

represents them and their needs

How do you define this? A feel-good Church that tells young people 'anything goes' and 'whatever rocks your boat' is OK might gain some cheap and easy popularity, but what would be the point? The Church is to provide an ethical compass and spiritual depth enabling people to cope with life's numerous vicissitudes and resolve diverse moral dilemmas.
21 Aug 2013
Life / Now more restaurants than banks in Warsaw? [11]

No statistics to back this up, only casual observation, biut It seems that once there was a bank on every corner and several in between. Now many are gone and restrautrnats, cafés, bistros and food shops have replaced them. Has anyone else observed this in Warsaw? What might the reason behind this be?
21 Aug 2013
Genealogy / Polish Weaver (Tkacz) family in US? [4]

TKACZ is the Polish word for weaver which also functions as a surname. Spin-offs incldue Tkaczyk (weaver's son) and Tkaczewski (toponymic nick for someone from Tkaczew or Weaverville). Is one of those the name your Polish immigrant ancestor had in his Old World documents?
20 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

describe the faithful as being into "social engineering, phoniness, propaganda and scams".

Twisting things again? I have made it clear it was the PRL regime that used such practices agaisnt the Church and all patriotic Poles. PO is doing a fair job co ntuing that legacy.
20 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

What their motive was for "keenly observing" is another question.

Inquisitevess, keen observation of people, places, things and event in the coutnry one is based in is part and parcel of every journalist's job. I'm surprised you didn't know that?

What does PO have to do with the RCC habits of Poles, apart from the fact that many Churchgoers and priests support PO?

Now the PO has taken up the torch and is continuing many of the PRL's methods such as ham-handed* social engineering, phoniness, propaganda and scams.

*Sorry about the typo hand-handed!
20 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

you would be rather familiar with the PRL and the methods used

Any keen observer of the PRL scene could see through all the hand-handed social engineering, phoniness, propaganda and scams. Now the PO has taken up the torch and is continuing that tradition.

But why the sudden feigned concern for the future of the RCC. Suddenly you seem to have its welfare and future at heart? Sounds fishy to me!
20 Aug 2013
Law / Poland and the Euro - benefit for Polish economy? [49]

slanderous accusation against PO.

TVP today said that Mayor G-K had bloated her staff of burearcrats by 2,000. Wasn't PO supposed to mean lean, trim and tight government?
20 Aug 2013
Life / The changing RCC habits of Poles [70]

The future of the RCC lies with the youth

The future of the RCC lies with the youth

Isn't this amazing? All of a sudden we find a dyed-in-the-wool Church-basher whose do-gooder heart is pumping purple pony p*ss over the welfare and future of Catholicism. The PRL regime also used to lecture the Church that it should be more progressive, go the road of leftist worker-priests in France, promote 'open' Catholicism, etc. Not, of course, out of concern for the Church but in order to undermine it, sow confusion in its ranks and break it up?

Some posters' feigned concern for the RCC, which they have so far discredited and scorned, would be like me saying I'm concerned about improving Gatesian gadgetarianism and pretending to love all the skype-shmype, MP3, scanning-shmanning, YouTubery and suchlike nonsense.
20 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

C'mon guys, you're smart people

Yes, but smart people cna also have a distorted psyche, harbour some pet complexes, phobias or obsessions or just be downright contradictious and ornery. You really don't take these people seriously do you? If you said water was wet they would probably imemdiately call for links. When you posted them, they'd say the source was unrelaiable. And they would nitpick for peripheral pseudo-evidence, dodgey statistics and off-the-wall ripostes just to keep the altercation going. Some people thrive on anarchic bickering. There's not much anyone can do about it.

when are you going back?

And when are you going back to the bonnie highlands of Meanville or is it Scroogeton?

Polonius3, please stop with the idiotic comments. All that you are going to achieve is a long suspension for yourself. If you don't like other folk then simply ignore them. Thank you.
20 Aug 2013
Law / Poland and the Euro - benefit for Polish economy? [49]

what do you mean by this?

Juts check out not omnly ewhat Kaczyński but also Gwoin say about Tusk, the warm-tap-water
PM. The core of his party are crooked politicians, well-connected scam artists, shady businessmen and other suspicious characters.

Since the beginning of the year Mr Tusk's star has started to wane, as Poles have become worried about a slowing economy and disenchanted with the lack of reforms by the government. The Economist points out that Poland is no longer a green island in a red sea of recession, referring to Tusk's main propaganda slogan.
20 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

a clear and present threat to public order

An assault on Catholic Poland, discreditng the Chruch and its followers, spreading the delusion that Poland is predominantly atheist, Muslim, Lutheran or anything else other than what it really is (93% Catholic) could be construed to mean offending religious sensibilities, and that is against the law. A good lawyer could make it stick.